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Thailand reports 3,058 new COVID-19 cases, 22 more deaths


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2 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

You are beating up a straw man.


There is no scientific consensus that 70% is the magic level of immunity to beat Covid. I don't pretend to know what the appropriate level of immunity to eradicate the virus.  Dr. Fauci has talked about 85%.

You keep making my point for me.


agreed, there is no scientific consensus that 70% is the magic level. That is what I have been saying.


however, Thailand’s central and provincial government speak as though it is.


and when the opinion was initially expressed in this thread that actual herd immunity might take years to achieve, you made a post referencing Israel and USA implying the fall in cases in those countries meant they had herd immunity, then you posted that herd immunity can come from vaccinations and /or infection, implying that was easy and then you neatly segued into talking about how Covid would be eradicated.


now you are back to agreeing with the original opinion that 70% vaccination doesn’t in and of itself give herd immunity.


perhaps you have a train of thought, but it’s not on the tracks.

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21 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

The UK is definitely NOT looking at another full lockdown. Where is your evidence for this? 

On the contrary, the UK is having all restrictions removed on 19th July. Possibly earlier if in a couple of weeks the data suggests that infection rates are not resulting in a proportionate number of deaths. 

Data driven decisions.


I like it……but it will never catch on here.

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7 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Exactly what I've been wondering about Aus + NZ. Also they'll have virtually zero natural immunity, and it'll be tough getting the population vaccinated anytime soon. So they could be facing years of stop-start given that Covid is likely to be around forever. 

Maybe if they stop doing gain of function research they might have a chance.

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1 hour ago, wensiensheng said:

Agreed. To date both have done well.

What’s missing is their end game. How do they transition from the current lockdown at an instant stance, to one where they aren’t always looking over their shoulder, and where people can move in and out of their country relatively freely.


They will have to address it eventually

After the election! 

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2 hours ago, pookondee said:

Yes but we tried this and that, and now it is 15 months later with economies in ruins and Covid thriving (apparently)


So where are we now after all the previous harsh lockdowns??


Back to where we started?


And who could think any different, with all boffins on the MSM  finding every possible excuse why nothing will work..

Stating because of new strains vaccines dont work..

people will still pass on the disease when vaccinated.


They keep giving us doomsday scenarios no matter what happens, so just open up and deal with it already.

Yes, large numbers have died. unfortunate. but they cant die twice



And how many more would have died had there been no lockdowns?

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1 hour ago, wensiensheng said:

Agreed. To date both have done well.

What’s missing is their end game. How do they transition from the current lockdown at an instant stance, to one where they aren’t always looking over their shoulder, and where people can move in and out of their country relatively freely.


They will have to address it eventually


Thats easy.

None of that will happen until

after the next election, as Morrison wont risk anything going sour before he tries to get re-elected.

He has banned Australians from even leaving the country for the past 15 months, and is now telling them to wait till mid next year...

Which (coincidence) is just about the timing of the next election.


And this staggering 12 month extension of jail sentance for us is coming at time when most of the world is thinking about opening up. 

pretty obvious whats going down.


So yeah, he is feathering his own nest and using Covid to do it.


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24 minutes ago, Petey11 said:

And how many more would have died had there been no lockdowns?

I cant see that it would be much different.

Unfortunately, obviously Covid has effected the most vulnerable. 

But if the case numbers had gone up it doesn't necessarily mean the death rate would have gone up?

and they are already talking a 99.7% recovery rate now.



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Chonburi orders temporary closure of zone in New Market in Mueang Chonburi following Covid-19 cluster


The Chonburi Governor tonight (June 18th) has ordered a temporary closure of a zone in a popular market in the Mueang Chonburi district due to many confirmed cases of Covid -19.


The order from the Chonburi Governor Phakarathorn Teanchai has been released today (June 18th) by the Chonburi Public Relations Office.


The order concludes that more confirmed cases and close contacts of Covid -19 were found at the zone ‘Lan Chaorai K3′ at the New Market Chonburi on Rasprasong Road in Baan Kod sub-district.



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11 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

I agree.

In my book so called herd immunity simply means that the hospital system has to cope with cases arising from (mostly) 30% of the population, that the virus runs out of potential hosts more quickly (although variants can render that meaningless), and that the at risk people have been protected (if the vaccination program has been properly targeted). It has nothing to do with “immunity” at all.


hence, several of those smaller nations who have already claimed herd immunity, have seen considerable rises in cases.


it’s a concern that Thailand, amongst others, seem to think that reaching 70% vaccination levels means that somehow a switch has been flicked and the virus will be gone. It won’t be.



The way some countries talk about hitting 70% and herd immunity makes me think of Michael Scott thinking all you have to do is yell, "I declare BANKRUPTCY!"


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4 hours ago, pookondee said:

Yes but we tried this and that, and now it is 15 months later with economies in ruins and Covid thriving (apparently)


So where are we now after all the previous harsh lockdowns??


Back to where we started?


And who could think any different, with all boffins on the MSM  finding every possible excuse why nothing will work..

Stating because of new strains vaccines dont work..

people will still pass on the disease when vaccinated.


They keep giving us doomsday scenarios no matter what happens, so just open up and deal with it already.

Yes, large numbers have died. unfortunate. but they cant die twice



There was one harsh lockdown starting April last year and I don't quite remember how long for. Maybe someone can help me. 2 months? No flights, no interpronvincial buses, curfew etc.  Anyhow it seemed to work. Been nothing like it since but should have been in April. Just open up and deal with it, well I'm sorry but you seem to be on the same intellectual plain as the great and almighty leader of this country. As for being back to where we started the infections back when the real and effective lockdown happened was in the low hundreds.

Now my last one and I'll quote you. "Yes, large numbers have died but they can't die twice". Not much to say really about this because I know the sort of person you are just by that statement. Here is a word you may or may not know but definitly you do not have. EMPATHY or you just a childish troll.

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3 hours ago, anchadian said:

Chonburi orders temporary closure of zone in New Market in Mueang Chonburi following Covid-19 cluster


The Chonburi Governor tonight (June 18th) has ordered a temporary closure of a zone in a popular market in the Mueang Chonburi district due to many confirmed cases of Covid -19.


The order from the Chonburi Governor Phakarathorn Teanchai has been released today (June 18th) by the Chonburi Public Relations Office.


The order concludes that more confirmed cases and close contacts of Covid -19 were found at the zone ‘Lan Chaorai K3′ at the New Market Chonburi on Rasprasong Road in Baan Kod sub-district.



Re-active not pro-active and there within lies the problem that keeps this monstrosity that China allowed to spread internationally going and mutating. Say what you will about the origin but nevertheless the CCP new about it, covered it up, allowed international travel and had the WHO right there in it's back pocket. Now their selling their vaccines to the less well off countries some of which (maybe most) are run by complete empty headed fools. As for the origin there is a slight of hand going on now. Don't be fooled. It goes like this. Lab leak. No. Animal to human. Yes. Wait maybe there was a lab leak or even manufactured. Change the narrative. We looked but cannot conlude 100% it was lab related, more than likely it was an animal transmission after all, which of course means they don't know, but let's the CCP off the hook. Just remember folks the WHO is not independant.

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Thailand reports 3,667 new COVID-19 cases, 32 more deaths



File photo for reference only//REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha

Thailand on Saturday (June 19) reported 3,667 new COVID-19 cases and 32 additional deaths over the past 24 hours.


Full story: https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1220995-thailand-reports-3667-new-covid-19-cases-32 more-deaths/




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