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US Embassy official tells Thais of free vaccine donation and friendship - no mention of numbers or Americans


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I think this statement/video was meant to rebut claims made by some idiot minor Thai functionary who claimed that Thai citizens in the U.S. secured this donation.






I have seen figures (BP infographic in the past 24 hours) which mentioned a breakout of 1,350,000 for Thais and 150,000 doses for "foreigners?.






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16 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

Here’s something to think about as you wait for the good vaccines….the mean age of Covid fatalities in USA is 81.  The mean life expectancy: 78 years.  Probably  very similar here.

Rather more to the point is the fact that the average 80 year old USAan can expect to live for another nearly 8 years. Using very broad strokes, 600,000 covid deaths at an average of 8 years lost per life = nearly 5,000,000  person years consumed.


See https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html


And in the future we will no doubt see haw that number was reduced by covid last year and this.

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23 hours ago, thailand49 said:

This lifetime professional Kiss A-- should come out of his office and smell the coffee as to how the Thai leaders like of us. 

Is it too too rude to observe that he has a very slappable face? 


He couldn't have said it was meant for ALL people that are living in Thailand? 


At the very least throw us a wee bone, Monsieur Charge d'affaires bureaucrat, throw us a bone. 


Of course if he was really French, we'd have our American Johnson and Johnsons in our arms already!

Edited by Jingthing
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If American expats are not given access to the vaccine and start dying from covid I could imagine that it would generate some embarrassing news reports.  Particularly with the reports that Thailand has on occasion denied foreigners equal access to vaccines.  Embarrassing for maybe 12 hours or so until it's replaced by something else in the news cycle and quickly fades from American's shallow short-term memory.

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3 hours ago, pseudorabies said:

If American expats are not given access to the vaccine and start dying from covid I could imagine that it would generate some embarrassing news reports. 

The US government simply does not care about their citizens - at all.  Not even a teeny-wennie bit.

What the US government cares about is swaying Geo-political alliances. 
Showering money, vaccines, and aid to foreign countries (which sit on the Geo-political fence as they are wooed by the likes of the US and its allies on one side, and Russian/China and their allies on the others) is an attempt to provide shiny trinkets for the Third Worlders to entice them to join ranks with the West.

Giving US citizens overseas access to vaccinations doesn't create an indebtedness. US citizens are already indebted to the US - it's called taxes.  The US doesn't care about making transfer payment or providing aid to expats. 

Giving our tax dollars to foreigners is their priority.
They do so by taking from you, I, and expats like us, and giving those funds to foreign entities while telling us to **** ourselves and shut-up.

I gave you eight years of my life - you give me bohica.

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3 hours ago, sucit said:

The plandemic would be doing just fine no matter what these denialist you speak of had done. 

I hope you reflect on your attitude in the coming years when all the studies come out that will show conclusively our various “cures” were worse than the actual virus itself. 

The fact that you used the word plandemic is grounds to reject anything and everything you might say about the pandemic.


It's like erecting a large neon flashing red sign saying:


Warning. Conspiracy theory garbage incoming.

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Posting with full PPE.


US citizens who complain bitterly about seeing no return on their their tax $ in supposedly funding the Pfizer BioNtec vaccine might like to research the actual funding of the vaccine. Pfizer's total input was $185m, out of a total of roughly $1b, with $135m from Fosun Pharma, Shanghai and the rest from Europe and Singapore. The CEO of Pfizer turned down any aid offered under Operation Warp Speed for very interesting reasons. So I don't see any US tax $ being spent there at all.



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On 7/9/2021 at 12:17 PM, Justgrazing said:


Be nice to think that it's reciprocated but . . . .

Could it be the US war machine just wants to butter up the country that allows it to have military practices, cobra gold and future military bases to fight its main arms competitor, China, from taking Thailand as a customer? 

Certainly  not to help its citizens here, nor the Thai people. Charity, my bottom. 

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