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Thailand to the rescue again:  security guard helps panicked Englishman in 3 am drama!


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3 hours ago, Millcx said:

No mention of Black Dives Matter with a cheating ballerina untouched or lazer in the eyes of Danish Goalkeeper .. No I didn’t think so … Let them show class by booing other countries national anthems .. Yep shows the class

Edited 2 hours ago by Millcx


5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Penultimately, I would like to wish all Italians the best of luck for the match tonight (2 am Thai time Monday morning) and ask that the England fans remain quiet for their national anthem and put their laser pointers away


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I remember that football was totally banned at my prep school in the UK - it was considered a "soft game" and we enjoyed rugby and cricket instead (I was the hooker and still have the shin indentations to prove it!).


I never understand the interest in football....

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4 hours ago, Zack61 said:

Still can't get over why people get so excited over a game that, not always but often, ends in a 0-0 score. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.

I often tell the Yanks to make basketball harder by putting the ring higher or making it smaller. 

Ridiculous having a game 115-116 at full time

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7 minutes ago, simon43 said:

I remember that football was totally banned at my prep school in the UK - it was considered a "soft game" and we enjoyed rugby and cricket instead (I was the hooker and still have the shin indentations to prove it!).


I never understand the interest in football....

Same at my grammar school. Although not English, Lord Byron was there, a bit before me. 

I was also hooker and even played against Prince Edwards, when playing Gordonstoun. 


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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

Is it just me when i see a long and winded post ( however interesting or witty) i just gloss through it or others do that as well?...

"...when I see a long-winded post ( however interesting or witty)".  Another oxymoron, they're rarely interesting or witty!   

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2 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

We always boo national anthems. They are nonsense. We expect ours too be booed. It's a joke. Don't play them to real people at real events if you want them respected. It's part of the partisan non PC fun of the football stands.

Totally agree. The only time the English anthem meant anything to me was when Her Maj was actually there in front of me to hear it. Then, it made some kind of sense.


I was a tennis journalist for many, many years, and the only country that played their anthem in that sport was the USA, whether the players involved were American or not. Very disrespectful to the competitors if they were not American, as they very often weren't.


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2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Same at my grammar school. Although not English, Lord Byron was there, a bit before me. 

I was also hooker and even played against Prince Edwards, when playing Gordonstoun. 


Goodness, they let Scotch people into Harrow. Standards must be dropping. 

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8 hours ago, tonray said:
In tropical climes there are certain times of day
When all the citizens retire
To tear their clothes off and persprie.
It's one of those rules that the greatest fools obey,
Because the sun is much too sultry
And one must avoid its ultry-violet ray.
The native grieve when the white men leave their huts,
Because they're obviously definitely nuts!
Mad dogs and Englishmen
Go out in the midday sun,
The Japanese don't care to.
The Chinese wouldn't dare to,
Hindoos and Argentines sleep firmly from twelve to one.
But Englishmen detest a siesta.
In the Philippines
There are lovely screens
To protect you from the glare.
In the Malay States
There are hats like plates
Which the Britishers won't wear.
At twelve noon
The natives swoon
And no further work is done.
But mad dogs and Englishmen
Go out in the midday sun.
It's such a surprise for the Eastern eyes to see
That though the English are effete,
They're quite impervious to heat,
When the white man rides every native hides in glee,
Because the simple creatures hope he
Will impale his solar topee on a tree.
It seems such a shame
When the English claim
The earth
That they give rise to such hilarity and mirth.
Mad dogs and Englishmen
Go out in the midday sun.
The toughest Burmese bandit
Can never understand it.
In Rangoon the heat of noon
Is just what the natives shun.
They put their Scotch or Rye down
And lie down.
In a jungle town
Where the sun beats down
To the rage of man and beast
The English garb
Of the English sahib
Merely gets a bit more creased.
In Bangkok
At twelve o'clock
They foam at the mouth and run,
But mad dogs and Englishmen
Go out in the midday sun.
Mad dogs and Englishmen
Go out in the midday sun.
The smallest Malay rabbit
Deplores this foolish habit.
In Hongkong
They strike a gong
And fire off a noonday gun
To reprimand each inmate
Who's in late.
In the mangrove swamps
Where the python romps
There is peace from twelve till two.
Even caribous
Lie around and snooze;
For there's nothing else to do.
In Bengal
To move at all
Is seldom, if ever done.
But mad dogs and Englishmen
Go out in the midday
Out in the midday
Out in the midday
Out in the midday
Out in the midday
Out in the midday
Out in the midday sun.

Look back through the archives for Rooster's homage to Noel Coward. 


Grieve, perspire, Hindus.

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7 hours ago, Zack61 said:

Still can't get over why people get so excited over a game that, not always but often, ends in a 0-0 score. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.

There have been 50 games in this competition so far and a grand total of two 0-0 scores.


I'm not sure what your definition of "often" is but for me, 2 times out of 50 isn't it.

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53 minutes ago, BostonRob2 said:

Look back through the archives for Rooster's homage to Noel Coward. 


Grieve, perspire, Hindus.

Well Rooster gets some things right. NOEL COWARD WAS A MAIN MAN. And the original MDAE with subs is tops....needless to say would not be tolerated now along with Kipling..BTOMP etc, Enid Blyton, Crompton, PG Wodehouse and all the empire greats..They same people ban Bruce and Burroughs. New Gen LibFas...

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1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

Actually they let an English man into Aberdeen Grammar. 

Yeah..that's when they started to call it grammar not gramer!...The best thing about the footie is that it reveals hate and war by cipher. The extreme, joyless, anti British right wing nationalism is very revealing that is shown by the hate of the fans for England winning. I don't care. And ŕùćķ the tedious Olympics too...What a bunch of showoff doing useless [email protected] much sport on TV.

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4 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Yeah..that's when they started to call it grammar not gramer!...The best thing about the footie is that it reveals hate and war by cipher. The extreme, joyless, anti British right wing nationalism is very revealing that is shown by the hate of the fans for England winning. I don't care. And ŕùćķ the tedious Olympics too...What a bunch of showoff doing useless [email protected] much sport on TV.

You don't have to watch it, I'm not. 

I thought the right wing were pro Britain 

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1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

You don't have to watch it, I'm not. 

I thought the right wing were pro Britain 

The Scotch nationalism are pro Scotch, confused and like all super patriots fueled by hate and fantasy and confusion. They hate England. They want an independent Scotland in the EU...LOL...They want to see Great Britain destroyed. You read their manifesto and listen to the Scotch fans. The most hate-filled anti English racists in the world. They cheered on Denmark, will cheer Italy and supported Germany. And don't go near Rangers or Celtic!!!!

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4 hours ago, simon43 said:

I remember that football was totally banned at my prep school in the UK - it was considered a "soft game" and we enjoyed rugby and cricket instead (I was the hooker and still have the shin indentations to prove it!).


I never understand the interest in football....

Prep school!!!!. Cricket tough...just baseball on Valium...But I like it. Rugby is too gay for my tastes

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11 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

The Scotch nationalism are pro Scotch, confused and like all super patriots fueled by hate and fantasy and confusion. They hate England. They want an independent Scotland in the EU...LOL...They want to see Great Britain destroyed. You read their manifesto and listen to the Scotch fans. The most hate-filled anti English racists in the world. They cheered on Denmark, will cheer Italy and supported Germany. And don't go near Rangers or Celtic!!!!

Scotch is a whisky.


We never wanted Great Britain and the genocide in the first place. If England were subjected to the same war crimes, they would hate the perpetrators too. 



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4 hours ago, Neeranam said:

As a Scot, I'll be very upset if England win. 

But I won't care at all. I have zero emotional investment in the facile shallow, dumb game. I'm glad it's being ripped out of Pubs in the Great Britain. If people wanna watch it there are plenty of options other than ruining the local bar or pub with emotionally, overwrought people.

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1 minute ago, The Hammer2021 said:

But I won't care at all. I have zero emotional investment in the facile shallow, dumb game. I'm glad it's being ripped out of Pubs in the Great Britain. If people wanna watch it there are plenty of options other than ruining the local bar or pub with emotionally, overwrought people.

It's 'sanook', you should get some. 

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