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Thailand Risks Becoming the Next Seychelles as Tourists Return


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1 hour ago, BE88 said:


The problem as for Phuket and if there is one that has a negative result on your plane you have to do a quarantine at the hotel and forget your dream holidays so I doubt that many tourists are attracted to the land of smile.

Slight change to the  LOS   slogan :    please update to :   Land of SURPRISE !!

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2 hours ago, smedly said:

there is only one or two that have failed a test on arrival the rest have failed tests after having been here for many days - I have asked the question many times - if they didn't bring it with them where did they get infected - very likely in Phuket when mixing with the locals - there is no other explanation, the Phuket administration will not want to publish this for obvious reasons - exposing the truth would raise some very serious questions about community infection in Phuket


we can however read between the lines with certain actions being implimented recenty - like school closures and recent very strict controls on entry over land with the army involved - in my opinion they have a very serious problem that they are hiding - COVID is rampant in Phuket

Schools were closed as a precaution. The land borders have been tightened up to reinforce the "sandbox"  model. Over cautious maybe ,but the measures make sense.  Smedley , I don't know where you are ,but  there is NOT a rampant covid outbreak in Phuket. 

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

I don't get one thing, (well, among others) these tourists are suppose to be fully vaccinated and a negative PCR test 72 hours prior to departure, so how come several of them are testing positive when the arrive here? that i'd like to know...

Vaccine does not guarantee immunity.... it lessons the impact of infection.

Regardless of vaccinations, papers and tests you can still be infected.

Either in your home country prior to leaving, at the departing airport, on the plane at the arriving airport or at your hotel at a later date.

This will never change... if Thailand insists on locking up positive tested tourists they might go elsewhere.

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

I don't get one thing, (well, among others) these tourists are suppose to be fully vaccinated and a negative PCR test 72 hours prior to departure, so how come several of them are testing positive when the arrive here? that i'd like to know...

They catch it on the way here. 

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3 hours ago, meechai said:

What you don't get is...A Vaccine is in no way an Immunization

You are still able to be infected after a vaccination & this is something most not just you do not understand


Most of us don't understand why they are calling them vaccines. A vaccine is generally understood to stop you catching the disease (with the odd person an exception).

Edited by BritManToo
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5 hours ago, SnowyWiez said:

My guess is yes as this current wave is probably going to be the worst of it. Think I'm more worried on getting through the next 3 months but even with all the drama of the sandbox, it's at least a data point and a step in the right direction as the rest of the world is opening up. 

I hope so, too. But 'opening up' costs us money, doesn't create jobs, support businesses, or make money in any meaningful way.


Time for us to move away from being so tourism-reliant (though only 12% of GDP) and develop alternative revenue streams such as organic exports.


We should NOT follow the mistakes of other countries' openings. We're in the midst of a disaster. What's wrong with wait-and-see?

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

That’s been the case in the Maldives and Seychelles, tropical-island paradises that have seen record surges in infections since opening their borders despite having vaccinated about 70% of their populations.

So much for the myth of vaccine induced 'herd-immunity.'

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5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

It was hell on Wednesday to get it shoved up the nose and into the throat. Waiting our results still.

Try going to Thailand twice in the past year. Tests before during Q and return to USA. 9 invasions tests not including personal tests. A side note. Arrived Miami today from Doha/BKK….in the MIA airport FREE, no appointment necessary, COVID vaccines for anyone any citizenship. it’s why so many go to the USA …just to get vaccinated.  Military “Leadership” begets failed war plans to win this war. Buddha (God) help Thailand   And good luck with your test result

Edited by Bkktodd
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7 hours ago, uli65 said:

I can tell you why, the tests are garbadge and the vaccine also

The vaccines are the only remedy we have and anyone stating that the vaccines are "garbage" (your word) is not only risking his/her life, but endangers also other lives!!!!

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What's really worying is that the delivery of AZ to surrounding ASEAN countries takes SBS entire production till the year end leaving nothing for Thais! And existing profit shares on these will drive priorities away from Thailand and unlike Pfizer and Moderna those contracts have been signed and profits booked and spent!

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QWhat's really worr1ying is that the delivery of AZ to surrounding ASEAN countries takes SBS entire production till the year end leaving nothing for Thais! And existing profit shares on these will drive priorities away from Thailand and unlike Pfizer and Moderna those contracts have been signed and profits booked and spent!

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

I don't get one thing, (well, among others) these tourists are suppose to be fully vaccinated and a negative PCR test 72 hours prior to departure, so how come several of them are testing positive when the arrive here? that i'd like to know...

Because being double jabbed does not mean you cannot get infected! It just reduces your symptoms so you shouldn't need hospitalization

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Which test are they using to determine the case? If they are using the PCR at a rate of more than 20-25 cycles, then you will find as many cases as you want. This is what is happening.  The inventor of the PCR Kary Mullis clearly stated it. Where's the science?

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51 minutes ago, Magenta408 said:

Which test are they using to determine the case? If they are using the PCR at a rate of more than 20-25 cycles, then you will find as many cases as you want. This is what is happening.  The inventor of the PCR Kary Mullis clearly stated it. Where's the science?

Yes,  just one more former Nobel Prize winner that is now , according to the vast numbers of paid  posts which fill the front pages of google search denying he ever said the things he is purported to have said.       Then those posts can be used by people such as some of our pick and post  nothing better to do members  to prove just how wrong others are.

What is that sound?  Ah,  its the sound of deceased Nobel Prize winners turning over in their graves

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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Most of us don't understand why they are calling them vaccines. A vaccine is generally understood to stop you catching the disease (with the odd person an exception).

Well,  most of us with brains !        ( just had to say that,  as we are affectionately called idiots by some here)       

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9 hours ago, sezze said:

AZ had this problem all the time in Europe , never delivering what they promised .


AZ did exactly what the contract called for. They used "Best Efforts", an industry standard term when dealing in new products where production issues can occur. Theses issues were down to very poor and late contract by the EU under VDL and a refusal by the EU to help with the finance/building of the plant required. The EU were offered the same terms and conditions as the UK but demanded their own version. The EU lost their own court case.


On the flip side, the UK took a chance and signed prior to the vaccine being accredited as well as contributing to the cost of the plant and development.


The slow AZ roll out is solely at the feet of the EU.

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9 hours ago, rumak said:

you know the Thai's have to shove harder to get to the end of those big Farang noses  !

I think the phrase you're looking for is 'Sexy farang noses'..  Well according to my wife.

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7 minutes ago, kimamey said:

I think the phrase you're looking for is 'Sexy farang noses'..  Well according to my wife.

Mine says the same !   Go figure.    I guess beauty is in the nose of the beholder .


(No,  it' snot ........)    ??

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It won’t stop people like me who are vaccinated and waiting to get back to see their families without jumping through hoops. Just like the flu it’ll never go away. Just needs better control. Although the deaths still do not rival many other diseases. 

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Seychelles become that Seychelles because of mass vaccination, as Gibraltar.

There were no tourists when the vaccination campaigns began and the cases of positivity increased. 

This is the same story happened in Thailand.

it is useless for the hysterical media system and loudmouthed politicians to blame the tourists because this is absolutely false.

Edited by zhounan
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13 hours ago, ezzra said:

I don't get one thing, (well, among others) these tourists are suppose to be fully vaccinated and a negative PCR test 72 hours prior to departure, so how come several of them are testing positive when the arrive here? that i'd like to know...

You can bump into a virus host and get infected in that 72 hour period. They should be valid until you walk out from the testing center.

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13 hours ago, sezze said:

A test is a momentum . So 72h leaves 3d window of infection positive . Many people might see family or friends in the days before travel , this creates a good chance of being infected since then they do what you should avoid aka meeting other people .

so it really makes the test a bit pointless if one has a few days to go shopping, drinking, partying, football matches, etc, before flying 

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2 hours ago, rumak said:

Mine says the same !   Go figure.    I guess beauty is in the nose of the beholder .


(No,  it' snot ........)    ??

Before I actually visited Thailand to meet my now wife I spoke to her on the phone. I was a little surprised by the positive opinion of my white skin but the idea that my nose was of particular merit seemed a bit weird to be honest. I didn't really understand it which rather set the tone for much of my experience of her and Thailand right up to the present time. 

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12 hours ago, sezze said:

No they aren't , is a alcohol analyzer a bad test since it detects right now if you got alcohol in your blood and not in 1h ? Or also in very rare cases detect fake alcohol due to some people creating aceton in their bloodstream at some moments ? It doesn't make the test bad , it is a test at a certain moment.

About the vaccines , results of it are shown right now in Europe , with heavy rising numbers but nearly no hospital admissions or deaths . HUUUGE change from before , since now the infection number is nothing more then that . Still a significant number is not fully protected and some refused vaccination , so there is still a risk of getting bad again , but so far , the numbers are not leading at all to much more hospital visits , so it is no problem . Vaccines saved many lives in the past , and is doing it right now also .

while in the UK, deaths from flu and Pneumonia are over 10 times the number of Covid deaths 

Pity they cant get the  magic" vaccine for the flu like they seem to do for Covid, we hope 

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