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Medpark Pfizer Experience August 10.

Chomper Higgot

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8 hours ago, wprime said:

I went there at 12pm, 4pm, and 7pm.


First two times there were massive queues so I went home.


7pm, went in, injection at 7:10pm, 30 mins for observation, 7:40pm. Very promptly handled.

Interesting you were able to go at 7:10pm.  One of the issues for me with Medpark is conflicting information and the fact that for me, their email update system isn't working.  I had an appointment for 6:30 pm on the 10th but having heard that they'd changed the timings I mailed them to ask (using a different email address) and was told I could go at 6:30pm OR between 8am and 5pm.  Went over a couple of times during the day and saw it was like Bang Sue 2 with very long queues and zero social distancing.  Asked the staff inside at the desk and they said that there were no evening appointments and that you HAD to come between 8am and 5pm now.  Clearly they haven't got a clue.  Annoying really as I'd far sooner have stuck to my original appointment time.  Shambolic really.

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i registered on the expatvac website and still waiting for my appointment in CM.  until than Thailand needs to recognize the fully vaccinated who are returning from other countries without all this quarantine BS. like other civilized countries.  

Edited by malibukid
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Similar story to Chomper for me.

It was brought to my attention that MedPark were offering Pfizer to over 60 foreigners on Sunday 1st August ( was trying to register for expatvac at the time ). 
Acquired a Wed 11th Aug at 19.30 slot immediately with MedPark, couple of days later was informed by email could go anytime 08.00 - 17.00 10th to 12th..


Arrived 9.30 am yesterday, large queue round the outside, a few queue jumpers ( Indian ) were dealt with.

Entered the building around 10.45 after showing passport only, was told already would get Pfizer as 60 year old.


NOTE: if under 60 and want Pfizer need proof of medical issue , some people appeared agitated at not having any/sufficient proof and were offered AZ or nothing.


The hall was packed, two desks AZ and five for Pfizer ( didn’t see Sinopharm, think they were now moved upstairs ) shortly after the desks all became Pfizer and AZ crew sent to a different hall alleviating the crowd.

Got jabbed at 12 noon, returning on Aug 31 ( 3 weeks ).


I think Medpark were taken by surprise by the amount of people but dealt with it well, when I left at 12.30 the queue outside was down to around 30.

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Good report, thanks for posting. 

Granted it's only the 11th of August, however, the idea that some of these Pfizer doses would be distributed to other provinces around Thailand, is ebbing in my mind.   Confidence wasn't high to begin with, but we'll see.

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37 minutes ago, Olmate said:

Thanks ,can I ask did you feel any side effects to the jab . I have family in Oz who became quite ill after their jabs. Cheers

In my case, only slight discomfort last night and this morning in line with any inter muscular injection.

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Sleepless in Chiang Mai...nothing worse than saying communication will occur on specific dates and then nothing...


Very bad to leave people hanging....when you communicate, make sure you say what you said. You follow though with accountability, clarity and professionalism....


Anxiety quite high in many CM ex-pats....

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1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

Granted it's only the 11th of August, however, the idea that some of these Pfizer doses would be distributed to other provinces around Thailand, is ebbing in my mind.   Confidence wasn't high to begin with, but we'll see.

I'm still feeling confident here at the end of the road at the edge of the jungle ... I'm checking my emails only about 20 times a day, and my b/f's mobile for SMS only about 10 times a day.


Expecting the call at any moment.

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2 hours ago, malibukid said:

i registered on the expatvac website and still waiting for my appointment in CM.  until than Thailand needs to recognize the fully vaccinated who are returning from other countries without all this quarantine BS. like other civilized countries.  

Also registered on   expatvac living in Khonkaen aged 72, not contacted yet.

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I have my appointment at MedPark on the 14th (3 days time)  and I want the Pfizer vaccine .  It was mentioned that someone received a date for a second Pfizer jab three weeks later .    Doing my research it can be more beneficial to receive the AZ vaccine as a second dose after four weeks .     I was wondering if this was mentioned or requested by anyone and the Hospitals reply ?? 

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14 minutes ago, Jen65 said:

I have my appointment at MedPark on the 14th (3 days time)  and I want the Pfizer vaccine .  It was mentioned that someone received a date for a second Pfizer jab three weeks later .    Doing my research it can be more beneficial to receive the AZ vaccine as a second dose after four weeks .     I was wondering if this was mentioned or requested by anyone and the Hospitals reply ?? 

5 people on this thread got Pfizer with 3 weeks until 2nd Pfizer jab.

 I would say that the chances that any of these 5 , including myself, requested AZ for the 2nd jab in 4 weeks time are extremely unlikely .

Have you inquired at the hospital about this happening ??

Seems like the most likely way to get an answer.

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12 minutes ago, alanrchase said:

Reading this it appears there is no longer an appointment system. I am due on the 12th at 12.30 but it seems I may as well turn up at 07.30?

The appointment system has been far from perfect .

I think the later appointments ( mine was 19.30  today ) received an email stating to go 08.00 - 17.00 on 10th to 12th.

Of the 4 people I talked to ( including myself) yesterday 2 had received the second email and 2 ( with earlier appts ) hadn’t, the 2 with earlier appts were surprised by the crowd.

Although my next appt is 11.57 am ( Aug 31 ) she told me to go anytime between 08.00 and 16.00 .

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1 hour ago, Jen65 said:

I have my appointment at MedPark on the 14th (3 days time)  and I want the Pfizer vaccine .  It was mentioned that someone received a date for a second Pfizer jab three weeks later .    Doing my research it can be more beneficial to receive the AZ vaccine as a second dose after four weeks .     I was wondering if this was mentioned or requested by anyone and the Hospitals reply ?? 

Not at all. Stick with Pfizer. Plus, mixed doses may not be recognized as "legal" for entry into some countries.


I have read that a Pfizer jab is good as a follow up to the first AZ jab. But not the other way around.


We'll probably be getting boosters in the not too distant future anyway. Pfizer has one ready.

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I got an AZ jab a while ago - my first, and I'm happy and satisfied with that - it was very well administered and kind staff.


However, before I reached that far there were some confusing appointment systems - mainly due to some people, who not eligible for vaccination under the circumstances, tried to squeeze themselves in - but then a special designed app appeared for the purpose, and everything went fast and smooth. I'm thankful to the Thai nation for also taking care of an alien like me...????????

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31 minutes ago, alanrchase said:

Reading this it appears there is no longer an appointment system. I am due on the 12th at 12.30 but it seems I may as well turn up at 07.30?

You still need to have an appointment to be in the list of people who will get a vaccine, but yes you can turn up early.

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