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Do you object to being asked if you’ve been vaccinated?

Chomper Higgot

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2 hours ago, Airalee said:


You were the one claiming that incentives weren’t widespread.  I just posted the facts (with a link to my source) that showed you were wrong.


Just the facts ma’am.

False. I pointed out that most of the incentives weren't recent so they couldn't be used to explain the surge in vaccinations.

And you still haven't backed up your claim that there was no surge in vaccinations in those states hardest hit by the surge in cases.

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29 minutes ago, Thunglom said:

What a wonderful gaff! Why would you ask what one is and in the same breath declare you ARE one??


At least one good  about an anti-vaxxer is that stistcically they are more likely to die of covid....so presumably their bizarre belief ae on the way out?



Please tell me where I claim to be an anti-vaxxer? And what does stiscically mean??


Then you wrote: "so presumably their bizarre belief ae on the way out?" What language are you trying to speak? Too much to drink, maybe?????


If you'd like to have an intelligent debate with me, you will first be required to be able to put a coherent sentence together (I realize that last part is probably going to be your undoing).

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Just now, DBath said:

Please tell me where I claim to be an anti-vaxxer? And what does stiscically mean??


Then you wrote: "so presumably their bizarre belief ae on the way out?" What language are you trying to speak? Too much to drink, maybe?????

Here. Let me translate for you. "so presumably their bizarre beliefs are on the way out?" Just what Thaivisa.com needs: a schoolmarm.

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4 hours ago, DBath said:

Thanks for your assurances and your 'kind' words. However, I've weighed the risks and have decided I will not be taking your advice, but will instead rely on my experiences, lack of faith in my fellow man and my own judgement.


Thanks so much again for your consideration.

What does ‘the latest research’ say about your chances of unvaccinated individuals winding up in hospital?


You’re in the UK and have the doctors, nurses sand staff of the NHS at your back to provide you life saving health care when you need it.


What do they have to say about getting the vaccine?


And what experience have you in the field of virology or even health care and medicine?

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34 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

What does ‘the latest research’ say about your chances of unvaccinated individuals winding up in hospital?


You’re in the UK and have the doctors, nurses sand staff of the NHS at your back to provide you life saving health care when you need it.


What do they have to say about getting the vaccine?


And what experience have you in the field of virology or even health care and medicine?

I have no idea what the latest research says and don’t really care. 

While I’ve been to the UK for business on several occasions, I’ve never lived there.

My experience and opinion when it comes to doctors in general is this: few times have they ever been able to help me by recommending anything more than, “get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids…”.

Other examples include: a doctor in Chicago suggesting I had gout when in fact I strongly suspected an infection from a blood draw the previous day. My suspicion was confirm the next day when I visited urgent care because my hand was throbbing in pain. The young doctor that day (one of the few times this ever happened) took one look at my hand and said, “that’s clearly an infection!”. Another time in the ER, they allowed a trainee to administer an IV and she missed the mark and blood was squirting out of my arm going everywhere. Those are just two of many examples.  

While these don’t necessarily represent whatever research and trials exist re: covid, and why I should or shouldn’t accept a yet-to-be-approved vaccine, they do paint for me picture that the medical industry, from big pharma down to the general practitioners is a joke, but that’s just my opinion. Why should I place my faith in them or their research?

I’m sure you’re going to try to tell me, but I wouldn’t bother if I were you. 

Edited by DBath
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I have no objection to being asked. I have an objection to not having an OPPORTUNITY to get vaccinated. I don't want Chinese jabs, I want Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZenica. No inferior substitutes accepted. I will pay if necessary, but don't ask unless you are willing to vaccinate me.

Edited by Nickelbeer
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8 hours ago, LA8RAT said:

Pretty sure I've already had it, last trip to Thailand was november/December 2019.

Was coughing my lungs up on the flight home(apologies if you were sat next to me) I did think it was the usual too many cigs and air con cough. But then my asthma was off the charts for a fortnight, and I managed to give it to mother and sister, and some people at work. 

 So I'm immune now ????????

Just because you had it once doesn't mean you can't get it again. And spread it to your loved ones. Again.

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6 hours ago, DBath said:

I have no idea what the latest research says and don’t really care. 

While I’ve been to the UK for business on several occasions, I’ve never lived there.

My experience and opinion when it comes to doctors in general is this: few times have they ever been able to help me by recommending anything more than, “get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids…”.

Other examples include: a doctor in Chicago suggesting I had gout when in fact I strongly suspected an infection from a blood draw the previous day. My suspicion was confirm the next day when I visited urgent care because my hand was throbbing in pain. The young doctor that day (one of the few times this ever happened) took one look at my hand and said, “that’s clearly an infection!”. Another time in the ER, they allowed a trainee to administer an IV and she missed the mark and blood was squirting out of my arm going everywhere. Those are just two of many examples.  

While these don’t necessarily represent whatever research and trials exist re: covid, and why I should or shouldn’t accept a yet-to-be-approved vaccine, they do paint for me picture that the medical industry, from big pharma down to the general practitioners is a joke, but that’s just my opinion. Why should I place my faith in them or their research?

I’m sure you’re going to try to tell me, but I wouldn’t bother if I were you. 

Rest assured if you get ill with COVID-19 you are very likely to find yourself reliant upon the knowledge, skill and dedication of doctors and nurses who in turn put their own lives and risk taking care of people, such as yourself, that refuse to follow the best medical advice wrt to this virus.


Stay lucky, luck is all you have.

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11 hours ago, DBath said:

I've not read the advice of EVERY MAJOR MEDICAL BOARD, but I have educated myself enough to know that based on my life experiences with those in the medical profession, the medical industry, big pharma and the fact that I know what is best for me better than anyone else, including you. I've weighed the risks and decided against taking any vaccine at this time. Your judgement of me for that means less than nothing, got it? 


Delivery of a vaccine has been fast-tracked and promoted to the point where I, not being a trusting person to begin with, have decided to forego it. If you have a problem with that, you can shove it where the sun don't shine, pal.


As far as you trying to bait me into a debate regarding right or left-wing politics, that's not going to happen. Both right and left are just as bad at pushing their agenda's for everything and I have no allegiance to either, so don't even try to go there with me, dude.


I always wear a mask and take every precaution, except the vaccine. I live healthy, I eat healthy and I don't want or need your advice or the advice coming from the junk science community - inlcuding here on TVF. So again, I couldn't care less about your opinion. I have mine and it just so happens to be different than yours, so stop trying to force your opinion on me and everyone else who has a different one than you - science or no science.


You're not the end-all and be-all, to me or anyone else.



Quite a hostile screed. Good job! Read what I posted carefully. I never gave you any advice or suggested to take one if the the covid-19 vaccines. That would be pointless. I simply responded to your question, described my opinion on the anti-vaxXers and  underlying phenomena that promotes irrational anti vaccine animus in my country. Have a nice weekend!


“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.”

 Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

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We are absolutely certain of is that mandates compelling students as well as federal, state and private sector employees be vaccinated has absolutely nothing to do with the surge in vaccinations.


The only possible explanation is that everyone that was previously unafraid of the virus and all it's variants are now terrified and desperate to be vaccinated. 

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10 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

Quite a hostile screed. Good job! Read what I posted carefully. I never gave you any advice or suggested to take one if the the covid-19 vaccines. That would be pointless. I simply responded to your question, described my opinion on the anti-vaxXers and  underlying phenomena that promotes irrational anti vaccine animus in my country. Have a nice weekend!


“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.”

 Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

What a load of BS when you and I both know what you meant and what you implied. Authority of reason? Don’t try to force your opinion on others and then call it “authority of reason” - that’s just poppycock. 

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There is another group of anti-vaxxers that have been of discussion for several years. Nothing to to do with covid-19. They reject childhood vaccinations such as MMR that have been approved and used for decades based on completely discredited nonsense that the inoculations cause Autism or other conditions. This phenomena is concentrated not with right-wing populism, but  Elites such as Hollywood celebrities. They think they can protect their kids by feeding them "organic" food,  and sending them to private schools and elite summer camps. 


They are a main reason for the shocking outbreaks in the USA in recent years of measles. 



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Just now, Captain Monday said:

They reject childhood vaccinations such as MMR that have been approved and used for decades based on completely discredited nonsense that the inoculations cause Autism or other conditions.

I reject MMR on the basis it isn't necessary, had mumps and measles, neither of which harmed me.

I don't take flu vaccine either as flu never harmed me, and I don't often get it (2-3x in my life, sweaty for 2-3 days).

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1 minute ago, Jeffr2 said:

Perhaps you are absolutely certain of this. But you're wrong. Stunning.


Perhaps do some research on credible websites as to what's happening globally due to the variants.

By credible I assume you mean CNN and the like, yes? 

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4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

"neither of which harmed me”......


I don’t wear a seatbelt or Motorcycle helmet - Never needed them !!! 


The measles is a decease which can be vaccinated against with complete effectiveness. 

Yet on 2019 Measles killed 207, 000 people? Why?  the outbreaks were driven by gaps in vaccination. 


The H1N1 2009 caused an estimated 700 million to 1.4 Billion cases, 274,000 hospitalisations and 18,500 deaths (officially although WHO estimates 284,000 deaths world wide) - The odds of death from Flu are very small, however if you are old and in a high risk group you definitely want to avoid it. 



MMR - best to get the vaccine (vaccinate your kids etc)

Influenza - best to get the seasonal vaccine if you are in a high risk group, otherwise not really any significant need. 



With all of that said - Implying that ‘I was ok, so there is no need for others to vaccinated' is a very narrow minded anecdotally bias and flawed outlook. 



Don't waste your time. He claims to have had covid, but was never tested.


Right....some will never understand .

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1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:

The measles is a decease which can be vaccinated against with complete effectiveness. 

Yet on 2019 Measles killed 207, 000 people? Why?  the outbreaks were driven by gaps in vaccination. 

More likely the kids that died were starving Africans/Indians/Arabs.

Where did the 207,000 dead come from?

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1 minute ago, Jeffr2 said:

Don't waste your time. He claims to have had covid, but was never tested.

Right....some will never understand .

I claim to have had Mumps, Measles, Chickenpox ...... but was never tested either.

Had the flu, colds, clap, had BPH all diagnosed by doctors that never tested me.

Damn those doctors for not testing me, seems I've never been ill at all.

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