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Foreigners in Thailand vaxxed so far: Brits, French and Americans make top ten - just!


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1 minute ago, John Drake said:

The only Pfizer in the country is from the US donation. So that would mean a European embassy took the American donated vaccine, used it for their own citizens, and have excluded other foreigners, including the Americans who donated the vaccine in the first place.

Eh i think your making a mistake he is talking about Astra not Pfizer. 

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Here's a good one.  This morning went to sign up at Bangkok Hospital Udon Thani and was offered Moderna.  But to get this in......May

next year.  What a joke!  And I'm 80.  Told them to keep it.

I booked with Expatvac on 1 Aug and like most have heard nothing since.

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52 minutes ago, apetryxx said:

Just shows you the bigotry in Thailand that they’re even keeping track of nationalities getting vaccinated. Common sense dictates that everyone should have equal access and the sooner the better. I just got back from the U.S. and one just stops by the local pharmacy for a shot. Not a peep about where you’re from, just  give me your name and roll up your sleeve.

I personally would have thought that a breakdown by Thai province would have been more relevant. But, of course, this being Thailand..................

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Average age 38, so the roll out strategy to protect the vulnerable and over 60's is going well. Things aren't any better for Thais....my wife tried again to register her 70+ parents and mum got the nod but dad was left out and he is the elder. So she rang up to speak to someone and they said that they can't discuss with her by phone but that she should try to contact them by facebook or line application to find out why her dad can't get a queue. Pretty damning display of ineptitude displayed by this government.

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I have been home for 5 hours since my second dose, this time Astra Zeneca, first, Sinovac 3 weeks ago. No side effects yet.


From the figures stated above, I am one of the 2.2% claimed to be fully vaccinated as a British Citizen living in Thailand.


My Thai wife had her first Astra Zeneca jab in June and will have her second on 31 August so of the two of us, I am first.


I am in Lampang and I read somewhere recently, that this Province is second only to Bangkok for the most vaccinations completed, that of course will be mainly Thais.


Most of us complain often about Top Government making a hash of things but It is worth a shout out that the organisation here is pretty smart and obviously all the staff have been well drilled. I am impressed. When I arrived this morning there so many people yet everyone had a seat under cover, and as the numbers were called, there were two holding areas. I was in and out in around 90 minutes


There is a possibility of a booster jab for me some time but nothing definite yet.


Hope all of you out there from wherever, will receive what you need!



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6 hours ago, Thailand said:

75 plus & 60 plus, some issues but not pregnant, and looks like getting bumped for the 4th time with Expatvac crumbling, as anticipated though.

75 plus & 60 plus and pregnant - fully vaccinated

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     The Thai significant other wasn't surprised when I told her that 50% of foreigners vaccinated were Burmese.  Factory and construction owners want to keep their cheap labor working so they arrange jabs, even if it's Sinno-something. 

    She was surprised that I was surprised.  They are so accustomed to being low on the totem pole that is is a given that the moneyed will act in their own interest.......always.  And the Thai working class can go fish.

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2.2% of Brits vaccinated and the British Ambassador says he is in constant contact with the top echalons of Thai Power to push the vaccination process through. Maybe the Ambassador should send the pool secretary to the meetings instead, she might gain more traction. Ambassador, you are a muppet.

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Would it be possible for someone (perhaps a government source that we could all believe... ok, ok - I'll be serious now! Please don't ask anyone from TAT as we all know that they still believe in Father Christmas and just tell fairy tales) to list all of the vaccine donations that Amazing Thailand has received from China, the US, UK, Japan, Russia, France, Switzerland and indeed all the other handouts that they have received and then compare that with the numbers of those nationalities that have received one or two doses. Now that would make interested reading. Then we could have the PM, DPM Anutin and their assembled yes men all looking down their noses at the dirty, uneducated, stupid farang! Because that is how they treat us - as if we all have straw growing out of our ears. Well I have news for you - it's hair and many of us have invested heavily in Thailand bringing our savings, pensions, launching company's, buying property, paying taxes and employing lots of Thai people. Please do not treat us like we are idiots as most of us had a far better education than you did. Have travelled to more countries. Speak more languages and have contributed to society as a whole more than 95% of the Thai population.

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Around 5 million foreigners? 7% of the population? Wow, didn't realise there were so many.r


around 350,000 Brits, 350,000 Americans, 350,000 French and so on...I'm surprise the number of French people who have not been vaccinated, as the French Embassy was going to import the vaccines and arrange vaccinations for the French citoyens...non?


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After 18 months of this pandemic and having no family or friends here or abroad test positive or get sick, I am content to trust my immune system which appears to have done a great job so far, and see what medium to long term effects are experienced by those vaccinated. Don't trust these vaccines.

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6 hours ago, mikebell said:

I'm 78 & registered through Intervac; Chamber of Commerce weeks ago BUT live in Pattaya.  It is newsworthy when any vaccine escapes the ringfence surrounding Bangkok and trickles into the ghost town formerly known as Pattaya.

Registrations from foreigners aged 60+, etc., in that area are being accommodated and vaccinations are being given.   "Ringfencing" is not happening and living in Pattaya does not preclude anyone who qualifies from receiving the vaccination in Bangkok.

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5 minutes ago, Scott Tracy said:

Around 5 million foreigners? 7% of the population? Wow, didn't realise there were so many.r


around 350,000 Brits, 350,000 Americans, 350,000 French and so on...I'm surprise the number of French people who have not been vaccinated, as the French Embassy was going to import the vaccines and arrange vaccinations for the French citoyens...non?


Yes. I have three French friends that have received a vaccination through the efforts of the French Embassy.

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Unfortunately it’s always the case that despite what the rules say, there are always those “officials” or just people with the power, who just because they can, will say NO to the foreigner. Even though they’re going against what they’ve been told to do there’s no accountability.

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1 hour ago, Oor Wullie said:

Here's a good one.  This morning went to sign up at Bangkok Hospital Udon Thani and was offered Moderna.  But to get this in......May

next year.  What a joke!  And I'm 80.  Told them to keep it.

I booked with Expatvac on 1 Aug and like most have heard nothing since.


If you're above 60, you should have gotten a priority jab by now. There're many foreigners in Chiang Mai who got the jab even though they were below 60.


But that is certainly not Pfizer/Moderna if you are waiting for that.


Edited by EricTh
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