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Are there any easily available drugs for Premature Ejaculation?


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After trying to find some more infos on Google it seems that the drugs for Premature Ejaculation are usually psychotropics, only available through a hospital and quite expensive because they are imported.

Is there anything available that's produced locally and isn't a controlled substance? Years ago I remember seeing Super Kamagra, but haven't seen this for a while, so might be banned?

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3 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

Novocaine, ....... in another life I had a company that imported sex products--that product repackaged sold for a ridiculous price.

You can buy a spray on sunburn relief , containing Novocain.  applied to an area  it will deaden  the feeling there.


Although its generally agreed that the problem is between the ears rather than the legs.



I'm not sure novocaine is available over the counter (first read about it in a Tom Sharpe book) but lidocaine (2%) is readily available and xylocaine (5%) but harder to find.

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Be careful. You could <deleted> yourself up with un-intended long term effects.


There is also a danger that you end up masking the underlying cause, and it comes back to bite you.


I had one strange problem which turned out to be a tumor.


You can buy generics for this all over the world. It is an SSRI which is used for premature ejaculation.




I prefer to keep an image of Prince Charles in the back of my mind. The problem is that sometimes this causes the launch to fail all together.

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2 things, usually alcohol, in a sufficient amount to dull the senses slightly ( not too much ) you should know what your reasonable ( still able to perform ) level is.


Or, and I'm not joking here, but obviously depends on your age, knock one out before a liaison, as a youngster I suffered badly, but that cured it, and when I found booze, well that was the mutts nuts.


Good luck sir.

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