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Important - Changes to McCormick walk in,now includes Promemada

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Health Alert: Walk-in Pfizer vaccinations at Promenada Mall on August 31 and September 1 and McCormick Hospital on September 1 and 2 (August 30, 2021)
Location: Chiang Mai
According to the Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office, Pfizer vaccinations for non-vaccinated foreign residents in Chiang Mai will be available as listed below. Note that locations and other details may change at the last minute, please follow the COVID International Community Support Chiang Mai Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/covid.int.cm/[Links to https://www.facebook.com/covid.int.cm/]) for additional updates.
Tuesday, August 31 from 09:00 to 15:00 at Promenada Mall: Walk-in Pfizer vaccinations for U.S. citizens and other foreign nationals who were born between 1951 and 1956. Promenada Mall is located at 192-193 Moo 2, MUANG, Chiang Mai 50000. 
Wednesday, September 1 from 09:00 to 11:00 at McCormick Hospital: Appointment and walk-in Pfizer vaccinations for U.S. citizens and other foreign nationals who were born in 1951 or earlier OR are pregnant (more than 12 weeks) OR have a certificate of underlying health conditions (renal, cardio-vascular, pulmonary only). If you already received an appointment confirmation for September 1 at McCormick Hospital then that appointment is still valid.  If you need a wheelchair or other special assistance then please email [email protected] with the subject line “OVER 70 SPECIAL APPOINTMENT” and include your given name, surname, date of birth (DDMMMYYYY ex. 21Aug1949), 13 digit registration number that you received after registering with the Wall of Chiang Mai system (which should begin with the digits “600”), passport number, phone number, and email address.
Wednesday, September 1 from 09:00 to 15:00 at Promenada Mall: Walk-in Pfizer vaccinations for U.S. citizens and other foreign nationals who were born between 1957 and 1961
Thursday, September 2 from 09:00 to 11:00 at McCormick Hospital: Walk-in Pfizer vaccinations for U.S. citizens and other foreign nationals with underlying health conditions (neurovascular, cancer, diabetes, obesity (weight > 100 kilograms)).
Regular updates about queue length and the situation at Promenada Mall on August 31 and September 1 will be posted on the COVID International Community Support Chiang Mai Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/covid.int.cm/[Links to https://www.facebook.com/covid.int.cm/]). Please follow this page for additional updates.
According to the Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office this vaccination is only for individuals who have not previously been vaccinated.  The Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office stated that registrations will be checked and fraud will lead to ineligibility for all future vaccinations from the Royal Thai Government.
U.S. citizens seeking walk-in vaccinations should bring their U.S. passport and the 13 digit registration number from the Wall of Chiang Mai system (which should begin with the digits “600”).
If you have not already registered in the Wall of Chiang Mai system (https://www.cm-healthcare.net/CMCVR[Links to https://www.cm-healthcare.net/CMCVR]) and expatvac.consular.go.th[Links to file://chiangmaifs01/PUBLIC/Consular/ACS/MASCOT/expatvac.consular.go.th] then you should register immediately.
Individuals who are under 60 years of age and have underlying health conditions should bring a medical report and their daily medications.
Individuals who are more than 12 weeks pregnant should bring a medical report.
Walk-in vaccinations will be available on a first-come-first-served basis.
According to the Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office all guidelines at the walk-in vaccinations will be strictly enforced, and customers eligible for vaccination must comply with the above criteria. Individuals who do not comply will be turned away and asked to wait for a later date.
U.S. citizens can visit the COVID-19 Information[Links to https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fth.usembassy.gov%2Fu-s-citizen-services%2Fcovid-19-information%2F&data=04%7C01%7CACSCHN%40state.gov%7Cf8e4a5130d074ac70d7408d910f5adc3%7C66cf50745afe48d1a691a12b2121f44b%7C0%7C0%7C637559469634566019%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=ezuZkrjy2TE2aFmqi05QfADKDzzPSaBwOlaKMjgWSHU%3D&reserved=0] page of the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok for the latest information.

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Thailand said:

Very well organised, if you qualify get in quick.

The small print stated


'This vaccination is only for those who have never received..... Fraud will lead to ineligibility for all future vaccinations'.


I think most foreigners already got their shots at McCormick a few weeks back. How was the crowd?


Would love to have taken advantage of this here in CM but had bit the bullet about 3 weeks ago and got the Pfizer in BKK, Medpark.  I'll have to do the 3 day round trip again but understand.  It is about vaccine allotment.  If you get the 1st one at a location, they are going to hold the second shot for you there.  That way they know how many to keep and how many to release to other locations.  Road trip with the wife away from kids and relatives.  Not so bad ????

  • Haha 1
5 hours ago, DrPhibes said:

Would love to have taken advantage of this here in CM but had bit the bullet about 3 weeks ago and got the Pfizer in BKK, Medpark.  I'll have to do the 3 day round trip again but understand.  It is about vaccine allotment.  If you get the 1st one at a location, they are going to hold the second shot for you there.  That way they know how many to keep and how many to release to other locations.  Road trip with the wife away from kids and relatives.  Not so bad ????

"Vaccinated with First Dose in another Province and Interested to receive Second Dose in Chiang Mai

If you have already been vaccinated with your first dose in another Province and are finding it hard to travel back there for your second dose, due to COVID restrictions, you may apply to receive your second dose in Chiang Mai.

Please send email to [email protected] put “Second Dose” in email header subject line and attach copy of your first vaccination details."


If you have an appointment for dose #2 and want it badly enough to travel back to dose #1 location, do so and rest assure you vaccinated.


However, you want dose #2 in Chiangmai, register on Wall of Chiang Mai system (https://www.cm-healthcare.net/CMCVR).  You will be added to the list and notified when vaccinations will be given and where for your age/health status group.   



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