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Foreigner criticized after taxi attack over 10 baht - claimed driver took a detour


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30 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Why all the comments about his Thai ability; he is a long-term resident. 

It is the taxi driver's fault and kudos to the alleged foreigner for having a backbone. 

I refuse to pay taxi drivers that try to rip me off, has happened many times in the past and hasn't always ended up nicely but I have my integrity intact. 

Total loss of face if they are challenged trying to rip us off.  

I wonder if the ones that blame the alleged foreigner would do the same in their own country, or or is just the Thais they are scared of. 


"It is the taxi driver's fault...I refuse to pay taxi drivers that try to rip me off"

Why is it "the taxi driver's fault"?   Do you know something that the rest of us don't?   The dispute was over B10, the only people who are calling that huge amount a "rip off" are posters here!

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1 hour ago, vandeventer said:

Not all taxi fares are legit. Sometimes they use the meter sometimes they don't.

They use the meter with me.... Or they have a huge headache 

That reminds me of a knife attack years ago from a taxis driver because the passenger slammed the door. 

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39 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

I got one new taxi driver who didn't know where Sukhumvit road was. 

I don't believe that for a moment if he was a Bangkok taxi driver, perhaps he just didn't know the best way to get to Sukhumvit from wherever he picked you up.   Several times a driver has asked me whether he should turn left or right out of my soi, it just means that he's asking which is the best way from where he is.

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There is a brief Facebook video clip of the altercation on Brighttv, taken from Facebook:

Brighttv reported that he only paid 40 Baht of the 70 Baht fare and in addition, threw the money at

the taxi driver.
Staff in the hotel and the motorcycle taxi riders in the stand outside all spoke in unison to say he did this regularly even with the motorcycle taxis, resulting in none of them wanting to take him as a passenger anymore.
Would be interesting to hear the farang's side of the story.

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21 minutes ago, Foghorn said:

Wow , the Thai attacks the foreigner and all the wimps and headline blame the foreigner for not bending over and taking it because that what most of you would do , amazing 

Lots of bend over and take it types here, don't worry. Anything for a quiet life.... 

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17 minutes ago, vinci said:

lets put aside the bitching and moaning of who's right and who's wrong, does not matter if you're farang or thai, think before action, is my life worth 10baht.

"lets put aside the bitching and moaning "

Well, if you say so we better all obey!   


By the way, let's put aside your assertion that he was a "farang", unless you know different to the rest of us.

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18 minutes ago, Speedhump said:

My mistake, I thought I'd read it in other comments. 


Actually, yes, I did. And he looks white. So what's the issue? 

So, because some posters (who weren't there) referred to the foreigner as a "farang", you assume that they're correct when it wasn't mentioned in the actual OP?    The issue is, he may not have been a "farang"!

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2 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

So, because some posters (who weren't there) referred to the foreigner as a "farang", you assume that they're correct when it wasn't mentioned in the actual OP?    The issue is, he may not have been a "farang"

Other posts before mine called him farang. Which he is. 

Edited by Speedhump
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I don,t know taxi prices in bkk with a meter going too.taking the long route or short route he would know,not me.If he lived there he probadly knew the correct fare and route.he spoke the language so the driver should realise the passengers is local.I know when i,am in bkk  I ask for a taxi with meter  they say no and move on themselves.I find one in time with a meter

   They must be something more to this that they are not saying

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23 minutes ago, Speedhump said:
37 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Some know-alls are assuming that the foreigner is a farang, wonder why?

I've just checked comments before mine. They said farang,  that's what I read. And the video clip shows a white face. And he's described as a foreigner. 


Is that not farang then? 


Why do you get your jollies jumping on others posts here (not just mine) ? 

No, you have no idea whether he was a "farang".  Do you know what a farang is?


I don't get any "jollies" from doing anything here but, as it's a forum, we are permitted to comment on other posters' comments and, if you're making inaccurate assertions, why shouldn't your posts be commented on, just as you are commenting on my posts?!

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I also used to suspect taxi drivers for taking long routes and demanded from them exact change, but than i saw a post here in this forum, explaining how poorare taxi drivers in thailand are, and how the meter system makes them work so hard for so little.

it made me realise that it acctually does not pay the taxi driver to take longer routes, and

anyway the price is so cheap - around70-80baht for 30-40 minutes drive, and from that

day on wards i started leaving the small change as tip for the driver.

say the meter says 63 baht, and i pay 100 baht, i will take only 70 baht as change.

they deserve it.

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16 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

"lets put aside the bitching and moaning "

Well, if you say so we better all obey!   


By the way, let's put aside your assertion that he was a "farang", unless you know different to the rest of us.

to me all foreigner doesn't matter if you are white, brown or black are farang

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21 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

I don't believe that for a moment if he was a Bangkok taxi driver, perhaps he just didn't know the best way to get to Sukhumvit from wherever he picked you up.   Several times a driver has asked me whether he should turn left or right out of my soi, it just means that he's asking which is the best way from where he is.

Picked up near don muang, he was from Isarn and in his first week. 

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4 hours ago, ukrules said:

Yes, I've sees this many times over the years. If someone is ripping me off I tend to make a noise, pay them if it's not overly high and then don't use them again. If I get a fair bill and what I ordered that's where the tips come in.


I'm known to be quite a generous tipper by everyone who deals with me on a regular basis and believe me, this policy always more than pays off in the long run.


I've been doing this for decades even though I come from the UK where tipping is not (or wasn't) generally much of a thing - this policy works well everywhere.


I don't go over the top, to me it's pocket change but I know it makes a difference to service people.


When I order something online from a local store, even something like a sandwich, the delivery people all know me well, I'm the guy who buys them a cheap lunch for good service - and surprisingly enough I always get good service - they tend to go the extra mile when I place an order.


There was never any tipping here until the Americans arrived and as we know they are obsessed by it in the USA 

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I don’t live in BKK. When I get a taxi there and they won’t use the meter, I find a guy who does….then when I pay him I give him a decent tip and tell him it’s because he used his meter, and I thank him. Civility costs nothing but a little class.

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19 minutes ago, Speedhump said:


Anyway if the farang (yes farang)

You only know it's a farang now because you've seen the FB video just posted!   You didn't know that before, in fact, the person that you were claiming had white face (the person in the pic in the OP) and was, therefore, a farang, was actually the Thai taxi driver!

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