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“More assertive role, long-term foreign policy needed”


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From top left Abhisit Vejjajiva Former prime minister, Surakiart Sathirathai Chairman of Asian Peace and Reconciliation Council, Sihasak Phuangketkeow Former foreign affairs permanent secretary, Panitan Wattanayagorn Chairman of PM’s Security Advisory Committee, Kiat Sittheeamorn Vice chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee of House of Representatives, Kavi Chongkittavorn Regional affairs expert


Thailand needs to play a more “assertive role” in order to make its presence in regional and international diplomacy more meaningful while maintaining a balancing act to avoid being dragged in the intensifying superpower rivalry. But getting its own house in order is also imperative if it wants its voice of be heard with more respect and authority.


These are among views expressed in a series of interviews that Thai PBS World recently had with six experts on Thai foreign policy.  They include former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva,  former foreign minister and chairman of the Asian Peace and Reconciliation Council Surakiart Sathirathai, former foreign affairs permanent secretary Sihasak Phuangketkeow, chairman of Prime Minister’s Security Advisory Committee Panitan Wattanayagorn, vice chairman of foreign affairs committee of the House of Representatives Kiat Sittheeamorn, and regional affairs expert Kavi Chongkittavorn


“My friends in the ASEAN diplomatic circles are of the opinion that Thailand has been too domestic-oriented.  They have a feeling that Thailand is missing in action.  And they certainly want to see Thailand play a more active role as it once did,” said Sihasak.


Full Story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/more-assertive-role-long-term-foreign-policy-needed/


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14 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

That is right .

Thailand has to find it's own way to navigate through this and the upcoming next crisis .

It is not a part of China nor the western ' powers ' .

The way Thailand needs to take is somewhere in the middle . That will be a balancing act . It requires diplomacy to be able to do that .

Will that be possible with the current military led leadership ? I doubt that .

A civilian government has to be elected first .

Hopefully , after the next elections , new thai leaders who are capable to establish and maintain diplomatic relations to the ' outside world ' , will emerge .

Thai nationalism is ok , but it can't be Thailand's goal to become isolated within the Asean community .

Or become the next Myanmar ...


Before any of this can come to fruition, there requires a major and permanent change. 

Otherwise, spinning wheels will continue on. 

Edited by zzaa09
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34 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

They can't even manage their own country properly in an organised way; so how are they supposed to be more assertive and helpful to Neighbours and others ?    Most Neighbouring countries see this country as a very large Lunatic Asylum full of Coniving and Corrupt Criminals and at best a Laughing Stock !

I agree.  An American citizen from Laos told me back in America that the word Thai translated to Lao then to English means "thugs".  I didn't know if that is true or not.  Since we've lived in Thailand I have come to believe him more and more as each year passes.  Especially the last two years.  Although personally I have always been treated very well in Thailand.  There is only one disrespectful $m@rt@$$ wanna be joker in all of the extended Thai family, whom I avoid as much as possible but most simply ignore him.  But in perspective, that rarity is far from being a rarity on this forum.  So I'll take Thais over farang any day.  I'm very greatful to be the only farang living in our village.

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11 hours ago, Kiwithl said:

Unfortunately our glorious leader can't speak English so can't communicate directly with many other country's leaders.

So I'm told.

Witness his appearances and body language when gathered with foreign leaders/dignitaries in these types of State settings. 


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