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Insect bite


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What do you think caused this? and possible treatment?


I think it happened at night 2 days ago, I'm guessing a spider, its slightly painful and itchy, appears to be healing so I could just leave it but wondering if i should apply Betamethasone which i have knocking about. About the size of a 5 baht coin on my upper leg


Edited by scubascuba3
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3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

How certain are you that it was a bite?


Betmethasone cream is fine if it is a bite but it might possibly be ringworm (which is actually a fungus) and steroids can make that  worse.

Not 100% but the centre looked like a bite. I'll see how it pans out over the next couple days

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1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

no dogs or cats, i did look up scabies before i did the op and it looks different i think

Definitely not scabies.


I think the differential is ringworm vs insect bite.


For now I would just observe it. If it is ringworm, other lesions will appear somewhere on the body.

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12 minutes ago, Can samui said:

Ringworm, just go to the pharmacy and show either the area or a pic and you will get a topical steroid to use, gone in about 10 days.

Steroids are not used to treat ringworm and are in fact contraindicated with that or any other fungal or bacterial infection.

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6 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

My wife got bitten by a probable at flea a couple months ago - then her finger literally inflated to twice the size. Turned out the cat flea wasn't a problem - allergic to something new they have started putting in plasters.  So careful covering  it !

Many "bites" turn out to be stings. Your wife might have been stung by a hornet. It has happened to me twice where I have been stung from a nest full and my whole body was very swollen. Even one sting from a hornet will swell the sting area

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10 hours ago, Sheryl said:

How certain are you that it was a bite?


Betmethasone cream is fine if it is a bite but it might possibly be ringworm (which is actually a fungus) and steroids can make that  worse.

Every house should have Betmethasone and anti fungal creams in there medicine cabinet.


In the humid climate its easy to get little rashes related to fungal infection.

Easily treatable and common.


Very cheap.


Strada antifungal with Betimesone-N clotrimazole and plane Betmesone pictured below:






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A bug of some sort went down the back of my bike jacket about 5 years ago , the bite was painfull at the time and I still have the lump which causes no irritation at all after all this time.

Lots of things here cause stings and bites. After I returned to England after my first visit here in about 2004 I had another lump on my upper leg , the Dr, asked where I had been , I said Thailand , she gave me one big pill ,and the lump went , she didn't say what it was that caused the lump.

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23 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

I'm guessing a spider,

For reference:-


Two tiny holes: Spiders have two fangs, so you might see two tiny holes in the center of the bite



spider bite




Mosquito and fly bites leave a small single hole.

Edited by Burma Bill
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6 minutes ago, Burma Bill said:

For reference:-


Two tiny holes: Spiders have two fangs, so you might see two tiny holes in the center of the bite



spider bite




Mosquito and fly bites leave a small single hole.

Good info thanks, I didn't think of that, i vaguely remember it might of been a mosquito bite i scratched in the night, or a dream but the single puncture in the middle makes me think it's that

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My wife received a similar mark in her leg about 2 years ago. At the time we couldn't determine whether it was a spider or insect bite. To my layman's eye it reminded me of the bite inflicted by a white tailed spider in Oz. My wife finally saw a Dermatologist  in Hua him about a month ago as the mark/pigmentation had over time become a dark brown following a number of topical applications of creams/medications she had tried with little success.

Unfortunately not a lot of further advice from him. however he treated the pigmented area  with multiple injections and gave her some cream to apply  daily. Unfortunately it is not branded  but my best guess is it is sorbolene based with some form of bleaching agent as the pigmentation has now bleached out from a dark brown to a white area.  Perhaps it may be worthwhile to see a Dermo and see if he can give you a better opinion on it. 

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4 hours ago, Can samui said:

Ringworm, just go to the pharmacy and show either the area or a pic and you will get a topical steroid to use, gone in about 10 days.

Tablets as well if it is persistent.... 

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4 hours ago, Siamic said:

Tick bites cause a Bull's Eye rash and also can give you Lyme Disease - which you don't want. Do your own reading on Google; Lyme is misdiagnosed very often with poor outcomes.


My thought exactly ...



If the rash is expanding definitely. I'm not sure if it's endemic to LOS though.


Whatever - I'd certainly get to a. dermatologist. Good luck OP.


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Riding a motorcycle one night I got bitten by some smaller bug. I don't remember the name but right after it happened I felt it come on strong. The mark might have lasted a day or so. I guess it was a bug that doesn't normally bit unless it feels endangered. Sometimes it can get between the cloth and you and it reacts. For some reason something that looks like an Earwig came to mind. I don't really remember it well, it happened decades ago.  The Net says while they can bite, they rarely do. They also have pinchers.



It could have been this one, too. I just remember it was about this length.




Edited by TooBigToFit
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