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UK now recognises Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines


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5 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

All double vaccines now need boosters or are recommended. My family... AZ..Pfizer etc had their booster two weeks ago. In future in the UK boosters will be linked to traveling

This is true. 6 months or so from your 2nd jab everyone will need a booster how long this will last in your system is unknown. The thing about this post is it seems that you are required to have this booster to travel to the UK if you've had 2 of the Chinese vaccines. I have had 2 AZ and my booster is due in 5 1/2 months so I would be able to go to the UK now without needing a UK approved booster as I am deemed to be fully vaccinated.

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6 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

In future in the UK boosters will be linked to traveling

At the moment in the UK boosters for AZ are a bit later than say Pfizer... my sister is having to wait until December.... while a Pfizer friend was done already. Next thing is the booster becoming a travel requirement.....

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12 hours ago, billd766 said:

Mine is a little yellow booklet and cost 50 baht.

Yes Bill, that would be the one described as the "international".

I got a certificate from the hospital a couple of weeks ago free of charge, also has English but has my name wrong, apparently translated from Thai.

Need to go back and get that corrected.

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18 hours ago, sandyf said:

The certificate will be available on Mor Phrom with English annotation for the relevant fields. You have to watch the name, if copied from the Thai every chance it will be wrong. This can be corrected by the vaccination centre that did the vaccination.

If the app is too much of a problem I believe there has been vaccination offices set up in most of the larger government hospitals, certainly one in mine. You can go there and they will print off a certificate free of charge.

The other option is to apply for the international certificate, think they are available at certain locations for 50 baht.

Thanks all for advice ????

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2 hours ago, NobbyClarke said:

My gf wants to visit the U.K

The U.K is still not safe for its own people. The flu season is on the way. Doctors are warning of the next Covid wave in the U.K

I would advise no-one to travel to the U.K during the winter months.



Flu season has never stopped me from going to the UK, never even entered my mind.


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2 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Does it matter how long ago your vaccine was?

Does one Sinivac and one Astra count?

Great news if so

"People who have been fully vaccinated with Sinovac or Sinopharm in Thailand, as well as with one of the UK’s approved vaccines..........." 


Kind of implies it counts, but by no means certain???

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8 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

This is about travel TO UK not from UK....and nothing at all to paying dues to NHS

Yes agreed but the Thais and their ex-pat partners still have to come back here with insurance and other conditions also, unless going for good!!!

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3 hours ago, NobbyClarke said:

My gf wants to visit the U.K

The U.K is still not safe for its own people. The flu season is on the way. Doctors are warning of the next Covid wave in the U.K

I would advise no-one to travel to the U.K during the winter months.



Scare mongering nonsense. 

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Where 2 doses of a vaccine are required for a full course, you can:

  • mix 2 different types of vaccine from the above list, for example Oxford/AstraZeneca and Moderna
  • have the 2 vaccinations under 2 different approved programmes, for example Australia and Japan, UK and USA, France and Canada


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15 hours ago, Kadilo said:

I’m laughing because despite 2 requests you still cannot show

me where it confirms in the NHS link  what you are saying. 

But congrats on the 10,000. Must be a lot of spare time in teaching these days. 

It’s so weird. Why is Dinsdale making this completely false claim? 

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29 minutes ago, FridgeMagnet1 said:

It’s so weird. Why is Dinsdale making this completely false claim? 

Only he knows what his agenda is. As I have posted, there is nothing on the UK Gov link to substantiate what he is posting. 

It’s just his interpretation of the wording in the OP. 


Some people just struggle to accept any positive news without trying to put a damp squib on it. 

Edited by Kadilo
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Very clear to me that from 22 November UK accept WHO approved vaccines in addition to EMA ones. No question of any boosters required. However, by chance, I read Malta's requirements. They also accept WHO approved vaccines but require a booster which must be one of the vaccines approved by EMA. Clearly stated too, leaving no room for doubt. Probably is just Malta's own requirement. The headaches continue though! You have to laugh!

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Does anybody here know where to get a Sinopharm or Sinovac shot right now in Bangkok?


I have an appointment in a few days for 2nd shot AZ but would prefer the Chinese one since the AZ gave horrendous tinnitus for a week which required a lot of medicines to fix/clear up.


Many thanks for advice.


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2 minutes ago, OishiRefill said:

Does anybody here know where to get a Sinopharm or Sinovac shot right now in Bangkok?


I have an appointment in a few days for 2nd shot AZ but would prefer the Chinese one since the AZ gave horrendous tinnitus for a week which required a lot of medicines to fix/clear up.


Many thanks for advice.


Not in Bangkok but my community hospital administered Sinovac and AZ on alternate days. It was possible to switch your day to receive which one you preferred. Maybe that would be possible in your case?

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25 minutes ago, The Fugitive said:

Not in Bangkok but my community hospital administered Sinovac and AZ on alternate days. It was possible to switch your day to receive which one you preferred. Maybe that would be possible in your case?

Yes, I will contact them and see what's possible. Thanks for the reply.

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2 hours ago, FridgeMagnet1 said:

Why do you keep spreading the false claim that a booster dose is needed after 2 x SV or Sinopharm?

I'm sorry you don't understand what this means. "People who have been fully vaccinated with Sinovac or Sinopharm in Thailand, as well as with one of the UK’s approved vaccines," As well as means extra in this context. 


As well (as) meaning 'in addition'

As well is an adverb which means 'also', 'too' or 'in addition'.



Not too difficult too understand.

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15 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

I'm sorry you don't understand what this means. "People who have been fully vaccinated with Sinovac or Sinopharm in Thailand, as well as with one of the UK’s approved vaccines," As well as means extra in this context. 


As well (as) meaning 'in addition'

As well is an adverb which means 'also', 'too' or 'in addition'.



Not too difficult too understand.

No need to be so smug and patronising to the gentleman. 


Its just your interpretation of the wording on the OP, that’s all. 


Nothing on the UK GOV website to support your claim so at this moment in time it’s misinformation. 

if there is, feel free to highlight where it says. 

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5 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

No need to be so smug and patronising to the gentleman. 


Its just your interpretation of the wording on the OP, that’s all. 


Nothing on the UK GOV website to support your claim so at this moment in time it’s misinformation 

Sorry you and others don't understand the English definition of "as well as". Too me it's pretty clear. 2 Chinese jabs as well as 1 UK approved jab. This equals three jabs. If you want to argue 2+1 doesn't equal 3 go right ahead. As for being misinfortation then you are accusing aseannow of this as this it what they posted. 

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6 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Sorry you and others don't understand the English definition of "as well as". Too me it's pretty clear. 2 Chinese jabs as well as 1 UK approved jab. This equals three jabs. If you want to argue 2+1 doesn't equal 3 go right ahead.

More patronising nonsense.

……..and while you’re on the subject of understanding English  it is “To” not “Too” me




See how easy it is to be patronising?

Hope that helps. 

Have a good day. 





Edited by Kadilo
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7 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Sorry you and others don't understand the English definition of "as well as". Too me it's pretty clear. 2 Chinese jabs as well as 1 UK approved jab. This equals three jabs. If you want to argue 2+1 doesn't equal 3 go right ahead. As for being misinfortation then you are accusing aseannow of this as this it what they posted. 

There is nothing whatsoever to support your claim that a booster is needed, nowhere is this suggested or stated. Your interpretation is a strange one, to me, frankly. As for it being “pretty clear” then I’m sorry, but that’s in your own head. 

im from the UK, and the wording obviously means you can be vaccinated with SV+SV or SV+AZ/Pfizer etc 


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5 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

More patronising nonsense.

……..and while you’re on the subject of understanding English  it is “To” not “Too” me




See how easy it is to be patronising?

Hope that helps. 





You get this on here a lot, don’t you?


Bizarre stance that a booster is needed, despite this not being stated anywhere.

it’s absolutely clear what it means, you can be vaccinated with WHO and/or UK approved vaccines 


they are just looking for a problem that isn’t there 

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13 minutes ago, FridgeMagnet1 said:

You get this on here a lot, don’t you?


Bizarre stance that a booster is needed, despite this not being stated anywhere.

it’s absolutely clear what it means, you can be vaccinated with WHO and/or UK approved vaccines 


they are just looking for a problem that isn’t there 

Sadly It’s the nature of the forum that many people just want to wallow in negativity. 

Bizarre indeed. 

Until shown otherwise best stick with the definition in the UK Gov official website rather than some unofficial misleading interpretation of some words on an OP

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35 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

More patronising nonsense.

……..and while you’re on the subject of understanding English  it is “To” not “Too” me




See how easy it is to be patronising?

Hope that helps. 

Have a good day. 





Typo soooooo what! Very adult of you. If you don't know what 'as well as' means I gave you a definition. If you still don't understand look it up. 2 Chinese vax as well as (in addition to, another, also, besides, additionally etc.) a UK approved jab. This is so simple. Why argue the point? It's clearly stated in the OP. Again if you have a problem with this and believe it to be misinformation posted by aseannow contact the moderators as well as the editor. 

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51 minutes ago, FridgeMagnet1 said:

There is nothing whatsoever to support your claim that a booster is needed, nowhere is this suggested or stated. Your interpretation is a strange one, to me, frankly. As for it being “pretty clear” then I’m sorry, but that’s in your own head. 

im from the UK, and the wording obviously means you can be vaccinated with SV+SV or SV+AZ/Pfizer etc 


Yes. You are obviously correct. As well as means you don't have to have a booster. All you need is two of the Chinese vaccines as well as ....................... . As well as what? The wording is this....

"People who have been fully vaccinated with Sinovac or Sinopharm in Thailand, as well as with one of the UK’s approved vaccines,". This equals three jabs. Two Chinese as well as with one UK approved. Can I have two chocolate icecreams as well as one vanilla icecream. How many icecreams do I have?

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In the OP the phrase "as well as" could just mean "OR"


The OP from Asean Now  does not take precedence over the UK government which makes no mention of any required booster for any vaccine regime:





Edited by jerrymahoney
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