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Inside Pattaya’s struggling sex trade amid pandemic and downturn


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3 minutes ago, natway09 said:

My disgust goes out to all you "do gooders" out there who obviously have lived a sheltered life in your well educated "bubble' in nanny state countries where a formal education is the norm, Governments expected to be a safety net & a job pays a decent salary enabling 3 decent meals a day

Not saying you did not work hard, but the realities of  life in Thailand are that without at least a secondary school completion pretty impossible to get a "decent job" as you call it & would end up 

back on the farm eeking out an existence.

They have used their inititive & found work that gives them half a chance at life.

The hypocrisy behind many comments just reeks of the above.

Most are decent people fighting to help themselves get something a bit more than subsistance




Do gooders do good for their family, friends and society as a whole.  What purpose does prostitution serve?  You should reserve your disgust for the players who objectify and sexualize women and pray that your children never have to accept anything less in their own lives.

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6 hours ago, Clarkey611 said:

Having been out and about last night, it appears that most have moved to Bangkok and can be found on the odd side of Sukhumvit.


However, good luck to all that are not being looked after by the Government, because they do not exist.

Even the Beggars have moved to Sukhunvit Road, Bangkok, saw the guy with one arm that used to hang outside Tuk Com there the other week.

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6 hours ago, bbko said:

Awwww, I feel so sad they might have to get a real job.  (sarcasm)

That's the problem, the government has nothing to offer them male/female sex workers as an alternative to working the bars/streets.


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9 minutes ago, JustAnotherFarang said:

Do gooders do good for their family, friends and society as a whole.  What purpose does prostitution serve?  You should reserve your disgust for the players who objectify and sexualize women and pray that your children never have to accept anything less in their own lives.

So what is your solution to the poor people of Thailand with little education 

how do they help there family to a better life and stop the circle of poverty 

For there children.

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8 minutes ago, seeyoujimmy said:

So what is your solution to the poor people of Thailand with little education 

how do they help there family to a better life and stop the circle of poverty 

For there children.

Please stop making the assumption that the vast majority of women and men who participate in this sordid business did so without free will.  They sold their soul for fools gold and now you ask what worthier investment they should have taken instead.....the simple truth is this, is there an easier way to make money because at the end of the day, that is what they want and they do not have enough self respect to seek better lives for themselves, they are looking for the easier option in life.

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1 minute ago, itsari said:

Saving you money perhaps 

My wife saves the money for a better future for our family.  If the girls who plied this trade do the same thing for their families then there is a modicom of respect due but self respect is something that money cannot buy. If the prostitutes are willing to take the shilling of dirty old men then good for them...... but they will find the respect of others very hard to come by because we all know the efforts we must put into our own honest lives to be successful.

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1 hour ago, Parsve said:

Sorry, but I have never understand why it is better to sell our thoughts or other knowledge or sitting in a factory doing the same thing for 40 years than to sell your body. We all have to make living in some way and doing it by selling sex is certainly not the easiest way.

You mean that there are other jobs that require  something more difficult then opening your legs (or bending over) ?


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5 hours ago, JustAnotherFarang said:

Why should anyone offer sympathy to sex workers who are struggling financially.  It is their choice and we do not need to respect it if we find their work to be abhorrent and they choose not to find alternative employment.  Let the scummy bottom dwellers that choose to associate with them feed them and their addictions.   I reserve my sympathy and charitable nature for the decent people who struggle in their lives with no champions to save them.  Sex workers are bottom of the list as they are the detritus of society......and they know it.


Quite judgmental your post! I can have compassion with anyone that suffers from Covid. So you only have compassion for certain professions like medical doctors but not garbage men or prostitutes. Interesting, I need to agree with @seeyoujimmy here all the way!

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6 hours ago, LennyW said:

I guess somebody needs to introduce "Anna" to Twitter, Instagram, Only Fans, Snapchat, etc.........the industry has changed and is thriving!!

But except for watching porn and getting paid from overseas to perform vids  to have actual meet ups for sex would require farangs to be in Thailand.  Even if  100,000  tourist/sexpats are here in Thailand now before covid  Thailand was avering 4 1/2 million tourists a month.

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2 hours ago, WEBBYB808 said:

Its good the bars can't exploit the ladies and customers,  but hurt the trade!  No, its just moved it on line to apps, and now the ladies cut out the middle man.  Yes the bars hurt, but not the worker. oh! By the way, welcome  back everyone to the Sausage Festival  that the bars have turned into.  The future is coming faster than one believes, but the change is happening.   On line has empowered  the ladies.

Online can help with meetups but  with no farang visiting who they going to meet up with?

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6 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

What Sex Trade is that then ?   We were assured year before last after the Chief of Police did a ten minute walk around that there was no Sex Trade in Pattaya !!     Lol.

No Prostitution in Thailand. 

They are Chicken Farmers Raising Cocks that all 5555.

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