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Thailand suspends ‘Thailand Pass’ and ‘Test & Go’

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22 hours ago, JustAnotherHun said:

I know about N95. My staff works with comparable FFP2 since 1.5 years all day long.

And now look around who is wearing them here in Thailand. On the streets, in shpping malls, everywhere.

Tell me what you see and I tell you, how "protective" they are for the one who wears them.

If the people who are electing to wear masks are not wearing them corrctly that is their choice/fault. You are spreading false information  by saying that masks don't protect the wearer from infection , not the fault of the mask if people are wearing incorectly. I wear mine properly and have seen many on skytrain or malls doing the  same. Yes I have also seen those tired of wearing masks  or don't care wering below nose or chin but the masks themselves do protect wearer  and those around them contrary to your statement. The links I posted  explained that.

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On 12/22/2021 at 1:39 AM, gejohesch said:

Thanks for the reply. What a mess! What is striking here is the lack of preparation.


The nature of a pandemic, with mutations to be expected etc, is definitely not unique to COVID-19 but in any case such possible developments were already written all over the walls after nearly 2 years raging all around the world. Given that, and given the importance of the tourism sector for the Thailand economy, one would have thought any reasonably competent government would have charted out a few scenarios ahead and how to respond.... But I have to say, and bear with me one moment, I know by personal experience working a few years in one of the largest corporations of Thailand that many Thais in positions of power have no concept of scenario trees, risk analysis and risk mitigation. That is also true for many who have some education abroad, but obviously the younger generation tends to be better and more sophisticated in the scenarios + risks domain. Unfortunately, the younger generation is not the one at the top of commands and has to crawl obediently at the feet of the old guard - or else!


In layman words, this translates simply as "never have a Plan B". For those who doubt my words, just look at the reckless way of driving of so many on Thailand roads.

And so it goes....

The cycle of rhetorical practice is never ending.

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On 12/22/2021 at 1:16 AM, Mark mark said:

... If you already have a TP ... then You just have to take an extra PT-PCR test some time after the first one and it says for free at a government facility. ... ??? So it says ?

I've just arrived and they ask you to scan a QR code that links to a pdf of a big long list of hospitals. Not in every province - for example I saw none in Chiang Rai. Closest seems to a a 3 hr each way trip to Chiang Mai. Best to just pay to get it done locally. However I'm sure the list is expanding daily so I'll check it again in a few days.

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44 minutes ago, Tuvoc said:

I've just arrived and they ask you to scan a QR code that links to a pdf of a big long list of hospitals. Not in every province - for example I saw none in Chiang Rai. Closest seems to a a 3 hr each way trip to Chiang Mai. Best to just pay to get it done locally. However I'm sure the list is expanding daily so I'll check it again in a few days.

I would think that you could use any of the Government listed hospitals -https://service.dmsc.moph.go.th/labscovid19/indexen.php

There are a few listed in Chiang Mai

Edited by Tim16
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1 hour ago, Tim16 said:

I would think that you could use any of the Government listed hospitals -https://service.dmsc.moph.go.th/labscovid19/indexen.php

There are a few listed in Chiang Mai

Should have said There are a few listed in Chiang Rai

I would be interested to know how the system for the second PCR test works - I am booked to arrive 5th January.

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18 hours ago, Tim16 said:

I would think that you could use any of the Government listed hospitals -https://service.dmsc.moph.go.th/labscovid19/indexen.php

There are a few listed in Chiang Mai

The problem is Govt hospitals will not do COVID tests on demand. They need to set up a system/issue some sort of appointment slip instructing govt hospitals to test this person. And with that they'll also need a tracking system.


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Well !!! .... If I ever get in, !!! ... Without being Really Badly <Deleted> Up !!! ... I will be very surprised !!!...  If I even get back in at all !!! given the way this Omicron is going out of control !!! ALLLL around the world !!! …. and not letting ANY precautions stand and in its way ! seemingly !!! ??? ... Like it might be less Dangerous ! ? But Hell !!! ...  It Sure is able to scare the Living <Deleted> out of just about everyone all around I think ???  ... So it seems !!!


… The Guys who saw this coming, and pragmatically, are all already back home !!! ... Well good on them, as they ARE smart little vegemite's !!! ... and GOOD on them. !!! ...  They were correct ... And got it right,  ... and +++ On that Fellas !!! ...


I delayed once again, to wait for triple vaccination !!! (Well it was not that long after Nov 1st when it opened up ??? ... Still long enough now it seems ... possibly not to be able to get in. ???) .... and now they have reduced the wait for the third jab !!!   ... And I still am not there, ... and now even getting the test, to be able to leave Australia is now starting to look pretty hard !!! ??? ...


... Your Thailand pass has to be used within 3 days of the date it has been issued for, so the Auz Thai Embassy tells me .... so well miss you flight, and get delayed !!! more than the 3 days !!! ... and well you will have to apply for another one ??? ... If you can ??? I guess ??? ...


I might / Hope (To get the flight, but if not) to end up having to look in to applying for a 10 days in ASQ one possibly, …  If I cannot get the Test result to get out of here … as the testing centers are going under with Omicron close contacts and cases, and NO ONE ever thought that this was going to happen !!!


NSW has over 5,000 cases a day now, like the most ever I think ??? … Like it was down to only 300 not so long ago !!! ... and well off subject am I ??? …. Well until the same thing happens in Thailand ??? … as it HAS just about every where else !!! ... Like the Australians really, REALLY tried, but well the Omicron just laughed at them, and is now going to  infect everyone now any way !!! ...


… Like not so deadly,... but well increase the case numbers by 1000% !!! … like it doubles every 2 days I think ??? … and then just see what the low key health system problems of that will be (Like Ours was not even working very well in the first place any way !!! and it only ended up in the usual Conservatives in power just now, (Scared People now I think so they will be there for quite a while I think !!! ??? .....  arguing about money ? ... or not giving an of it to the poor People anyway ??? ... (Who do not vote for them either) ... And now we have Omicron. ...


.... Like the tip of the ice berg is now, ... Now that they have not got enough Nurses or staff to Vaccinate people !!! .... or test them !!! …  as they all gave been exposed to the Virus now, …  and many of them have been furloughed, .... and forced in to Quarantine !!! ... So the Virus is clearing the way for a very solid GO !!! ... at possibly just about infecting every one in the whole population here now I think ??? ....


... And Me also I guess, ... Triple jabbed, but as I queue up and wait for my test !!! or at the Airport for the flight, that might be canceled, as all of the ground crew and counters operators, are now sick and furloughed also ...  ( It was 5 ? or 10 local QF Flights canceled today for this Reason ???) …. and only interanion people checked for CV 19 at the airport, as they did not have enough staff to test Interstaters !!! ??? ... ) Like things ARE getting WELL out of control here now ... in the last Undiscovered Millionaires strip !!! 


… YES !!!  VERY good decision you guys who got back home last week ? … or well any time back to November the 1st !!! … I think !!! 


OWS (Once Was Steptoe)  ... (My Real nick Name) ..

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I will find out about the Location / Procedure for the second test after arrival in Thailand, after Christmas, from the Thai Embassy here in Australia, as they have been very VERY good with answers so far !!!  When there has been any of course !!! ... And post it here when I find out.


Wish me luck in the testing Ques !!! needed to get out, ....  of here !!! 

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Yes, Merry Christmas To You All !!! AND a Happy new Year also !!! ... Like lets hope that it is a better one that the last 2 !!! ...


Politically I think that things are improving, ... like we can NOT just Lock down HAS become apparent to almost all people now I think ??? ... But well in the last couple of days I have seen the speed that the Omicron Virus can spread, IS going to be the problem. !!! Even if it is less Dangerous, ... as it is now taking out all of our ? well a LOT of, our Health Workers, .. so vaccinations and checks are now a problem, not because of lack of Vaccine !!! ... But because of lack of Staff to give it !!! ...


Hospitals will be the same pretty soon I think ?  ... and they shut down some of the Local airline flights today ...d/t the same thing ... lack of staff. ...


... Like no one to combat the virus, as they all ? Well, many of them, have caught it and are sick also now !!! ??? ...


... Like the government is lifting restrictions !!! The restraints and bars are Opening again, ..but get one case inn there, and there still are loonies that have gone to a night club after testing Possitive !!!! ....  and they have to close again !!! ...  But NO one is going to them any more any way !!! As most people are getting too scared to go out now !!! ??? ... 


... Like I guess just not isolating, .... and any one who can walk ... can go to work ??? Right ???  Is probably going to be the next compromise Possibly ???? ... Like if we DO want to keep the services, and society going at all ??? ... 


... Probably easier for the Thais to get around that one though !!! ... Yes time to get out of Australia !!! and back to Thailand I Think ??? Well, HOPE !!! ...  Where people will survive a bit better I think ??? ??? Being a LOT More Pragmatic  ? ... AND more experienced with dealing with disasters like this also I think. ... (Like the Africans will survive also I think !!! ??? Right ??? Good old epidemic survival experts right ... Epidemic survival 201 !!! Right ... ) ... 

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IMHO this is kinda ridiculous. I have been double vaccinated and 5 months ago decided to come to Colombia, since Asia is closed. And I got Covid two months ago.. (riding the chicken busses) Way, way, less sick than the flu. Shortness of breath, bad cough. About a week and was feeling good. 6 months is up here in 3 weeks. I am heading to the Caribbean coast in Mexico for a month or so before going home. This part of the world is so clean, hand sanitation in every doorway. I see no problems! It is wide open here and life is normal in every way!  If you don't smoke and are healthy, and at least double vaccinated. Get out and enjoy. 

I hate to say this but forget SE Asia all together. Just a scam IMO.

I will be coming back to Thailand to get my GF after they open, but no way am I going to stick money in the rich Hi-So's pocket just to come back.. A joke !

Edited by garyk
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1 hour ago, ukrules said:

Any good?



FFP2/N95 with valve are more comfortable for you. Breathing is much easier and for you it's not much less safe than usual FFP2.

But you wouldn't be allowed to wear those in a Covid enviromental. The protection for others is limited.

In Thailand: Wear them. They're far better than any medical mask or the selfmade jokes you see here often.

Edited by JustAnotherHun
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5 hours ago, Tim16 said:

I would think that you could use any of the Government listed hospitals -https://service.dmsc.moph.go.th/labscovid19/indexen.php

There are a few listed in Chiang Mai

You would think, but they have given a specific list


รายชื่อสถานพยาบาลเอกชนที่เข้าร่วมการตรวจหาเชื้อโควิดครั้งที่ 2 - Google Drive




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On 12/22/2021 at 8:10 PM, JustAnotherHun said:

I know about N95. My staff works with comparable FFP2 since 1.5 years all day long.

And now look around who is wearing them here in Thailand. On the streets, in shpping malls, everywhere.

Tell me what you see and I tell you, how "protective" they are for the one who wears them.

Why you should upgrade your mask as the Omicron variant spreads

By Kristen Rogers, CNN - 1h ago



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7 hours ago, Tuvoc said:

I've just arrived and they ask you to scan a QR code that links to a pdf of a big long list of hospitals. Not in every province - for example I saw none in Chiang Rai. Closest seems to a a 3 hr each way trip to Chiang Mai. Best to just pay to get it done locally. However I'm sure the list is expanding daily so I'll check it again in a few days.

May I ask where this (QR scan and notice of need for 2nd PCR test) took place?  Was it at immigration or the hotel? Did you need to sign an acknowledgement?

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7 hours ago, RedArmy said:

What turns you on more ??


Question marks or Exclamation marks ?



Both the same good Relevance !!! ... It just depends if there is a question or not re question Marks !!! ...


Three is the good luck Thsi Bhudist number ??? I think that they put it in ... positively ! With their Buddhism also ??? ... Like put 1 stick of Incence ? ... Or 3 ? Not 2 ! ... ... But well it is  Thai Good Luvk also. ... like the Number to use ! ? ... and well 3 is just a good number also. ...


Like with sheep breeding ? ! ...  put 1 Ram in the paddock with the Eues, and they might just be lzzy and pot none ,... Put 2 in and they might just face each other off ,,, and still pot no Ews !!! ... but put 3 in !!! And two might face each other off !!! While the other one pots ALL of the Ewes !!! Like 3 is the best nUmber as it can not be just Divided up and left !!! ... It encapsulates mOvement as there will always a part of it left over, to do that. ...


Like Women on a WORK ship ... 1 will get lonely aNd need a friend !!! So possible trouble amongst tbe other men WHO MISS OUT  ... 2 might just face each other ofF !!! ... But 3 or more and you have a GOOOO  !!! ...


Merry Christmas and Cheers to you all. ...


Mark mark ... and Steptoe.

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7 hours ago, Tuvoc said:

My family is heading to Phatthalung from Bangkok. Nothing available anywhere near them in that list you posted. Hopefully this gets updated or they’ll have to head to Krabi sooner than they anticipated.

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7 hours ago, eppic said:

May I ask where this (QR scan and notice of need for 2nd PCR test) took place?  Was it at immigration or the hotel? Did you need to sign an acknowledgement?

At the airport (before the immigration desk) where they check all of your paperwork.


And yes you have to sign a piece of paper agreeing that you will do the test and that it is a legal requirement.

Edited by Tuvoc
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2 hours ago, donx said:

My family is heading to Phatthalung from Bangkok. Nothing available anywhere near them in that list you posted. Hopefully this gets updated or they’ll have to head to Krabi sooner than they anticipated.

Yes, hopefully that list will get updated. If not, then I'll have to pay to get it done locally. Only question is if the test would be logged into some system by the govt hospital that wouldn't happen at the private hospital. Still, if they came looking for you then you'd be able to produce the test. That is the other question around this - I wonder what the enforcement is ?

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10 hours ago, Tuvoc said:

OK !!! ... I see Rajatani Hospital Ayuttahya ! Nice !!! ... 13 K from my House easy to park, ... and a very good Hospital also. ... Thanks for this Mate !!! ... Greatly.


So Now I still just have to get to the front of the line !!! and swabbed here, ....  pass, and then get out of here ... before every one gets it !!! ... and hope that they have enough people in the airport, to check me in !!!  and then the flight goes as well !!!!!!!!! .... ) ...  .... Wish me Luck !!! And to every one else still trying else where !!! ...


... And merry Christmas to you all also !!!

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2 hours ago, Tuvoc said:

Yes, hopefully that list will get updated. If not, then I'll have to pay to get it done locally. Only question is if the test would be logged into some system by the govt hospital that wouldn't happen at the private hospital. Still, if they came looking for you then you'd be able to produce the test. That is the other question around this - I wonder what the enforcement is ?

So you can have the test done locally so long as you pay for it yourself? I’m sure my family would rather do that than have to change their travel plans.

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10 minutes ago, donx said:

So you can have the test done locally so long as you pay for it yourself? I’m sure my family would rather do that than have to change their travel plans.

If Thailand gives you a QR code with a list of all approved hospitals you can go to to get the mandatory PCR test, why would anyone be able to just go somewhere else because they pay for it? 


I know I'll be using one of the hospitals on the approved list

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19 hours ago, Tuvoc said:

I've just arrived and they ask you to scan a QR code that links to a pdf of a big long list of hospitals. Not in every province - for example I saw none in Chiang Rai. Closest seems to a a 3 hr each way trip to Chiang Mai. Best to just pay to get it done locally. However I'm sure the list is expanding daily so I'll check it again in a few days.

Thanks for this update.


Do they also give you a paper to show the hospital to ensure they will do the test?


If you pay to have it done elsewhere the issue is, will it get reported through the system (assuming they have set up a system!)


From the list I have seen - presumably the same one -it seems to include private hospitals. Wonder if it is arranged for that to also be free?

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45 minutes ago, aussiexpat said:

If Thailand gives you a QR code with a list of all approved hospitals you can go to to get the mandatory PCR test, why would anyone be able to just go somewhere else because they pay for it? 


I know I'll be using one of the hospitals on the approved list

Me too although from look of the list it will entail a long drive.


Don't want to take any chances on it not being reported back that I followed the requirement.


I don't fancy entertaining any Immigration "smart car swoops"...or the dreaded Hazmat ambulance team!

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13 hours ago, Tuvoc said:

There are private hospitals on that list, in fact the only ones near me are private. Is it clear they will do for free?

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