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Several factors make Thais vulnerable to Omicron variant infection


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7 hours ago, ThailandGuy said:

They forget one thing !!  The crappy vaccines used in Thailand.. 

Bad news for China and many countries in Asia. The vaccine against Corona from Sinovac does not work at all against Omikron. The Chinese vaccine fails to produce antibodies that attack this mutation of the virus. This is shown by a large test in Hong Kong. According to the scientists behind this study, Pfizer is also moderately effective against Omikron. Only 25 percent of people injected with this substance have antibodies against the Omikron mutation. But that is still more than at Sinovac, where zero antibodies were found. Sinovac has been widely deployed in China to combat the pandemic. Also Turkey, Pakistan, Thailand, the Philippines, Hungary and Brazil mainly use this vaccine. It is not in use in the Netherlands. The study, conducted by the University of Hong Kong, will concern these countries. Especially because it appears that the vaccine also shows worse results against the beta mutation of the virus than Western vaccines. With that, many vaccination campaigns would now be almost useless. Sinovac uses a dead virus to train human defenses. Pfizer uses mRNA technology, which provides immunity against a small part of the virus.


ข่าวร้ายสำหรับจีนและหลายประเทศในเอเชีย วัคซีนป้องกันโคโรนาจาก Sinovac ไม่ได้ผลกับ Omikron เลย วัคซีนของจีนล้มเหลวในการผลิตแอนติบอดีที่โจมตีการกลายพันธุ์ของไวรัสนี้ สิ่งนี้แสดงให้เห็นโดยการทดสอบครั้งใหญ่ในฮ่องกง

ตามที่นักวิทยาศาสตร์ที่อยู่เบื้องหลังการศึกษานี้ Pfizer ยังมีประสิทธิภาพปานกลางต่อ Omikron มีเพียง 25 เปอร์เซ็นต์ของผู้ที่ฉีดสารนี้มีแอนติบอดีต่อต้านการกลายพันธุ์ของ Omikron แต่นั่นก็ยังมากกว่าที่ Sinovac ซึ่งพบแอนติบอดีเป็นศูนย์

Sinovac ถูกนำไปใช้อย่างกว้างขวางในประเทศจีนเพื่อต่อสู้กับโรคระบาด นอกจากนี้ ตุรกี ปากีสถาน ไทย ฟิลิปปินส์ ฮังการี และบราซิลยังใช้วัคซีนนี้เป็นหลัก ไม่ได้ใช้ในเนเธอร์แลนด์

การศึกษาที่ดำเนินการโดยมหาวิทยาลัยฮ่องกงจะเกี่ยวข้องกับประเทศเหล่านี้ โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง เนื่องจากดูเหมือนว่าวัคซีนยังแสดงผลลัพธ์ที่แย่กว่าการกลายพันธุ์เบต้าของไวรัสที่แย่กว่าวัคซีนของตะวันตก ด้วยเหตุนี้ การรณรงค์ฉีดวัคซีนหลายครั้งจึงแทบจะไร้ประโยชน์

Sinovac ใช้ไวรัสที่ตายแล้วเพื่อฝึกการป้องกันของมนุษย์ ไฟเซอร์ใช้เทคโนโลยี mRNA ซึ่งให้ภูมิคุ้มกันต่อไวรัสส่วนเล็กๆ

Source http://www.faqt.nl/recent/chinees-vaccin-werkt-totaal-niet-tegen-omikron/

Another source which doesn't conveniently omits some of the facts:




"For those fully vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech, five out of 25 people had detectable levels. But those levels were 35 to 40 times lower than against the original coronavirus strain, and saw “significant” reduction as compared to response to previous variants Beta and Delta."


Antibodies detected only in 20% of the people, and these were 35-40 times lower (not percent). The definition of "moderately effective" got new meaning.


When Delta came, there were doom and gloom TVF "expert" opinions how it would devastate Thailand due to the Chinese vaccines being used. Now we see the same "predictions" about Omicron. Yawn.

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On 12/28/2021 at 2:08 PM, Bkk Brian said:

When I see a doctor recommending the following (from the linked article):


"Dr. Thiravat said the best way to administer a booster shot is via subcutaneous (under the skin) injection.

Medication to treat symptoms from the Omicron variant infection is as important as vaccination in reducing the risk of hospitalisation or death, he said, adding that such medications include the Fah Talai Jone Thai herbal medicine, Ivermectin, Fluoxetine or Fluvoxamine."


Then I know its time to ignore anything else he mentioned also.

Poverty  and corruption  are the petri dishes of illness

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State sponsored poverty and ignorance by the army have brought hell to this country

14 hours ago, jacko45k said:

South Africa, which was the first country to detect Omicron, have just adopted a policy of not testing, and if you do have asymptomatic omicron, do nothing. No need to self isolate or quarantine. 

Not true...quite the opposite

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7 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:


Not true...quite the opposite

So you say, nothing you prove. 

I included a link, but my comment actually came from another different source. 

S.A. Has always been downplaying Omicron, and as gone further now,

Even this rag mentions it.


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Just to repeat what the WHO spokesman said on the TV a few minutes ago.  With both Delta and Omicron still being spread, there will still be a lot of people getting sick.  In the USA there are still millions who are unvaccinated, as many in other countries as well. If we hear of many people still dying of COVID it is likely the Delta variant has not been completely taken over and until we are told that the Delta variant is totally gone, I plan to stay cautious.  Just saying.


In Thailand a lot of people are not paid if they do not work, and if they are sick they will not be working. 

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19 hours ago, placnx said:

Reuters link cited above - header reads: SANTIAGO, Aug 3 (Reuters) - Sinovac's COVID-19 vaccine was 58.5% effective in preventing symptomatic illness among millions of Chileans who received it between February and July, the Chilean health authorities said on Tuesday, while Pfizer's COVID-19 shot was 87.7% effective and AstraZeneca's was 68.7% effective.


As for the Brazil news from Bloomberg, it is old. What is new in that link is supposed data from Indonesia, but the claims of the Sinovac CEO cite an Indonesian study, but apparently that was done before Delta:


I could not find a link to a preprint or publication of this study after looking through several of the numerous articles about it.


Here is a report on Sinovac and Omicron from a lab study in Hong Kong:


I'm almost 100% certain a 3rd Sinovac shot, after 2 previous, is not being offered in Thailand, nor perhaps anywhere else in the world. Until Omicron, 2 shots with a follow up of anything but, reportedly gave extremely good protection. I had a link but have lost it. But, I'm living proof! 2 Sinovac plus 1 AstraZaneca. Mix and match is the way forward, it seems.

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On 12/29/2021 at 12:19 PM, Sheryl said:

 Actually it means more than that. It means particles less than 50 micrometers in diameter which  can stay airborne for an extended period of time.


Aerosolized transmission is same as what is referred to as airborne transmission.


Droplets refer to particles that are heavier than air so do nto remain in the air long *but can be picked up from touching contaminated surfaces).


In terms of masks, cloth mask would likely suffice for droplet spread but not for aerosolized (though still better than nothing).


I'm flying back to Thailand Sunday and planning to double or triple mask (surgical masks) at the airport(s), on the flight (it is short flight from Cambodia so heavy masking should be possible without fainting!) and on check-in/check out at the T&G hotel.  Once out I will stay home until after the day 5-6 PCR -- easily done. 


Not because I fear Omicron in terms of my health - I am quadruple vaxxed (2 AZ in Thailand, 2 Pfizer in US, and last dose just 3 months ago) but because I really, really do not want to end up forcibly hospitalized so worry about test results.



Not 50 micrometer, ca. 160 nanometer.

Check it out. 

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3 hours ago, Sheryl said:


Antibodies are only one part of the immune response. Even with no detectable antibodies, there can still be a cellular immune response as a result of vaccination.


Measuring antibodies is comparatively easy - just a blood tesrt - whereas assessing actual protection from severe disease and deathis much harder, needs controlled studies over time comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

Correct....however it seems for the Chinese/Russian etc vaccines it is the only thing that matters according to the MSM.

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On 12/28/2021 at 2:08 PM, Bkk Brian said:

When I see a doctor recommending the following (from the linked article):


"Dr. Thiravat said the best way to administer a booster shot is via subcutaneous (under the skin) injection.

Medication to treat symptoms from the Omicron variant infection is as important as vaccination in reducing the risk of hospitalisation or death, he said, adding that such medications include the Fah Talai Jone Thai herbal medicine, Ivermectin, Fluoxetine or Fluvoxamine."


Then I know its time to ignore anything else he mentioned also.

With regards to Ivermectin: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41429-021-00491-6

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On 12/28/2021 at 2:08 PM, Bkk Brian said:

"Dr. Thiravat said the best way to administer a booster shot is via subcutaneous (under the skin) injection.

P.S. I am just happy this good doctor didn't advise people to take the vaccine as a suppository. 

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1 hour ago, wolf81 said:

It's an interesting article, but as it states at the end




We have summarized published results on the inhibition of multiple viral and host targets that could be involved in SARS-CoV-2 replication and the disease COVID-19. Although multiple antiviral and host target activities have been reported for ivermectin in SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, it is still unclear if any of these activities will play a role in the prevention and treatment of the disease. The controlled clinical trials that are underway will reveal if these activities will translate into clinical efficacy."




"This is a revised version of the previously retracted article below. The article has been revised to remove references to clinical studies, focusing exclusively on the mechanisms of action of ivermectin. The article has undergone peer review independent of the original article’s review process."


So it seems the jury is still out.


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On 12/28/2021 at 3:54 AM, 2 is 1 said:

Yeah only way you are not vulnerable to Omicron variant infection is stop breathing! But when you are vaxxed you not get serious condition.

My Dad used to say the sure cure for anything was to dunk your head in a bucket of water twice and pull it out once.  He was a practical man.

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On 12/29/2021 at 11:09 AM, Sheryl said:

It is almost certainly aerosolized. Even the earlier variants were, and given Omicron's higher infectivity and that it is obviously being spread by asymptomatic people, it has to be.


As to the whole world having it, seems to be well on the way to that happening, though in many people (the young, the vaccinated) it will be so mild they will never know it.

I think we're a bit of a ways off the whole world having it. With an increasing population one per second currently 7,917,014,345 https://www.worldometers.info/watch/world-population/and only  286,858,647 infected cases, that's sounds a lot, but a very small percentage of the whole world 3.6% and no virus in living history has ever effected the whole world population.. And when you consider the number of actual deaths associated to covid, its less than 0.69% which although tragic, wont have much of an impact on the worlds population..

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On 12/29/2021 at 10:44 AM, bkkcanuck8 said:

This risk of death in most countries is around 1%, the risk of 'long COVID' is significantly higher at maybe 5%.  COVID was first classified as a respiratory virus, but the medical community now thinks this may have been an incorrect classification that it should really be classified as a cardio-vascular virus (the reason why we have more varied symptoms).   I won't have anything to complain about if I die, but I really don't want to be stuck with 'long COVID'.   A vaccination lowers the risk of catching it (it does not prevent it, it readies your body to fight it once you get infected as with all vaccines -- basically it is an attempt to prevent a foothold situation).  If you do unfortunately 'catch it' it significantly reduces the severity and risk of hospitalization - and the 'long COVID' potential...  Vaccination (which I have received fully vaccinated as of 2.5 months ago, and I will get a booster in maybe March 31st next year) is one of many things that you can do to reduce your risks (wearing a mask reduces your chances of spreading it if you do catch it; and others wearing a mask will in turn reduce the chance of someone else spreading it to you -- is another)....


Vaccines are probably one of the major reasons why the average lifespan has nearly doubled over the last century...  no guarantees, but it raises the chances you will lead a longer life with less health issues... so I find this antivaxxer crowd to be .... silly.    

Lethal for around 1% of infected, and there is few percent of population who are infected, so far. Not in one year as they usually count things, but in two years, from day one. Everywhere like that. And everywhere they are telling that with omicron higher infection rate, less hospitalization. Regardless of headlines telling us horror stories and officials predict worst case scenarios, every freckin single day. Two years already, 24/7.

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On 12/29/2021 at 9:56 AM, bradiston said:

Ans what's with the "crappy vaccines used in Thailand" comment? Were you here in March 2020?

A joke right?  A red towell on a bull?  Was there a vaccine in march 2020? We all know Sinovac does not work very well against covid. Yet it was sold to the people and administered on a huge base in Thailand. I call that vaccine a crappy vaccine and many Thai also do. Wake up man!


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13 minutes ago, ThailandGuy said:

A joke right?  A red towell on a bull?  Was there a vaccine in march 2020? We all know Sinovac does not work very well against covid. Yet it was sold to the people and administered on a huge base in Thailand. I call that vaccine a crappy vaccine and many Thai also do. Wake up man!


I'm done arguing with the Sinovac ranters. It served its purpose when there was nothing else around, and in mix and matches, which is where we've been for a while, and where we're at now, it was deemed highly effective. I'm not going to give  any links or references. I've been there and done that. Why keep picking at this? I'm bored with it. You don't like it, just don't take it. I'm happy. I've had 2 shots of it and an AstraZaneca. I've got a Moderna lined up.


And your Pfizer and j and j are equally insipid. All need boosters.


If you mean a red rag to a bull, then it looks like the matador has got your number.



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