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Novak Djokovic’s deportation has raised the issue of the right to remain unvaccinated


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4 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

The connection is clear. You are defending the right of unvaccinated people to seek medical care. I posted some push back against that concept by medical professionals themselves.

LoL. "Push back"? Even you should know that you can find a link for each and everything in the net. 


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1 minute ago, James105 said:


According to the picture the man is a likely thread to to health service too.

Whom's ICU bed will he occupy, if he's collapsing due to his eating or drinking habits? Hiw many nurses will suffer a slipped disc when turning him from one side to the other?

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43 minutes ago, fjb 24 said:

Looks like the court has short tracked the tennis players hearing from Wed to Mon morning now. Maybe the court, judge, etc is a tennis fan.


That's not correct, the hearing was originally scheduled for Monday, not Wednesday. The federal government is playing dirty tricks trying effectively to put Jokovic out of AO, as the schedule needs to be completed Tuesday, he can't be in the schedule before the court hearing is done. Looks like the judge did the right thing.

Popcorn time tomorrow, looks like there is a chance Scomo to get  huge pie in his ugly face.

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2 minutes ago, gearbox said:

That's not correct, the hearing was originally scheduled for Monday, not Wednesday. The federal government is playing dirty tricks trying effectively to put Jokovic out of AO, as the schedule needs to be completed Tuesday, he can't be in the schedule before the court hearing is done. Looks like the judge did the right thing.

Popcorn time tomorrow, looks like there is a chance Scomo to get  huge pie in his ugly face.

Yep, we get a win - win outcome no matter what the decision ????

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Judge Kelly said he was open to Djokovic giving evidence remotely from immigration detention. He also warned he would not be swayed by a Tennis Australia preference that the matter be resolved by Tuesday.

“If I can say with the respect necessary, the tail won’t be wagging the dog here,” he said.



Doesn't seem that the judge is a huge tennis fan

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We are now in a world that is completely crazy. The ones that have to be careful for Covid are the ones that are more vunerable due to medical reasons or elderly people. Those should stay a bit more away of busy places. Data from the past 2 years shows that people under 65 and healthy dont have to fear much. And with the Omicron version its even less obvious that people end up in the hospital. So its quiet simple. Older/weaker people......get vaccinated and let the world go on in a "normal" way.

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1 hour ago, peter zwart said:

We are now in a world that is completely crazy. The ones that have to be careful for Covid are the ones that are more vunerable due to medical reasons or elderly people. Those should stay a bit more away of busy places. Data from the past 2 years shows that people under 65 and healthy dont have to fear much. And with the Omicron version its even less obvious that people end up in the hospital. So its quiet simple. Older/weaker people......get vaccinated and let the world go on in a "normal" way.

I'm 67 and triple vaccinated but there's no guarantee that I won't get sick and even if I survive that I won't get long covid. The world can go on in a normal way for vaccinated people but for the unvaccinated their access to places where they might infect others should be severely curtailed. There is still plenty of delta around and unvaccinated people pose the greatest risk to everyone else.

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If Djocko had a brain cell in his head he would take the vaccine.


If he had a shred of decency he would be using his position to advocate universal vaccination.

Instead he cowers in the fear, suspicion and conspiracy of right-wing propaganda. He will be continued to be denied entry to major countries unless rules are changed US Open is in August unless he has US citizenship by then sorry.

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52 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

I'm 67 and triple vaccinated but there's no guarantee that I won't get sick and even if I survive that I won't get long covid. The world can go on in a normal way for vaccinated people but for the unvaccinated their access to places where they might infect others should be severely curtailed. There is still plenty of delta around and unvaccinated people pose the greatest risk to everyone else.

Would you fully support the denial of medical services to smokers , drug addicts , the obese ? Your thinking that the unvaxxed are to blame for transmissions , it seems to me that the masses of vaxxed are to blame for the spread of this flu . 

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1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

I'm 67 and triple vaccinated but there's no guarantee that I won't get sick and even if I survive that I won't get long covid. The world can go on in a normal way for vaccinated people but for the unvaccinated their access to places where they might infect others should be severely curtailed. There is still plenty of delta around and unvaccinated people pose the greatest risk to everyone else.

There are plenty of 'recovered from Covid' people who are healthy and consider their natural immunity to be on a par with those vaxxed.  I'm one. And people who catch Omicron and recover, are protected from Delta. That's why the UK government are not in lock-down mode as although the daily cases caused by Omicron are high, hospitalisation and deaths are not at pandemic level but at endemic level.  


There is also the consideration that people are hospitalised with Omicron for other health reasons, not as a direct result.

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2 hours ago, ozimoron said:

I'm 67 and triple vaccinated but there's no guarantee that I won't get sick

So you at least know that triple vaxxed can be infected. And guess what, infected people can spread the virus.

So please lock yourself in for not beeing a threat to others. Thank you.

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1 hour ago, greg71 said:

Would you fully support the denial of medical services to smokers , drug addicts , the obese ? Your thinking that the unvaxxed are to blame for transmissions , it seems to me that the masses of vaxxed are to blame for the spread of this flu . 

no and they are in the case of delta at least which is causing the majority of ICU admissions and deaths. Show some evidence of the vaxxed being mainly responsible for transmission. That's scientifically impossible and supported only by those get their information from unreliable sources.

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41 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

So you at least know that triple vaxxed can be infected. And guess what, infected people can spread the virus.

So please lock yourself in for not beeing a threat to others. Thank you.

They can be infected, nobody ever said they couldn't. Especially in the case of delta the chance is 1 in 5000 without even a booster.

Edited by ozimoron
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1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

no and they are in the case of delta at least which is causing the majority of ICU admissions and deaths. Show some evidence of the vaxxed being mainly responsible for transmission. That's scientifically impossible and supported only by those get their information from unreliable sources.

So you are saying that the rising cases in Banglamung are because of the unvaxxed? Think about it for a moment before you reply ???? 

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1 minute ago, Bruno123 said:

So you are saying that the rising cases in Banglamung are because of the unvaxxed? Think about it for a moment before you reply ???? 

Cases are not (can not) rise faster due to vaccinations. Vaccines reduce transmission in Delta by a large amount.

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22 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:


You post would be funny if you weren't trying to be serious.


Can you link to a statement or in fact any evidence of Djokovic cowering in fear?


On the other hand; 


That appears to be a perfect example of cowering in fear and he is triple vaccinated. So who is scared?

You hide behind "for the good of the society" but it's really about fear and loathing.



He doesn't want to be vaccinated; his choice.

If you want to be vaccinated, that is your choice. But you both have the same standing in society. 

If you had a "brain cell in your head", you would understand that is the only way, whether you like it or not.

You aren't going to create a homogenous society; it will just polarise opinion even more.

Get vaccinated if you are afraid or for whatever reason you choose. For the unvaccinated; don't get vaccinated if you are afraid or for whatever reason you choose....but it's up to you to be responsible person. That is freedom....and snowflakes are giving away their freedom out of pure fear and loathing.



He is cowering in fear of non-existent long term damage,  or mild side effects, or what ever foolish notions that got into his synapse free jock skull from years of irrational propaganda, like every other anti vaxXer. Complying with common sense public health restrictions has nothing to do with freedom or control, or "standing in society". That is just an excuse. I believe it is the right wing-authoritarians who are trying to drive everything apart, and it is working. I have had to take vaccinations and health checks for schools and work, and border restrictions  my whole life. WHAT is different here?


Nobody is forced to vaccinate. It is a personal choice and if one does not want it, move on with your personal choice.  He can go live in a cabin in the Serbian mountains and run hos own mask free tennis camps and tournaments. A sports star expecting to be allowed entry a sovereign nation at his whim, so he can make a buch of money is the ultimate kind of despicable elite privilege. 

After what Aussies have gone through over the last two years completely inexcusable.????


Now I think Australia COULD make a good economic argument to let certain superstar athletes and celebrity nincompoops in under controlled controlled conditions. So far they have not. Allowing the rules to be bent quickly here would be the real discrimination.


Maybe next year they can hold the open on Christmas Island just for Djoko's benefit. 

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1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

I have posted the data previously. I also specifically mentioned delta.

Where have you been when math was taught in primary school? sick at home?
But OK, let's repeat some basics:

You claim, one out of 5000 double vacced could get infected.
That would be a 0.02% risk.

Early studies, provided by the producers and based on the alpha variant show a protection rate of -at best- (Pfizer/Biontech) 95% two weeks after the second shot.
The risk now turns up to 5%.

You might have googled it already and know, with delta the protection level of all available vaccines declined. 
And now we take a look at the long term protection:

All known C19-vaccines lose evectiveness relatively fast. 120 days after "full immunization" the protection level of AstraZeneca is, yes, ZERO. Biontech 47%, Moderna 71%.
Try to figure out what that means to your "1 out of 5000"-BS, or ask a friend who did not miss his math lessons.

By the way: Meanwhile there is omicron and the basic protection-level declined further.

Please lock yourself in. You are a threat to my health! ????

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