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Opposition leader argues Thailand should court other visitor groups other than retirees


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2 hours ago, mjakob007 said:

Reciprocal to what Thai's get overseas.


- No 90 day reporting

- Ability to buy property (not 49% of a condo)

- Not being disqualified for loans, based on visa

- Not pay dual pricing

- When Thailand re-opened in 2020 after initial lock down, Elite visa holders were not among the first lot (7 categories) nor second lot of foreigners allowed back into the country.

Absolutely no entry without a difficult visa to obtain.....

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21 hours ago, poskat said:

they love the short term tourists because they just come here, spend their money and go home, and dont really talk to any thais.


In contrast, those pesky long term people, such as retirees, get to know thai people and have families and spread all sorts of bad ideas to them, including the concept of honesty, that corruption is bad, asking "why", that a person 1 centimeter "above" you doesn't need to be unquestioningly obeyed in all things.


"and dont really talk to any thais." not even bar girls? ????

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On 1/12/2022 at 3:48 AM, ChC1 said:

For one things, what I noticed here in this forum, that some (or to be precise, a very few) of the active posters (male, retired obviously) have very questionable attitude towards Thai women (whether she is bar girls or normal women in normal life). Their attitude and the way of describing his/their personal preference (like dating hundred different women and only for a while then getting bored) is very disturbing and disgusting. There are odd posters here (I shall not name) and odd posts that I can remember is the example of disgusting human being. They should not be allowed to be in Thailand based on their predatory behaviour and bigotry attitude toward Thai women. They are the bad images that Thai public feel revolt against. Majority of retirees coming to Thailand have a normal family life, help Thai local community and do not take anything granted. Some of the retirees coming to Thailand takes too much ownership and elitism attitude, often forget they are the guest in another culture. But it is some of the bad characters here really did not help the case. And often it is the very tiny few cause the revolt from the locals. Some of their posts like go to South America for Latin women (because Thailand requires so much for him to come here to get Thai women), or one particular posters bragging on easy sex with Thais and then bragging on how he could throw them away because she developed emotion needs towards him. Well, in any culture it is disgusting behaviour. Yet these people take pride in posting their attitude here in this forum openly and few raised eyebrows.


If I am Thai, I would also suggest get rid of retirees if I don't have an ordinary gentle well behaved western retirees married into my family or village to show me how a good example they can make. Based on some of the disgusting posts here alone I would support the opposition leader.


I know my post won't be popular in this forum. Because many of you either only see themselves as good character and are blind to see some of the disturbing attitudes posted here. And some of the you may fit in what I described and might feel offended. However, it goes back to the old saying , if you want to be welcomes, and feel respected, you have to welcome and respect others first. 


I would agree with your post, but why spoil it by inferring that we are "guests" here? I certainly don't feel like a "guest" here, especially when I have to do an impersonation of a prisoner on parole every 90 Days. :shock1:

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Most people work half their lives to have enough money to be able to survive in retirement.

  Who is Thailand going to target, the young adults who just finished college or university?

Will the Thai government pay off their educations? Just who if not retirees and some lucky rich people

have the money needed to go to Thailand for more than a holiday? I think this Opposition leader

should keep up his research, as the trying to just get the rich and wealthy to come to Thailand

is laughable. Joke of the day  this story.

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2 hours ago, robertson468 said:

So you don't like the billions of baht that retirees contribute to the GDP of your Country?  However, I do believe that something has been lost in the translation of this article.  What it should say is whilst the retirees are very welcome in Thailand, it is time the Country started recruiting people from other sectors who are still working.  But there again Thailand is not renown for its comprehension of the English Language or for diplomacy!

Foreshadowing a change in WP guidelines/rules ?

Changing of prescribe occupations ?


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4 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

I wondering what a "temporary" retiree is?

Is that a person on retirement visa for Thailand but works in home cuntry for few months a year?

What group is he referring to ??


Are we not all "temporary" retirees? We are only registered here in Thailand for one year at a time.

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1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

Are we not all "temporary" retirees? We are only registered here in Thailand for one year at a time.

However my retirement is permanent, irrespective of my domicile 

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3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Since 2014 to be exact, when the soldiers stole the country, and the baht started rising at an alarming rate.

If you have firm comprehension of contemporary Thai history, you'll find that your stated references go way back - perhaps decades. 

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It took them 30 years to screw it up completely. 1987 a wise man coined the "Amazing Thailand" slogan and Thailand got overrun without any serious efforts in promoting Thailand overseas. 

Today, Thailand has killed most of the possible Caucasian markets, the Russian market and the other markets they do not really want. The Indians like all other Southasians are dark-skinned which does not fly with the semi-divine Khon Thai. Chinese steamrollered the Land with the Zero Dollar tourists as the locals were too stupid to put a stop on that. Dual and overpricing combined with free fall in service level, a total mess in the visa policies, unfriendly Embassy and Consular staff almost everywhere on the planet not even answering the phone nor email and the continuous head lines of bad news (Koh Tao springs to mind). Individual incidents like a Russian tourist feeding fish off an excursion boat around Phuket with food bought from a boat boy getting thrown into the slammer until someone coughed up the bail of THB 100K, Germans getting fined THB 2,500 for bringing their own beach chair to Phuket's beach, smoking at the beach = THB 100K and no holiday beers between 2-5pm = anywhere. 

Any more questions? Clean up the mess by starting from the top with all those daydreaming clowns at the various tourism offices and get back to where you were 30 years ago. Apply the lessons learnt and you will be fine in, say 5 - 10 years.

Bad news is, it will not happen as, unlike the tourism promotion fellas, the tourists are not daydreaming and found plenty alternatives. Latter ensures, that most previous visitors will never return to the Land of Call-it-whatever-you-want!

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6 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

It took them 30 years to screw it up completely. 1987 a wise man coined the "Amazing Thailand" slogan and Thailand got overrun without any serious efforts in promoting Thailand overseas. 

Today, Thailand has killed most of the possible Caucasian markets, the Russian market and the other markets they do not really want. The Indians like all other Southasians are dark-skinned which does not fly with the semi-divine Khon Thai. Chinese steamrollered the Land with the Zero Dollar tourists as the locals were too stupid to put a stop on that. Dual and overpricing combined with free fall in service level, a total mess in the visa policies, unfriendly Embassy and Consular staff almost everywhere on the planet not even answering the phone nor email and the continuous head lines of bad news (Koh Tao springs to mind). Individual incidents like a Russian tourist feeding fish off an excursion boat around Phuket with food bought from a boat boy getting thrown into the slammer until someone coughed up the bail of THB 100K, Germans getting fined THB 2,500 for bringing their own beach chair to Phuket's beach, smoking at the beach = THB 100K and no holiday beers between 2-5pm = anywhere. 

Any more questions? Clean up the mess by starting from the top with all those daydreaming clowns at the various tourism offices and get back to where you were 30 years ago. Apply the lessons learnt and you will be fine in, say 5 - 10 years.

Bad news is, it will not happen as, unlike the tourism promotion fellas, the tourists are not daydreaming and found plenty alternatives. Latter ensures, that most previous visitors will never return to the Land of Call-it-whatever-you-want!

Funny enough. I was in Pattaya Beach yesterday, and all full with Tourists. The domestic markets are full of people here (mostly Asians), so it's not that bad after all. And of course, Farangs also have to comply with Thai labour and property laws. 

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22 hours ago, swm59nj said:

Thailand does not specifically target retirees.  From what I saw before Covid.  It attracts a very large number of tourists.  A large number of these tourists don’t come here for a cultural adventure.  They come here to get drunk, party, freelancers, and act stupid. A lot of them are cheap Charlie’s, looking for that discount vacation.  And single men that for the most  part women wouldn’t bother with in their own country.. 

This is not cultural.  To me culture  is a countries history, food, religion, music, arts.  Some people have said that  the negative behavior of some Thais is  cultural.  Rudeness, trust, aggression, immaturity , is a mindset of an individual. Not an entire  race of people. 

Let me help you with that sir. 

And single men that for the most part won't bother with the ugly, fat, entitled women in their country.  


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3 hours ago, garyk said:

Let me help you with that sir. 

And single men that for the most part won't bother with the ugly, fat, entitled women in their country.  


Is that fat ugly entitled aged men who do that?

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10 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

It took them 30 years to screw it up completely. 1987 a wise man coined the "Amazing Thailand" slogan and Thailand got overrun without any serious efforts in promoting Thailand overseas. 

Today, Thailand has killed most of the possible Caucasian markets, the Russian market and the other markets they do not really want. The Indians like all other Southasians are dark-skinned which does not fly with the semi-divine Khon Thai. Chinese steamrollered the Land with the Zero Dollar tourists as the locals were too stupid to put a stop on that. Dual and overpricing combined with free fall in service level, a total mess in the visa policies, unfriendly Embassy and Consular staff almost everywhere on the planet not even answering the phone nor email and the continuous head lines of bad news (Koh Tao springs to mind). Individual incidents like a Russian tourist feeding fish off an excursion boat around Phuket with food bought from a boat boy getting thrown into the slammer until someone coughed up the bail of THB 100K, Germans getting fined THB 2,500 for bringing their own beach chair to Phuket's beach, smoking at the beach = THB 100K and no holiday beers between 2-5pm = anywhere. 

Any more questions? Clean up the mess by starting from the top with all those daydreaming clowns at the various tourism offices and get back to where you were 30 years ago. Apply the lessons learnt and you will be fine in, say 5 - 10 years.

Bad news is, it will not happen as, unlike the tourism promotion fellas, the tourists are not daydreaming and found plenty alternatives. Latter ensures, that most previous visitors will never return to the Land of Call-it-whatever-you-want!

There will be no meaningful positive changes while the dinosaurs are in charge. They have neither the intelligence or the foresight to implement worthwhile changes that will benefit the country.  

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On 1/11/2022 at 1:50 PM, ThailandRyan said:

Very few folks can drop everything at a moments notice, buy a ticket and head to Thailand.  Retiree's, Digital Nomads, Youtubers to name a few can and do come.  I think the opposition leader is in a panic over what is deemed to be a retiree.  I retired at 50.......others I know retired earlier than that thanks to investments....They travel the world and enjoy life.  If they get bored, or If I get bored I will find a short term contract and when done continue in life enjoying myself.....

By spending every waking hour on an Internet forum ?


Living the dream.


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… well - Natcha, the former “succcessful” minister of the Yingluck era …


“The government should not consider retirement visitors as Thailand’s main direction, the country should focus more on potential visitors including business visitors.”


Smart idea: business visitors !  ????

As if you first select the destinations for your business trips

and then check, if there is a business need or business opportunity there.


But wait ! 

If you want so sell out Thailand to your Chinese friends (a small commission would not necessarily be rejected),

you could perhaps create a business opportunity for those business visitors.



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3 hours ago, teelac777 said:

Thailand was 9th last year and was regularly in the top 10 globally until this year. 

Yeah, not being in the top 10 is significant.


People can find the full list in this link:

Best Places to Retire in 2022: The Annual Global Retirement Index (internationalliving.com)



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