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Murder of Brit in Kanchanaburi: Injured friend sitting up in hospital gets Facebook well wishers


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8 minutes ago, Black Angus said:

Drink 4am in the morning SAYS it All. There; s an old Saying "Live and let Live", and also have,  Respect for Others.

It doesn’t SAY anything !...  


You have viewed this from your own perspective and  ‘projected’ the issue that if you were awake at 4am and having a drink you would be behaving disrespectfully to others - Thats on you, not someone else. 



I’m regularly awake at 4am (with our without drink)....    Respect is respect....  just because someone is awake at 4am and having a drink in no manner or form implies any disrespect for others. 



People still ‘want to believe’ that there was such a degree of repetitive and outrageously antisocial behaviour every night that was so awful it triggered a nice Thai gentleman to snap and turn to murder without any warning at all..... 


Meanwhile it has been repeated numerous times - other residents in the hear could not hear music or loud voices. 







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18 hours ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Ah. I've been here about the same and am 45. My Thai wife and I want to go back to the States in a couple more years. Still waiting for things to settle down over there.


We still have about 20 years to work, me in teaching, and her with hospitality experience that'd go a long way, and is in dire need there. 500-800 baht an hour there, vs. 500 baht a day here if she's lucky. Also retirement and other benefits we wouldn't get here. The longer we stay is wasted money. True, we'd be going back to a higher cost of living, tho this can be mitigated by not living near the coasts.


This is on topic, it's obviously time to rethink one's long term plans here with foreigners being murdered, which by the looks of things may be condoned. Do let us know how this affects that incoming queue of QUALITY TOURISTS, Amazing Thailand.

It seems to me that your plan to move back has deeper roots, nothing to do with the thread. If murder rate was your concern, or injustice by race, then it s strange that the US is your dream destination. This said, we all often think about our future in Thailand as opposed to other places. The fact is that you cannot really make a plus-minus list sitting on a couch, you have to experience life for a few years in another country before assessing it. For me, my conclusion is that overall life in Thailand is good, of course not every aspect.

The fact that (judging from what I read, I could be wrong) two loud disrespectful farangs were attacked by a guy with obvious problems and one of them died is a shame, but does not change my life choices.

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5 hours ago, Ginner said:

I agree with you, no excuse for the murder or injuries, but they were asked to turn it down and they chose to ignore it. Another instance which happened to me and my wife. our Thai neighbors would every night for 3/4 months till the early hours ( 2am/ 3am) play loud music, get drunk and quiet often fight amongst themselves. Other Thai people would complain to each other, but not the culprits. One night about 2am they were partying and out of the blue one of them started banging on our gate and shouting "<deleted> you Falang"! ( a few of the other were trying to stop him) anyway the next day my wife told the owner of the house we were moving and why. 1 hour later 5  guys came to the neighbor's house with two police officers. the people were told to move out that day, apologies to my wife and I and told if you come back or threaten the falang you will go to prison. What we didn't know was the owner of our house is the daughter of the governor of Phathumtani

So the moral of the story is, don't rent a house unless the owner is related to the province's  governor?  ???? ????


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45 minutes ago, Ginner said:

No! The Moral is: In Thailand it's better to behave if you're a quest in THEIR country. Behave and this kind of <deleted> won't happen.

But in your story, you were behaving but the drunk Thai neighbours were banging on your gate and shouting insults at you. ???? So that cannot be the moral of your story?



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On 1/25/2022 at 8:42 AM, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Ah. I've been here about the same and am 45. My Thai wife and I want to go back to the States in a couple more years. Still waiting for things to settle down over there.


We still have about 20 years to work, me in teaching, and her with hospitality experience that'd go a long way, and is in dire need there. 500-800 baht an hour there, vs. 500 baht a day here if she's lucky. Also retirement and other benefits we wouldn't get here. The longer we stay is wasted money. True, we'd be going back to a higher cost of living, tho this can be mitigated by not living near the coasts.


This is on topic, it's obviously time to rethink one's long term plans here with foreigners being murdered, which by the looks of things may be condoned. Do let us know how this affects that incoming queue of QUALITY TOURISTS, Amazing Thailand.

So many Thai wives with "hospitality experience" but what can they do in the USA.


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20 hours ago, arithai12 said:

It seems to me that your plan to move back has deeper roots, nothing to do with the thread. If murder rate was your concern, or injustice by race, then it s strange that the US is your dream destination. This said, we all often think about our future in Thailand as opposed to other places. The fact is that you cannot really make a plus-minus list sitting on a couch, you have to experience life for a few years in another country before assessing it. For me, my conclusion is that overall life in Thailand is good, of course not every aspect.

The fact that (judging from what I read, I could be wrong) two loud disrespectful farangs were attacked by a guy with obvious problems and one of them died is a shame, but does not change my life choices.

I want to get back to Thailand to see my days out. I came here to OZ almost 2 years ago to get a new PP and visa plus a short break but got stranded with Covid regulations, although i am lucky to an extent as i developed some medical problems (cancer) which are now solved, thanks to the free Aussie health system.

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On 1/25/2022 at 10:39 PM, richard_smith237 said:

It doesn’t SAY anything !...  


You have viewed this from your own perspective and  ‘projected’ the issue that if you were awake at 4am and having a drink you would be behaving disrespectfully to others - Thats on you, not someone else. 



I’m regularly awake at 4am (with our without drink)....    Respect is respect....  just because someone is awake at 4am and having a drink in no manner or form implies any disrespect for others. 



People still ‘want to believe’ that there was such a degree of repetitive and outrageously antisocial behaviour every night that was so awful it triggered a nice Thai gentleman to snap and turn to murder without any warning at all..... 


Meanwhile it has been repeated numerous times - other residents in the hear could not hear music or loud voices. 







Correct - sounds like another bigoted tee totaller that would like to blame the incident on alcohol rather than the perpetrator of the crime!

Edited by sambum
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23 minutes ago, thaiman said:

If you provoke rattlesnakes then you increase the likelihood of being bitten.  Thailand is loaded with 'rattlesnakes'.   Those of us in Thailand know that Thais rarely attack unless provoked.


The information that is lacking in this incident is, "why did the perpetrator attack and kill?"  We need to hear his side of the story as to why he committed this horrendous crime.  Was he provoked?  Was he angry?  Is he insane?

"Thai rarely attack unless provoked" How do you define "provoked"? If talking loudly at 4 am is provocation, then you're probably right. (Because none of the othet neighbours interviewed said anything about loud music being played) And we also know that Thais are  often the masters of over reaction due to the importance attached to "losing face". I have read many times of people being severely injured or even killed for the most trivial of reasons - i.e. getting shot for parking in somebody else's "regular" parking space, as I mentioned yesterday.


However, I think (without knowing the details) that the answers to  your questions are yes, yes, and yes in that order!

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8 minutes ago, transam said:

I said, go read the thread heading again, the thread isn't about the deceased guy....????

Please pay attention...????

A person doesn't have to be dead to be the victim of somebody's disregard for human life - and your sarcastic comment about "paying attention" would imply that the same has been said to you by your teachers many times, probably explains why you are easily confused!  

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4 minutes ago, sambum said:

A person doesn't have to be dead to be the victim of somebody's disregard for human life - and your sarcastic comment about "paying attention" would imply that the same has been said to you by your teachers many times, probably explains why you are easily confused!  

Go back and read what this thread is about, then come back to me....

You are also making assumptions, they are not fact.....????

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On 1/24/2022 at 9:22 PM, LiamB80 said:

I can already see it in the news clippings, the Thai murderer is being coddled, one police officer had his arm around him during questioning as if to comfort him. The poor Thai with mental health problems couldn’t control himself and was pushed to the edge by the foreigner being disrespectful to all things Thai is the narrative they’re pushing. It’s almost like they’re treating the murderer as a hero.

I think there is more to this then poor people attacked. Why were they drinking outside until 4am when drinking is a bit of a no no at moment? What where they doing? Having a quiet drink? And do agree with all other comments but let’s understand everything first

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Mental health must be impaired because he laboriously used a sickle to murder a farang instead of the more traditional 9mm pistol. He should carted off to a loony bin and they can downplay the impact on tourism as just an isolated mental health issue.

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I was not far away when it happened,i was told by a Thai that the victim and the killer

had issues before.

Now it makes a lot more sense.

The straw that broke the camels back.

I certainly do not condone it but it looks like hatred slowly building up until there was a point of no return.


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9 hours ago, thaiman said:

If you provoke rattlesnakes then you increase the likelihood of being bitten.  Thailand is loaded with 'rattlesnakes'.   Those of us in Thailand know that Thais rarely attack unless provoked.


The information that is lacking in this incident is, "why did the perpetrator attack and kill?"  We need to hear his side of the story as to why he committed this horrendous crime.  Was he provoked?  Was he angry?  Is he insane?

Whatever the reason,it definitely does not warrant trying to cut someone's head off !

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8 hours ago, sambum said:

"Thai rarely attack unless provoked" How do you define "provoked"? If talking loudly at 4 am is provocation, then you're probably right. (Because none of the othet neighbours interviewed said anything about loud music being played) And we also know that Thais are  often the masters of over reaction due to the importance attached to "losing face". I have read many times of people being severely injured or even killed for the most trivial of reasons - i.e. getting shot for parking in somebody else's "regular" parking space, as I mentioned yesterday.


However, I think (without knowing the details) that the answers to  your questions are yes, yes, and yes in that order!

Talking loudly, in the early hours of the morning with people trying to sleep in rooms built to Thai construction standards, i.e. paper thin walls, is sure to upset someone. As for the other farang neighbours sleeping, they were probably drunk and crashed out when they hit their rooms.  :drunk:


However, air conditioning and fans do help drowning out the noise somewhat.




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10 hours ago, sambum said:

Correct - sounds like another bigoted tee totaller that would like to blame the incident on alcohol rather than the perpetrator of the crime!

Alcohol  lowers inhibitions and leads  to anti social  behaviour sometimes. At 3am in a small community, outside, possibly rowdy, bottles of beer, old men rocking like teens, music through small but very powerful digital speakers might draw unwanted attention. Have all parties been tested for drugs such as speed, ice, ya bah, coke, meth etc? Where do two old men get the energy to party till 3 30 am?

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On 1/25/2022 at 12:39 AM, roo860 said:

You're familiar with the place they live? Suprised you haven't mentioned he's got tattoos, so must be low life.

I'll return,after almost two years due to covid, to Soi Sri Lanka.

Whilst I've been away the dump has been regularly cleaned.

Whilst I'm there it is cleaned daily and topped out twice weekly.


Neighbours and friends of neighbours pop in regularly and sweep and clean, make me a coffee and just do the community thing.

I find it ideal for my needs, size wise and comfort wise.


Another post on this forum described the properties as one room dumps.

A semi outdoor kitchen, large bedroom, wet room with European style fittings and a reasonable size front room isn't a 1 room hovel.

Well not in my experience. 

Most foreigners who stay there are generally 2 or 3 times a year visitors spending 4 or 5 months of the year in them.

If I am to fully locate to Thailand I may well upside.

But as its not a dump and its community spirit is still alive and kicking, I doubt it.

But each to his own, one man's hovel is anothers castle.

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On 1/25/2022 at 3:02 AM, ChaiyaTH said:

Mental health checks, not to treat the murderer but only to hope and get away with a lower sentencing. I'd be following up the rest of my life if this happened to one of my friends here, the guy would never get a day of rest if getting away with easy jail sentence.


Yet we all know that killers here walk free within just a few years while someone who used drugs can be in for life. However would a farang been the killer; 20-30 years behind bars.


This country start to disgust me more and more. If I only could bring my child abroad, i'd been gone.

So true so so true let’s hope this creature suffers really bad get a bashing everyday as if this was my friend who had his life cut short I would not be happy until this vile creature got the same 

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If you’ve done any research at all before moving here you’ll know that foreigners are barely tolerated for their money and much less so outside the farang ghettos. Furthermore, the value of life doesn’t matter much here, nor are the consequences steep for committing it, and so the gateway to deadly violence is more accessible. Couple that with a lack of education, lack of teaching about individual introspection or reflection, and you have a lot of people that go from 0-100 if they feel slighted with nothing in between.


Alongside these realities is that culturally, conflict here doesn’t have a slow and cinematic escalation as it does in the west. There is only a small window of time between a perceived insult and vicious violence. There is no gradually build up with shouting and posturing.


I can guarantee these men lived here completely ignorant of these cultural ideas and treated the place like their colony and, in the context of this story, the neighborhood like it was just another pub where they could shout and bellow and listen to loud music without offense. Their solipsism cost them. I would never play loud music outside anywhere in Thailand unless of course it was already sanctioned. 

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