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Vitamin D Prevents Serious Illness and Death from Covid?


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According to The Times of Israel, Vitamin D is powerfully effective against death or serious illness from Covid. It says doctors can predict with a very high levell of confidence how well a patient will do based on the level of vitamin D in their blood. The one curious thing I noticed in the article is that while it discusses Vitamin D as a supplement, no mention is made of the fact that your body can manufacture it when exposed to sunlight.

Israeli study offers strongest proof yet of vitamin D’s power to fight COVID

Bolstering previous research, scientists publish ‘remarkable’ data showing strong link between vitamin deficiency, prevalent in Israel, and death or serious illness among patients


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5 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Well, maybe it's difficult to get enough Vitamin D in your bloodstream merely by sunbathing? Clearly, the question should have been addressed. But  anyway, whether it's through sunbathing, or as a cheap supplement, it's very good news. As for Pfizer or other vaccine manufacturers working to discredit the study, got any more conspiracy theories to share with us?

There was minimal media coverage on this back in late 2020.


I began "work from home" in March 2020. Very afraid of contracting Covid. Ordered all my supplies and food from Amazon. Truly, stepped outside on either front or back porch maybe 4 times in three months. I wasn't going to contract the virus and die. A bit of a freak when it comes to thing like this.


Through Zoom meetings, my coworkers knew I was only staying indoors. Received a call one day, "go outside, you need vitamin D from the sun, if you don't and contract the virus then you will have a lesser chance of fighting it". In my mind this meant that if I went outside I would die, If I stayed inside I would die. Funny. Have yet to contract the virus and I'm deficient on Vitamin D. The things we believe.

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Its not so simple as to say get sun.


There are various factors.


Skin color


Location on earth, season, intensity of sun


Amount of skin exposed


Old age inhibits absorption


Obesity inhibits absorption


Various chronic medical conditions / inhibit absorption


If you're clinically D deficient you should definitely supplement and thats for overall health not only Covid


If you don't know then you have a decision to make.


If you supplement 4k IU daily or more you should also take Vitamon K. 2K don't bother.


D toxicicity is very rare and would only happen at absurdly high levels much much  higher than 10k IU daily so don't worry about that.


D is not instead of vaccines. Its in addition to vaccines.


This isn't really news. The big question that I have is why public health authorities globally haven't embraced this.

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On 2/5/2022 at 2:25 AM, Jingthing said:

Its not so simple as to say get sun.


There are various factors.


Skin color


Location on earth, season, intensity of sun


Amount of skin exposed


Old age inhibits absorption


Obesity inhibits absorption


Various chronic medical conditions / inhibit absorption


If you're clinically D deficient you should definitely supplement and thats for overall health not only Covid


If you don't know then you have a decision to make.


If you supplement 4k IU daily or more you should also take Vitamon K. 2K don't bother.


D toxicicity is very rare and would only happen at absurdly high levels much much  higher than 10k IU daily so don't worry about that.


D is not instead of vaccines. Its in addition to vaccines.


This isn't really news. The big question that I have is why public health authorities globally haven't embraced this.

I think it is being covered by a lot of medical professionals in practice, but extreme care needs to be taken when touting things to the public.  You mentioned that toxicity is rare and would only at absurdly high levels,  we seem to have an abundance of absurd people who would likely soon show us what the real limits are for toxicity. 


It's anecdotal, but I know quite a few people in the US that are taking a small dose of vitamin D on the advice of their doctor. 


Vitamin D deficiency is quite common.  In the US, it's about 41% of the population that is deficient, with Blacks leading the group, followed by Hispanics.   That's a pretty big chunk of people.  


Now is not a good time to be deficient.

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18 minutes ago, Scott said:

I think it is being covered by a lot of medical professionals in practice, but extreme care needs to be taken when touting things to the public.  You mentioned that toxicity is rare and would only at absurdly high levels,  we seem to have an abundance of absurd people who would likely soon show us what the real limits are for toxicity. 


It's anecdotal, but I know quite a few people in the US that are taking a small dose of vitamin D on the advice of their doctor. 


Vitamin D deficiency is quite common.  In the US, it's about 41% of the population that is deficient, with Blacks leading the group, followed by Hispanics.   That's a pretty big chunk of people.  


Now is not a good time to be deficient.

I agree. On my last checkup, my doctor noted that I was a bit low on vitamin D and advised me to take a vitamin D supplement of 4,000 IUs every day. No mention of Covid - just generally a good idea to not have a vitamin D deficiency.  Vitamin D supplement pills are cheap and easy.

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2 hours ago, placeholder said:

Well, maybe it's difficult to get enough Vitamin D in your bloodstream merely by sunbathing? Clearly, the question should have been addressed. But  anyway, whether it's through sunbathing, or as a cheap supplement, it's very good news. As for Pfizer or other vaccine manufacturers working to discredit the study, got any more conspiracy theories to share with us?

So long as you're in a sunny part of the world, you get a lot more vitamin D from the sun that you do from the "standard" vitamin D supplement of 1000 IU. Half an hour in the midday sun might get you 10 or 20 times that - although there are many variables such as time of year, your skin type etc. Some people supplement with higher doses of course with Fauci on record as saying he takes 6000 IU of vitamin D per day.


For me personally, I spend a lot of time in the sun. I've never had my vitamin D levels tested but they would be high for sure. I do it because I like to be outside and find sunbathing to to be relaxing. Long before Covid came along I had read about the benefits of high vitamin D levels. If it does offer some protection against serious illness from Covid, all the better.



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4 hours ago, mstevens said:

So a lot of sunbathing or merely time in the sun might offer a good deal pf protection, perhaps even similar protection to the vaccines? Pfizer et al will absolutely hate this and do everything they can to discredit this study....

They won't have to discredit it at all.  From that article.  Makes sense:



The study is based on research conducted during Israel’s first two waves of the virus, before vaccines were widely available, and doctors emphasized that vitamin supplements were not a substitute for vaccines, but rather a way to keep immunity levels from falling.


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This explains why D toxicity from supplement overdose is so rare.




A typical dose is 500 to 10,000 IU with most people taking 5,000 IU or less. This link talks of toxicity with a 60,000 IU daily dose. You'd have to be crazy to take a daily dose that high unless told by a doctor to do a very short term boost to quickly reverse deficiency.


On the other hand I would assert the typical government recommended doses are way too low and basically useless if you're not getting sun.


Also if you choose to dose with 4,000 IU and up do consider adding K as well to help.with the use of calcium. 

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On 2/5/2022 at 2:08 AM, Nino3 said:

There was minimal media coverage on this back in late 2020.


I began "work from home" in March 2020. Very afraid of contracting Covid. Ordered all my supplies and food from Amazon. Truly, stepped outside on either front or back porch maybe 4 times in three months. I wasn't going to contract the virus and die. A bit of a freak when it comes to thing like this.


Through Zoom meetings, my coworkers knew I was only staying indoors. Received a call one day, "go outside, you need vitamin D from the sun, if you don't and contract the virus then you will have a lesser chance of fighting it". In my mind this meant that if I went outside I would die, If I stayed inside I would die. Funny. Have yet to contract the virus and I'm deficient on Vitamin D. The things we believe.

Anecdotal rubbish!

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Mid 2020 my Dr put me on 40,000 units Vitamin D   1x a week.  as medical conditions = cannot have the Covid Vaccine .... 


Do go out and about 2 or 3 times a week + everyday have things to to in the garden so get about 2 hours of sun per day...  So far so good.

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8 minutes ago, ignis said:

Mid 2020 my Dr put me on 40,000 units Vitamin D   1x a week.  as medical conditions = cannot have the Covid Vaccine .... 


Do go out and about 2 or 3 times a week + everyday have things to to in the garden so get about 2 hours of sun per day...  So far so good.

Glad it worked for you!  But definitely not an alternative to the vaccine.

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1 hour ago, crouchpeter said:

Anecdotal rubbish!

Please elaborate.


You realize this was my personal account of my mindset and actions at the time. I have yet to identify where I may have cited reliable medical or scientific evidence.


So yes, it is anecdotal but why rubbish.

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Additional information.
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1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

Glad it worked for you!  But definitely not an alternative to the vaccine.

Well he didn't have that as a good option.

Anti vaxxers should be dissed till the cows come home but people that shouldn't be vaccinated for legit medical reasons deserve great respect and understanding.

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Around the time Covid first came to note here in Thailand, our who we call 'the Family Doctor' and my wife has attended for many many years and me for at least eighteen to nineteen years ... told us quite firmly, wash your hands frequently and take Vit D.  Since that date each of us have taken one Calciferol Capsules Vitamin D 20,000units every Monday morning without fail. Get them from our local hospital for just a few baht each.


We do play a lot of golf so do see the sun quite often ....


As far as we know we haven't experience Covid first hand. Has taking Vit D helped ... I don't know but ..... 

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On 2/5/2022 at 8:14 AM, Oxx said:

The title "Vitamin D Prevents Serious Illness and Death from Covid?" completely misrepresents the research.  The research shows that if people are seriously deficient in vitamin D, then they are more susceptible to Covid.  Apparently vitamin D deficiency is widespread in the Middle East.  I suspect that if they'd looked at people deficient in all the important vitamins from A to Z they'd have found similar results.


In short:  if you have a normal, balanced diet, then there is no additional benefit in taking vitamin D supplements.  Keep the vitamin D pills for the malnourished.

Actually its very difficult to get enough D from DIET alone! You might be thinking of other vitamins. D is more like a hormone.

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On 2/5/2022 at 3:19 AM, DrDave said:

I agree. On my last checkup, my doctor noted that I was a bit low on vitamin D and advised me to take a vitamin D supplement of 4,000 IUs every day. No mention of Covid - just generally a good idea to not have a vitamin D deficiency.  Vitamin D supplement pills are cheap and easy.

How exactly, did doc note that ?  Blood test or simply looking a bit vampire-ish ?


Living in Thailand, not sure why anyone would need Vit D supplements.  Unless you go to work before sunrise and finish after sunset, along with being indoors all 'day' on your off time.


I take the dog to the park and / or surf, AM & PM (sun still out), probably walk less than 1 km each outing.  Do ride the scooter to/from, all of 5-10 mins, maybe cruise the surfside road, another 10 mins, ya know, just to make sure it's still there ... hate to be one of those living surfside and never go to.


I'm not a hot weather person, and a LPOS, so very minimal effort.


Oh yea, as with all supplements, be careful, especially if on daily meds, as excess vit D will interact with some meds, and especially the kind some of you older folks are taking.  If not consulting your doc, at least take a peek at Dr Google.


Vit D supps ... really ... ????


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26 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

How exactly, did doc note that ?  Blood test or simply looking a bit vampire-ish ?


Living in Thailand, not sure why anyone would need Vit D supplements.  Unless you go to work before sunrise and finish after sunset, along with being indoors all 'day' on your off time.


I take the dog to the park and / or surf, AM & PM (sun still out), probably walk less than 1 km each outing.  Do ride the scooter to/from, all of 5-10 mins, maybe cruise the surfside road, another 10 mins, ya know, just to make sure it's still there ... hate to be one of those living surfside and never go to.


I'm not a hot weather person, and a LPOS, so very minimal effort.


Oh yea, as with all supplements, be careful, especially if on daily meds, as excess vit D will interact with some meds, and especially the kind some of you older folks are taking.  If not consulting your doc, at least take a peek at Dr Google.


Vit D supps ... really ... ????


Not everyone is you.

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10 minutes ago, ignis said:

My Dr says doses every day is NOT  effective, .. a larger dose 1 x a week is far more  effective.


No idea my Dr is a older man a Professor @ Chula Hospital, I just do what he advises

Up to you.

Doctors have been known to be wrong or not up to date on scientific studies.

In my knowledge very large doses are typically used to quickly address diagnosed deficiency but then not. 20k IU of course is not a high dose if taken weekly.


Recently a doctor sold me pills for another condition. I went home and two minutes of research showed they were very contradicted for me personally. Indeed dangerous. I really don't blindly trust doctors in.general but even more so in Thailand.

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It's important that children get enough exposure to sunlight to help them produce vitamin D.


Going back to the 1930s in America, baby cages were used.




We should probably bring them back.


More pictures of baby cages at https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/history-baby-cage-1934-1948/

Edited by Oxx
Added more pictures link.
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16 hours ago, ignis said:

My Dr says doses every day is NOT  effective, .. a larger dose 1 x a week is far more  effective.


No idea my Dr is a older man a Professor @ Chula Hospital, I just do what he advises

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and your body is able to store it.  I don't know if it makes much difference whether you take a larger dose once a week or a smaller dose daily. 


I'd tend to stick with what he recommends and double check with him when you have your next appointment.  

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I followed various studies since the pandemic started and several mentioned high doses of D vitamin and Zink, could be a good supplement.


Not to protect against covid, but it could possibly help some people against severe illness.

So i took high doses of vitamin D and added Zink early on before the vaccines were available and after i got my shots i stopped eating Zink and D vitamin.


Now i just take some D vitamins, to get some D vitamins in the dark winter period, and not so much for protection against illness if i get covid.


Haven't gotten covid yet so no idea if pills would have helped me out or not.


I work in the pharmaceutical industry so I'm critical when I'm reading about studies.

There are a lot of "studies" out there, that fits better inside the  magazines at the hairdresser.


But thankfully it's hard to get an overdose of D vitamin, so even if it didn't work against covid if i had gotten it, it didn't hurt since i needed D vitamins after all.


Only had 1 trip to to Koh Chang and 1 trip to Tenerife in 2 years so my body screams for D vitamin here in dark cold climate.


When i go through articles i look at which stuff they recommend and if it's vitamins etc that your body normally need and are very hard to overdose, then it's only money you lose when you buy them, but when articles recommend all sorts of weird <deleted> , i just stop reading.


It's crazy when you think about what kind of stuff people digested during these 2 years to protect against covid.

Some sadly died of it too.


So be critical, and do your research before buying all sorts of weird things.

If it does not harm your body and hard to overdose from, then it's only money you lose if it turns out to be useless against covid.



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