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DICKENS: Tale of Two Cities… Would you take the rap for the BF of a girl you loved, even if it meant having your GF fall into the arms of the man you secretly despised?

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My Dear Friends,


One of the greatest yarns, bar none, is The Tale of Two Cities.  And whom among us has not wondered what we might do if we were in the sticky-wickety position of a man who considered losing his head, literally, in order to have the love of his life able to bed down with another man, a man not so noble as he?


The reason I mention this, here, at this particular time, is that I have recently read a very interesting story in the news, as has also been reported on this noble forum.


In my opinion, this story will continue to get some traction, and this story might become even more interesting as time goes by.


Doubtless, you know, I am not one who appreciates tattooed trailer trash, and who knows what trailer trash means, anyway, like porn, unless you see it, and recognize it.  The antithesis of trailer trash, I guess, must just be a feeling about people who are more caring for others, people who have benefited from a bit of education, and not the dregs of society, and also not the Rascals in Paradise.


As you know, I am a REALLY Old Guy, and I would say that I have no sympathy for most views expressed, so stupidly, on social media.


And, for those who become influenced by stupid and insipid social media, then, these are the ones who end up clueless about what is morally correct in life, things that can provide stability and contentment and some smidgeon of understanding about the meaning of life, if that is not even an oxymoron.


So, anyway, without making this post overly long….


Again, I just wish to caution parents of young women, to teach their children well. In this, I am sure that Nancy would agree with me….for SURE.


Children need guidance, these days, even up until age 22, like no other days, before.


The social media which we all talk about is a potent force which can lead young women into behavior which they will very much regret, when things turn bad, for the rest of their lives.


Tinder is complete nonsense, and a platform which is not suitable for any young woman, for sure.  I do believe this.  And, so do you, I would guess.  Tinder is a platform which is feeding upon our youth, I think.


There are young women, just young girls, in fact, which go on social media and then get in way over their heads, simply because they have not been provided with the tools necessary in order to protect themselves.


Am I making sense?


What I am talking about is INNOCULATION Theory in order to protect young women in this day and age.


My Dear Friends, I know that most of you believe me to be an unthinking imbecile…right?  And, in most cases, you would be completely accurate in your assessment.


But, let’s take this Inoculation Theory, which I mention, which, probably, most of you have not heard about, and look at it more closely:




What I am saying is that….We need to teach our young women well, when they are young.  And, we need to provide them with the skills that might protect them from entering into toxic relationships on social media which might destroy their young lives.


Sorry for posting this post which, I think, is not drivel.


I feel sorry for women, both young and old, who are taken in by hucksters.


Such a sad thing for them and their families, I imagine.


And, I do not know why I care about this so much, except that…. truly, for a young woman to be taken in as a result of the mere naivete of her youth, and then to pay a huge price, is just so very sad.

Predatory behavior is central to our natural world….and also natural to Rascals in Paradise, too.


There are predators in our world, and they prey on the naïve, and often do not pay the price for this.



Predators need justice dealt swiftly and hard.


I hope that all men who prey on women get what they deserve, and they get it good and hard, and fast.




Note: There is something similar, in the Bothers K. where a man of wealth has the opportunity to prey upon a young and vulnerable woman, as you know. But, in the end, he does not act on his baser instinct. Or, maybe I got it mixed up, and it was the book, Dr. Zhivago…


Note2: Years ago, we thought that young women should be protected, and not preyed upon. But, these days, maybe, we are not so meticulous in recognizing the fact that our women should be protected from harm, and also from themselves, on social media.

  • Confused 3
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Young women with stars in their eyes, girls who romanticize and dream, need to be protected from predators. 


There are many Rascals in Paradise here, and the young naïve women who arrive from small towns need guidance and protection.


Or, maybe, the lives lost are not important?


Statistically speaking, the lives lost are insignificant?


(I think not.)

  • Sad 2
50 minutes ago, FalangKino said:


I was speaking of girls like Marjorie Morningstar, of course.


Girls with stars in their eyes who are not careful enough about the men they meet, especially the slightly older men, who end up doing them more harm then good.


Read a book, or two, maybe read a book by Herman Wouk, for example.


Read Dostoevsky about power, for example.


And then, you need not post a single word....."What?"

  • Confused 2
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Anyway, back to the beginning of this topic, which begs the question:


IF it meant giving up your own life, for the good of a young child, and her freedom, then would you turn yourself in, just to save a younger life?


And, by giving up your own life, then would you not receive redemption in the eyes of the world?


Reading between the lines here, which discusses a topic that has already been posted on TV in recent months, what do you think?


Should the tattooed predator give himself up to the powers that be, in order to do justice by the very young woman, almost a child, who may have been negatively influenced by the very much older Queequeg with the beautiful tattoos, and his boxing gloves?


 In the end, there is no way that a young woman of 19 is any match for a man of 30.


And yet, both of them were pictured in a boxing ring with gloves on, as can be seen from a photo floating around the internet.


This mismatch is just not fair.


Time for Queegueg to turn himself in.

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1 minute ago, Victornoir said:

Young girls must confront human reality in order learning to master it. Find your way, quickly identify dangers, increase your knowledge, form a circle of safe, friendly and supportive people...

Most do so in our educated societies with fantastic progress lately. There is no doubt that the model will gradually spread with in corollary the unanimous condemnation of predatory behavior.

Young girls, just as young boys, require guidance in order to mature into fine young adults.


Young people, age 19, are not yet adults.


Everybody knows this, for sure.


And, older men who take advantage of these very young people are predators.


Men such as these should be sent to the guillotine, 



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Personally, I find this topic extremely depressing, and I have dwelled upon it for several days, just trying to make sense of the devastation caused, obviously, to the family involved.


BUT, on a far more optimistic topic, can we now shift to thinking about ways in which young children can become encouraged in order to pursue more fruitful pursuits, rather than FASHION, FAME, and FUTILITY?




Here, I would like to suggest one of the most amazing things I have ever seen during the time I have existed on Earth.


And, I would suggest that young people of age 11 to 19 should become more engaged in science such as this.... rather than becoming enthralled with tattooed men of ill repute.




Here you have an image of the same star which was imaged from the WEBB.


This is an amazing thing, since the Webb is now in the process of being "tuned" so that this star image will, once the telescope has been rectified, be just one single beautiful image.


It's going to be GREAT.


And, we have waited so long for this.


Many people have devoted their careers to this, in fact.


SUCH TRUE BEAUTY, and such a great thing to work toward.


Therefore, truly, and comparatively speaking, for a woman to waste her life making biscuits, seems such a tragic waste of a seemingly gifted person. Especially since, seems obviously the case, that she could have done much better, rather than to engage with a man who was nothing more than a lesser shadow of the great Queequeg.


Go for the stars, is the best advice for young women.


And, for young women, one's best advice might be to steer clear of men who are old, and who are tattooed with lions on their chests.


Such a sad state of affairs for one family.


Still, despite this sadness, there are so many children and young adults, just at this very moment, who are avidly watching the progress of the Jack Webb Observatory.


Let us hope that everything goes well.







  • Sad 1
2 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I was speaking of girls like Marjorie Morningstar, of course.


Girls with stars in their eyes who are not careful enough about the men they meet, especially the slightly older men, who end up doing them more harm then good.


Read a book, or two, maybe read a book by Herman Wouk, for example.


Read Dostoevsky about power, for example.


And then, you need not post a single word....."What?"


  • Haha 2

One of the things I do not understand is why parents do not encourage their children, from a very early age, to watch extremely simple lectures such as this....



Maybe, if they did, then their children would be far happier.


Maybe, if they did, then their children would be less focused on fashion, FB, cosmetics, and less easily influenced by peer pressure towards the pursuit of the vacuous lifestyle.


The study of Physics is great for all young women, at an early age.


F = ma


The most beautiful equation.

  • Sad 1

I have some friends who have a girl of 15 who is in second year of high school, a year or two ahead of others.  Guys trying to sell her pot, boozing, all that. She is not stupid, just starry-eyed and getting sucked into it.  Unfortunately for her, she's quite attractive. 

23 minutes ago, Damrongsak said:

I have some friends who have a girl of 15 who is in second year of high school, a year or two ahead of others.  Guys trying to sell her pot, boozing, all that. She is not stupid, just starry-eyed and getting sucked into it.  Unfortunately for her, she's quite attractive. 

Science is FAR BETTER than Sex. 

Take my word for it.

Please let her know, too.


I never got an STD from the study of science.

Only pleasure, and no pain.

  • Sad 1

Very often both the boy and the girl are both young, yet together they make naive decisions.


When I first moved to Thailand I was 20 and the girl, love of my life I guess, too. Then a silly boozed up Thai guy let her make bad decisions while I was back home a few months, then she got pregnant and short after he obviously left. 

She then decided to work in Singapore as a flower girl to make up for the money needed and eventually returned, we met again, even I didn't want her back at first due to already having a child and having chosen a flower girl path instead of a teacher, I did tell her to do so. By then she was spoiled by the easy money and returned again, got hooked up with a drug dealer who is now in prison in Singapore for a possible dead penalty, but made her pregnant again a second time. Her life is now basically a even bigger nightmare.

Anyway, this has little to do with old guys preying on younger girls, and it can't be avoided by watching science videos either. Anyone young can make stupid decisions, and from my experience it happens often to those with very strict parents (her dad was a police).


Also sex and science are both just as good, it doesn't need to be one or another, silly.

  • Confused 1

In the end, so obviously, the Scientific Method should be applied to almost all of what we know, including governance, politics, and, what have you.


Not sure you know what the Scientific Method might be. 


And, since you do not, obviously, then for our future world....I feel sorry.


Again, I feel sorry for you....


I feel sorry for you for not learning what you should have learned so many decades ago, when you had the chance.


Now, it is too late.




Therefore, anything goes....


And, like Gatsby, we may die as he, shot in the back, while just floating in a beautiful pool, blissfully unaware.

  • Sad 1
4 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

Very often both the boy and the girl are both young, yet together they make naive decisions.


When I first moved to Thailand I was 20 and the girl, love of my life I guess, too. Then a silly boozed up Thai guy let her make bad decisions while I was back home a few months, then she got pregnant and short after he obviously left. 

She then decided to work in Singapore as a flower girl to make up for the money needed and eventually returned, we met again, even I didn't want her back at first due to already having a child and having chosen a flower girl path instead of a teacher, I did tell her to do so. By then she was spoiled by the easy money and returned again, got hooked up with a drug dealer who is now in prison in Singapore for a possible dead penalty, but made her pregnant again a second time. Her life is now basically a even bigger nightmare.

Anyway, this has little to do with old guys preying on younger girls, and it can't be avoided by watching science videos either. Anyone young can make stupid decisions, and from my experience it happens often to those with very strict parents (her dad was a police).


Also sex and science are both just as good, it doesn't need to be one or another, silly.

One only has one love of one's life, and one never forgets that one.

Feel for you, for sure.

Hope you are now over that one.

But, I doubt it.

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Children have always needed guidance but it is a rite of passage as teenagers to ignore one's elders. Rebellious youth it's what kids do. It's what we did when we were their age. It's what youngsters do nowadays and  will do in the future.

It is a part of growing up, how we learn, how we express ourselves, how we start to experience adulthood  

Some of the learning we as parents try to instill in our children we hope lodges in some dark recess of their brain to emerge blinking in the sunlight at some future point. 

The world is full of pitfalls, disappointments, traps, charlatans, predators, sexual or otherwise. Naturally we are fearful of our children being taken advantage of but credit them with some intelligence. Thankfully, most of them can think for themselves and can spot the cons and the lowlife.    

7 hours ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

He is a lunatic on my ignored list

Thanks , I forgot we can ignore members; I just registered Globule as ignored 

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6 minutes ago, orchis said:


Watson and Crick.

Whether or not they had sex, which is doubtful, they enjoyed a love-hate relationship for most of their lives.

Of course, they both hated Rosalind Franklin, but she was a woman.

  • Sad 1
7 minutes ago, Farmerslife said:

Children have always needed guidance but it is a rite of passage as teenagers to ignore one's elders. Rebellious youth it's what kids do. It's what we did when we were their age. It's what youngsters do nowadays and  will do in the future.

It is a part of growing up, how we learn, how we express ourselves, how we start to experience adulthood  

Some of the learning we as parents try to instill in our children we hope lodges in some dark recess of their brain to emerge blinking in the sunlight at some future point. 

The world is full of pitfalls, disappointments, traps, charlatans, predators, sexual or otherwise. Naturally we are fearful of our children being taken advantage of but credit them with some intelligence. Thankfully, most of them can think for themselves and can spot the cons and the lowlife.    

Your post is the best post of this year, so far.

Doubtful that your post will be improved upon, this year, or this decade, in my opinion.

  • Haha 1
3 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Watson and Crick.

Whether or not they had sex, which is doubtful, they enjoyed a love-hate relationship for most of their lives.

Of course, they both hated Rosalind Franklin, but she was a woman.

I'm sorry. I was raised by itinerant Farang Teachers here in Thailand who, mostly, pretend to teach.

  • Haha 1

OK, guys....


I had not meant to cause any consternation in my postings.


However, as you all fully well realize, even in the halls of pristine science, there is always contention and confrontation, and even underhandedness.


Here is a good example:


You guys all recall Rosalind Franklin, the sexy girl who loved X-rays and X-ray crystallography, right?




Well, to my way of thinking, Franklin was a heck of a woman.


But, Francis and Crick were so much in love with each other that they did not give Rosy the time of day, and then she died without getting her due.


You know, if I could go back to those days, I would have given her a hug and a kiss for what she did.


I feel so sorry for her that she died without recognition, and that she died long before her time.


Such a nice photo of Franklin.


This photo makes me feel sad in several ways.

  • Sad 1



3 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:



Surface tension.

  • Sad 1
12 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

My Dear Friends,


... without making this post overly long ...


Am I making sense? ...


I know that most of you believe me to be an unthinking imbecile…right?  And, in most cases, you would be completely accurate in your assessment ...


Sorry for posting this post which, I think, is not drivel.

At least you kept the post short, concise, completely devoid of drivel and it made complete sense.  Why would you suggest that anyone could think of you as an "unthinkable imbecile"?    That's unthinkable.

  • Haha 1
1 minute ago, Liverpool Lou said:

At least you kept the post short, concise, completely devoid of drivel and it made complete sense.  Why would you suggest that anyone could think of you as an "unthinkable imbecile"?    That's unthinkable.

Fortunately, for us, being Homo Sapiens, nothing is unthinkable, one might think.

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