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Assault on Kiev: Russian helicopters swoop above Ukraine's capital


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3 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

If that's OK with you, why don't that western countries give Ukraine fighter planes so they do what they want to create a no fly zone of their own. 

The US is not opposed to Poland giving Ukraine its old Russian fighter jets but it won't unless it can get replacements from the US which is problematic because of sensitive avionics aboard those aircraft.

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1 minute ago, Hummin said:

I would have been surprised if the Ukraine was willing to use a dirty bomb on their own land, unless they wanted to plot Russians connected to take over the nuclear plant, or use of tactical nuclear. 


So one of two, Russian propaganda or a potential constructed plot by Ukraina

Yeah it does sound a bit odd because Ukraine could blown up one of their nuke station that's dirty enough. 

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20 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Russian media cited an unnamed source on Sunday as saying that Ukraine was close to building a plutonium-based "dirty bomb" nuclear weapon, although the source cited no evidence.



The TASS, RIA and Interfax news agencies quoted "a representative of a competent body" in Russia on Sunday as saying Ukraine was developing nuclear weapons at the destroyed Chernobyl nuclear power plant that was shut down in 2000.


Hilarious, Chernobyl has been open to the Public for tours since 2011......lol


Tours inside ChNPP

A breathtaking trip to the place of the world-known nuclear disaster. 4,5 hours inside the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, walk around the ghost- town of Prypiat and other sites and locations of the Zone of your choice.



Is it safe to visit Chernobyl? — Green Tour Ukraine

Edited by Bkk Brian
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I well may have misunderstood the dirty bomb thing.

I was suggesting that IF Ukraine had real nukes that could be targeted at Moscow, Putin would have never have invaded in the first place.

Ukraine gave up lots of nukes in exchange for it's sovereign borders to be protected by both Russia and the west.

Seems a mistake now to trust Russia OR the west. 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Why not suggest that Russia stops bombing civilians adn gets out of Ukraine instead of making suggestions which would only provide Russia with a pretext to escalate it's war crimes?

Good question but we all know war criminal Putin won't stop.

His preference is probably full surrender without destroying the country.

But destroying the country will meet his goals too. 

Time is running out to save Ukraine. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

Good question but we all know war criminal Putin won't stop.

His preference is probably full surrender without destroying the country.

But destroying the country will meet his goals too. 

Time is running out to save Ukraine. 

I think Putin has painted himself into a corner now and is looking for a pretext to start a world war. He's a psychopath and knows he's a dead man walking either way.

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2 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

I think Putin has painted himself into a corner now and is looking for a pretext to start a world war. He's a psychopath and knows he's a dead man walking either way.

I'm afraid you might be right. 

It's like mass shooters expecting to die. 

They want to take as many people with them as possible. 

If this is the case, trying to reason with him is cruel joke. 

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3 minutes ago, Hummin said:

NATO is For its own members, Un is for the consensus led by the world leaders of behalf of all of us!

You have to remember 4,5 billion people on this world, is represented by those countries who voted in UN for not condemn Russia's invasion! 


Crazy? NB: I personally condem Putin's invasion! Just so you know once more! 

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24 minutes ago, Hummin said:

You have to remember 4,5 billion people on this world, is represented by those countries who voted in UN for not condemn Russia's invasion! 


Crazy? NB: I personally condem Putin's invasion! Just so you know once more! 

Not correct.


Five countries, including Russia, voted against the UN General Assembly directive.

North Korea, Belarus, Eritrea, Syria


If you take away Russia then thats a population count of only around 58 million that voted against the resolution

Edited by Bkk Brian
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6 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

Erdogan has been very quite since he said the black sea will closed to Russian warships but not really in that special forked tonged way he is the master of ????

Probably rethinking his bid to join the EU.


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22 minutes ago, farmerjo said:

Probably rethinking his bid to join the EU.


Doubt it, here's its statement to the UN after voting in favour of their directive:


“Thank you for convening this historic and urgent session, a session that was called because the Security Council once again failed to fulfill its primary responsibility, a session that was convened due to the unjustified, illegal, and illegitimate act of aggression against a founding member of the United Nations by a permanent member of the very organ entrusted...with preserving peace and security, a session that was held as a result of the use of veto power by the very member that is perpetrating this aggression. We reiterate that Russia’s ongoing military offensive against Ukraine violates the principles...on which this organization was founded, rules and principles that aim to prevent wars and protect mankind from disastrous consequences. 



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3 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Why not suggest that Russia stops bombing civilians adn gets out of Ukraine instead of making suggestions which would only provide Russia with a pretext to escalate it's war crimes?

I don't understand where your coming from your going around in circles Russia is already being accused of war crimes by the west so what's Putin got to lose by racking up the total. 

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25 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Not correct.


Five countries, including Russia, voted against the UN General Assembly directive.

North Korea, Belarus, Eritrea, Syria


If you take away Russia then thats a population count of only around 58 million that voted against the resolution

Sorry my mistake, 4,5 billion people represented by their 35 countries who had a silent vote + 5 countries who voted no!. Stand corrected.

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Such a terrible precedent set by the illegal invasion and destruction of Iraq.


Now Putin has his excuse and he gifts China an extra excuse to take Taiwan.


Everyone saying Putin is a madman with nukes, shame they weren't talking earlier.  So many years wasted instead of talking disarmament.

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56 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Doubt it, here's its statement to the UN after voting in favour of their directive:


“Thank you for convening this historic and urgent session, a session that was called because the Security Council once again failed to fulfill its primary responsibility, a session that was convened due to the unjustified, illegal, and illegitimate act of aggression against a founding member of the United Nations by a permanent member of the very organ entrusted...with preserving peace and security, a session that was held as a result of the use of veto power by the very member that is perpetrating this aggression. We reiterate that Russia’s ongoing military offensive against Ukraine violates the principles...on which this organization was founded, rules and principles that aim to prevent wars and protect mankind from disastrous consequences. 



Syria were not backward in coming forward with their response.  .

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