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Assault on Kiev: Russian helicopters swoop above Ukraine's capital


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25 minutes ago, Seppius said:

If you want to get the Russian view on the war in English , you can watch RT here, I can't believe the stuff they come out with.


It's also a good source for sport



What kind of sports, track runners?



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16 hours ago, kwonitoy said:

What is the Invaders equivalent to a Javelin, the main man portable tank killer? Do they even have one?

What is the Invaders equivalent to a TOW missile. Do they have any?

What anti tank weapons do the Invaders Have? 


Slava Ukraine


Strange post IMO. You do know that Russia flies into space, and has a large nuclear arsenal, don't you? If they can do that, making anti tank weapons isn't a problem.

The Ukrainians may find out that attacking a defensive line isn't as easy as picking off tanks driving along a road. In that situation, it's the attackers tanks that are exposed.


BTW, it isn't necessary to destroy the actual tank ( the Leopards and Abrams have excellent armour ), as all that is necessary is to destroy the tracks so they are immobilized, and prevent recovery by less well protected vehicles.

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12 hours ago, bannork said:

For the tanks to operate safely, the Ukrainians need to rule the skies. Hence fighter jets will be the next gift from the West.

Agree. However it takes longer to train a jet pilot than it does to train a tank crew on different equipment, so the war may be over before Ukrainian pilots are skilled enough to risk multi million $ planes.

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20 minutes ago, jvs said:

Try to keep up,Ukrainian pilots all ready in training for that .

Unless they started a year ago it might not make any difference.



Thus, trainee pilots will spend about 1.5 years, before being officially seated in the cockpit of the F-16 fighter for the first time.

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17 minutes ago, AndyFoxy said:

Tanks won’t change the course of the war. A Russian victory is inevitable 

I agree that the tanks won't change the course of the war. I've seen no expert on tv that claims they will.

Who wins depends on too many variables to know- if another Gorbachev took over from Putin, likely the Russians would withdraw.

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This is a very interesting video, a very pro Ukraine vlogger (ex Aussie army fought in Afghanistan) interviews at length an Aussie army volunteer fighting in Bahkmut - says the Ukraine's are losing the war slowly, the Russians are much smarter than we are being led to believe and there is a good chance they will 'win' the war.  Oh and the Russian casualty rate is being widely exaggerated and Ukrainians are taking much more. And there is massive corruption in the Ukrainian army that is denying front line troops vital equipment and they are having to buy some from Ukrainian black marketers effectively. Wagner are utterly ruthless but highly competent and very well armed, the prisoner conscripts are used as bait to expose Ukrainian positions and are very much more well equipped and have Chinese contractors helping them out. It's Vietnam all over again but without embedded western reporters. It sounds like a cry for help - ex mil guys will know whether this guy checks out but he sounds very legit to me.


He goes on to add that most of the foreign volunteers are aghast that the majority of the Ukrainian commanders are useless whereas the the troops are great.


Probably the most sobering front line account I have heard to date. The interviewee is intelligent, his thoughts are structured, and his assessment isn't based on bravado (unlike some others I've seen). The examples were numerous, and the overall picture consistent. This seems like one of the best interviews I've seen so far.




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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I agree that the tanks won't change the course of the war. I've seen no expert on tv that claims they will.

Who wins depends on too many variables to know- if another Gorbachev took over from Putin, likely the Russians would withdraw.

Boris Yeltsin would better


Thereafter he came to know Mikhail Gorbachev, then his counterpart in the city of Stavropol. After Gorbachev came to power, he chose Yeltsin in 1985 to clean out the corruption in the Moscow party organization and elevated him to the Politburo (as a nonvoting member) in 1986. As the mayor of Moscow (i.e., first secretary of Moscow’s Communist Party committee), Yeltsin proved an able and determined reformer



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39 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

Boris Yeltsin would better


Thereafter he came to know Mikhail Gorbachev, then his counterpart in the city of Stavropol. After Gorbachev came to power, he chose Yeltsin in 1985 to clean out the corruption in the Moscow party organization and elevated him to the Politburo (as a nonvoting member) in 1986. As the mayor of Moscow (i.e., first secretary of Moscow’s Communist Party committee), Yeltsin proved an able and determined reformer



He (BoYe) was quite determinated cleaner...

Yeltsin bomb.jpg

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22 minutes ago, bannork said:

A shame his voice is disguised, it makes it hard to listen to.

I like this video of yours, lamenting the loss of military life on both sides. Of course regarding civilian suffering - loss of life, homes, livelihoods, the suffering has all been one way, the Ukrainians.

What a stupid war, all due to one idiot's delusions of empire building.

Until he and his ilk in Russia are gone, I fear the senseless slaughter will continue.


I'm watching other videos on his channel. He is a decorated war hero with PTSD that wants soldiers voices to be heard and supports wholeheartedly the justice of the Ukrainian cause. That said he is finding a lot of differences between the official narrative and admittedly the experiences of foreign boots on the ground. I'm half way through a young US volunteer who fought with AZOV who is so experience is  typical of all the young vets that fought in Vietnam. War is terrible. I fear Ukraine , if the army fails and in that previous video the solider says without much more kit , ammo , air cover and better command structures then it has 50% chance of a rout , then they will be abandoned by the alliance. NATO seems unshakeable of no boots on the ground and for good reason.


I'm half way through an a comment underneath seems to capture it.  


Wow! I'm speechless. I watched this entire interview and I have to say this is one of the most intense video's I have ever seen in my life. I was captivated from start to finish. A true account of what war really is. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Just wow. Thank you Justin for sharing. I can't believe you made it out alive after hearing your story. Just wow. I don't know what else to say except that I will never look at the war in Ukraine the same again after watching this. This video has humbled me. Amazing account. Thank you for sharing. Literally every person in the world needs to see this.



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46 minutes ago, billyo said:

I'm watching other videos on his channel. He is a decorated war hero with PTSD that wants soldiers voices to be heard and supports wholeheartedly the justice of the Ukrainian cause. That said he is finding a lot of differences between the official narrative and admittedly the experiences of foreign boots on the ground. I'm half way through a young US volunteer who fought with AZOV who is so experience is  typical of all the young vets that fought in Vietnam. War is terrible. I fear Ukraine , if the army fails and in that previous video the solider says without much more kit , ammo , air cover and better command structures then it has 50% chance of a rout , then they will be abandoned by the alliance. NATO seems unshakeable of no boots on the ground and for good reason.


I'm half way through an a comment underneath seems to capture it.  


Wow! I'm speechless. I watched this entire interview and I have to say this is one of the most intense video's I have ever seen in my life. I was captivated from start to finish. A true account of what war really is. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Just wow. Thank you Justin for sharing. I can't believe you made it out alive after hearing your story. Just wow. I don't know what else to say except that I will never look at the war in Ukraine the same again after watching this. This video has humbled me. Amazing account. Thank you for sharing. Literally every person in the world needs to see this.



I fear Ukraine , if the army fails and in that previous video the solider says without much more kit , ammo , air cover and better command structures then it has 50% chance of a rout , then they will be abandoned by the alliance. NATO seems unshakeable of no boots on the ground and for good reason.


The Ukrainians are not as fearful as you, they are winning this invasion, they may lose Bakhumut but that is one small territory, so far they've regained more than 50% of all territory that the orcs took when they first invaded.

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6 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

I fear Ukraine , if the army fails and in that previous video the solider says without much more kit , ammo , air cover and better command structures then it has 50% chance of a rout , then they will be abandoned by the alliance. NATO seems unshakeable of no boots on the ground and for good reason.


The Ukrainians are not as fearful as you, they are winning this invasion, they may lose Bakhumut but that is one small territory, so far they've regained more than 50% of all territory that the orcs took when they first invaded.

Time will tell in. The first days if the war Biden offered Zelensky a plane out of there and Zelesnky said I don't need a plane I need ammo. That still stands, in spades.

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8 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Well your Willy you tube channel guy got it wrong from the very start, his predictions were that Russia would not invade Ukraine. Zelensky is getting more than ammo by the way and doing what he his own people want, kick the terrorists out.

I have no reason to doubt his credentials or the validity of the soldiers who choose to tell their Ukrainian war stories on his channel. The Ukraine Redditt which is heavily policed and moderated believes he is a good faith actor and not a Russian stooge. I never thought the Russians would ever invade , indeed when a friend asked me on the eve of invasion I said it won't happen, they would be mad to do so. And yet they did, Putin is both mad and bad most probably driven more so by covid. But I would rather hear the truth, if that is possible , rather than propaganda hence the reason I seek out first hand voices and apply my own due diligence to their opinions and views. He believes they can win but an honest appraisal of the situation is better than papering over the cracks.

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11 minutes ago, billyo said:

I have no reason to doubt his credentials or the validity of the soldiers who choose to tell their Ukrainian war stories on his channel. The Ukraine Redditt which is heavily policed and moderated believes he is a good faith actor and not a Russian stooge. I never thought the Russians would ever invade , indeed when a friend asked me on the eve of invasion I said it won't happen, they would be mad to do so. And yet they did, Putin is both mad and bad most probably driven more so by covid. But I would rather hear the truth, if that is possible , rather than propaganda hence the reason I seek out first hand voices and apply my own due diligence to their opinions and views. He believes they can win but an honest appraisal of the situation is better than papering over the cracks.

I never claimed to doubt his credentials, they are on his channel for all to see along with his donation requests to fund it. So you never thought the Russians would invade also? Well the US, UK and other countries new better but that would of course been the official propaganda to you.

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On 1/24/2023 at 5:12 PM, tgw said:

it's not impossible.

the US could ship some export models to Ukraine and setup a maintenance and repair facility in Poland, or, since Poland bought 116 M1A1 tanks that are currently being delived, it could also give these to Ukraine, and progressively replace them with the 250 brand new Abrams M1A2 SEP Poland has bought from the US after transferring 200 T-72 to Ukraine. Delivery planned to be completed in 2025.

Poland is Europe's tank hub.

I think Poland doesn't plan holding on to the 116 second hand Abrams that the US used in the gulf wars 30 years ago. But they might come in handy for Ukraine.


116 Abrams + 100 Leopards might be just what Ukraine needs for an offensive after destroying the expected Ruzzian push in the coming Spring.


Fun fact: Poland also has 48 aging F-16 C/D.

And that's also exactly the number of KAI T-50 "Golden Eagle" they have on order from South Korea. the T-50 is a modernized derivative of the F-16, while Poland's current F-16 C/D version dates back to 1998.

Time to renew the airforce's equipment too, and instead of scrapping, many carbon emissions can be saved by donating F-16 to Ukraine.



F-16 in the air, Leopards and Abrams on the ground, with Marders and Bradleys.


I guess the main problem is how to proceed with the transfers without shocking the Ruzzians too much. Let's pretend Germany opposes the plan.


This post should send some of the readers here into panic mode.

and that's another prediction coming true:


President's Office: Poland ready to supply Ukraine with F-16 fighters in coordination with NATO



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France doesn’t rule out sending warplanes to Ukraine

THE HAGUE, The Netherlands (AP) — President Emmanuel Macron said Monday that France doesn’t exclude sending fighter jets to Ukraine, but laid out multiple conditions before such a significant step might be taken.

France has sent Ukraine air-defense systems, rocket launcher units, cannons and other military equipment and has pledged to send armored surveillance and combat vehicles, but has stopped short of sending battle tanks or heavier weaponry.

Asked at a news conference in The Hague on Monday if France is considering sending warplanes, Macron said “nothing is excluded” as long as certain conditions are met.


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France has signalled openness to sending fighter jets to Ukraine as western countries weigh the next steps in military assistance to help Kyiv resist Russian attacks. “By definition, nothing is excluded,” President Emmanuel Macron said at a press conference in The Hague on Monday, adding that he had not received a request for jets from Ukraine. Since the US and Germany announced last week their decision to send main battle tanks to Kyiv 

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On 1/29/2023 at 11:47 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Unless they started a year ago it might not make any difference.



Thus, trainee pilots will spend about 1.5 years, before being officially seated in the cockpit of the F-16 fighter for the first time.

Ukrainian pilots allready possess many of the skills nessary for air combat for them it will mainly be learning new systems I’d also say the surviving Ukrainian pilots must be top notch to have survived so far and just farm out the maintenance to contractors another way would be for nato country’s using Russian aircraft to donate them to Ukraine beeing replenished with superior western aircraft it’s doable and coming imo slava Ukraine ???????? 

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2 minutes ago, Tug said:

Ukrainian pilots allready possess many of the skills nessary for air combat for them it will mainly be learning new systems I’d also say the surviving Ukrainian pilots must be top notch to have survived so far and just farm out the maintenance to contractors another way would be for nato country’s using Russian aircraft to donate them to Ukraine beeing replenished with superior western aircraft it’s doable and coming imo slava Ukraine ???????? 

Which reminds me of the Polish pilots that made a big difference protecting the GB about 80 years back.........:thumbsup:

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