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Show some humanity, support Ukraine and don't blame ordinary Russians


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1 hour ago, Will B Good said:

Agree.......in a democratic country.

As if the 99.9% oppressed cannot overthrow the 0.1% oppressor robbers. 
Russians & Chinese & African people & Others under Tyranny should be ashamed of their cowardice. Survival traded for Freedom is not the way forward.Just look for inspiration at the massive peoples insurgency now in Burma.

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37 minutes ago, Artisi said:

If you care to look a little deeper, there was considerable underground resistance to the occupation and atrocities by  many Thai people, not all that effective overall, but it was there. 

Insufficient interest ….. Thailand unimportant in the wider scheme ….

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On 3/5/2022 at 1:20 PM, BostonRob2 said:

The author didn't mention Americans, but you did. Besides many nationalities apart from US serviceman served with distinction in Vietnam, like Thais and Aussies. 

Please don't forget the South Korean's as they had 2 divisions there and the NVA were <deleted> scared of them.

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1 minute ago, skills32 said:

Rooster no one tells it like you.

I live in a city that has about 500 farang and I don't know any of them, and don't want to, for the reasons you have mentioned.

Live in a village with one farang.......managed to avoid him so far.

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23 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

What if crazy Putin drops a nuke on a country that goes a little too far for him? Do we reiterate by dropping one on Russia? Many women and children where killed in Japan.

Hard to say but if he bombs the US its game over.

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Stereotyping people is below who I thought you were.  You obviously restrict yourself to ASEAN NOW and do not read a lot of SM or MSM outside Thailand.


People pontificating about  how bad things are or what should be done is the past tome of a hug e part of the population.  The fact that someone can post a lovely picture and get flamed by unknown people that  think it is their right to do so and stay hiddden behind fictitious names is the #1 past time.  In the Wester n world it is the number 1 thing for people that sit at home and anonymously flame everyone else just because they hate their life or think they are better.


As to the Russian people I have limited sympathy for them.   I feel sorry for those that are stranded here with no money or means that sucks but I would rather  be in t heir situation than anyone living in Ukraine.


Saying that they have no responsibility is like saying that the German people had no control over Hitler getting elected.      The people have a voice unfortunately like a lot of countries they do not use it as well and the guy they are upset with has too much money and support from the wealthy and the military.


If we look at Russia right now there are a great many paralells to 1939-40


The world did nothing when a country decided that against the rules that they had agreed they built a huge military machine.

The world did nothing when religious beliefs were prosecuted and people lost not only their businesses and livelihoods but all their belongings.


The world did nothing when the country moved into one saying that it was reuniting people of the same race and history.


The world said Bad boy don't do this again and sanctioned the country telling everyone that he had learnt his lesson and would behave.


Then he did it again and the world still did nothing.


Finally the world found a leader that was willing to fight for Europe and all the small countries.  What did the U.S. do NOTHING we want to stay neutral. When asked for the planes and ships to fight the U.S. said no we can not because we do not want to get involved in your fight.


Japan saw weakness do you not think that the present Asian  power  country may not see the same thing.



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1 minute ago, kingstonkid said:



Stereotyping people is below who I thought you were.  You obviously restrict yourself to ASEAN NOW and do not read a lot of SM or MSM outside Thailand.


People pontificating about  how bad things are or what should be done is the past tome of a hug e part of the population.  The fact that someone can post a lovely picture and get flamed by unknown people that  think it is their right to do so and stay hiddden behind fictitious names is the #1 past time.  In the Wester n world it is the number 1 thing for people that sit at home and anonymously flame everyone else just because they hate their life or think they are better.


As to the Russian people I have limited sympathy for them.   I feel sorry for those that are stranded here with no money or means that sucks but I would rather  be in t heir situation than anyone living in Ukraine.


Saying that they have no responsibility is like saying that the German people had no control over Hitler getting elected.      The people have a voice unfortunately like a lot of countries they do not use it as well and the guy they are upset with has too much money and support from the wealthy and the military.


If we look at Russia right now there are a great many paralells to 1939-40


The world did nothing when a country decided that against the rules that they had agreed they built a huge military machine.

The world did nothing when religious beliefs were prosecuted and people lost not only their businesses and livelihoods but all their belongings.


The world did nothing when the country moved into one saying that it was reuniting people of the same race and history.


The world said Bad boy don't do this again and sanctioned the country telling everyone that he had learnt his lesson and would behave.


Then he did it again and the world still did nothing.


Finally the world found a leader that was willing to fight for Europe and all the small countries.  What did the U.S. do NOTHING we want to stay neutral. When asked for the planes and ships to fight the U.S. said no we can not because we do not want to get involved in your fight.


Japan saw weakness do you not think that the present Asian  power  country may not see the same thing.



He's not stereotyping anybody, he's criticising bigots. Which group of people is he stereotyping? Those who gratuitously bash Thais?

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13 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

I’m sure your assertion is correct and I trust your judgment; however, those you have met are a tiny part of the Russian demographic. They obviously have financial resources, and are of an age that has allowed them to take their world view from sources other than the incredibly repressive state media. Russia has a population of 145 million, the vast majority of which are impoverished, and have been indoctrinated by state TV into despising the west and any western people. This indoctrination will be difficult, if not impossible, to dismantle, for many years to come.

Agreed. But they chose their Condition & Ignorance so they can suffer the consequences of where their”strong leader” obsession has or will inevitably lead them …. RUIN.

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3 hours ago, vandeventer said:

Please don't forget the South Korean's as they had 2 divisions there and the NVA were <deleted> scared of them.

GI s were scared of ROC too.

A black belt in TKD is necessary to enter Korean military.

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I wonder if maybe the Rooster is getting ready to crow his final swan song. This piece really showed his disdain for Americans - a bit tacky, IMO. I’ll admit, even I have some of those same sentiments and I’m an American. Still, I would normally try to refrain from putting down other cultures - except when it comes to the British. ????

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13 hours ago, TropicalGuy said:

Correlation & Causality are often Different. However you have me worried with your Most People are Media Products Assertion …..as it might in fact be true …..for those Twitter Fools receiving the clearly reduced leftist standard of higher western education these last thirty years ……including our elected leaders under 60 , even “ Tory” Bojo. 


most Boomers remain sensible conservatives, rational independent thinkers & original source fans. 
Can’t imagine in 20 years we are gone, replaced with 150 million (90%) voters for POTUS Kamala Harris ???? …… and Prime Minister Liz Truss ????


A cliché-ridden rant about rationality and independent thinking. It is to laugh.

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On 3/5/2022 at 10:22 PM, impulse said:

You must hang out in the wrong places to meet so many troll like oafs.

My experience was at the airport with one legless individual whose wife was struggling to control him......

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On 3/5/2022 at 8:03 PM, jdrags said:

For every real Viet Nam Veteran I'm told there are several fakes.  I'm a real one and I've never ever said "If I told you I'd have to kill you".  In my opinion that is a sure sign of a phony.  I'm well aware that Americans were not the only ones there.  

He's joking!

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On 3/5/2022 at 11:14 AM, sqwakvfr said:

… It is time for the blue helmets to mount a convoy into Ukraine from Poland and see if Vladimir is crazy enough to attack a UN Convoy?

Maybe we can send AnnaLynne McCord over to Russia, so she can give Putin a hug. 

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Oh dear ! What a piece ! You seem to be under the impression that Asean Now is a real news site rather than a copy and paste reports that invite comedic responses and provide entertainment to bored subscribers. Without the comments ... especially the whining and criticism of all thing Thai...the the whole project would be useless . The comments entertain, annoy, infuriate , and generally amuse the readers and the commentators. 
Try to lighten up a wee bit... there's nothing going on here that is going to make a difference to anything Thai.

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What is the difference Proxy a War and an actual War?  Not much.  NATO and it's members are supplying weapons to Ukraine and the Russia has invaded Ukraine.  Russia, as reported by a major US Newspaper, is recruiting Syrians to fight in Ukraine.  Apparently Syrians are more experience in urban combat.  NATO and it's leaders are essentially playing the classic game of "Chicken".  No NATO forces will engage in Combat in Ukraine but our weapons will?  How long will this go on?  Until the Russian Army along with Chechens and Syrians kill and destroy most of Ukraine?  History is not kind to any leader who exudes fear.  


NATO and it's esteemed leader, Jens Stoltenberg, exudes fear every time he speaks about Ukraine.  Joe Biden just looks confused. Why would anyone backdown when my enemy exudes fear?  Putin will carryon with his "special operations".  It appears Putin does fear anything at this point.  This makes him the most dangerous opponent one can face.  


What US Senator Lindsey Graham said about Putin in public was inappropriate but might be a way to end this.  Graham said "Putin mut be taken out". Of course the Russian Embassy in Washington had a meltdown on Twitter(of course Twitter is no longer is available in Mother Russia).  


A long time ago I was a soldier and the last person who actually wants to go to war is a soldier.  But if a soldier of any generation has to go to war he or she wants to do it for a just cause.  I believe confronting a dictator and his military forces who are killing civilians after invading a sovereign country is a just cause. 

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9 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

What is the difference Proxy a War and an actual War?  Not much.  NATO and it's members are supplying weapons to Ukraine and the Russia has invaded Ukraine.  Russia, as reported by a major US Newspaper, is recruiting Syrians to fight in Ukraine.  Apparently Syrians are more experience in urban combat.  NATO and it's leaders are essentially playing the classic game of "Chicken".  No NATO forces will engage in Combat in Ukraine but our weapons will?  How long will this go on?  Until the Russian Army along with Chechens and Syrians kill and destroy most of Ukraine?  History is not kind to any leader who exudes fear.  


NATO and it's esteemed leader, Jens Stoltenberg, exudes fear every time he speaks about Ukraine.  Joe Biden just looks confused. Why would anyone backdown when my enemy exudes fear?  Putin will carryon with his "special operations".  It appears Putin does fear anything at this point.  This makes him the most dangerous opponent one can face.  


What US Senator Lindsey Graham said about Putin in public was inappropriate but might be a way to end this.  Graham said "Putin mut be taken out". Of course the Russian Embassy in Washington had a meltdown on Twitter(of course Twitter is no longer is available in Mother Russia).  


A long time ago I was a soldier and the last person who actually wants to go to war is a soldier.  But if a soldier of any generation has to go to war he or she wants to do it for a just cause.  I believe confronting a dictator and his military forces who are killing civilians after invading a sovereign country is a just cause. 

6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

My experience was at the airport with one legless individual whose wife was struggling to control him......

Reminds of Lt. Dan from “ Forrest Gump” ! ????

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On 3/6/2022 at 2:14 PM, possum1931 said:

 As a UK citizen I have never voted for any major British political party. It has always been the SNP for me, although if I was still living in the UK today I would not vote for them. The reason why would be going off topic, so I will leave it there.

My point was you said you had never voted in you adult life, which sounded strange, as you have to be an adult to vote. 

Never mind. 

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Show "some" support and "don´t  blame the ordinary Russians". Well I think the ordinary russians are 100% to blame. They let it all happen. For many years it is clear that Putin is is a crook and  a big big liar and traitor who poisoned, killed and imprisoned all of his opponents, created fear and suppressed free speach. And the ordinaruy russians let iit all happen an even now stand by their Fuhrer more than ever. It is the russians fault that now we have the equivalent of Adolf Hitler who has as a deranged  person the power to destroy half of the world. It is their fault that we live in the nightmare that has come to be. Shame on you russians!

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