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Russian invasion creates a multitude of problems for tourism


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3 hours ago, tonypattaya said:

The 70% of Russians who support Putin, must carry the same blame for this murderous state.

Everyone here who has a visceral hatred of Russia, Russian culture, and the Russian public should immediately make arrangement to travel to Ukraine and fight on the front lines to stop Russian aggression.  Then we can separate true moral commitment from jingoism. I can respect those who are willing to fight for their beliefs..  However, most of the loudest voice on social media are from those who will fight right down to the last Ukrainian man, woman, and child.  ????

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On 3/7/2022 at 3:11 PM, John Drake said:

So you going to sign up to fight with the Russians after that little spew?

I have no problems with Russia, Russian culture, or the Russian public.

My dislike is singularly aimed at global plutocrats who are fighting among themselves to divide up the planet's wealth and resources among themselves while leaving the commoners and little people to eek out an austere existence while we send our sons and daughters - on all sides - to become cannon-fodder for their elitist causes. 


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8 hours ago, micmichd said:

Thailand is not NATO nor Russia nor EU. Thailand is a sovereign country that cares most for itself. Which is understandable IMHO. 

except when it pleads to the world for free Covid Vax and wants the rest of the world to care about Thailand....

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8 hours ago, rupert the bear said:

i have read some of the comments and theyve bewildered me.these people are on holidays or staying here just like  most other readers,they are the same as us.they do not make foreign policy or move chequers on the map,western banks have screwed them and said sanctions were supposed to be directed at the top not the ordinary person in the street and as for the rest of this verbal garbage what of blair and bush and their weapons of mass destruction?napalmed kids in the countries next door,libya and syria beirut and kabul where USA stole half of a starving populations money and left with a targeted rocket attack that killed a bus full of children.democracy ?what was manning and assanges mistake?telling the truth and exposing USA war crimes-look what happened to them.as our lord said he who has not sinned may cast the 1st stone.of course theres iraq and that illegal war so what of that and the responsibility of all you westerners from the countries that played a part in that then?your all guilty just like these people who have great problems not of their own making,shame on you,fools and racists,obviously basic concepts of humanity and understanding are far from your grasp.uncle sams old logic of  'surround everyone with everything weve got and let em have it' is also your mantra of the day

I was waiting for a human response like yours,.. ! Respect !!!

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First COVID, Next Ukraine...  What other excuse will TAT come up with to to keep themselves in a job and hide the fact Tourism is dead 

They'll probably want to attract all the worlds Junkies into Thailand next and revive the opium dens of the Victorian era..


Opps... Spoke too soon..


Over 40 years they have transitioned Thailand from a Tropical Paradise, to a Country of Brothels and now towards a mass Opium Den..  God help the people.


Is this really Tourism?


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9 hours ago, Blumpie said:

How's the gas prices everyone?  Happy?

Oil just jumped ten percent now.  That will trickle down to... everything.  

The world cannot sustain the kind of inflation that we are facing here.  Forget Russian tourists, that is the LEAST of their worries.  

I'm guessing your right - With western banks. trust funds etc heavily invested in Russia. They are going to take (have taken) a big hit. Some forecasting EU banks in particular will be affected and the ECB will be nowhere to help. If this happens, the fallout will spread with financial market globally taking a hit.

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12 hours ago, vandeventer said:

There is only one man in this world to blame for all of this ,and he's having a good laugh. 

I think not so much.  This did not go as expected.

Many have noted the resemblance to the conflicts in Vietnam and Afghanistan.

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6 hours ago, Whale said:

"The 2018 Russian presidential election was held on 18 March 2018. Incumbent Vladimir Putin won reelection for his second consecutive (fourth overall) term in office with 77% of the vote." 


23 percent of them is not most (yet). 



You didn't mention turnout 67%. Putin has 56.4M votes of 109M registered.  Fifty-fifty

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17 hours ago, Hayduke said:


No problem. The statistical wizards at TAT will crunch some numbers and announce the imminent arrival of 10 million Indian billionaires and 1.5 million Saudi trillionaires. It’s all good.



TAT relatives will make up the numbers …. 

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1 hour ago, Alex2554 said:

You didn't mention turnout 67%. Putin has 56.4M votes of 109M registered.  Fifty-fifty

Q: Have you over looked voter turn stats from USA and UK? UK was 67% in one of the most actively political issues election in the last few years.



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5 hours ago, cocoonclub said:

To be fair, they’ve been brainwashed. Many Russians don’t speak English; those who are old don’t use the internet but watch Russian TV. Putin has effectively destroyed the free press in Russia and has been gaslighting and brainwashing Russians for years.

I agree with you BUT don't tell that to us huddled in the safety of our villas and condos in the tropical night breeze.


Tell that to the Ukrainian parents who have lost their livelihood and homes and, terribly in some instances, their children.


Russians (not Russia) are the key to stop this.



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2 hours ago, Phil1964 said:

Surely having no ignorant, rude and arrogant Russian tourists strutting around treating the local staff like s***t and treating everything as though it belings to them is a good thing?


Primo Russian eye candy is nothing to sneeze at.

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2 hours ago, Phil1964 said:

Surely having no ignorant, rude and arrogant Russian tourists strutting around treating the local staff like s***t and treating everything as though it belings to them is a good thing?


I have had Russian customers over the years. Some are difficult but some are the sweetest nicest people I have ever met.

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