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Will tourism in Thailand bounce back from Covid differently?


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42 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

And it is going to be like that for a long time yet.


Those in their ivory towers in Bangkok in their CCSA meetings that are waiting for the floodgates at Suvarnabhumi to open will be sat there a long time. There will be an initial rush/surge and that will be it.


As I mentioned in another post, Singapore has announced even with lifting restrictions passenger traffic levels are 13% or pre pandemic levels.


I will stay here because I have strong family ties but for leisure, I will go to Vietnam and Cambodia, even the UK where I get far more value for money, and at least a genuine smile whilst they are taking my money.


What this military government doesn't understand is that foreign tourists are not impressed nor intimidated by the Thais with their shiny uniforms and tacky medal ribbons, and won't dance to a tune just because Prayuth wants it to be that way.

The 90 baht worth of aluminum ribbons and rank insignias mean less than zero to 99% of us. They are cartoonish, at best. 

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4 hours ago, eggzthaioz said:

Thai government officials and decision makers just don't get it.

While all the stupid restrictions are in place tourists aren't going to come.

As a long term visitor over 45 years I'm off to Cambodia to spend my tourist $$$. Then off to Vietnam for awhile.

Thailand won't be getting any of my doe ever again.

Bunch of idiots running the country. 

I hope you have made arrangements for the care of your deer while you are away.

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15 minutes ago, IamNoone88 said:

This seems to be written as a 600 word personal statement for journalism class 101, rather than a newsworthy article. Must have been a slow day on the press desk.

That's what I thought.  Maybe an intern wrote it?  There was no punch, but a lot of response from readers.  ????????


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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Tourism in Thailand will never recover to pre-COVID levels until the Thai government gets rid of all the entry requirements created in response to COVID.

I've advised my friends in Australia there is a risk of being hauled off to quarantine at considerable expense for 14 days if they contract COVID while they are here.

Thailand is an attractive tourist destination, it is all the regulations that make it unattractive. A fourth grade kid could see that.

It will never recover till they get rid of the useless Thai dictatorship!

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Who really knows for sure if Thailand's Tourism Industry will bounce back to pre Covid Days.

The one thing that is certain, is that Tourists will be a lot more careful about choosing their vacation destinations in the future.

There are very few Tourists willing to take a Sunshine Break for 2 weeks, only to return to their own Country for a period of Quarantine due to them being infected on their vacation.




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No mention of China, that beacon of Thai tourism.  Perhaps and only perhaps, they might return for Chinese New Years 2023. Still with Chinas no covid policy good chance it will not happen. Two years after China's government request/order for tourists to come home, no idea when they will return. Strange memories of 2020, on the cusp of the Year of the Rat, malls decorated. Within days the Chinese tourists dwindled, poof, gone. Now the Thai media tiptoes around and does not even mention them. 

Edited by Dcheech
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36 minutes ago, blazes said:

Yes, this is well put.  These are the minimum standards you get everywhere in Europe, even in the poorer nations (like the Baltics), in Mexico and even in the poorest parts of America.


I suspect that the hi-so upper classes have rarely if ever visited a filthy beach in Thailand.  And quite possibly, despite their wealth, they may never have visited beaches in places like Spain or Portugal or Mexico or walked on perfectly smooth sidewalks or driven a car in a European or N American country, where people observe the unwritten rules of the road, like common politeness allowing someone ahead to change lanes. 

When your whole culture is isolationist, you can't even conceive of a different way of life that you can learn something from.

I hate social media, but I also think that the only hope for a better life in LoS will come from the younger generation's awareness of what life is like on the outside.

Your characterisation of Thai Hi-So is rubbish.  Most real hI-Sos have been educated in the west, often starting with private schools nd then university.  They own property in London, New York and the French riviera.  They own football clubs and companies in Europe and the USA. 


As to driver behaviour, I find some Thai drivers crazy but then so are many in Jacksonville, Florida and as for being polite, ask the Italians to give way. 


My father (English) arriving at the office one day when working in France complained to the secretary "how can you drive in a country where drivers do not stop at red lights?".  A few minutes later his Italian colleague entered and complained to the secretary "how can you drive in a country where drivers stop at a red light?".


Personally I would prefer more discipline and stiffer penalties - not just for the road but also cheats, murderers, rioters, looters, etc in all countries including the west.  

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It may have a chance to recover IF and only IF TAT and other government related authorities start to SHUT UP from now on. They are the main reason for this "man made" disaster.  People from all over the world start to get fed up with Authorities and their silly "no make sense" rules. Millions lost their job and income except those I mentioned above.


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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


I can't see the bar scene returning as it was, given the on line alternative for companions. Perhaps some thing like Hua Hin had.



There have been plenty of grumbles from punters about online girls, imagine arranging a liaison with a 25 yo 50 kg photoshopped woman who turns up on your doorstep more like a 45 yo with a serious weight problem.

If I was still seeking female company, I'd want to see for myself, not through a phone photo.

Maybe the bar scene won't be as full-on, but there's still a place for it.

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2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

imagine arranging a liaison with a 25 yo 50 kg photoshopped woman who turns up on your doorstep more like a 45 yo with a serious weight problem.

I always arranged to meet them at a coffee shop near a 'resort', then if they didn't appear as advertised, I would just walk away. Not to mention my woman wouldn't like them turning up on our doorstep.

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2 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

Thailand was built and prospered for a long time attracting those who came for the prostitution and hedonistic behaviour!


To attract a different type of tourist, they have to seriously upgrade their infrastructure, attitude, and their facilities because they are way below the standards expected to attract ' well heeled ' tourists.


It's one thing making brash statements they want it to be a family resort, it's another providing these facilities and backing them up with infrastructure long term to get the families coming.


"Thailand and families" does not have a great ring to it, nor is it known for it's family appeal..


It will be a long road to achieve this and will the Thai authorities give it time and be prepared to wait?............................ I doubt it.

Agreed, those who come for "the prostitution and hedonistic behaviour" will put up with a lot that the mainstream and high-end tourists won't.  Like many, I came for this, then fell in love with the country and the people - talking to Thais who aren't horizontal at the time does help with this.  ????


I've been coming for over 20 years (live here now) and do miss the "less controlled" society we had then.  But, as I age, I find that I do miss the organisation and consistency of the UK. 


Not leaving though, Thailand has its good points - climate for one, friendly natives for another.  ????



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5 hours ago, hioctane said:

Yeah. No one is on the beach nor at a bar or "disco" with a mask on.

I agree. I went out Sat night in BKK and was at a beach a few days ago.  No one was wearing a mask. The dance floors were full. Music played till about 1am which is a little different but I was ready to leave anyways. I think the BKK population is quite vaccinated and I know all the tourists I met were. The tourists also went through 3 tests in order to be out as well. One before leaving and as we know day 1 and day 5 after arriving. 

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2 hours ago, thaibook said:

That is irrelevant to where westerners choose to holiday.  Actually many Thai people holiday in Vietnam as it is cheaper than Thailand - unless you benefit from the government's 50% discount scheme.

In my understanding, the lack of respect is taken as one of the main reason to choose another country for holidays or long term stay. Besides, in general terms:

The point is, we have privileges, and on top of that we keep on complaining and getting offended. Yes, I cannot question the experience of others, but  as for my four years' experience in Thailand, either they lacked respect because I made a fool of myself or because, I guess, of a general contempt towards Western people and their behavior in Thailand. Fine, can live with that. Do we also ask to be loved and respected, in our condition of clear and unjustified privilege? Hatred (Contempt is a declination of hate) may have no acceptable reasons, but it may have justifications. Not accepting this assumption means not understanding the human nature.

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Agree, but the gale force winds and torrential rain put me off a bit.

I lived and worked in Glasgow for 6 summer months, once the windows to my apartment were blown out, it also rained every day.

You had glass in your windows in Glasgow? Very posh.... most have a mix of glass and masking tape!

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4 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

Agree with you completely.


I have also had to take tuk tuk drivers in Cambodia to one side, when I have taken family and friends there, and make them understand that two days is quite enough for Angkor Wat for the majority of western tourists, and beautful as they are, we do not require a SEVEN day pass to see these wonders from dawn till dusk on a daily basis!


Food? Indian food is great, Vietnamese food is good, Cambodian food cooked properly is mouthwatering. Singapore has foods from every corner of the earth with prices and budgets to suit. Their street food and open cafes are a delight.


Beaches? I would not rate Thailand as even halfway in the clean beaches guide, except for some of the smaller islands.


I think in these CCSA and TAT meetings they must be full of ' Yes  men ' and too afraid to speak out and tell those in power the honest truth, Thailand is just not ' that special ' anymore and hasnt been for a long time.

Not since 2014 anyway.

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A simple equation the government don't seem able or willing to grasp...... restrictions equals far fewer tourists, remove restrictions and you will see many more returning although I think it will take many years, if ever, to return to pre covid numbers.

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There is nothing wrong in giving Thailand a good scrubbing to encourage better quality tourism rather than sex tourists. Infact, it might drive the tourism spend up as families will be more open to coming to Thailand, lower crime, better image. 

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