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Should I runaway from my girlfriend today?


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I have had the talk with her several time outlining that she is too old for me and me wanting her to leave. I had told her that im going to go out shopping and then I want her gone when I get back to my house but she still refused to leave


A few day later the maid came up knocking on the door and giving food to me and when I told my girlfriend about the maid she got soo furious and it now feels like that she is sticking much more to me


She now refuses to travel far distance convenience stores, when she gets something from a near by convenience store she tells me that the maid starts checking her out(but I think my girlfriend death stares at her because I know she can get violent)


I have been tough and told her to leave previously but it did not work


She allways tells me that she wants a baby and because she is 31yo and dosent want to get old alone not having a baby


 I have outlined to her numerous times that I am not that wealthy and change jobs around every 3 months per year and that it would make it incredibly difficult for me to fund the child


When I get my visa extended she allways brings her own passport with her as well as if she is asking for me to get her a visa to my home country if i leave philippines


Im planning to run because im having trouble getting her out??? I want to run, because I will have no life if I have a child with her


Last post everyone told me to be tought, i did that but it did not work


My girlfriend allways grabs my arms or hand while we are walking anywhere everywhere and she even has a cloth to wipe my back if it gets sweaty


I just need alone time for my self so I can do what I like enjoying, I want to try joining classes or motorbike riding or talking to other girls and stuff like that


It just feels like a woman is controlling my entire life and preventing me from talking to other girls


Is the best choice to randomly leave??? And give her a note outlining why I left???



My last post///



Im living with my girlfriend right now for allmost 2 months, I have been talking to her for more then 6 months online from facebook she is 31 and I am 23 and its hard to get free time for my self because she just stays with me all the time and never leaves me thus making it really hard to get free time for my self


I have tried to indirectly tell her that I want alone and free time for myself, but I think she did not understand it....


She has asked me to make a child with her, I know that if I made a baby with her I would have NO LIFE what so ever so I respectfully advised her of my financial situation by giving proof that I am not that wealthy and that I change jobs allmost somewhat every 3 months, but that did not stop her from continous asking


There is no way I am willing to have a baby because I would have difficulty funding and no time formyself


Maybe she wants to have a child with me to only get my visa, but i dont know or neither care.. 


I just want free time and want to enjoy myself and doing anything I can being a free person


I just want some free time but I dont know how to tell her that???

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You let her move in for convenience of having someone to provide food, pleasure and probably home duties, now you live to regret it.

Do you rent the house? Is her name on the lease? If not no rights to be there.

Pack her goods, give a suitable start up money and get her out the door, change the locks immediately , make sure car or bike are secured and safe.

Learn from this mistake, what seems easy in the beginning, seems to be a not good idea for you 



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19 minutes ago, Jan0 said:

I am not that wealthy and change jobs around every 3 months per year

You're in no position to support yourself financially, let alone a clingy and needy basket case like your girlfriend.


20 minutes ago, Jan0 said:

Im living with my girlfriend right now for allmost 2 months

An absurd decision to live with her. Oh well, I suggest you man up and order her out ASAP. Subsequently you can learn to support yourself emotionally.

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Walk up to a mirror,look at yourself.

Are you a man or a mouse?

Tell her"you are leaving now or i am leaving"

You say you change jobs every three months,this time get a job far away and move!

50 ways to leave your lover.

Yes women can be difficult and not only in Thailand as we see.

One more thing,next time be more careful.


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Sound as if your G/f would be better off without a selfish <deleted> like you

pack your bag and leave if that is what you want.  If you cannot make up your mind, you do not need others here to tell you what to do

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56 minutes ago, soi3eddie said:

Just leave. Learn not to let it happen ever again. Plenty more nice ladies. Never let them move in. Your life will be so much better and happier.


Thank you

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1 hour ago, Jan0 said:

I have had the talk with her several time outlining that she is too old for me and me wanting her to leave. I had told her that im going to go out shopping and then I want her gone when I get back to my house but she still refused to leave

Well there's your problem. Telling a woman she's too old. 
And also telling her to leave herself. Putting all to work on her to reject herself

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You need to end the relationship. Not let her back into your place. Or if she's living with you, to give her a few days to pack her stuff.


And also, if she is too old, why are you now a couple? That was partly your choice. Now you need to take responsibility of that choice.


There is no gentle way to do a breakup. Don't tell her things like "you're too old." That will only rile her up and make her angry. If you give reasons, she'll try to find solutions. It's just over. End of the relationship. No discussion will convince her that dumping her is a good thing. You need to end the relationship if that is what you want. 


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2 hours ago, Jan0 said:

She allways tells me that she wants a baby and because she is 31yo and dosent want to get old alone not having a baby

Last thing, I would stop having sex with her or hide the condoms so she can't mess with them. Or wear condoms if she's on the pill. Unless you want to be baby-trapped. She knows you want to leave her now.  And she looks quite attached to you. 


You would be surprised how common it is for women to mess with contraceptives to purposefully try to get pregnant (stopping the pill without telling the guy, for example).



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4 minutes ago, ThLT said:

You need to end the relationship. Not let her back into your place. Or if she's living with you, to give her a few days to pack her stuff.


And also, if she is too old, why are you now a couple? That was partly your choice. Now you need to take responsibility of that choice.


There is no gentle way to do a breakup. Don't tell her things like "you're too old." That will only rile her up and make her angry. If you give reasons, she'll try to find solutions. It's just over. End of the relationship. No discussion will convince her that dumping her is a good thing. You need to end the relationship if that is what you want. 


Be a man, be a gentleman! Thats the solution to everything!

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Your story brings back memories of my not knowing how to break up with a girl who latched on to me. She was a French national, and although I didn't realize it until decades later, her interest probably had a lot to do with her wanting to emigrate to America. No one ever told me how to break up with a girl, and I was wracked with guilt for months and months, and even developed colitis as a result. Despite posters acting like you must be 12 years old, your predicament is quite understandable. In fact, at the time the above story took place, I was a lot older than you.


This woman sounds like she is exploiting your youth and romantic inexperience, playing on your emotions. If you don't want to be in a relationship with someone, you don't need to justify it. If vanishing can be done without too much financial hardship, that might be the best option, given her refusal to accept that you're not interested in a relationship with her.

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1 minute ago, Gecko123 said:

This woman sounds like she is exploiting your youth and romantic inexperience, playing on your emotions.

He's not a victim here. He accepted to be in a relationship with her. And the woman is 31 years old, not 65. 


He just needs to break up with her. An actual break-up... Not trying to convince her to break-up. 

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Yes, move if you can, and kick her out if you can't.   Once it's done you'll wonder why you waited so long.   The funny thing is that she sounds like she will be a good girlfriend for the right person, but that person is not you now or anytime soon, so the best favor you can do for her and you both is move her along in a way that gives her complete clarity that the relationship is over, and do this over the next day or two (at the most!)   The rest of it is just logistics.



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you are young, you have no kids, or house/appartment togehter.

just break up, it is so much easier to break up when you are just a BF and GF without children, owing house etc together.


BREAK UP!! and start live youre life, as a 23 yr should live!




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