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Death of a Thai mum-in-law; a time for reflection and grief


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Heartfelt condolences. During frequent visits to Essarn I often went to tum boon at the local temple where I was "adopted" by many grannies. Great people. I would have been very lucky to marry one of their daughters, but I was a generation or two late or too late.

I have had a few nearly MILs but even without background checks bailing out seemed wise. I would make a modest gift and leave gracefully. 

I haven't given up looking.

I know many happily married friends with great in-laws. Get to know your gf's family before jumping the broom.

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Sorry for your loss, Rooster. Glad to hear that your MIL was a good person.

  Mine was old fashioned, and strict, but fair. Good sense of humor as well.

  Thanks for the news up date. I will be happy if the restrictions, and Thailand pass are 

gone by July. 

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Rooster sorry for your loss. My MIL passed away after 13-year old battle with different cancers, I was angry when I found out she was terminally ill. She went all these years to the check-us but the doctors did not do their job correctly. I still miss her and like yours she always took may side, never complained, lent us money when I actually did not need it etc etc. If she would have been 30 years younger I would have switched her for my wife (her daughter) The father in law is a complete different story 

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To thai visa

Good morning 

I dont post on here,

My mother in law is currently gravely I'll in hospital, we have had our ups and downs over the past 30 years,


But she is a great friend 

I've been stuck in the UK in the past 2 1/2 years.

And miss her very much!


Get well soon Mare!

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Condolences for your family, Tunnelrat's family also lost my only MIL this weekend, she succumbed to cancer which happily took her rapidly, she only suffered a little.  I am too reminded of all the 'bad' things she did concerning her daughter, My Lady,  from childhood until recently, but I can't say she ever showed me any ill feelings.  RIP to all the MIL's that were lost recently.  Funerals in Vietnam can last up to three days, she is interned in family home and burial is tomorrow...............RIP

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Greatest Condolences Rooster and to your Wife and family. ... I just read your Column now. ... And youe description of you Famil and obviously realy goo MIL also has always been very Good. .... And thansk fro that also !!! A Bit of an Up !!! In the face of things just now !!!  Right ??? 


(Roof, and House rebuilding !!! Ho Hum !!! .. You know !!! ....  That Just Great "Sound of an Angle Grinder, in the Morning" !!!   Right !!!)


So also as I suspected the Thai medical people were NOT wring, as I suspected that they would not be. ... Ho Hum but at least every one was Ready for it I guess.


... Yes, my also Very Good, MIL died Years ago, not long after I arrived here in 1986 ? .... it was a tragedy for my Wife, who I had just had a pretty major disagreement over “Life Style” Let’s say !!! ??? ….  Disagreement with !!! (Non Physical, but a bit of damage to the room !!!) ....


… And I was in Penang at the time, .."You know" !!! Just getting that next Visa ! ? Like it took me a month sometimes ... as I had a nice place to stay, well for me .... A Young and street wise Boots on the ground, but rose colored Gasses on, !!! ...  and Goooo Young man !!!  ……


The old Eng Ung Dormitory down the back of that Hotel, somewhat run down, but well pretty much easy street back then, OK ….. Like Pre bed Bug, and well No Blame, and much later on, when the Africans moved in and took it over …. But I do not know what has happen to it now ????  ... Well, .... Well and truly Sanitized Let’s Hope ???


… But back then in the late 80’s ….. The dorm down the back !!! … Har Ha !!! …. A normal sized room ... packed with 7 beds and a bath room attacked, which well brought the Humidity up to about 95% I suspect, like lucky we did not have our own Rain environment in that dormitory !!! ... Like we used to rat on the staff to the new Guests, if they had not changed the bed Linen, in over Oh ? let’s say ?  5 days ? or was it a week !!! Har Har ....


(I got very serious with one of those Old Chinese Blokes who used to sit out the front, and also seep in the doorway at Night !!! ... And while getting him to opening my Locker, ... I asked him what sort of a Chinese he was ???  Like what Clan !!! ??? ... And he sort of looked at me side ways ... waited a while, to build up my attention I guess ??? .... and then he just dryly said "Wan Ker" .......So Hmm Geographer Mark mark thought !!! ...and than I said, not picking it up straight away ??? "So where does the Wan Ker clan come from" ??? ??? ..... and he just dryly turned away, but Must have smiled !!!stood up !!! .... and said ... "Wan Ker, ... you Know !!1 <deleted> in the Bathroom" !!!! ... Like Har Har Har !!! And Welcome to the real S. E. Asia Mark mark !!)!


.. Yes, What a Great place for a Social and Friendly Young man !!! and Penang ... totally pounded by Thick and other wise pertly foreigners for Hundreds of Years !!! and STILL one of the most friendly places in Asia ??? Well Chulia St probably is I guess ??? ... (Well, If the Malay developers have not knocked it down a de developed it yet ???) ... 


... But the death of my Mother in law then, .... DID touch me !!! and well it absolutely devastated my Wife, like recovering from our Argument !!! ...


So I cooled down, .... and I supported her and well, !!! ???  .... And she Was Kind also !!!  .... And well, …I have been with her ever since, !!! …. .... Like a Human being that actually nearly always makes the right decisions !!! ... (Even while approaching 70, Though but well !!! .......  ) 


So, not having a Moth in law did, un complicate things a bit though I have to admit ... Like there was only me and her then, my New Wife then !!! ... (Ad the FIL, but well TIT and so it goes, men usually do not make any fuss ? well older ones any way.)  .... But well I DO quite Miss the Mother In Law, as she also was a very good person ... And a very nice Old lady !!! who did not deserve to die. And She was Not that old either. …


(She was bitten by a village dog, and died of Rabies  !!! Believe it or not and only back in the late 80’s !!!)


Good, Hungry Folang style. ...and then I realized this was NOT the way that they did things here in Thailand !!! ??? Right.


… Yes greatest condolences Rooster, and to your Wife and Family.


And I have Mild ??? Diabetes now also at 66 !!! …. a family thing, and well the Alcoholism does not help either ... So well when I first started to get old, … It was Cholesterol and High Blood pressure, ….  and the Heart attack was the Silent Killer !!! …. But Well ? .... Now I think that now Diabetes might have just gone well past that ??? ... People DO now understand Diet !!! …. But well, .... SUGAR !!! .... SUGAR !!!! …  And I will leave the obvious statement, to Bernard Trinks memory.


Thanks for your good Colum as usual Rooster.


Thanks Greatly.


Mark mark


(Ps. I saved this as Plain text and then re copied it as I always do ? so It Must be Plain text Right ???) 

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On 4/29/2022 at 7:42 PM, webfact said:

In Rooster’s case this could not have been further from the truth. I loved mine and have been profoundly shocked by her death this week.

Sorry to hear this I 70's is not sadly very old

I felt the same about my Thai MIL she was really special

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