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Government  Hospital


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Government  Hospital
the need for another  prescription,  i wanted more spiriva as i use 1 a day
so arrived 8 13 with the new time clock welcome  went to get registered 2 long queues
then  again to get blood  pressure  got to submit at nurse 9 16 i told her i only need pharmacy any doctor will do   5 doctors in this section all seats taken being 72 with a fractued hip i hoped to be home for lunch got to 1030 and i asked the nurse shouting names whats happening she looked through pile and  said 11 00 go to 11 30 all folk after me done then i was given number saw doctor 11 55 3 minuets done
then onto pay  150 baht fee for meds 100 doctor 50 admin  1800 plus spiriva 3 months worth and then  look number for my meds 12 15 120 before me got meds 1 40 then to get out and home left hosptal grounds 1 55
there must be away better than doing this ordeal every time a day wasted for 3 mins

  • Haha 1
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Almost everything here is over the counter.....

Find the biggest pharmacy close to you & take in the box or punched out wrapper (most will order or have another manufacturer's available) - or - some have great success with an online pharmacy....

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