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U.S Capitol Riot: The January 6 committee is about to show its work


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Washington (CNN)  More than 500 days removed from the violent attack on the US Capitol, the committee investigating it is ready to show its work.


The House select committee will hold its first public hearing this week, on June 9 at 8 p.m. ET. Sources told CNN this hearing will be a broad overview of the panel's 10-month investigation and set the stage for subsequent hearings, which are expected to cover certain topics or themes.


While the setup of the hearings has been a work in progress and evolving, sources note, the presentations will likely feature video clips from January 6, as well as some of the roughly 1,000 interviews the committee has conducted behind closed doors.









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22 hours ago, LarrySR said:

The very people that need to see the hearings won't be seeing them. Check back here next week to read their clueless comments:

"The insurrection was a peaceful protest. ...and the real issues are BLM, CRT, Antifa, Hunters Laptop, Cancel Culture, Trans Bathrooms, Fauci Created The Virus, those anti American Democrat socialists welcoming caravans of criminals crossing the open border....and TRUMP WON!"

Thank you for pointing out what the American people are worried about. 

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11 minutes ago, candide said:

It looks like you are right at least on one point: someone actually claimed the 2016 elections were rigged!


Wait! It was Trump! ????


"Mr Trump has questioned the legitimacy of the election process in a series of tweets, the latest of which said on Monday: "Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day."





In 2016, Trump said in Pennsylvania [paraphrasing]: "If I don't win in Pennsylvania, it means the election was rigged."


Except........ at the time......... Trump was given virtually no chance in Pennsylvania. It was assumed by virtually everyone that this was an invincible Hillary stronghold. 


I remember thinking at the time............ (and posting where I posted at the time)........... "The only person who can make such a bold statement......... is a person who has already rigged the election, to his own advantage! " 


Cuz no one in the world would be better equipped to know if things had been rigged one way........... than the person who had already rigged it to go another way!!! 


Like, you know, billionaire Trump? 




(Trump "won" Pennsylvania by a hare's breath, against all odds. Pennsylvania accounted for a big chunk of his Electoral victory margin...........!)



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12 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

Can you accept that Biden and Hillary both saying Trump is illegitimate, and a 4 year soft insurrection trying to overthrow his Presidency by ridiculous impeachments, media harassment and violence countrywide even going as far as creating autonomous zones like Seattles CHAZ, that for you to now say we must respect elections and democracy is a bit rich.


Substantiation for Biden claiming falsely that Trump was an illegitimate President.



Ditto for Hillary




Do you understand that there is a difference between expressing an opinion and telling a mob to march on the Capital and fight?


From your first source:


"During a campaign event in New Hampshire, former Vice President Joe Biden said he agreed with a woman who said that President Donald Trump is an "illegitimate president in my mind.""


From your second source:


"“No, it doesn’t kill me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” she said. “I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.”"


In neither instance did Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton advocate the violent overthrow of the government.


What you describe as a "soft insurrection" is nonsense.  Impeachments following established Constitutional guidelines, protests over police brutality, and a critical press do not constitute any form of insurrection, they show the system is working as intended.



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