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In particular during the week-ends there is in my location an increase of customers on their way to one of the nearby three hospitals.

Also, the relevant (often private) ambulances are manned, as it seems, by drivers with a mentality of a seven year old and have no mercy on innocent people i.e. using their sirens to the maximum with no penalty, traffic or no traffic, corners or no corners etc.

Thai people in the area have no problems with this, it seems, even as frequency of disturbance continues and even increases.

Does it make a difference if I inform the local municipality?

I thought of a man size made poster along the route with a middle finger and the word ambulances.

I am also planning to relocate.


  • Confused 2
  • Sad 5
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14 minutes ago, Don Dunkelblum said:

...on their way to one of the nearby three hospitals.

What was there first? Were the hospitals built after you moved there, or did you decide to live in an area with existing hospitals?

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Any poster who gives the O/P sympathy will go straight onto my 'ignore user' list, along with the O/P!

  • Haha 2

They make all that noise and some people still don't move out of the way!


Maybe the OP will need an ambulance one day (it can happen to anyone) and be grateful of all the noise.

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At least now, unlike 20 years ago, an emergency vehicle on "blues and twos" really has a good chance that it is on an emergency and doesn't just have a crew that's late for lunch.


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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

19 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

Let's all hope that it's a long way from Thailand.

As hard as I try I cannot think of a civilized country that does not have these pesky emergency vehicles with loud sirens !!

  • Like 1

This is much worse in other countries than Thailand. I often think ambulances generate their own wounded by making such a horrible noise that terrorised drivers lose their nerve and have an accident.

  • Sad 1

you chose to live there, should have done your research beforehand, or you could move.


i used to work in the london west end, ambulances, police cars and fire engines were a daily noise disruption, but i got on with it a) knowing they were making the noise for a valid reason (and one day it could be me), b) i was in a very well paid job so was happy to put up with it, and c) after a while it just becomes another background noise.

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Its only a problem if you allow it to be.

Besides how long can a speeding Ambulace actually last 2 minutes if that, within ear shot, probably alot less.

You can mentally "switch off to it"  if you choose.


Surely you woukdnt care if you or someone close to you needed to get to the hospital quickly.


Neccessary fact of life, live with it or Move.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1


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Don't mind ambulances, but something just drove by the house, and it rattled the windows.  Morlam set up on the back of a truck, I suspect anyway.


Judging by sound & speed past house, it was probably 100m down the road, and I could still here it, and too loud, maybe 500m now, and still hear it faintly.


Mind boggling, and I'm running the AC, window closed

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