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Thai media report nine hospital visits after people "smoked ganja, had it in som tam and cookies"


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1 hour ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

in the long run, cacanabis is for losers and will result in damages to the user's life and health.

Anyone have Twitter? I don’t… but someone needs to tell Musky before before anymore space ships are built… 

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There definitely seems to be certain people out there who wish to demonize weed, yet they won't say anything about alcohol. Even in countries where marijuana is accepted, it is often still seen in a negative light. This article misses a main point that should be brought up: why did these people go to the hospital? Ingesting marijuana from food is often much more potent than most people realize and it can easily make people paranoid, or possibly feel a bit insane, in other words, they freak out and if it is mixed with marijuana, the effects can be even worse.


I'm a smoker, though it has taken trial and error to learn what I can and cannot tolerate when it comes to ingesting it and smoking it. For me, the biggest problems are I become too lazy - so I only smoke it at night and I ALWAYS give in to the munchies, so I try not to smoke it very often. Also, marijuana is made a lot stronger these days than in the past. I would be curious to know what people grow in Thailand. For newcomers, most of the stuff these days is too strong.


There are definitely negative effects of it, but too often, and it seems to really be the case here, the media, the government is not explaining enough of the negative effects of alcohol and is not taking the time to educate the public about marijuana, but it seems they are finally getting to that point. 


This is all par for the course. I'm glad to hear that the Thai government is keeping an open mind and seems to be learning about what steps to take in an effort to educate the public. I only hope they don't go too far and demonize it too harshly.

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7 hours ago, Geoffggi said:

Thai's appear to be going backwards, thirty odd years ago the Thai food sellers knew how much Ganja into soups how come they have forgotten or are these stories being fabricated .................LOL

My money's on fabricated.

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Because its in a cookie or a cake or sweets probably most of the Thais who are uninformed and relatively new to ganja  are going to think that's a more moderate way to try cannabis. I can imagine that It's as though that magically re-casts something evil and heinous as smoking a drug into something innocent and innocuous and suitable for children, when in fact ingesting ganja is a bit more hardcore than smoking it. People who just want to stick their toe in should find some half strength stuff and not take more than two puffs. The problem is I think that too many people like perhaps nerdy goody two shoes types are confronted with the mistaken impression they are doing something bad like smoking by smoking ganja. But superficial surfaces mean the world to most Thais, so if its something you can't taste or smell in candy that you got in some chi chi boutique then its polite and harmless, so I think they have a bit of a problem that may not quickly go away. Peopl are going to want polite dainty little ganja toffees and they are going to "O.D." on them and have a panic attack or pass out for 12 hours or whatever. You think its Hello Kitty when its actually you got mauled by Simba. Even for smoking, nearly all of The stuff they are selling online is way stronger than I care to smoke. It either has no THC or 24%. I enjoy puffing on a joint not just taking a single hit and getting hammered by 28% THC weed or what have you. If they are putting the real strong stuff in the food, its not going to kill anyone but its really over the top. Its all a laugh if you're a regular smoker and yeah we deserve for being lam I suppose.


Back in the days when I used to smoke in the 70's and 80's as high school kids, one time we got ahold of a good bag of shake. Something like would have been probably 3% THC tops.  I've forgotten where, maybe it was stolen from someone's dad or something, as our parents used to grow the stuff so there'd be leaf saved in jars too. I became kin d of an expert at pinching my old man's bags, ie, stealing a joints worth or so, so that he wouldn't notice, "pinching" being stoner slang in the day for pot dealers who took a bud or two out of 1/4 oz.s for themselves. As in, "The dood pinched my bag, man! Look at that! That's not a quarter is it?"  Luckily, there were enough people who were old time stoners and the info was in magazines like High Times and in books at the public library and so forth and luckily I trusted what I heard and read regarding ingesting pot: respect the stuff if you are going to eat it, eating ganja is no messin around. But, quite naturally, my friends and I had to try it and put our bag of shake into a "crazy cake," which is this low down and dirty quick and easy chocolate cake recipe, and I had a 2 inch by 2 inch cube and got uncomfortably wasted, groggy and a bit disoriented or something like that. The effect was not like the effect from smoking. It wasn't bad but not good enough to want to repeat.  It truly is much stronger than smoking and you also have to wait about an hour or so before your digestion processes it and you get any effects, which is another problem with uninformed people eating it, they likely think they haven't eaten enough and then eat more. When we ate our crazy cake One of the guys went crazy and ate about half the 8x8 inch pan and after an hour puked all over himself. We were saying don't do it, stop and he insisted he wasn't high and the cake was delicious. I can imagine similar scenarios here people eat some sweets or other food and then eat some more and some more. Ruins it for everyone, just gives the authorites and politicians another reason to ban it. I can sense it coming on, it makes no sense really that cannabis has been legalized in Thailand, people are so conservative here, everyone I know is not really into it being legalized. It really does seem like it is something that has been done to attract tourists, get money and they aren't going to bother with helping people be smart about using cannabis.


But really you might as well make kitchen knives illegal or crunchy food an object of national hysteria because people might injure themselves and you damn well can, toast and potatoe chips are killers, and Momma Cass Eliot choked to death on a sandwich ya know, its the nature of sandwiches encouraging a lackdaisical and undiciplined attitude in people so that they harm themselves! You need to attend more Methodist Church meetings and and sit ramrod staright at a proper table and eat with a knofe an fork or face being sent to a r-education camp! Its become that kin dof world thanks to the stupid hysterical pandemic and security state insanity the politicians and the mainstream media are foisting on us, oh and then cannabis is legal! Thats the little crazy making contradiction bit. But live high tension elctrical wires are left dangling and sitting puddles of rain though! And watch out for that motocycle going 60 miles and hour right behind you up on the sidewalk! Smoke some ganja that will help! Go to church! No, that racist become a scientist! Hilarious.

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2 hours ago, CraigInBangkok said:

I ve not tried CACANABIS but thanks for the warning !


You'd think if he was going to capitalise it and repeat it he'd at least get the spelling right. Yet another with a strong opinion but zero experience.

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5 hours ago, Muzzique said:

Put too much Ganja in a cake or Som Tam and you can kill someone

this is false. 


ill go out on a limb and say that there isn't a single human being alive that could eat the lethal amount. they would either vomit after a small portion of what is required or pass out. 



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2 hours ago, JohnHans said:

Not true, digesting cannabis has a similar effect to smoking it. 

this is incorrect as well.


when you ingest cannabis your body changes the cannabinoid into a completely different chemical than the one your body receives when smoking it. 

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5 hours ago, Muzzique said:

I used to know my safe level but I once had a Brownie at a friends  house that I found out had 10 times the normal amount I would normally take. I went on a Psychotic trip I will never forget.

Almost jumped to my death from a bridge. There needs to be some education on how much is too much. Don't touch it anymore myself.

cannabis doesnt make people jump off bridges.


you were clearly suffering from some other very personal events at that point in your life. sorry to hear that. 

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I took all sorts of stuff in my younger years and the worst bad trip I experienced was when I ate hasch in a brownie. THC, especially ingested, is a hard drug which can cause major issues. Thai authorities need to launch a massive awareness campaign on this ASAP.

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20 minutes ago, stoner said:

cannabis doesnt make people jump off bridges.


you were clearly suffering from some other very personal events at that point in your life. sorry to hear that. 

Oh yes it can, especially when ingested at high doses.

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21 minutes ago, rattlesnake said:

I took all sorts of stuff in my younger years and the worst bad trip I experienced was when I ate hasch in a brownie. THC, especially ingested, is a hard drug which can cause major issues. Thai authorities need to launch a massive awareness campaign on this ASAP.

Let me ask, what is 'hasch '? Is this a different spelling for the English word 'hash'?


Sounds like you obviously haven't done any LSD, mescaline, or 4-way windowpane blotter before.

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5 minutes ago, dingdongrb said:

Let me ask, what is 'hasch '? Is this a different spelling for the English word 'hash'?


Sounds like you obviously haven't done any LSD, mescaline, or 4-way windowpane blotter before.

Yeah, I'm French and that's the way we spell it in my language. Haschich is originally an Arabic word.


I've done LSD, MDMA and all sorts of stuff and as I stated in my previous post, the ingested THC was the worst reaction I had. 


It's a dangerous substance. It works for some people and doesn't work at all for others, and therefore should be regulated. I know there are lots of THC fanatics who get upset when told this, but it's true.

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52 minutes ago, stoner said:

yes it can that is correct.


however......if we have to do this one more time....here we go


from the sheer volume of cannabis used daily on planet earth vs the number of times these incidents ACTUALLY happen....its almost statistically nil.


and from the actual incidents. how many were unstable people to begin with ? how many had other psychological issues that when cannabis was used were triggered ?  how many walked in on their wife getting pile driven by the neighbor ? then went smoked a joint and jumped off a bridge...a silly example but i think the point is made.


many times this information is overlooked for drug and alcohol use.


life is so complicated. so many factors go into every single situation. none are the same. 


i'll take it even further and boldly state that tylenol is far more dangerous than cannabis. 


how many people jump off buildings using cannabis per year vs how many die from tylenol ? 


we can devote pages of forum on AN to the daily news regarding script issues and deaths ? 



I'm wary of these simplistic "what about" comparisons with alcohol, paracetamol etc.


As a psychotropic substance, THC can cause paranoia and hallucinations. To me it's irresponsible to just let anyone buy and consume it without regulation.

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I knew this was a bad idea drom the start.


The fact that it's legal will encourage people (who otherwise would have never tried it) to consume it, and having in it in the form a cake makes it more appealing than a spliff, especially to non-smokers, young girls etc. The reports are most likely the tip of the iceberg, how many youngsters have ended up in terrible states after taking this, thinking it was nothing different from having a few drinks?


I smoked weed for 15 years so I know what I'm on about. There should be awareness campaigns about this or it will be messy.


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48 minutes ago, rattlesnake said:

I'm wary of these simplistic "what about" comparisons with alcohol, paracetamol etc.


As a psychotropic substance, THC can cause paranoia and hallucinations. To me it's irresponsible to just let anyone buy and consume it without regulation.

be wary all you want the facts are there. thc does not cause hallucinations. paranoia is a side effect in some people though.


you are spot on about the consumption and regulation. at home in canada they follow along the same guidelines as alcohol. 

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15 hours ago, Geoffggi said:

Thai's appear to be going backwards, thirty odd years ago the Thai food sellers knew how much Ganja into soups how come they have forgotten or are these stories being fabricated .................LOL

Many people are doing it for the first time .I know one who has no idea of what it is actually but she just ask how much leaves do you want and charges you accordingly  55

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

Naew Na reported yesterday that in the first 11 days since legalization of marijuana nine people had been treated at three Bangkok hospitals after smoking weed, and having it in som tam (Papaya salad), cookies and coffee.

Anyone else noticed that Anutin has gone very quiet since steam-rollering this through?

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10 hours ago, rattlesnake said:

It's a dangerous substance. It works for some people and doesn't work at all for others, and therefore should be regulated. I know there are lots of THC fanatics who get upset when told this, but it's true.

Peanuts are an even more dangerous substance, they can kill you in a few minutes.

Time to regulate everything, especially missionaries.

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10 hours ago, rattlesnake said:

I knew this was a bad idea drom the start.


The fact that it's legal will encourage people (who otherwise would have never tried it) to consume it, and having in it in the form a cake makes it more appealing than a spliff, especially to non-smokers, young girls etc. The reports are most likely the tip of the iceberg, how many youngsters have ended up in terrible states after taking this, thinking it was nothing different from having a few drinks?


I smoked weed for 15 years so I know what I'm on about. There should be awareness campaigns about this or it will be messy.


I'm in agreement, legalizing wasn't necessary. Just like arresting old ladies for having one plant wasn't necessary either. Those who wanted to smoke have been doing so regardless. 


They go from one extreme to the other instead of somewhere in the middle. No common sense.

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39 minutes ago, Bedfont said:

How many people had to go to hospital after drinking ALCOHOL? Let's see some comparisons.

Yes, add that to the issue of peanuts for a couple of irrelevant distractions.

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