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Why I Moved from the Bangkok Post Forum to ASEAN Now

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Is Bangkok Post even a forum, just seems like a comment section. But i agree its pretty much unreadable when the same 4-5 people just desend into childish name calling, with each point getting more and more nonsensical. Its like kindergarten over there and defies belief that the posters are actually adults... you to were very much the same so you should fit in quite well here.

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21 minutes ago, San Fran Dan said:

What annoyed me with  ASEAN , is The Ganja Sensationalism , they had Horrible Stories on Ganja with No Research just Ganja Bashing 

Worse, is those who making ganja a wonder drug that cures everything. There is no limits conserned both ends of it. 

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I was writing comments over there some time ago.

I don't know if that changed, but when I was still active it took hours before post were published. And if I was up early and commented maybe at 6am then it was never published. It seems all comments before a certain time were just deleted.

And then obviously the same posters again and again and again and no ignore-button. I gave up with them.

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On 6/28/2022 at 3:01 AM, smutcakes said:

Is Bangkok Post even a forum, just seems like a comment section. But i agree its pretty much unreadable when the same 4-5 people just desend into childish name calling, with each point getting more and more nonsensical. Its like kindergarten over there and defies belief that the posters are actually adults... you to were very much the same so you should fit in quite well here.

I was the only person who tried to stamp out the rudeness. The moderators never did. Often the rudeness became so bad that I withdrew for a while.

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23 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

Concur entirely. We have a far superior class of reprobate here.

Nowhere's perfect. LOL! Seriously though, the atmosphere here is very different. The BP Forum is numbing and I didn't notice it soon enough.

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23 hours ago, bang saen guy said:

Zero tolerance to rudeness? Really? Too funny. This forum will definitely have more self proclaimed experts and know it alls. You really will not even have to think for yourself

On the bright side, that will save me time.

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Bareback lover Munin and junta sycophants like Renaissance chased me away from there. AN is not much better though. At least the mods still actively intervene when someone oversteps the line.

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GammaGlobulual did this kind of why am I here?-post better.


As to moderating contretemps, you can usually see the worm turning and know when your day has come and gone. This is my last forum. If I get bounced, I'll go and read a book. Just to see what it's like.

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4 hours ago, renaissanc said:

I was the only person who tried to stamp out the rudeness. The moderators never did. Often the rudeness became so bad that I withdrew for a while.

No one listened to you as they all thought you were a troll as your viewpoints were mostly absurd.

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