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Russia appreciates Thailand's understanding of reasons behind special operation — Lavrov


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Just now, JimmyJ said:

What she wishes is already there.


Russia has consolidated media to where 90% of media companies are owned by 6 mega corporations.


They are also allowing companies owned by a few of the wealthiest oligarchs in the world to decide whose voices can be heard on their social media platforms, so only 1 side is heard, even banning a former head of state.



My mistake - I got confused -  all of that is the USA.



No your mistake was comparing Russian State controlled media that promotes conspiracy theories such as the "United States is training migratory birds to migrate from Ukraine to Russia and distribute bacteriological weapons" 


With the rest of the worlds press including the UN that reports without restrictions

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3 minutes ago, lapamita said:

i talked about the first ships and the later ships


oohhh woowww this news is from last week !!!!  and where all the ships from the last 2 month going ( babyys cant wait 2 month) ??? when wheat was short ???   38% to Eu  , followed by china and turkey. even after aegypt and libanon reject the wheat .

Than it goes to africa , the last part



Nope this is exactly what you said:

"NOT ONE of the ships was leving to africa from ukraine , they went mostly to eu and china and turkey."

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5 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I'll give Lavrov credit, I could not say what he does with a straight face.

I don't think he has any other face bar an extremely straight one!

But agreed, those guys can tell some real incredulous lies!

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7 hours ago, ChasingTheSun said:

Thailnd is likely on the right side of history on this one.

Like it or not, most countries and most people of the world are either nuetral or on russias side in the ukraine conflict. 


anyone who does the most basic of independent background research on the conflict would also likely agree that Russia was undeniably forced into this sad conflict. 

hopefully biden and nato will allow Ukraine to negotiate peace sooner, rather than later. It’s doubtful that zelensky will be around at that time to do any negotiations.




Utter nonsense , you are seriously deluded.

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4 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

In the U.N., Thailand did for the Russian condemnation resolution. They could have abstained.


So this TASS article obviously paints the Thai diplomats as two-faced. Shocker? No, honestly.



Yes, that is true, twice Thailand voted together with the majority of the UN countries, unik eTha neigbours Laos and Cambodia, only once they abastained. When russian embassy asked Tha army channel 5 to broadcast russian absurd nonsense news, first they accepted but later they refused. When the russan representatives open their mouth they are already lying. They even contradicts their own statements from time to time.

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11 hours ago, starky said:

We recognise Thailand's generations long ability to play both sides against the middle thus making them able to simultaneously profit from both sides whilst having zero accountability nor indeed any reason to commit to anything. 

  Whats that expression? Weak as <deleted>.

WWII comes to mind ....

Side with the Japanese and made a formal declaration of war against UK and USA but quickly flipped to ally with them when the tables turned.  


Russian statement of 'objectivity' ... not so objective! :

"we are grateful for understanding the true causes of the current situation"


I believe Thailand has formed their own opinion, but choose not to get involved for trade/economic reasons.  Russia can spin this as much as they want. 


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4 hours ago, connda said:

Lavrov embodies a characteristic that the West and US had 40 years ago, but no longer have:


Problems can not be resolved when only one party (Russia) is open to civil talks. 
The visceral hatred of all things Russia by many members of this forum is just symptomatic of the West's problem as these people simply reflect their own country's foreign policy.  Sad.

Bizarre , happy mushrooms for breakfast ?

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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

Ukraine's biggest mistake was trusting the US &  Russia and agreeing to the Budapest Memorandum .


After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was suddenly left with the world’s third-largest nuclear arsenal. So it, the United States and Russia reached an agreement in 1994, known as the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, by which Ukraine would turn over its nukes in exchange for those security assurances.


They gave up their nuclear arsenal and look where it got them ....  thousands of them died, their homeland invaded, because of a lie by the US and Russia.   


And what do you think North Korea, Iran and others have learnt by this mistake ?     they will never give into the west again.




. All that weapons could be used only from Moscow, Ukraine was not able to shoot any missile. 

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4 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

Utter nonsense , you are seriously deluded.

their is  hudge support for " the reasons behind the war"  and  " how the war goes and the consequences " , but their is no hudge support  for the war direct.

The war is the result of  incompetent diplomats ,ever expanding Nato, and Washingtons intrest in controlling world trade in USD , and ignorrance of european politicans.

The war is wrong ..no doubt about

But hudge support now ,for how the war is going, and our media is now not better than in the east, but we blame that we eat the " truth"

Reports of IAEA is even ignorred. and Borell for example seems he never looked at the press conference in full when he said " russia shelling the PP or as the highest EU diplomat says " wars win on the battlefield" . and our Top slut in Germany saying by words " we go until the end and WE( the goverment) dont care what voters thinking"or the slut of vanderlayen " make shake hands with " her new friend asabajev ( asabaichan),well known as a warhead" or the new eu friends saudis  .


I prefer to deal with putin ,and try to restore the relations ,instead of a new bloc ( rus/china/india and smaller nations). Russia for me is part of europe was and must be in the future


and there is a lot of support

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2 minutes ago, aussienam said:

WWII comes to mind ....

Side with the Japanese and made a formal declaration of war against UK and USA but quickly flipped to ally with them when the tables turned.  




Er, wasn't this what Italy did in WW2 when they saw which way the military wind was blowing?  Few today hold this sensible change of tack against the Italians....

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3 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

The visceral hatred of all things Russia by many members of this forum is just symptomatic of the West's problem as these people simply reflect their own country's foreign policy.  Sad.

As opposed to the visceral hatred of all things Ukrainian by Putin cum suis (including Lavrov)? They want to eradicate Ukraine and kill every Ukrainian who opposes that, or maybe they just want to kill every Ukrainian, the jury still seems to be out on that. And you call that statesmanship? 

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9 minutes ago, anandra said:

. All that weapons could be used only from Moscow, Ukraine was not able to shoot any missile. 

They gave up their nuclear arsenal and look where it got them ....  thousands of them died, their homeland invaded, because of a lie by the US and Russia.  

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4 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

As opposed to the visceral hatred of all things Ukrainian by Putin cum suis (including Lavrov)? They want to eradicate Ukraine and kill every Ukrainian who opposes that, or maybe they just want to kill every Ukrainian, the jury still seems to be out on that. And you call that statesmanship? 

You quoted me in error , wont find me attempting to defend Putin.

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4 hours ago, connda said:

Lavrov embodies a characteristic that the West and US had 40 years ago, but no longer have:


Problems can not be resolved when only one party (Russia) is open to civil talks. 
The visceral hatred of all things Russia by many members of this forum is just symptomatic of the West's problem as these people simply reflect their own country's foreign policy.  Sad.

Attitutude towards russians is far better than for citizens of of nazi Germany during th eworld war 2. The russians are responsoble for their governement. 80% of them fully support russian invasion. russians have  Collective responsibility. for the war, all of them, Your post is total nonsense.

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2 minutes ago, steven100 said:

They gave up their nuclear arsenal and look where it got them ....  thousands of them died, their homeland invaded, because of a lie by the US and Russia.  

Can you read english my friend?? They could not use that rotten rusty missiles, The so called red button was in Moscow!!

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11 minutes ago, lapamita said:

their is  hudge support for " the reasons behind the war"  and  " how the war goes and the consequences " , but their is no hudge support  for the war direct.

The war is the result of  incompetent diplomats ,ever expanding Nato, and Washingtons intrest in controlling world trade in USD , and ignorrance of european politicans.

The war is wrong ..no doubt about

But hudge support now ,for how the war is going, and our media is now not better than in the east, but we blame that we eat the " truth"

Reports of IAEA is even ignorred. and Borell for example seems he never looked at the press conference in full when he said " russia shelling the PP or as the highest EU diplomat says " wars win on the battlefield" . and our Top slut in Germany saying by words " we go until the end and WE( the goverment) dont care what voters thinking"or the slut of vanderlayen " make shake hands with " her new friend asabajev ( asabaichan),well known as a warhead" or the new eu friends saudis  .


I prefer to deal with putin ,and try to restore the relations ,instead of a new bloc ( rus/china/india and smaller nations). Russia for me is part of europe was and must be in the future


and there is a lot of support

As I said , deluded !

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8 hours ago, ChasingTheSun said:

Thailnd is likely on the right side of history on this one.

Like it or not, most countries and most people of the world are either nuetral or on russias side in the ukraine conflict. 


anyone who does the most basic of independent background research on the conflict would also likely agree that Russia was undeniably forced into this sad conflict. 

hopefully biden and nato will allow Ukraine to negotiate peace sooner, rather than later. It’s doubtful that zelensky will be around at that time to do any negotiations.




Done the research- there is no reason that this war / terrorism is necessary 

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3 minutes ago, Graham8888 said:

anyone who does the most basic of independent background research on the conflict would also likely agree that Russia was undeniably forced into this sad conflict. 

Maybe you could share with us where you do your research? Because your conclusion that Russia was undeniable forced into this sad conflict is at least a little iffy. 

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12 hours ago, starky said:

We recognise Thailand's generations long ability to play both sides against the middle thus making them able to simultaneously profit from both sides whilst having zero accountability nor indeed any reason to commit to anything. 

  Whats that expression? Weak as <deleted>.

Spot on!

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Since then, they have barely hesitated to join any war they can. 

Or start one...............:cowboy:....................................

............cant do any smiley ones anymore---wonder why they changed that...

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I'm against the invasion. But has anyone here ever read what the Ukrainian nationalists did to Poles

left on the wrong side of the border after WW2?  Far worse than the Japs in Nanjing and as bad as anything the Nazis did in France. So the Russians do have some grounds to fear for Russian speakers in Donbas.


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1 hour ago, lapamita said:

currently not , but in the last 30 year. bloody wars around the globe with  hunderts of thousands of death and instability in countrys where we want to export " democracy"

Today the US dont need more to fight for land oil terretorys, but it fight for its corrupted financial system whats controlling the world and russia and other countrys try to brake this monopol ,what would lead to an end  in dollar demand and finally to brake the dept based system.

Not belive ..just to tell not everybody is the same when it comes to laws even in west, its a shame  for example here:

since 1.3 there was suspension of russian ADRs , but trading in billions keep going on  at the LSE exchange ,even offically closed. In july , Us anounced that shares could be changed to original shares , timeframe 7 days they open clearstream . NOT andy private investor get the time to change dispose the share but all of the Mafia banks with international relations was doing.

in August FED and US goverment alloud US big banks to dispose even their Russian goverment bonds. Trading goes on ..involved JPM Deutsche BANk BOA and Citi recovering tens of billions

dont belive ???? here


The Treasury provided further guidance on July 22 to help settle default insurance payments on Russian bonds. It also clarified that banks could facilitate, clear and settle transactions of Russian securities if this helped U.S. holders wind down their positions.

Separately, European regulators have also eased rules to allow investors to deal with Russian assets by allowing them to put them into so-called side pocketsSome banks are offering to trade Russian sovereign and corporate bonds, and some are offering to facilitate trades in bonds denominated in both robles and U.S. dollars, according to the documents and the investor who holds Russian securities.

and the small investor in fund or shares get  the A.....card.

so sanctions for who ??   for the Idiots

That old daddy Biden , sun is  a hedgfundmanager and was 9 years on the board of the biggest Gas company in ukraine , just to name , that US helped build up Ukr army with money . That the US is the major winner of this conflict and europe the biggest loooser ,due to warious circumstances is a fact too.

Biden let others fight for you , you have a lot of blind eye followers , good for you so you can blame russia for all bad, and nobodys looking to the end of the tightrope act of the centralbanks ,who failed. excessive moneyprinting and irrational financial policys lead to inflation ( PPI already increased last year by 30% before the war , but they turned blind eye ) just heping the financial community.   and on and on and on

US is fighting a proxy war against Russia

Whats lead to this war is the time btw 2007 and 2022 ( the ignorrance of the west and nato extention) ,the person who starts the war was putin , but today we in a new reality and need to find a solution. Blaming is not helping . We need 100 clever Brains to stop this war, but there is not one out there.

The russian propaganda? the west is not far behind , of reporting untrue and one sided news ,day by day. I made a lot of research  , and fakt is, that there a lot of lies from the west out there in the media , i saved hunderts of links from big media insitutions and google earth and so on


PS  and the so called wheat crisis and baby s die from hunger , blaming russia , NOT ONE of the ships was leving to africa from ukraine , they went mostly to eu and china and turkey.

Baby Biden why you not payed only 1 or 2 ships for Africa?? for the pootr babys?? you care a <deleted> about that old daddy.Africas problem is not the missing wheat , its corruption and slavery work for a handul of dollars. poor Babys, your a liar, you killed to babys in your carrear ,as you was the warhead of Irak and yugoslawia and so on ( wikepdia   look there)


i sick of all this liars out there , they blame putin,clean in front of your doors first ,thats for most politicans the same , espec in europe , where the EZB boss , Lagarde is a crimminal subject in top poosition ( i can call she criminal bcs she was found guilty of a criminal court in france 2008 when she was french finance minister of a 408 mb embezzlement. Guilty sentenced but not have criminal record ( of consideration to france and IWF) , nice ,nice ,nice and that at the top of the leaders in Europe

I usually put posters on ignore when their views are repugnant, dumb as a can of soup, dishonest, gaslighting, trolling or lacking in manners.

Looking at some of the posts on this thread, I think it's time to introduce a couple more filters for the attributes of illiteracy and incoherency.

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2 minutes ago, PeeJayEm said:

I'm against the invasion. But has anyone here ever read what the Ukrainian nationalists did to Poles

left on the wrong side of the border after WW2?  Far worse than the Japs in Nanjing and as bad as anything the Nazis did in France. So the Russians do have some grounds to fear for Russian speakers in Donbas.


Poland is the third largest donor of military aid to Ukraine, the Poles are fine.

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