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Russia appreciates Thailand's understanding of reasons behind special operation — Lavrov


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36 minutes ago, voulez vous said:

That's good then. All Europe has to do is get off their knees to the US and get the gas turned on to help their people. The pipes are waiting. Easy peasy.


The US couldn't care less about Europe. It just wants it to do as it's told. It's aim is to TRY to weaken Russia AMAP, in any way possible, They have not wanted to play ball since Pres Yeltsin sold off the family silver.

And wait for Putin to lay claim to the rest of the "Russian World" which seems to mean any territory that Russia or the Soviet Union once controlled.

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3 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Most of the money being sent to Ukraine is disappearing. Most of the arms being sent to ukraine are being resold on the black market, and never make it to the soldiers. Its a giant money laundering wild west over there."

Well, if that were true, then just imagine how ineffectual the Russian armed forces must be to be blocked and now pushed back by forces so poorly equipped.

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6 hours ago, blazes said:

Which Western nations practice censorship???????


Mein Gott, have you never heard  of  Hunter Biden's laptop?  Which of the mainstream media (other than Fox News) in the United  States of America has covered the never-ending stream of illegal migrants at the southern border? the random killings performed by recently-released felons?  etc etc etc.....every day is filled with silence!

Deranged is the word that springs to mind.

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18 hours ago, ChasingTheSun said:

Thailnd is likely on the right side of history on this one.

Like it or not, most countries and most people of the world are either nuetral or on russias side in the ukraine conflict. 


anyone who does the most basic of independent background research on the conflict would also likely agree that Russia was undeniably forced into this sad conflict. 

hopefully biden and nato will allow Ukraine to negotiate peace sooner, rather than later. It’s doubtful that zelensky will be around at that time to do any negotiations.




What is your source that most people in this world are neutral or on Putin's side?

Putin (not Russia) likes to restore the Soviet Union, restore old borders, be a kind of Catharina The Great.

Russia invaded democratic Ukraine. NATO is a defence organization, not aggressive like Putin and his gang (and Putin + gang = not Russia).

Zelensky has always welcomed talks with Russia. It is Russia that did not keep promises and used talks to strengthen their military positions (logistics).

I am very happy that Ukraine is coming back now, hopefully they can maintain this momentum. Long live Ukraine and world peace. 

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23 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Well of course, Russia is looking for new customers for its oil and Thailand wouldn't say no to securing some at a reasonable price.


Still, disgraceful behaviour - how can anyone justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine?  Anyone who believes Putin's claims that Ukraine was a threat is as daft as the millions of Russian citizens that believe the rubbish they are fed by their strictly controlled media and news services.


Ukraine was never a threat to that lunatic Putin or his country - even if they had joined NATO.  NATO exists to defend its members, not to threaten them. That one man is responsible for thousands of deaths (again) is beyond me.


What Putin really wants is the whole of Ukraine back under his control - either directly or throuh a puppet, as he has with that other thug in Belarus.  Why he wants more power, more land is beyond reason - I thought Imperialism was dead.


Thailand's position on this, given the nature of its current government is wholly in keeping.



All about one feeble little man and his aspirations for empire and ‘greatness’. Cannot believe this shizer is still happening in 2022. He needs putting down just like that other little prune in the ‘40s. Pathetic. 

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5 hours ago, blazes said:

Indeed.  And the above sentence demonstrates cruelly the quality of mind producing this sad statement.

IIRC, you were lamenting the disappearance of some emoticons. I'm just wondering how many sad emoticons your posts racked up before the symbol was removed.

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11 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

IIRC, you were lamenting the disappearance of some emoticons. I'm just wondering how many sad emoticons your posts racked up before the symbol was removed.

The "sads" always came from the usual suspects and my own sads were, equally, aimed at the usual suspects.  Though, more and more often lately, I have tended to refrain from aiming a "sad" because it was either otiose or merely a little cruel.

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