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Getting Directions in Chiang Mai


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I, too, don't understand the "help" that is given in a retail setting.  When asking an employee where anything is, you'll usually get an extended arm pointing more-or-less in the general direction of the item in question. How about telling us the aisle number and if the item is on the right or left? 


And while I'm ranting, why don't shopping malls have (more) floor plans posted showing the locations of various merchants and other features?  Looking for an ATM or even a toilet can involve touring the whole complex at times.  At least that's the result for those of us who seldom visit particular malls. It takes a number of regular visits for the customer to learn the layout of the shopping center.

Edited by MrBrad
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Their English is very limited so they will say very short sentences - there, Maya, Nimman etc. 


Don't expect them to give detailed road directions like native English speakers.


Even if you can speak some Thai, most foreigners won't be able to understand their Thai if they were to give detailed road directions. I once spoke to them in Thai but got some confusing answer when they rambled in Thai.

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2 hours ago, MrBrad said:

I, too, don't understand the "help" that is given in a retail setting.  When asking an employee where anything is, you'll usually get an extended arm pointing more-or-less in the general direction of the item in question. How about telling us the aisle number and if the item is on the right or left?



When an shop employee does that, I smile and say thank you (in Thai) and then also in Thai say, "Please show me."  I usually feel badly that I interrupted their Instagram posting or chatting with other employees, but I don't let that stop me.  ????


When asking directions in the street, obviously that won't work, although in Japan, whenever I asked directions, either when walking or on the train, most often the person would go out of their way to take me to my destination and then return towards theirs.  That has happened to me on occasion here in Thailand.



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1 hour ago, EricTh said:



Their English is very limited so they will say very short sentences - there, Maya, Nimman etc.

Don't expect them to give detailed road directions like native English speakers.



Thank you, EricTh. After 20+ years living in Chiang Mai, I too have found that to be the case, which is why I use short sentences in Thai.

That said, I don't hold much hope for the directions native English speakers give either, if the posts on ThaiVisa are to be considered.  Unless they post a map-linked reference, their directions are often impossible to follow.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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10 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Thais are creative not rationale. They cant read maps.

They're getting better at reading maps, I think, in part thanks to Google maps and other internet sites.  It used to be much worse; they often preferred to turn maps upside down or sideways to somewhat sort of orient themselves, though in reality, that didn't help much.

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Just now, MrBrad said:

They're getting better at reading maps, I think, in part thanks to Google maps and other internet sites.  It used to be much worse; they often preferred to turn maps upside down or sideways to somewhat sort of orient themselves, though in reality, that didn't help much.

Many women arent good at reading maps. People say its sexist but really some people are just better at certain things. Proven fact women multi task better than men.


Some people are too caught up in pc nonsense to recognise the reality.

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Men are better at map-reading than women because their sense of direction evolved to help them sow their wild oats, academic research found. Scientists say men may have wanted to breed with women in different regions to spread their genes further afield, to reduce inbreeding or simply because their culture allowed it

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/sex/11228958/Sex-The-real-reason-men-are-better-at-reading-maps.html#:~:text=Men are better at map,because their culture allowed it.


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If geography is taught in Thai schools it is very rudimentary and fails to instal a sense of direction. Also many Thais are afraid to lose face by admitting "I don't know" and will give vague or even incorrect information to avoid it.

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On 9/12/2022 at 11:35 AM, Sparktrader said:

True. Nothing to do with race. Playing the race card is the lowest response.


Ive know Thais for 20 years. They arent good at it. Many Thais dont know Aus/NZ arent in Europe.


The education system doesnt focus on the outside world or geography. The western education system does.


I had to give directions to Thais in CM who have been there 20 times, me 3 times.

Stating that an entire race of people can’t read maps isn’t racist? I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word - generalising by race is exactly what racism is. If I announced that black people cant do maths and then claimed I wasn’t being racist, I wonder how many people would give me a free pass on that?


Also, if Western education truly focuses on the outside word more than Thai education, why are so many Americans incapable of pointing out where various extremely well-known countries are on an atlas?

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On 9/11/2022 at 11:02 AM, FolkGuitar said:

In the USA, we often get rural directions such as 'Turn left where Ariel Fisk's barn used to be before it burned down 15 years ago.' 

I lived rural USA and I did actually get directions exactly like that... 


Another issue here is that about 50% of the people will answer "yes" just to be polite... 

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1 hour ago, Mark1066 said:

Stating that an entire race of people can’t read maps isn’t racist? I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word - generalising by race is exactly what racism is. If I announced that black people cant do maths and then claimed I wasn’t being racist, I wonder how many people would give me a free pass on that?


Also, if Western education truly focuses on the outside word more than Thai education, why are so many Americans incapable of pointing out where various extremely well-known countries are on an atlas?

No it isnt. Not even close. Racism is hating someone due to race. Saying black people are better at basketball due to athletic ability doesnt mean I hate white people. It also doesnt mean all white people are bad at it.


The American system of education isnt as good as the European ones in geography. 


The education system isnt a race.


Playing the race card says more about you than anyone else.


Using incorrect isms is really common these days. A sad reflection of priorities.

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40 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

No it isnt. Not even close. Racism is hating someone due to race. Saying black people are better at basketball due to athletic ability doesnt mean I hate white people. It also doesnt mean all white people are bad at it.


The American system of education isnt as good as the European ones in geography. 


The education system isnt a race.


Playing the race card says more about you than anyone else.


Using incorrect isms is really common these days. A sad reflection of priorities.

What really speaks volumes about you is your misuse and misunderstanding of your native language, along with the fact that you resort to personal attacks when you are called out on your lack of education - a sad reflection on your own priorities I guess. Here's (the salient part of) a dictionary definition:


"the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another."


In this case, you believe a whole race of people have inferior map reading skills.


Is that clear enough for you?

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2 minutes ago, Mark1066 said:

What really speaks volumes about you is your misuse and misunderstanding of your native language, along with the fact that you resort to personal attacks when you are called out on your lack of education - a sad reflection on your own priorities I guess. Here's (the salient part of) a dictionary definition:


"the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another."


In this case, you believe a whole race of people have inferior map reading skills.


Is that clear enough for you?

No I dont.  There is no 1 Thai race (clearly you don't know this) and 2 it is about education not race.


Better luck next time.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/19/2022 at 11:10 PM, Sparktrader said:

No I dont.  There is no 1 Thai race (clearly you don't know this) and 2 it is about education not race.


Better luck next time.

It's really pointless to engage in an argument with someone who's so juvenile. There may be more than one race here (obviously) but it's a far more homogenous society than wherever you came from. It's offensive to claim that all Thais can't read maps - you can argue that it's not until you're blue in the face but that doesn't change the facts.


Your comment on education may have some merit but if the education system in the West is so superior, why are so many of the expats I meet here just a step away from poverty? You'd think they'd have made more of a success of things with the fantastic education they received.

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