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Pound slumps to all-time low against dollar

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3 hours ago, puchooay said:

Oh dear. Resorting to insults. How sad.


Having looked back at all the posts, it is not I nor the poster you quoted who have been banging on about how the wealthy benefit more by the recent tax cuts. The poster that did surely would be able to answer the question put to him. If he cannot he should not be attacking such a group.


For me, an income bracket alone does not define wealth. That is why I too am interested in the posters answer. I, personally, feel he should be using a phrase such as "high earners" rather than "the wealthy". With good investment, property purchases, saving and spending wisely it is possible to be wealthy whilst never having had a salary over 30k a year. Trust me, I know. 


I'm sure 30k earners is not the group that is being attacked yet very possibly could be wealthier than those in higher salary brackets. I await his answer with interest.

“I'm sure 30k earners is not the group that is being attacked yet very possibly could be wealthier than those in higher salary brackets. I await his answer with interest.”


I’m not ‘attacking’ any group.


The evidence I have provided relates to earned income.


The Government are handing out borrowed money in the form of ‘tax’ giveaways (tax is paid on income).


The whole giving away borrowed money is based on ‘income’.




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9 hours ago, baboon said:

You just made that up. Why, I have no idea, but you made it up.

Not at all. Not sure when you were last back in the UK, but you should really see the state of some of these people. Absolutely shocking. Get them to work, and save the benefits for people who really need them like the elderly and those with genuine physical limitations. 


The current policy of treating people with kid gloves to appear "kind" is anything but, and simply directs assistance away from those who genuinely need it into the hands of lazy workshy individuals who live off the back of other's hard work. There's nothing kind about that. 

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3 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Not at all. Not sure when you were last back in the UK, but you should really see the state of some of these people. Absolutely shocking. Get them to work, and save the benefits for people who really need them like the elderly and those with genuine physical limitations. 


The current policy of treating people with kid gloves to appear "kind" is anything but, and simply directs assistance away from those who genuinely need it into the hands of lazy workshy individuals who live off the back of other's hard work. There's nothing kind about that. 

I agree, the last time I was back in the UK in 2019 I saw this in spades, it's just sanctioned  abuse in many cases.

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Thinking of UK benefits fraud....how many people reading this thread are living in Thailand whilst claiming they still live in the UK and claiming some sort of benefit such as pension increases, heating allowance, etc etc! Yup, I thought so!

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12 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

After over a decade of Tory austerity it’s difficult to claim people have been treated with ‘Kid Gloves’.


But of course you need simple answers to address the complex problems faced by people you openly denigrate.


Twelve years of Tory ‘tough love’ hasn’t solved anything, two more years of doubling down on failed policies will deliver nothing but more of the same failure.

There hasn't been any "tough love" yet.


Hopefully Truss will fix that and reduce benefits for those capable of working and redirect them into the pockets of those who really need it. 

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8 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I have no idea.


Tell is how many.


Or is this another of your baseless assumptions?

The question was rhetorical CH! But there was a time when I was, years ago and there was a time when many many other expats bragged about the fact.

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1 minute ago, nigelforbes said:

There was a time when I was, years ago and there was a time when many many other expats bragged about the fact.

Personal, uncomfirmable experience. Always so convincing.

8 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

All we’ve seen so far is a desire to funnel borrowed money to the already wealthy.

Absolutely untrue.


Tax breaks were across the board. Stop trying to gaslight everyone with this lefty trope that you know is a fabrication.

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I don’t think it a good idea to formulate national policies punitive to the poor based on what somebody else brags about on line.


But of course opinions differ.

I partially agree, however, suppressing the fraud I described works very much in favor of the rest of the population, especially the poor. But I also think that more effort should be put into confirming circumstantial evidence such as the fraud I have described. Around one in ten UK citizens live overseas. Around one million pensioners are expatriated, approximately half of them in countries where the state pension is not uprated.....the potential for fraud is massive and the amounts involved huge.



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11 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

A disgraceful pejorative generalization.





Time to accept the facts, ol' chum......????

18 hours ago, placeholder said:

Really? NHS service cuts affect everyone equally? The wealthy won't go elsewhere?

The thing is the distinction between budget cuts and tax cuts is artificial. For example, if the government had chosen not to cut income taxes or the stamp duty, would it be necessary to curtail services at the NHS at all? Mightn't, in fact, service levels actually be restored to their former level? 


As for austerity cuts, they also lead to this:


Austerity cuts to social care and health caused 57,000 deaths, research suggests

The government has refused to apologise for the “appallingly unnecessary” impact of austerity spending cuts, after researchers linked post-2010 reductions in spending on social care and health to more than 57,000 deaths in just four years.

The findings of the government-funded research suggest that cuts to social care, health and public health caused 57,550 more deaths in England than would have been expected if spending had continued on pre-2010 trends.

The research shows the number of deaths due to austerity was even higher than suggested by previous research, which had linked about 45,000 deaths to health and social care funding cuts between 2010 and 2014.


You forgot, the layabout scroungers pay nothing into funding the NHS.... Plus, their habits will probably kill them early anyhoooo, and at 10 quid a packet of fags, that would buy food for their table...

55 minutes ago, nigelforbes said:

Thinking of UK benefits fraud....how many people reading this thread are living in Thailand whilst claiming they still live in the UK and claiming some sort of benefit such as pension increases, heating allowance, etc etc! Yup, I thought so!

I know some.....????

  • Haha 1
28 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It’s gone from ‘Let’s give £350,000,000 per week to the NHS’ to ‘let’s cut welfare in order to hand tax breaks to the rich’.


And no ‘sunny uplands’ along the way.

NHS spending in 2016 was 135 Billion per year. In 2020 it was 191 Billion.


That's 56 Billion extra, or 1.07 Billion per week. Now, some of that was due to Covid. But even without Covid, in 2022-2023 it will be 173 Billion. 38 Billion extra. 730,000,000 per week.




Tax breaks went to all income earners, rich AND poor.


Let's stick to the truth, eh?

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14 minutes ago, nigelforbes said:

Against which standard is he being measured, OK compared to whom?

I have no idea where he went or how he measured up. Boris just looked good on tv.

Not just a suit spruiking.

Thought he was a part of the famous Goons.

  • Haha 1
14 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

NHS spending in 2016 was 135 Billion per year. In 2020 it was 191 Billion.


That's 56 Billion extra, or 1.07 Billion per week. Now, some of that was due to Covid. But even without Covid, in 2022-2023 it will be 173 Billion. 38 Billion extra. 730,000,000 per week.




Tax breaks went to all income earners, rich AND poor.


Let's stick to the truth, eh?

Nice maths. That's 56 Billion extra, or 1.07 Billion per week


Some old data but still indicative. I can't be bothered spending too much time trying to confirm what I already know to be fact, if others feel the need then please have at it!


"For 2011-12 it is estimated that 0.8%, or £1.2bn, of total benefit expenditure was overpaid as a result of fraud. This is far lower than the figures widely believed by the public, as revealed repeatedly in opinion polls. A TUC poll recently revealed that people believe 27% of the welfare budget is claimed fraudulently".




I don't know about anyone else by 1.2 bill. seems like a shed load of money to me.

2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The evidence I have provided relates to earned income.

Exactly. Yet you said " tax breaks benefit mainly the wealthy". 


However, you are yet to say who the "wealthy" are. 


At least we now know it is not under 30k earners as you said you are not attacking them. 


How about wealthy people who have never earned over 50k?

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