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Liz Truss’s premiership has got off to the worst start possible


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11 minutes ago, roo860 said:

Exactly, unfortunately there's a generation now, and probably their parents as well who can't put a meal together, vegetables etc are not expensive, neither are cheaper cuts of meat. When I was working in the UK, used a slow cooker regularly, and no there are not expensive to run, even with energy rises, a hot meal would be waiting for me, just cook a bit of veg, easy.

Even these days , you can get large bags of frozen peas, cauliflower, sprouts etc for about a Pound each , sausages or bacon or whatever and make a large healthy  meal for about  Pound

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3 hours ago, baboon said:

Just as an aside, what TVs are available other than flat screen ones? And how does one go about claiming their lavish dole money without access to the internet?

The grumpy old right wingers on here have a mindset that dates from the time of the Flintstones... 

CRT tv's are still available, both new and "second hand" which perfectly good enough for benefit claimants, after all as they say "beggars can't be choosers"  Its perfectly possible to claim benefits without using the internet, as long as one is actually living in the UK.

Benefits are designed to help people in emergencies  on a temporary basis  and are not designed to be used as a lifestyle choice 

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5 minutes ago, James105 said:

I'm pretty sure the NHS would still find time to make their TikTok dancing videos if their diversity and equality budget was cut.   

I'm boggled. I worked in the NHS and there was very little to "dance" about.

If they are paying to make silly VDOs there must be a few managers superfluous to requirements they could get rid of.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I've always been in favour of the Singapore solution to unemployment. If they can't find work, the government used to give them a backpack mower and send them out to cut grass.

I don't know if they still do so.

I cannot imagine there being much grass to cut in Singapore

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10 minutes ago, James105 said:

She needs to hold the line otherwise her position will become a lot worse.   


I'm still finding it mildly amusing that the markets lost their minds over a tiny £2.4bn tax cut for the wealthy, yet doesn't even blink at the hundreds of billions wasted on covid measures, gifts to Ukraine etc.   


What she probably needs to do is start looking at cutting services to help pay for these giveaways and make the state a bit smaller.   I'm pretty sure the NHS would still find time to make their TikTok dancing videos if their diversity and equality budget was cut.   

The problem was borrowing money to give tens of £Billions (not £2Billion) in unnecessary tax cuts to the already wealthy.


Without an economic impact analysis and without an economic plan (both now promised at some future date).


I have no doubt cuts social programs are on the way, which may have been the only real plan, but none of this was in the manifesto at the last election, nobody has voted for it.

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The problem was borrowing money to give tens of £Billions (not £2Billion) in unnecessary tax cuts to the already wealthy.


Without an economic impact analysis and without an economic plan (both now promised at some future date).


I have no doubt cuts social programs are on the way, which may have been the only real plan, but none of this was in the manifesto at the last election, nobody has voted for it.

The Left fully supported Truss when She opposed the then current P M Boris Johnson .

   The Left wanted Truss (instead of Boris) .

Be careful what you wish for...............it may come true

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5 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

I cannot imagine there being much grass to cut in Singapore

maybe not but there is plenty to cut in the UK and no shortage of chewing gum and graffiti to cjean up too, majority of which is put there by people claiming benefits

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6 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

maybe not but there is plenty to cut in the UK and no shortage of chewing gum and graffiti to cjean up too, majority of which is put there by people claiming benefits

There are already people who cut the grass and clean the streets in the U.K , people have jobs doing that already 

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1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

I 'm well aware of what he is implying         they are all the same     

At least you understand the difference between 'inferring' and 'implying' which is more than can be said for the poster your are replying to.  Perhaps you were right about sticking to one syllable words, but I'm afraid it appears that the people who would benefit are the ones agreeing with you.

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The Left had absolutely no say in the matter.


Truss and the mess Truss is making is all down to the Tories.

Nothing at all to do with the Left wing media constantly writing regular  negative stories about Boris, oh no, nothing to do with "us" at all ????

   It weren't me , I weren't even there , its all their fault

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21 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Exactly, anyone on unemployment benefit who turns down 3 job offers in a row should have benefits removed. 100% removed. 


I'm all for supporting people who genuinely need it (the eldery, the disabled etc.) but there is a whole culture of living off benefits in the UK and it needs to be addressed. Obviously the leftists would be up in arms about "nasty" Tories forcing people to work for a living, but watching that meltdown would simply be an extra bonus.


On the one hand there is said to be a labour shortage, on the other hand a million unemployed. I think I see a solution to this devilishly tricky conundrum.

There are approximately 1.2 million people unemployed in the UK right now. 

Here’s a quarter of them.


They are not interested in you simplistic answers to complex problems:



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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

There are approximately 1.2 million people unemployed in the UK right now. 

Here’s a quarter of them.


They are not interested in you simplistic answers to complex problems:



Not looking for a job, therefore not claiming job seekers allowance and not relevant to my post about UK benefits culture.




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Just now, Mac Mickmanus said:

Nothing at all to do with the Left wing media constantly writing regular  negative stories about Boris, oh no, nothing to do with "us" at all ????

   It weren't me , I weren't even there , its all their fault



Nothing at all to do with the Left of anything.


Tory MP’s submitted letters of no confidence, Tory Ministers withdrew support.


Then the same Tory MPs chose candidates to replace Johnson and the Tory Constituency Party members chose Truss.


Nothing at all to do with the Left.

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:



Nothing at all to do with the Left of anything.


Tory MP’s submitted letters of no confidence, Tory Ministers withdrew support.


Then the same Tory MPs chose candidates to replace Johnson and the Tory Constituency Party members chose Truss.


Nothing at all to do with the Left.

The constant negative repots from the left wing media was a reason why he became unpopular and why the Conservatives removed him .


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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

But still within the 1.2 million unemployed 

Even if that were true (which I doubt), even if it solved 30% of the vacancies it would be a massive help right now.


Don't let perfection stand in the way of improvement.


People like you always snipe from the sidelines but never offer any solutions. I worked with many people like that, they never get promoted and moan about the injustice of it all.

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3 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Give them a job at the airports then. Took almost 2 hours from landing at Heathrow to meeting my sister at arrivals. Complete shambles. It can't take that much training to teach someone how to move a suitcase.


Similar story at pubs and restaurants. My niece has a good job in finance but currently works behind the bar in the evenings as a favour to her friend who runs a pub but can't get anyone to work.

Pay them better and they will come.

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