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'Not a repudiation': Joe Biden holds off red wave, gets unexpected boost from midterm election


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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I have a prediction that I am very  confident about.

You're seeing DeSantis at a very high point in his career.

He does not face a cake walk to the presidency.

There is much to be revealed and publicized that won't smell as nice.

Also to note if it's clear that Trump won't  be nominated early enough Biden probably won't even run. Biden would beat Trump again but probably nobody else.

To those that think the democrats don't have a bench you are very wrong.

trump already made clear he will try to torpedo DeSantis if he runs...man's got the emotional intelligence of a rock.



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3 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

Biden inherited 6.8% unemployment from 45. UE is now 3.5%.


Biden inherited a Recession (the usual repub gift to Dems, who always have to clean up the mess left by repubs); economy is growing now


Biden inherited a pandemic out of control; it's over now


Biden inherited a runaway budget deficit, as 45 added $7,000,000,000,000 to the National Debt, or 37% of the total debt since 1776, but cut the yearly deficit by $350 billion in FY 2021 and $1.4 TRILLION in FY2022.

You continue to ignore the fact that the US was affected by covid when Biden took over, and had been for some time.

No western government had a better result, to my knowledge- they were all in decline due to lockdowns.


the pandemic isn't over- people continue to die with covid.


Was the budget deficit not caused by the covid response ie lockdowns and the need to support jobless Americans?

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43 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They probably do, but as long as Dem politicians talk like you do that ain't going to happen, IMO. Healing happens when one side reaches out to the other to co operate, not when they are attacking those they disagree with.

I am not a Democrat nor a Republican. As an Independent I look at both sides of the issues.  I see the last election as proof that radicals are on both sides and are pushing agendas which have no reasoning behind them.

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4 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

That "divisive teleprompter reader" has achieved quite a bit, if one can be objective instead of a Cult 45er.


Biden inherited 6.8% unemployment from 45. UE is now 3.5%.


Biden inherited a Recession (the usual repub gift to Dems, who always have to clean up the mess left by repubs); economy is growing now


Biden inherited a pandemic out of control; it's over now


Biden inherited a runaway budget deficit, as 45 added $7,000,000,000,000 to the National Debt, or 37% of the total debt since 1776, but cut the yearly deficit by $350 billion in FY 2021 and $1.4 TRILLION in FY2022.


Biden inherited a broken NATO; he re-energized NATO, and now NATO has helped kick russia's slimy butt in Ukraine.


Rather than announce yet another "Infrastructure Week" but getting absolutely nothing done, Biden got a bipartisan infrastructure Bill passed that will benefit every American.


desantis, who actually was married in Disney World, has spent his time as Gov attacking Disney and manufacturing other ghosts to divert attention away from FL's real problems.

At the risk of derailing the topic, you are comparing apples to viruses. Trump's first 3 years (pre covid) were quite good economically- unemployment went from 4% to 3.5% before the lockdowns.  Inflation in the 2% range. Gas two bucks a gallon.   


I would LOVE the Democrats to do a victory dance about the mid terms and then get complacent. Biden runs again in 2024 would be a dream for the GOP.   

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3 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

I am not a Democrat nor a Republican. As an Independent I look at both sides of the issues.  I see the last election as proof that radicals are on both sides and are pushing agendas which have no reasoning behind them.

I never said YOU are a Democrat. I said if they talk LIKE you did. Not the same thing at all.

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2 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

I watched both Fox and MSNBC this morning to see their reactions. Hats off to Fox - the hour with Bret Baier et al were blunt and honest. They were getting the point across that in a midterm election, the out-of-office party usually has a solid victory. This year, the Republicans should have swept across the country but didn't, so the question kept coming up, "What could the Republicans have done better to get the expected victory?"


MSNBC and Biden were embarrassing. Victory dances over a less-than-spectacular defeat, and when Biden was asked what he could do better over the next two years to improve Democrats' numbers, he replied, "Nothing." The hubris of that man is part of what is killing the Democratic party.


It's easy to predict a Republican presidential win in 2024. If Joe runs, it's a total fail. If VP Harris runs, the same. And who else to the Dems have?

As you said, the Republicans got this wrong, I think the rightwing needs to address what they got wrong and worry less about who they hope their opponent is in 2024.

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2 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Seems to me like the Democrats are trying to spin this into some kind of victory.


So the senate race is going down to the wire and it looks like they will lose control of the House of Representatives, allowing Republicans to block Biden's agenda.


If that is hailed as a victory, they must have set the bar pretty low.

     Traditionally, the party with the sitting President loses big in the mid-terms.  Trump lost 40 House seats in 2018, for example.  At one point McCarthy, the House Minority Leader, was predicting a pick-up of 60 Republicans in the House--that's how confident the Republicans were of a huge red wave.

     And, who could blame them for their confidence.  Unpopular President with low approval ratings.  High inflation.  Rising interest rates impacting mortgages.  Economy worries.  Stock market down.  Crime worries.   All issues that should have been tailor-made for the Republicans to go to town with and give Biden the same 'shellacking' they gave Obama in his first mid-term election in 2010.

     Losing the House and possibly the Senate certainly can't be seen as a victory.   I think for many Democrats it's more a case of breathing a huge sigh of relief that it was not nearly as bad as it could have been, and should have been given mid-term history.  They can take some cheer that some of Trump's hand-picked candidates did not deliver; that candidate quality still means something to many voters.  They can be buoyed that the electorate showed some signs that it might be starting to tire of all the destructive divisiveness in politics today; nice to see that whack job Lauren Boebert not having an easy go in her re-election effort and Madison Cawthorn not even making it to the general election.  A few rays of hope.

     While breathing that sigh of relief, Democrats need to be taking a hard look at Florida and asking themselves what they have done--or not done--that has caused this highly important state to move from one classified as a battleground state to the red column.   Florida population demographics should be at least keeping the state competitive; that it's turned red is a clear sign the Democratic party has been failing, and is still failing, to win over enough Floridians to keep it competitive.  


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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You continue to ignore the fact that the US was affected by covid when Biden took over, and had been for some time.

No western government had a better result, to my knowledge- they were all in decline due to lockdowns.


the pandemic isn't over- people continue to die with covid.


Was the budget deficit not caused by the covid response ie lockdowns and the need to support jobless Americans?

Have you forgotten about trumps tax cuts?

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1 hour ago, HappyExpat57 said:

The Dems have no one at this point, and unless Biden quickly says "Yeah, not again in 2024" and they find someone talented and charismatic (which VP Harris is NOT), then Republicans could run a spoiled ham sandwich as the Republican presidential candidate and win.

I agree Harris can't win  but if Biden doesn't run the democrats have many other strong options.  Some you haven't heard of but a fresh face can have a lot of appeal. Particularly democrats that are winners in red and purple states. As far as big names Gavin Newsom is a very talented politician.  Not saying I love him but he would make an apt contrast because of his historic role in marriage equality (now very popular) to the DeSantis game of scapegoating LGBT people which is straight out of the Putin playbook.


As clearly DeSantis is about culture wars well two can play at that game.

Edited by Jingthing
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28 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Inflation wasn't a thing 2 years ago so can't blame him for it.


Energy crisis? There was no such crisis 2 years ago and fracking made the US energy independent of imports- they even started exporting oil. So, who stopped the fracking?


No supply chain issues 2 years ago, so what changed? The Republicans were not in charge when they became a problem.

Tell us what changed? It did not just change in the US alone, it's a global worldwide issue so please stop insinuating it was just Bidens policies, far from it. Tell us who did not react soon enough with Covid in the US and then claimed it was nothing to be concerned with.  The Orange one created a mess.  

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3 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Seems to me like the Democrats are trying to spin this into some kind of victory.


So the senate race is going down to the wire and it looks like they will lose control of the House of Representatives, allowing Republicans to block Biden's agenda.


If that is hailed as a victory, they must have set the bar pretty low.

read the history of past mid term elections and see how  they did much much better than any in power party has done for decades.....and the dems also see the possible return to semi sanity of many republicans who refused to vote for the "rigged election big lie" bunch...i also think it's the end of the road for any realistic hopes of trump being reelected assuming he even gets the nomination or runs....i for one look forward to the day that trump and his cult fade away....

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I agree Harris can't win  but if Biden doesn't run the democrats have many other strong options.  Some you haven't heard of but a fresh face can have a lot of appeal. Particularly democrats that are winners in red and purple states. As far as big names Gavin Newsom is a very talented politician.  Not saying I love him but he would make an apt contrast because of his historic role in marriage equality (now very popular) to the DeSantis game of scapegoating LGBT people which is straight out of the Putin playbook.


As clearly DeSantis is about culture wars well two can play at that game.

Please, PLEASE run Newsom!  See how many votes he gets off the coastline.   DeSantis would gut him like a fish. 


If you only think of one thing, consider this- which state is hemorrhaging population, and which one is growing?

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I never said YOU are a Democrat. I said if they talk LIKE you did. Not the same thing at all.

So Trump is not a liar or a denier in your view, and his ardent followers are sensible people who know right from wrong and are not easily fooled ...good to know.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

the DeSantis game of scapegoating LGBT people which is straight out of the Putin playbook.

Is this another false claim like your don't say gay bill which didn't say (or mean) gay? Any chance of a credible link that shows DeSantis genuinely doing wrong to LGBT just because they are LGBT? And how is the false claim meaning DeSantis is like Putin?

 IIRC DeSantis made a huge effort to stop vulnerable Florida children getting sexualized and groomed by predators. Predators of all shapes, colors and varieties. Something we should all be supporting.


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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

It appears you haven't been following the midterms at all and the forecast that predicted a Republican blow-out.  That clearly didn't happen.  The GOP will have a slim majority in the House and the Dems will probably retain the Senate.  Not only that, the Dems won nearly all the Governor races in battleground states.  This has huge implications for the 2024 Presidential election.  I'm talking Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and possibly Arizona.  Dems also took over the state legislature in Michigan and Pennsylvania.  Kemp won in Georgia, but he's already demonstrated that he will not cheat for Trump.


So the fear that MAGA types would somehow help Trump in 2024 ain't going to happen.  That's a rather significant win for democracy.  Trump may even reconsider whether to run in 2024 if he knows he can't cheat.  

Well at least it looks like he didn't cheat last time. So what are you saying?

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9 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Tell us what changed? It did not just change in the US alone, it's a global worldwide issue so please stop insinuating it was just Bidens policies, far from it. Tell us who did not react soon enough with Covid in the US and then claimed it was nothing to be concerned with.  The Orange one created a mess.  

Did you look at the post I was responding to?

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12 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Tell us what changed? It did not just change in the US alone, it's a global worldwide issue so please stop insinuating it was just Bidens policies, far from it. Tell us who did not react soon enough with Covid in the US and then claimed it was nothing to be concerned with.  The Orange one created a mess.  

You sound Democrat.

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23 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

As you said, the Republicans got this wrong, I think the rightwing needs to address what they got wrong and worry less about who they hope their opponent is in 2024.

I think most Republicans in the leadership echelon know what went wrong. The dilemma for them is how to manage Trump and his fire brand far right lawmakers MAGA squad like Greene, Matt Gaetz and others hard-core pro Trump congressional faction. Kevin McCarthy seem scared of Greene and Steve Scalise as Republican whip is giving the Maga squad a wide berth. I think Republican will unlikely to be united going into 2024 which will give the Dems an advantage. The Dems bench is full of very talented potentials. 

Edited by Eric Loh
wrong word
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1 hour ago, Credo said:

It's a very loud commentary on the state of the Republican Party when the country is facing the problems it is, and they couldn't massively sweep to victory.  We are in the worst inflation in most people's lifetime.   We are facing an energy crisis of epic proportions.  We are facing an existential climate crisis and severe water shortages in the west and southwest.  We have a President that is nearly 80 years old.   It's unbelievable that the right wing couldn't come up with a coherent set of policies to destroy the Democrats in the election.  Why?  Because they have nothing.  


Their policy, or non-policy, is that the 2020 election was stolen.  That's it and a whole lot of people are tired of this untruth.   


Inflation is, in large part, caused by supply chain issues.   The Republicans never addressed the issue.  They just blamed Biden.   


Climate Change, the water crisis in the West and SW were never addressed because CC isn't real.  


Crime wasn't addressed either, but again if we just get rid of the Democrats, it will go away. 


The Border was never really addressed either.  It's a problem and if they just get rid of the Democrats, it will be OK.  That doesn't quite work.   


And then there was a big one that made up the minds of a lot people a long time ago -- abortion.  I know a number of Republican women who do not agree with the overturning of Row v. Wade.  The ease with which the Republicans embraced a denial of a right was scary to many.   


Republicans might want to think more about what they want for the country and less about hating and settling petty differences they have with Democrats.



Sounds like you're not real happy with Biden's performance at all.

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Just now, Eric Loh said:

I think most Republicans in the leadership echelon know what went wrong. The delimna for them is how to manage Trump and his fire brand far right lawmakers like MAGA squad like Greene, Matt Gaetz and others hard-core pro Trump congressional faction. Kevin McCarthy seem scared of Greene and Steve Scalise as Republican whip is giving the Maga squad a wide berth. I think Republican will unlikely to be united going into 2024 which will give the Dems an advantage. The Dems bench is full of very talented potentials. 

Except for the bit about the Dems having a strong bench, this is a reasonable analysis.  I think the MAGA people will gradually distance themselves over time and once Trump can be safely sidelined. They will morph back into simple conservative Republicans.

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14 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Well at least it looks like he didn't cheat last time. So what are you saying?

Come on.  Trump did try to cheat but it failed because those running the states wouldn't go along.  If he was successful at installing his goons in key places, e.g., governor of Pennsylvania, he'd have a better shot.  That would have been the only way he could have won because the vast majority of Americans hate his guts.

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5 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

Except for the bit about the Dems having a strong bench, this is a reasonable analysis.  I think the MAGA people will gradually distance themselves over time and once Trump can be safely sidelined. They will morph back into simple conservative Republicans.

Trump has whipped his supporters into a cult and will be difficult for them to move away as long as he is still breathing. Not wishing for his demise but that's the reality. The Congressional Maga faction will have to take the cue from these cult supporters and will unlikely to change to typical conservative Republicans. Trump has created a monster that has tens of millions of followers who worship his greed, criminalty and cruelty. It will be hard to dismantle such a fanatical group. It's a Republican Party dilemma that will take a long time to morph back to the party of Reagan. 

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31 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

Please, PLEASE run Newsom!  See how many votes he gets off the coastline.   DeSantis would gut him like a fish. 


5555.....before DeSantis could get to the General, he'd have to get through the Primary.  Which means he'd probably be gutted like a fish by a certain former Prez.   

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2 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

5555.....before DeSantis could get to the General, he'd have to get through the Primary.  Which means he'd probably be gutted like a fish by a certain former Prez.   

I disagree. DeSantis just proved his bona fides last night. A huge margin of victory, great support amongst Latino voters, and sensible policies.  By the next primary, Trump will have little to show for the past 3 years, if he even gets that far. 


The last straw might be if Trump announces his intention to run next week. There is a very good chance that might just torpedo Herschel Walker in the Senate runoff and throw the senate back to the Dems.  If that happens, even the most hardcore Mega Maga might mosey.

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