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FIFA World Cup 2022: Qatar bans beer sales at all stadiums


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According to a Times report, and a similar story in the Netherlands this week, the England and Wales fans, along with supporters from 30 other nations, have signed a code of conduct that requires them to deliver positive messages about being in Qatar, to sing songs as directed, and, perhaps most unsettlingly, to respond to social media posts critical of Qatar’s World Cup.

In return the England band and their fellow Fan Leaders will receive flights, tickets, accommodation and £60-a-day spending money. “You will be expected to stand up, sing the song/chant, wave your flags,” Qatar’s guidance states, adding in red letters: “Be ready in your shirt, flags and scarves to cheer and shout.” Just to be clear, that’s shout. Not weep, or scream, or collapse into a slough of melancholy.

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13 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

What has drinking got to do with enjoying at-the-ground games, of any kind?!

The history of readily available, mass drinking at football, especially by Europeans is not a good one, not good at all. 

I'd go further and say that anyone suspected of being drunk upon entry to a ground be breathe tested, and if over a reasonable limit be refused entry.

I for one wouldn't want to be around semi-inebriated, or drunk people at a WCup sports events. There are families children and women at these things so drunken men making scenes and frightening people (predominantly the problem historically) is not on.

As for free booze in hi-so viewing boxes these folks are contained in small groups and separated from the mass of folks attending. I would say, from personal experience of such spaces even if people get a bit p!ssy they don't brawl, throw drink containers at players and officials, or become offensive to others (and if they do they are removed from the box asap). 

If only we could ban the lower classes from such events. They do spoil things for the well-heeled.

  • Haha 1
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On 11/18/2022 at 7:48 PM, KhunBENQ said:

Nice a.s kick for a major sponsor.

Hope this rotten FIFA, corrupt to the bones will get more of that.

Massive boycott of merchandise goods.

And hopefully all major favorites blown away in first round.

Final with Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Would be a blockbuster.


What's next?

FIS organizing downhill ski in Saudi Arabia because it's good for the purse?

No they'll have it at the indoor ski slope in Dubai 555. 


Upon the news if beer sales being cancelled at stadiums i don't think beer is the only thing being cancelled now. Great way to make money and a successful World Cup ! ????

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I wonder how many of the almost 3 million tickets sold will result in filled seats or whether many fans will ask for their money back? English football fans require beer and they may not be aware that Qatar is a dry country.

Expect fireworks.

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2 hours ago, Purdey said:

I wonder how many of the almost 3 million tickets sold will result in filled seats or whether many fans will ask for their money back? English football fans require beer and they may not be aware that Qatar is a dry country.

Expect fireworks.

I doubt that many people will be getting too <deleted> at £10/pint????

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