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Sweden grants permission to burn the KORAN outside Turkish embassy - as Erdogan continues to block country's NATO bid


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14 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Agree, why can't they burn the Turkish flag instead. It's got nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with Turkey.

It has nothing to do with Turkey. The guy is an anti-Muslim fanatic that wants to get attention. It is not the first time he burns a copy of the Koran.

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15 hours ago, candide said:

From a legal point of view (and from a fundamental freedom pov), it shouldn't be forbidden to burn any religious book.


Having sais that, It's obvious that this guy is a despicable anti-muslim racist, who is surely not guided by enlightenment philosophy.

In other words, he's a nutter (to be polite). 

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19 hours ago, billd766 said:

Why doesn't Erdogan get somebody to burn an Evangelical Lutheran Bible (assuming that they could find one in Turkey) outside the Swedish embassy in Ankara.






Turkey is a secular state with no official state religion; the Turkish Constitution provides for freedom of religion and conscience.[427][428] A 2016 survey by Ipsos, interviewing 17,180 adults across 22 countries, found that Islam was the dominant religion in Turkey, adhered to by 82% of the total population; religiously unaffiliated people comprised 13% of the population, while 2% were Christians.[429] The level of religiosity study by Konda found that 9.7% of the population who are 'fully devoted', 52% who 'strives to fulfill religious obligations', 34.3% who 'does not fulfill religious obligations' and 3.2% 'Nonbeliever/Irreligious'.[430][431] Another poll conducted by Gezici Araştırma in 2020 interviewed 1,062 people in 12 provinces and found that 28.5% of the Generation Z in Turkey identify as irreligious.[432][433] According to a survey by World Values Survey In 2017 98.0% Identified as Muslims, while 1.2% Identified with no Religion and 0.8 as other.[434





 The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden was the official state church until 2000, and between three-fifths and two-thirds of the population remains members of this church. Since the late 1800s a number of independent churches have emerged; however, their members can also belong to the Church of Sweden

Turkey is a secular state in name only. Erdogan has turned Turkey into a fundamentalist state, with draconian  restrictions of basic freedoms.  Try being a member of LGBT community and enjoy the abuse. https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/06/30/turkey-mass-arrests-anti-lgbt-violence-pride    The remnants of the Greek Christian community live in fear of persecution. Are you even aware that anti semitic nonsense predominates in the Turkish media, even going so far as to blame jews for Covid19? https://www.state.gov/reports/2020-report-on-international-religious-freedom/turkey/

Turkey is quite good at burning symbols of the USA and of Israel.  http://qodsna.com/en/365593/Turkish-protesters-burn-Israeli-flag-ahead-of-Israeli-president-�s-visit   They especially love their effigies of big nosed caricatures that they burn. You quickly forget the vile racist filth the nationalist Turks launched against the former President Obama, emphasizing his afro american heritage to ridicule.

Some idiot in Sweden burns a koran. Hardly a justification to have mass protests. The Swede is an ignorant fool and should be treated accordingly.   The Turks should take comfort in knowing that the  fellow probably hates jews more.

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19 hours ago, Olav Seglem said:

It is to bad that one single country can prevent another country become a nato member.

Its just a way for erdogan to be more important that he deserves.

Kick him out...

not gonna happen - the US needs Incirlik air base........

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20 hours ago, candide said:

From a legal point of view (and from a fundamental freedom pov), it shouldn't be forbidden to burn any religious book.


Having sais that, It's obvious that this guy is a despicable anti-muslim racist, who is surely not guided by enlightenment philosophy.

How is it racist to burn a religious text? Muslim is not a racial group.  If someone burns a Bible, are they racist too? 

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2 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

How is it racist to burn a religious text? Muslim is not a racial group.  If someone burns a Bible, are they racist too? 

the word "racism" has had its meaning shifted.
its official meaning today encompasses any hate and discrimination against a demographic group of people, based on religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

I researched the matter because I'm not a fan of improper word use.

To designate racism based on race, today one has no choice but to say "racial racism", which makes the person saying it appear dumb.

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3 minutes ago, tgw said:

the word "racism" has had its meaning shifted.
its official meaning today encompasses any hate and discrimination against a demographic group of people, based on religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

I researched the matter because I'm not a fan of improper word use.

To designate racism based on race, today one has no choice but to say "racial racism", which makes the person saying it appear dumb.



So this is like "rape rape" being a different crime than "rape".   Guess hatin' on the gays is racism now too...


Hard to keep up with language these days. Silence is violence, words are violence too.  

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I think he's an idiot!

It was very stupid thing to do and hurts Sweden AND Finland because both agreed to join NATO together at same time.

Not a smart decision by Finland.

Sweden has many radicals from muslim countries who like Erdogan and hate the US.


There also is leftist group who don't like NATO and now they got more ammunition and visibility.



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9 hours ago, Hanaguma said:



So this is like "rape rape" being a different crime than "rape".   Guess hatin' on the gays is racism now too...


Hard to keep up with language these days. Silence is violence, words are violence too.  

Hard to keep up with the Rightwing Hyperbole 

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On 1/22/2023 at 4:52 PM, candide said:

From a legal point of view (and from a fundamental freedom pov), it shouldn't be forbidden to burn any religious book.


Having sais that, It's obvious that this guy is a despicable anti-muslim racist, who is surely not guided by enlightenment philosophy.

From a legal point of view, there shouldn't be allowed to burn any books! 


The mistake in first place was to let Turkey in Nato, but we needed a watch dog and an allied in the region, so for the time being before Erdogan, it might was an good idea! As much Russia could theoretically been a member today, if they did the right thing. 

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