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Too much vitamins she said?


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After reading the Optimal Nutritional Bible which promoted high doses of vitamins, of course you buy into it so started taking many vitamins, weeks\months later started getting unexplained tightness in my hand tendons, stopped all vitamins and it went away, soon after binned the book. No need for vitamins if you eat properly, unless identified problem

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2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

After reading the Optimal Nutritional Bible which promoted high doses of vitamins, of course you buy into it so started taking many vitamins, weeks\months later started getting unexplained tightness in my hand tendons, stopped all vitamins and it went away, soon after binned the book. No need for vitamins if you eat properly, unless identified problem

I know I don't eat enough fruits & veggies here, as they are really krap sometimes.


Multi & vit C is more than enough.   Never bothered in USA, as diet was much better, more balanced.

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Why do people take too much vitamins and minerals?

Because of marketing!

Georgia ,imo you are taking too many,should not need any if you follow a normal diet.

Also very bad for your kidneys,stones hurt like hell!

Companies like Amway and such make a living of slowly poisoning people.

Extra minerals and vitamins should only be taken on doctors advice.

I used to own a gym and yes i admit i also sold vitamins and suppliments

when people asked me if it helped, i always told them it helped a lot!

My income that was.





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22 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

I know I don't eat enough fruits & veggies here, as they are really krap sometimes.


Multi & vit C is more than enough.   Never bothered in USA, as diet was much better, more balanced.

Lot's of fruit and veg in Pattaya, i go to the market twice a week, remember you need fibre

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11 hours ago, KhunLA said:

I take vit C, mentioned already.


Along with a Multi Vitamin. Actually alternate between 2 different multi vitamins, every other day, as 1 has Iron, and the other has Vit A.  


Too much of either isn't good.  The rest of the multi is about identical.

That's about my vit tablet intake and another poster has said that you don't need vitamin tablets if you have a balanced diet, but then again I don't have a balanced diet these days.


I rarely cook vegetables for myself, nor do I eat much if any fruit (don't ask me why, it's just that I never fancy it) although I do have salads with many dishes I cook, and of course my wine intake is probably just over what it should be on a daily basis, so as I've said I don't have a balanced diet, so a multivitamin with an additional vitamin C tablet, as well as a coenzyme Q 10 capsule is my daily intake, and I've been doing this or similar for 40 years or so.

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17 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

In Australia we have “bulk billing “ GP doctors and private billing doctors, I changed to private billing medical centre $80 rather than the government free bulk billing as the bulk billing free Medicare doctors were how can I say it nicely. Had limited knowledge and rushed you in & out 


im sure every Aussie knows what I’m talking about 

What on Earth are you on about and why are you quoting me?

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You are certainly way overdoing it on the Vitamin D, usually recommeneded dose for adult supplementation is 800 iu. 4,000 i u daily is the absolute maximum dose considered safe;  I cannot imagine why you have been taking that much. Personally I take 800 iu Vit D daily and blood tests confirm that has me in normal range.


However it is not known to damage the liver.


Berroca already had B vitamins, it is a mix of B and C, so why on earth would you take both Berrocca and B Complex and Vit C? Ver high doses of niacin can damage the liver, no way to tell from what you wrote how much niacin you are getting.  Too much B6 can also cause problems though not AFAIK to thel iver.


Most people who suipplement would take just either 1 B Complex daily or one Berrocca daily. Certainly  not 2 B Co plus Berrocca.


Very high zinc intake can bt toxic to the liver, you do nto mention the dosage you take.


Tribulas is nto a vitamin and I already discussed the possible linkage between it and liver damage in your original thread...and advised you to stop taking it and repeat the labs (which apparently you have nto done).  https://aseannow.com/topic/1289059-fatty-liver/






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1 hour ago, Myran said:

What on Earth are you on about and why are you quoting me?

Makes perfect sense to me. I guess you're not from Straya and if you are you must be a silvertail who can afford the best Macquarie Street doctors ????


Apologies to the OP for the Sydney reference ????

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@georgegeorgiathis is just my personal opinion but I reckon you should lay off ALL vitamin supplements for a bit until you work out what's causing your liver pain.


I'm also a fan of the intermittent fasting that your naturopath recommended. Not necessarily as a long term habit but more of an initial kickstart to the liver regeneration process.


I find that if I force myself to fast then the hunger pangs eventually go away and afterwards I feel lighter and more refreshed. I also find that it shrinks my stomach and I feel fuller then previously with I try to eat my pre-fast food portions.

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13 minutes ago, Lemsta69 said:

Makes perfect sense to me. I guess you're not from Straya and if you are you must be a silvertail who can afford the best Macquarie Street doctors ????


Apologies to the OP for the Sydney reference ????

It makes zero sense in the context of what I wrote.

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25 minutes ago, Lemsta69 said:

Actually it does, you're just "having a moment" in the old comprehension department.

It doesn't. You simply lack the reading comprehension and English skills to understand what my post meant. You see, the point of my post was to ridicule the fact that the OP is complaining about someone's poor English skills and lack of knowledge about "testereone". The funny part of course being that there is no such thing as "testereone".


Glad I could clear that little senior moment of yours up. Stay in there, champ.

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12 minutes ago, Myran said:

It doesn't. You simply lack the reading comprehension and English skills to understand what my post meant. You see, the point of my post was to ridicule the fact that the OP is complaining about someone's poor English skills and lack of knowledge about "testereone". The funny part of course being that there is no such thing as "testereone".


Glad I could clear that little senior moment of yours up. Stay in there, champ.

Ah gotcha, you were being snarky. I overlook little stuff like that when I'm focusing on actually trying to help the OP.  OP 's probably too worried about his liver to have picked up on it either. 


But hey, 10/10 for your pettiness.

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40 minutes ago, Lemsta69 said:

Ah gotcha, you were being snarky. I overlook little stuff like that when I'm focusing on actually trying to help the OP.  OP 's probably too worried about his liver to have picked up on it either. 


But hey, 10/10 for your pettiness.

Right, as opposed to you claiming that I was "having a moment" simply because you didn't understand what was being written. Perhaps you should take a look in the mirror before calling other people snarky and petty in the future.


But admitting that you're wrong was a great step on the way towards recovery. Good luck, mate. We're all cheering for you.

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3 hours ago, phetphet said:

Most of the water soluble vitamins will just pass through you. Its the oil based ones like A,D,E that can be  harmful in excessive doses.

They also may interact with other nutrients, and or meds, and hindering their digestion. 

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2 hours ago, still kicking said:

I am Aussie and I don't have a clue what you are talking about

Medicare bulk bilking was introduced by Hawkey in 1984 so all Aussies should know about it. 


Or are you referring to the shoddy medical centres that the OP was (rightly) complaining about?

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On 3/25/2023 at 4:33 AM, georgegeorgia said:

You could copy & paste your answer aand add it to every question in this forum 


this is a health & medicine forum , im asking what vitamins forum members here take , and the reasons why they take vitamins no use asking my doctor what she takes 


many of the people on here have excellent knowledge of natural health related matters far better than my doctor 


if you want to get into “qualified medical personnel “ as you call them , sounds good until you turn up at a medical centre and see a guy whose English is not good and has no idea what testereone is , and passed his medical exams because the parents had money in Mumbai or Shanghai so I’m not sure why you have any faith for qualified medical personnel nowadays ?


many of these forum members have life experience and knowledge far far greater than some 25yo kid from Mumbai working as a GP in a medical centre 



A perfect example of why you ignore the ignorant, the unqualified, the uneducated and the insecure.

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It's highly unlikely that any licensed doctor would be familiar with the term "testereone" because it simply doesn't exist. The correct term is "testosterone," which is a hormone produced primarily in the testicles.

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On 3/24/2023 at 8:19 PM, mstevens said:

Many people have issues with their gut which affects the absorption of vitamins and minerals, hence for many there is a need for these people to take vitamin & mineral supplements. Gut issues are a bit like diabetes - many people suffer from it but don't know. Many people with gut issues are deficient in the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.


Also, if you have high stress, this will burn through some of the B vitamins, burn through Magnesium and if you become deficient then there can be a cascade of effects.


Bottom line is that for many people, a balanced diet is not enough. And as I am sure you will agree, many people these days do not eat a balanced diet!

Fair enough, for a x amount of people their lifestyle and diet is not good enough, but you shouldn't just start taking vitamins without a proper blood tests for a longer period before adding supplements. One blood test doesn't give you all the answers. Proper screening and follow up is necessary if you are concerned about your health. It just a matter of priority.



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On 3/25/2023 at 12:48 AM, simon43 said:

If you follow a balanced diet,

I certainly don't and I know many others here and overseas who don't either.


We hear a lot about “a balanced diet” but where does the term come from? It dates back to the 15th century and the Italian humanist Bartolomeo Sacchi, aka Il Platina, who could be said to have written the first bestselling diet book, De Honesta voluptate et valetudine.


What is balance diet according to WHO?

A healthy diet includes the following: Fruit, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice). At least 400 g (i.e. five portions) of fruit and vegetables per day (2), excluding potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava and other starchy roots.


So I don't know anybody who follows that necessarily, not only that of course is the fact that pesticides and insecticides, growth hormones and all sorts of other "sprays" are used on the plants we eat these days.


So IMO, "a balanced diet" could well be something very few of us achieve.


PS. There is a lot said/published about vitamin tablets/supplements etc and a few of the studies I’ve seen do suggest that vitamin supplementation can work in some instances, and I did have an article from a study done just recently, however I seem to have lost it in rearranging my files (damn).

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does not mean anything you need to tell the mg

With lot of Vitamin D you need Vitamin K as well else it might cause problems

Vitamins that are not water soluble can't leave the body as easy and are a risk...E, A, D....4000 D is OK but only together with K2.
Too much vitamins don't have a benefit...if you eat mixed with fruits, eggs and oils and get sun you don't need any supplements. Some more Vitamin C can't hurt but most probably doesn't bring much of a benefit.


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1 hour ago, xylophone said:

I certainly don't and I know many others here and overseas who don't either.


We hear a lot about “a balanced diet” but where does the term come from? It dates back to the 15th century and the Italian humanist Bartolomeo Sacchi, aka Il Platina, who could be said to have written the first bestselling diet book, De Honesta voluptate et valetudine.


What is balance diet according to WHO?

A healthy diet includes the following: Fruit, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice). At least 400 g (i.e. five portions) of fruit and vegetables per day (2), excluding potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava and other starchy roots.


So I don't know anybody who follows that necessarily, not only that of course is the fact that pesticides and insecticides, growth hormones and all sorts of other "sprays" are used on the plants we eat these days.


So IMO, "a balanced diet" could well be something very few of us achieve.


PS. There is a lot said/published about vitamin tablets/supplements etc and a few of the studies I’ve seen do suggest that vitamin supplementation can work in some instances, and I did have an article from a study done just recently, however I seem to have lost it in rearranging my files (damn).

a balanced diet is....no processed food, cooking yourself and as little as possible pre-processed materials for cooking. Ad some vegetables and fruits and you are good. Human body can do without problems from vegetarian up to keto or almost only meat without problems.....only the fast food and sugar kills. Everything else if there is some variety can be automatically balanced.

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56 minutes ago, h90 said:

a balanced diet is....no processed food, cooking yourself and as little as possible pre-processed materials for cooking. Ad some vegetables and fruits and you are good. Human body can do without problems from vegetarian up to keto or almost only meat without problems.....only the fast food and sugar kills. Everything else if there is some variety can be automatically balanced.

Therein lies a problem, because any food which is different to that which is found in its natural state is actually "processed" and that includes cereals like wheat, corn etc. I think what most people understand by the word "processed" is food like sausages and smoked meats etc, whereas just about any food can be processed in one form or another, and usually is.


And as I said earlier, I don't know anybody who has this type of diet......

Fruit, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice). At least 400 g (i.e. five portions) of fruit and vegetables per day (2), excluding potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava and other starchy roots.


The Mediterranean diet looks to be one of the healthiest around, and I often wonder if I shouldnt go over and live in that part of the world!!!!

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