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Bracing for impact: Biden world preps for Hunter Biden fallout


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55 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

Somehow, aside from the usual government hand wringing and fear mongering, I can only imagine what would have happened had the Previous Occupant of the White House been in a similar situation. Son with a drug habit, an expensive hooker habit, dated his brother's widow,  impregnated a stripper... I am sure the press would have been sympathetic and not seen any connection whatsoever with the father's administration. 

Can you please share with us what position in the government Hunter Biden has occupied that would make this relevant?

And maybe you should actually start looking at the media instead of imagining what they say. Seems to me there's an awful lot of stories out there about Hunter Biden. Most of them not exactly favorable.

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On 5/7/2023 at 2:55 AM, SunnyinBangrak said:

"no attempting to intimidate" you say?


"The top Republican probing Hunter Biden's business affairs has claimed that lawyers for the president's son are intimidating possible witnesses and whistleblowers.

'We've got witnesses that are scared to death to come forward. They fear for their lives,' he was quoted as saying. 'The Hunter Biden legal team — they're testing the limits.'"


Evidence please.

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On 5/7/2023 at 1:59 PM, Chomper Higgot said:

That’s the problem with letting your imagination run wild,.


You confuse yourself.





I was thinking of posting something very similar - 5 different topics broached and left dead in the water in less than 4 lines ????

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23 minutes ago, BusyB said:

Evidence please.

The Daily Mail (the article link provided by the poster you were answering) is the Donald Trump of journalism.... ????


They shouldn't even be allowed as a credible news source on this forum, because...






Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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18 minutes ago, radiochaser said:

 You've mischaracterized what's actually detailed in that news release... For example, despite the potential maximum of 10 years in prison, the only two actual sentencing examples for gun false statements cited in the release include:


--sentenced on August 3, 2022, to serve three months in federal prison.

--was sentenced to time-served, or essentially 16 months in federal custody,


Just because there's a maximum amount allowed under federal law doesn't mean everyone or most people convicted of that offense end up with the maximum.



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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On 5/7/2023 at 1:53 AM, placeholder said:

Did you notice that these statements use verbs like "it seems", "it appears", "have suggested", 'may be"?

that is same as hard core proof to right wingers....


what part of a grand jury do trumpers not get?  The trump DOJ and attorney general had four years to convene a grand jury and show them their evidence re hunter biden and ask the grand jury to indict....they did not do it because they knew that their "evidence" would not be concrete enough to indict and they would look like the fools that they are if no indictment was returned..


.how loud and how long have republs been screaming to lock hillary up?  REALLY if you had all that evidence then why did you not go for an indictment during 2016 to 2020 when trump had his lapdogs serving as attorney general? 


Could it be that repubs love a good witch hunt against hillary and hunter but don't much like having to provide real evidence for an indictment?...you know like has been happening to trump....he is not indicted unless a referral with real evidence is sent to a grand jury and the grand jury....not a bunch of hot air republicans, decide if the evidence is compelling enough for a crime to be charged.....with trump the alleged crimes (often verified by trumps own words from his big mouth)  are reviewed carefully not with Lock him up chants by a brain dead cheering crowd but only by evidence reviewed by a grand jury.


a fifth grader can understand that allegations without a lot of real hard core evidence means NOTHING.

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Well done Biden!


White House bans The Post from Biden event as Hunter indictment looms

In a Monday email, White House staff informed The Post: “We are unable to accommodate your credential request to attend the Investing in Airline Accountability Remarks on 5/8. The remarks will be live-streamed and can be viewed at WH.gov. Thank you for understanding. We will let you know if a credential becomes available.”


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6 minutes ago, heybruce said:

If you are going to suggest that a bad son disqualifies someone from office, you'll have to accept comparison with a "Previous Occupant" displaying multi-generational depravity. 


Regarding personal behavior, I don't want either Hunter of Trump (any Trump) in the White House.

At least we can agree on your last point! As long as you could expand it to "and Biden"....

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11 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

 You've mischaracterized what's actually detailed in that news release... For example, despite the potential maximum of 10 years in prison, the only two actual sentencing examples for gun false statements cited in the release include:


--sentenced on August 3, 2022, to serve three months in federal prison.

--was sentenced to time-served, or essentially 16 months in federal custody,


Just because there's a maximum amount allowed under federal law doesn't mean everyone or most people convicted of that offense end up with the maximum.



How did I mischaracterize a copy and paste job?

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44 minutes ago, radiochaser said:

How did I mischaracterize a copy and paste job?

Your original post mentioned only the notion of a 10-year prison sentence for false information in connection with a gun license application.


And yet, the only actual examples in the government news release you linked to -- examples you didn't quote -- involved actual sentences of MONTHS, not years.


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18 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Your original post mentioned only the notion of a 10-year prison sentence for false information in connection with a gun license application.


And yet, the only actual examples in the government news release you linked to -- examples you didn't quote -- involved actual sentences of MONTHS, not years.


Again, what was it I mischaracterized?   I copied and pasted.  The only thing I wrote, was, there is this and I mentioned the highlighting, which is on the ATF website, but did not follow the copy and paste that I did.   

Everything was directly from the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, federal government website.    

This, " Applicants who knowingly make false statements may also face criminal prosecution for a felony and up to 10 years in federal prison." statement is not mine, it is the ATF's statement!  

It says, "may also face".    It does not say, "shall face".  


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You're beating a dead horse... As I previously elaborated above:


Despite the potential maximum of 10 years in prison, the only two actual sentencing examples for gun false statements cited in the news release you posted include:


--sentenced on August 3, 2022, to serve three months in federal prison.

--was sentenced to time-served, or essentially 16 months in federal custody,


You chose to avoid quoting or mentioning those pertinent details that tend to discount the 10 year notion in the real world.


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28 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

You're beating a dead horse... As I previously elaborated above:


Despite the potential maximum of 10 years in prison, the only two actual sentencing examples for gun false statements cited in the news release you posted include:


--sentenced on August 3, 2022, to serve three months in federal prison.

--was sentenced to time-served, or essentially 16 months in federal custody,


You chose to avoid quoting or mentioning those pertinent details that tend to discount the 10 year notion in the real world.


You made the claim that I mischaracterized something.  Did I say that someone would be sentenced to 10 years for falsifying a 4473?  Is that your claim? 

Yes, there is potential for a 10 year sentence.  But that is up to the desecration of the presiding court.  If the presiding court says, time served, then that is compliant with the law.  

I would say that you are the one that is beating the poor dead horse.  

Again, I did a copy and paste.  I mischaracterized nothing!  As I quoted in my last post, the ATF states,  "may also face", and emphazied that "It does not say, "shall face"."   Having been a Federal Agent that enforced federal law, I understand the difference.  

From the cornell edu website: "
The word “may” is an expression of possibility, a permissive choice to act or not, and ordinarily implies some degree of discretion. This contrasts with the word “shall,” which is generally used to indicate a mandatory provision"


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1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

GOP's Biden family investigation on brink of collapse as pressure mounts to produce evidence


In response to the new findings put forward by GOP Oversight, White House assistant Ian Sams tweeted, "Seriously?This was debunked literally 4 years ago."



Yes, alot of evidence damaging to biden was "debunked" a few years ago starting with the laptop, the meetings, the transfers. Problem was the debunking was lies, and the evidence is real. That's why a proper investigation is underway at long last and multiple "conspiracy theories" have been proven fact. A few years ago you'd be banned from social media for factually correctly stating the laptop was genuine. Time to hear the truth about the bidens and get justice.

You can't use 4 year old "facts" from leftist media while discussing the bidens. 

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1 minute ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

Yes, alot of evidence damaging to biden was "debunked" a few years ago starting with the laptop, the meetings, the transfers. Problem was the debunking was lies, and the evidence is real. That's why a proper investigation is underway at long last and multiple "conspiracy theories" have been proven fact. A few years ago you'd be banned from social media for factually correctly stating the laptop was genuine. Time to hear the truth about the bidens and get justice.

You can't use 4 year old "facts" from leftist media while discussing the bidens. 

Did you miss the part about those comments were from a GOP official?

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Here's what Comer said when asked what proof he had to tie Joe Biden to various payments:


"“I don’t think anyone in America … would think that it’s just a coincidence that nine Biden family members have received money.”

“We believe that the president has been involved in this from the very beginning. Obviously, we’re going to continue to look,” he added, characterizing Wednesday’s update as the “beginning stages” of his investigation."



In other words, Comer still has got nothing.

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3 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Here's what Comer said when asked what proof he had to tie Joe Biden to various payments:

"“I don’t think anyone in America … would think that it’s just a coincidence that nine Biden family members have received money.”

“We believe that the president has been involved in this from the very beginning. Obviously, we’re going to continue to look,” he added, characterizing Wednesday’s update as the “beginning stages” of his investigation."



In other words, Comer still has got nothing.

Once the left can explain the payments they moved heaven and earth to dishonestly ( https://nypost.com/2023/05/09/cia-fast-tracked-letter-that-falsely-suggested-hunter-biden-laptop-was-russia-op?utm_source=nypost&utm_campaign=android_nyp )stop the public knowing about, then and only then can you say "Comer still has nothing". Don't you see the damage this denial of the obvious is doing to the CIA, FBI, Garland etc? Time to 'fess up

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In a comment reply to this link https://nypost.com/2023/05/09/cia-fast-tracked-letter-that-falsely-suggested-hunter-biden-laptop-was-russia-op/?utm_source=nypost&utm_campaign=android




Caped Crusader
1 day ago

Why isn’t there a major press briefing on this from the republicans? This makes Watergate look like a juvenile offense. The follow up should be those who dont cover the story. They are the complicit who would turn a blind eye to corruption.




Indeed, I ask! Why isn't there a major press briefing by the GOP heavyweights? This should be a slam dunk for the right. Hello President Trump.


Well, where are they? We only see them in the far right press and nobody big putting their names to these allegations. One might be forgiven for thinking there's no there there. Just a conspiracy theory perhaps?

Edited by ozimoron
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58 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

Yes, alot of evidence damaging to biden was "debunked" a few years ago starting with the laptop, the meetings, the transfers. Problem was the debunking was lies, and the evidence is real. That's why a proper investigation is underway at long last and multiple "conspiracy theories" have been proven fact. A few years ago you'd be banned from social media for factually correctly stating the laptop was genuine. Time to hear the truth about the bidens and get justice.

You can't use 4 year old "facts" from leftist media while discussing the bidens. 

So where is your proof?


48 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

Once the left can explain the payments they moved heaven and earth to dishonestly ( https://nypost.com/2023/05/09/cia-fast-tracked-letter-that-falsely-suggested-hunter-biden-laptop-was-russia-op?utm_source=nypost&utm_campaign=android_nyp )stop the public knowing about, then and only then can you say "Comer still has nothing". Don't you see the damage this denial of the obvious is doing to the CIA, FBI, Garland etc? Time to 'fess up

The "left" as you call them don't have to explain anything.


Whoever has brought the allegation has also to offer the proof that it is true in a court of law.


Only then do the victims need to respond.


All you have claimed without proof needs to be backed up.


So where is your proof backed up by facts?


I can make any allegation I want but without proof, that is all it is. An unfounded allegation.



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