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Pheu Thai is facing a threat of dissolution with complaint being pursued by Election Commission


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57 minutes ago, FarAway said:


I am surprised someone here even knows about the WEF, Davos and the connections of Thaksin's family to these crooks. Chapeau.  They are a real danger to the whole humanity.


To me it seems like the current government gives people a lot of financial freedom. You can pay literally everything with Cash here. You can bring millions of THB cash to your bank and they will accept it without any questioning. You can even go to ATMs and deposit Cash anonymously into other peoples accounts.

People are trading millions of THB with crypto and not even once the Bank is asking.

In general, the banks here never really interfere with the activities of their customers.


When I compare this to my EU home country, it is like heaven and hell. In my home country if you deposit a few thousand of EUR of cash to your bank account, they are being forced by the government to ask you like dozens of questions.



But it is getting off-topic now. Before the mods will interfere in this again, I think I need to stop hahah


So back to topic: Hope Pheu Thai will be kicked out. Do not want digital blockchain wallet. Thanks.






You shocked me with the word "Libertarian"..... I didn't know that there is a second one on this continent....But in Thailand they also begin. They made the impossible rules for Paypal. They made crazy rules for registering for crypto. They need the ID card for phone sims. Thailand isn't more free, the government is just inefficient in implementing these things so it is like Europe 20-30 years ago (we had anonymous saving accounts without a name back than in Europe). I hope no one get too many votes and it will be a government with many coalition partner and half a year negotiating and the Army or the least competent figure in power. As least a government does as better for the people.

I see here on the market people love to pay with the mobile phone. I use only cash and in the company, end of the month we pay salaries in envelopes with cash.

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12 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Do you not think one could lead to the other?

You mean a sham election leading to a coup?


Well I wouldn't dismiss that possibility, but I was merely contrasting the two options on the table today. Better to arrange an outcome, which results in a conservative government (PPRP/UTN/BJT), but with an outsider (non military, affiliated or non-affiliated) as PM, than to stage a coup now.


I think you're saying that in this scenario the disaffected voters (PTP/MFP) would protest, leading to the requirement for a self-coup (this has happened before here, the self-coup part I mean). Maybe, but I think they'll roll over after the first spritzing from the water canons.

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Let's face it, no matter what party you like or dislike, the rules of the Election Commission are bizarre and will be used in a discriminatory manner. All parties can have a 'platform' on issues it believe to be important and will try to implement. The EC seems to get their knickers in a knot over what is perceived to be 'vote buying' but every party makes promises, i.e. minimum wage increases, lower energy prices, etc. The crux of the matter with the EC appears to be 'where will the money come from'.  All the Pheu Thai has to do is to elaborate on how it will formulate budget priorities to include the 'digital wallet'. But let's get down to the nitty gritty: where is 'free speech' in election campaigns? No one is being defamed. Any party can formulate policy initiatives. Is 'cannabis' a vote buying ploy? As for the electricity subsidy, the issue goes to the ability of the interim government to spend money from existing budget allocations and whether it should be permissible. Liking or disliking Thaksin is a red herring that just won't disappear from Thai politics. What about this issue of democracy as opposed to another junta being in place soon!

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3 minutes ago, rabiedabruce said:

200k summarily shot dead in the streets.

im not arguing your stance on taksin but......


you hit the 0 button a few too many times. taksin did not have 200k people killed in the streets. 


i would love to see a link for that if you don't mind. as far as i remember it was around 2500 people. 

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1 hour ago, Denim said:

If people can't vote for PT , their vote will shift to MF

I suspect the EC will be smart enough not to dissolve PT before the election date. They will refer the case to the constitutional court, which will rule after the election.



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3 hours ago, FarAway said:

Or are they just waiting to step-by-step implementing a technocratic system in Thailand?

Not a day goes by without electric power inter ruptions over here.

Are you serious or just prone to believe?

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

The current administration is as connected to the army, as your arm is connected to your hand. 

It is not the current administration....it is BJ....which is a coalition party, which was also close to Thaksin before. They don't care for the army they care for themself only. And they care when the MF lie about them. They wouldn't have care if they would have lied about Prayuth

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45 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

The party of the fugitive criminal should have been dissolved years ago.

But then, I guess it will have the biggest impact a day or two before the elections.


Then Thaksin will cry in the desert. So sad. 

They got dissolved, I think twice or?

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51 minutes ago, rabiedabruce said:

Peoples memories are short. Last time Pheu Thai aka Taksin got in, the retirement fund requirement was raised from 200k to 800k, the dormant 90 day report was vigorously reinstated and the ability to buy booze went from all day to the ridiculous 2 to 5 pm. Chiang Mai Zoo's animals were introduced to the facilities restaurant, Tak Bai many died as did the 'war on drugs' 200k summarily shot dead in the streets. He refused to answer questions from the press by holding up a silly paddle with a cross on it if he didn't like what was being asked. Everyone was glad to see the back of him and his 'sister' and his (not her) rice scheme which left many in debt and suicides among rice farmers soared. Just because military bad does not make terrible Taksin 'good'.

You forgot: The worst censorship on internet. Everything had to pass a state server and he boasted on TV that he hired (hired with tax money) 10.000 staff to look out for things to censor.
Also you forgot that he claimed to be Bush best friend and sent some army to Afghanistan.

and many more things.....
What we can and should blame on this government is that they didn't reverse things.

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1 hour ago, pookiki said:

Let's face it, no matter what party you like or dislike, the rules of the Election Commission are bizarre and will be used in a discriminatory manner. All parties can have a 'platform' on issues it believe to be important and will try to implement. The EC seems to get their knickers in a knot over what is perceived to be 'vote buying' but every party makes promises, i.e. minimum wage increases, lower energy prices, etc. The crux of the matter with the EC appears to be 'where will the money come from'.  All the Pheu Thai has to do is to elaborate on how it will formulate budget priorities to include the 'digital wallet'. But let's get down to the nitty gritty: where is 'free speech' in election campaigns? No one is being defamed. Any party can formulate policy initiatives. Is 'cannabis' a vote buying ploy? As for the electricity subsidy, the issue goes to the ability of the interim government to spend money from existing budget allocations and whether it should be permissible. Liking or disliking Thaksin is a red herring that just won't disappear from Thai politics. What about this issue of democracy as opposed to another junta being in place soon!

I think it comes from the habit: In small villages you can buy things on credit, if Thai Rak Thai (previous Thaksin Party) wins in that village all the debt is canceled (paid by Thaksin) if not the credit must be paid back. So generating pressure on everyone...if your neighbor votes wrong you loose money.
And the 10.000 Baht digital wallet scam goes in the same category. Just not as obvious.

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For those who haven't read the full article.



Pheu Thai has reportedly submitted reams of information in several submissions to the Election Commission supporting its policy.

This includes expert opinions from economists and academics as to why the plan is both reasonable, practical and advisable for what the party describes as a failing economy at this time.

However, Mr Srisuwan contends that the party has still failed to answer key questions as regards the funding of the policy and whether existing social welfare handouts already incorporated into law by the government, would be jeopardised.

On Monday, the activist, who is the Secretary-general of the Association for the Protection of the Thai Constitution, also said he was bringing party candidate advice slips being given out by the Move Forward Party at rallies, forward to the commission concerning another complaint suggesting the slips with links to online information, may constitute some sort of indirect financial inducement in contravention of Section 73 (1) and (5) of the 2018 Election Act.



The guy is obviously a paid stooge for the military, and will not give up.


Anyway, if PT or MF get dissolved, I don't want to be in Bangkok the following months, but most likely they gonna kick the can for almost a year, same as I did previous election, before they dissolve said parties


Edited by BenStark
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9 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Then do it again. And if necessary again.

Maybe one day people will realize that a party should not be run by a criminal. 

Actually dissolve should mean that the party is finished not that they do the same with other name and sister, daughter, family dog as nominee. Being the same party should be enough to destroy the new incarnation.

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9 minutes ago, BenStark said:

For those who haven't read the full article.



Pheu Thai has reportedly submitted reams of information in several submissions to the Election Commission supporting its policy.

This includes expert opinions from economists and academics as to why the plan is both reasonable, practical and advisable for what the party describes as a failing economy at this time.

However, Mr Srisuwan contends that the party has still failed to answer key questions as regards the funding of the policy and whether existing social welfare handouts already incorporated into law by the government, would be jeopardised.

On Monday, the activist, who is the Secretary-general of the Association for the Protection of the Thai Constitution, also said he was bringing party candidate advice slips being given out by the Move Forward Party at rallies, forward to the commission concerning another complaint suggesting the slips with links to online information, may constitute some sort of indirect financial inducement in contravention of Section 73 (1) and (5) of the 2018 Election Act.



The guy is obviously a paid stooge for the military, and will not give up.


Anyway, if PT or MF get dissolved, I don't want to be in Bangkok the following months, but most likely they gonna kick the can for almost a year, same as I did previous election, before they dissolve said parties


yes than will be paid violent mobs attacking people again.....as PT and MF don't respect the law.

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Personally I wouldn't put too much seriousness on serial activisit Srisuwan's complaint. His complaint really has little merit as regards to the Organic Act on Political Duties Section 73. Section 73 relates to the dissemination of misleading information in the course of the general election. This includes putting forward policies that EC considered erroneous or not. All PTP has to do to comply with this Section is to provide submission of the policies with full disclosure of the financial aspect and the how the system will be deployed. THey have done that. I doubt there will be any application of a motion to the court by the EC. But this is Thailand and things out of the ordinary can happen. If it does, the party will be dissolved but elected representatives can joined other party/parties. I am sure PTP and MFP already factored this kind of junta's shennigans and already have plans. This is a nonsence desperation that keep repeating and it is just pure insanity. 

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3 hours ago, h90 said:

yes but the strange Thai election laws prohibit such things. Prayuth wanted to lower the electric price and the election commission blocked it as it could be seen as vote buying thing.

To lower electric price is helping the people - and that is why you elect the ones that could possibly do that. That they do something in favour of you. It is the very reason to motivate to elect anybody. To call this "vote buying" is utterly wrong with a twist of sick thinking. Of course that will get you votes as it should.


Shows again that the powers in charge now are not qualified at all but clinging to their status quo as the only reason for acting - and not to be of benefit to the people. Same thing for trying to expel the MFP, to refrain from rethinking the education system etc. Still these people get votes - and not even from those who profit directly and protect their own power and wealth. This is both very strange and sad. I wonder how this country could make any progress at any time.

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2 minutes ago, moogradod said:

To lower electric price is helping the people - and that is why you elect the ones that could possibly do that. That they do something in favour of you. It is the very reason to motivate to elect anybody. To call this "vote buying" is utterly wrong with a twist of sick thinking. Of course that will get you votes as it should.


Shows again that the powers in charge now are not qualified at all but clinging to their status quo as the only reason for acting - and not to be of benefit to the people. Same thing for trying to expel the MFP, to refrain from rethinking the education system etc. Still these people get votes - and not even from those who profit directly and protect their own power and wealth. This is both very strange and sad. I wonder how this country could make any progress at any time.

On the electric: We have month of high electric costs and government could have done something without any problem. But now they are only a caretaker government without their full power in election mode so that lower the costs is just an election thing......They could have done it 4 weeks earlier.
I think it is good that the law prevents the government to hand out some candies 2 weeks before election.
MFP lied about Anutin....and before there was illegal finances....Yes they should be able to discuss the education system...of course. But it can't be helped if they get disbanded for something else.

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5 hours ago, h90 said:

Well the 10K for everyone is a pretty clear brake in the laws.....can't blame the army for it and Bhumjaithai Party has nothing to do with the army

Keep dreamin’

The cheaters have cheated for the last time. The good guys have won.

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1 minute ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Keep dreamin’

The cheaters have cheated for the last time. The good guys have won.

did you came yesterday to Thailand? Look up the history of Thailand, the same drama is since 80-90 years. And whatever greedy oligarchs aren't "the good guys" it is just other guys stealing from the working people.

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

The party of the fugitive criminal should have been dissolved years ago.

But then, I guess it will have the biggest impact a day or two before the elections.


Then Thaksin will cry in the desert. So sad. 

Methinks it will be you that is crying as your beloved junta gets kicked to the kerb by the votes of over 80% of the Thai people.


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2 minutes ago, h90 said:

did you came yesterday to Thailand? Look up the history of Thailand, the same drama is since 80-90 years. And whatever greedy oligarchs aren't "the good guys" it is just other guys stealing from the working people.

Keep dreamin’

Democracy is here to stay.

80% of Thais are voting pro democracy, those you support are in a tiny tiny minority.


Edited by MrMojoRisin
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