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31 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

if a thief wants to rob your house it doesn't matter how much or how many safety doors/windows/alarms and so forth, if they really want to rob they will find a way, surely their prefer the easier access homes/shops/cars but if they have their mind set on a place they will find a way.....

Which is why you encourage them to not set their minds on picking your house, by making it the riskiest one to enter (well-lit outside, doors/windows that are harder and noisier to break up, etc.).

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NO wouldnt and didnt. It is a strange waking up, you come down and see things, you wonder what did i do last night? But it wasnt me, someone else.

The area I live in "my" country had/have many cases of breaking in. All those people also didnt move. It took me at least a half year to feel relaxed again. Going to sleep not that easy, every little sound you think wtf.

Now i have pvc doors and windows with a 3 point lock. Not because of breaking in but i wanted to change anyhow to pvc

15 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

Now i have pvc doors and windows with a 3 point lock. Not because of breaking in but i wanted to change anyhow to pvc

I have the same from HomePro.

34 minutes ago, Plern said:

So, you're broke. Congratulations

 Not broke, thank goodness.  We've just mostly spent our money on stuff that's impossible to steal in a 10-minute break-in.

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They broke into my condo in Switzerland once. It did not leave a big psychological trace. There a gangs from Rumania that come organized to the country and they will survey and inspect if and when someone is regularily leaving the house like for work etc. and if he stays alone. Then they are opportunists, if they cannot enter within 5 minutes they will go for someone else.


They succeeded and took away my collection (of then legal) watch copies. This time it was allowed in Thailand to sell those high profile copies that nobody but a watchmaker could distinguish from the original even if we are talking about 30K$+ watches. I still have to smile if I imagine how the burglars tried to sell the watches as real ones. Hopefully they got their fair share ???? The rest, cameras etc. was insured anyway.


But I thought this was a one time event and did nothing to secure the door. Until they tried it a second time much later but this time my wife and myself just came home so they fled the scene. They are clever and will choose a floor where there are possibilities both ways. And this time I saw what they tried: They tried to extract the cylinder of the (security) lock like you would pull a cork from a wine bottle. With machine power this is really possible. Because they fled I still could see the screw they forced into the cylinder.


After that I bought a security door. About 140KTHB back then. But impossible to enter through the door and impossible to use the cork screw method as well and this door was the only entry point (apart from climbing up on the outside of the building).


In Thailand door locks that I know are 70 year old technology. Not even Security Keys, to be opened with a so called spider in some seconds. The installation of the doors are as well more than questionable. As someone said before - if they want to enter they will. However just now we feel very secure in our condo here. Because of the really working Security measures the building has incl. a real Guard 24 hours, surveillance, electronic keys that let you operate the lift only with them. Then we live on a higher floor, anything of interest would have to be transported down as well.


But soon we move to our own house with big windows on the ground floor etc. Even then we will make it very very difficult to enter. I am just in the process to install Security Glass which cannot be broken (The British Embassy in Laos uses the same material), install a Surveillance System with manually triggered 135dB siren and some more unfortunate goodies for any prospective intruder. Even the roof as entry point will not be forgotten.


Bottom Line: Stay and take security measures. You may as well rent a security box outside of the house, no need for a safe then.


Could be anyone. I have always been wary of workmen coming to the house. My neighbour got robbed after dismissing some painters. All you can do is beef up security and get out of bad habits like leaving the place unlocked.... better doors and windows may be required.. an infant could get in through the standard ones. 

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16 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Have you considered a large dog? Something like a Rottweiler, Pitbull, Doberman. Or even a large "Thai" dog.


Pitbull's are a good choice (for an experienced owner) since they have a terrible reputation here in Thailand but are actually great companions, funny and easy to live with. The chances are, whoever did this knew who lived there (a farang with very few connections) and they'd also know that you now have a large dog. Tell the woman at the local mom and pop shop how strong and unhinged the dog is. Everyone in the village will hear this gossip within hours.


Just that knowledge alone would likely stop any future break-ins since Thais (like many people) prefer a soft target and are unlikely to try to get past a snarling Rottweiler when next door has a Shih Tzu.

dogs can be positioned in a matter of minutes with a few chunks of poisoned meat thrown over the wall...a false sense of security

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14 hours ago, proton said:

Personally I would rather have the house burgled than having it stunk out with dog reek, dribble, fur and yapping.

True, dogs are work. Especially as we were living in a Moo Ban Village

My neighbor had 3 dogs and it was smelling like the Sri racha Tiger zoo, especially on warm days, because she gave a heck...


You need to water the lawn and trees every day, remove the poop as it comes (most they do on their runs but sometimes sh*t happens) and the vaccuum cleaner is in use every day to clean the house from hair.


Barking is a training thing. They need to bark but they learn that 2-3 "wuffs" will informs us that someting outside is not kosher. People passing by, the electric man or water meter man checks. As owner you NEED to respond, "Ok got it, good boys!" 


The only thing they getting really insane is when the garbage people "steal our stuff" beside the wall... 

But I trained them if somebody carries something away without me or the girls opening the gate, block the gate and watch that fellow closely... 

My bad: The Lazada guy was laying 6 hrs in the sun on the lawn and couldn't move an inch. Carrying in and carrying out is for dogs not really a difference... 


What more can happen as you get up in the morning and step on something soft, while the dog looks at you like:

We got a deal so where is my treat for it... YIKES!

BUT, you can train them not to create a mess and put the food bowl on the door mat... 



Or the funny times, when a Burglar comes on your turf and even the dogs looking stunned why this midget has the balls to punch the brother and escaping so quick in the trees... 



True, you must love working with dogs as they are real work but also your best and reliable friends... 

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41 minutes ago, Reginald Prewster said:

True, dogs are work. Especially as we were living in a Moo Ban Village

Despite your 1000 word essay, the topic isn't actually dogs! 

We don't all need the emotional crutch!

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get house insurance. if you are not insured that is you first mistake. get cctv too. i was robbed 4 times at my old house. fortunately i had insurance. after the first time i got cctv and alarm system. the thieves got in, but after 30 seconds the alarm went off and they got away with nothing. if you get robbed, it is either because you did not identify the weaknesses in your defense, or you simply are a tempting target because you are falang

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1 hour ago, pomchop said:

dogs can be positioned in a matter of minutes with a few chunks of poisoned meat thrown over the wall...a false sense of security

Not if they sleep at the entrance to your bedroom.

1 hour ago, Pouatchee said:

get house insurance. if you are not insured that is you first mistake. get cctv too. i was robbed 4 times at my old house. fortunately i had insurance. after the first time i got cctv and alarm system.........

May I ask what kind of insurance you got ? For the house, for the contents or both ? And with what Insurance Company you did conclude it ?


I tried once to conclude a household insurance for the contents of our condo, but although I did it through a very well known broker the results were ridiculous. The FIRST thing they wanted me to do is to pay. When I asked for the conditions and an insurance contract to check what I would pay for they told me I would not get any.


And of course they would have played the old insurance game: Pay for the insurance and in case of fire, theft etc. THEY decide what they want to pay to compensate for the items affected.


They did not agree on a list of items for which you agree on an insurance value (no depreciation of that as well) and in case of loss etc. this value would be due. On the other hand I would accept any premiums based on that agreement. I think this would be a very fair deal. Otherwise you almost certainly would have to argue about the compensation in case of an event and it is even unlikely that you had all invoices for everything at hand. And this compensation would again very most probably not allow you to replace the lost/damaged item. So for what have an insurance if it does not insure you that your loss is compensated and for what you have paid the premiums.

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29 minutes ago, moogradod said:

May I ask what kind of insurance you got ? For the house, for the contents or both ? And with what Insurance Company you did conclude it ?


I tried once to conclude a household insurance for the contents of our condo, but although I did it through a very well known broker the results were ridiculous. The FIRST thing they wanted me to do is to pay. When I asked for the conditions and an insurance contract to check what I would pay for they told me I would not get any.


And of course they would have played the old insurance game: Pay for the insurance and in case of fire, theft etc. THEY decide what they want to pay to compensate for the items affected.


They did not agree on a list of items for which you agree on an insurance value (no depreciation of that as well) and in case of loss etc. this value would be due. On the other hand I would accept any premiums based on that agreement. I think this would be a very fair deal. Otherwise you almost certainly would have to argue about the compensation in case of an event and it is even unlikely that you had all invoices for everything at hand. And this compensation would again very most probably not allow you to replace the lost/damaged item. So for what have an insurance if it does not insure you that your loss is compensated and for what you have paid the premiums.

This is a very confusing post...doesn't really make sense.

52 minutes ago, couchpotato said:

This is a very confusing post...doesn't really make sense.

Is this your application for the most unuseful, unhelpful post of the month ? No other idea what could have been the purpose behind it.


I really cannot understand the issue for you.

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6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Despite your 1000 word essay, the topic isn't actually dogs! 

We don't all need the emotional crutch!

Nilce one, you are THE MAN!

If you use a computer mouse then it should have a tiny little wheel in the middle and if you do not like a reply spin this little tiny wheel.

Professionals call it scrolling

Rememer it: SCROLLING! OK? 

Safes you a lot of time where you could find a job and get a life... 

  • Confused 2

Okay brief amusing story of the past,

I also got broke into, its a long time ago when I was living with my first missus.

I was working in the Gulf of Mexico at the time so wasn't present.

After I found out she was messing around (which wasn't a rare thing for those who work in the offshore industry at the time) I went through the hassle of getting rid of her not the house.

Only afterwards did I find out that one Gik had broken into the house hoping to find her with the other one and have it out. Yes I know you couldn't make it up its just so bizarre. 

Thus the door locking mechanism on the front sliding doors had been ripped out of the thin ally frame. I only found out because an acquaintance told me to check and told me the story of how it happened.

It had been superglued (really) back in place and when I pulled hard it ripped it all apart again.

After that I was single for quite some time but it made me realise that you must do your very best to beef up the windows and doors security which I did.

Spent many more happy years in the same place and would never have sold it, but I eventually got married and had children needed more space so had to. 

I suppose the point I'm making is this, if you like the home (I adored that bungalow) spend a few quid making it harder to break in, a few security lights (PIR), latches on windows doors etc and an alarm, there are plenty of good wireless systems for handy money that support zoning etc available from Laz.

It's a lot cheaper to do that than move and even more sensible if you love the place.

Worked well for me, but ultimately if someone really wants to get in there's little to stop it tbh.


Apologies for all the good people that probably offered the same advice, I was too lazy to read all the responses.


Either way, hope it all works out for you.



  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, Pouatchee said:

couldn't tell ya earlier, wife was at work. MSIG is the name of the company. content of house 1 000 000, electronics 200 000.


insured for fire ... but we have a house and it is not made of wood so we were able to insure it. 8 000 a year

Never mind, thank you very much for answering at all !


So this means that it would make sense to


1. make an insurance for the house, in case it is flooded (unlikely), destroyed by fire (unlikely as well - I use gas only for my outdoor Wok Burner and the Grills) but one never knows. Or it might be damaged by a burglar attempt. It might only be a bit diificult to determine what the value of the house alone is (without land which was of course included in the sales price). Plus all the modifications (new kitchen room, 2 more aircons, artificial lawn (great !) and maybe Security Glass for every window. And then the Surveillance System, Siren Alarm, Blinds plus some more goodies. It adds up and it must all be insured even if subject to a small risk.


2. make an insurance for the contents. Now this might be very much more difficult. As posted before I tried to get such an insurance for our condo contents but got nothing then a total unprofessional and ridiculous rip-off approach, but I will try again with MSIG. If the contract I get seems to be fair I will conclude the insurance against burglary, fire, water for the contents, too. Unfortunately (or fortunately, just how you look at it) our contents are quite expensive. Always the same - you have a lot means you can loose a lot. I admire a monk, who has nothing but his robe and bowl for the food. No money, no expensive electronics, no guitar collection etc. etc. And no worries. But I will invest in a lot of security measures to ease my mind as much as possible.


Thank you and may you never be targeted by burglary.

  • Haha 1

Insurance is a racket, the money spent on premiums and I could pay for the lost items several times over. No thanks.

Increase security, check. 

Dear thief, please come back again, I'm ready ????

  • Thumbs Up 1

Fire premiums aren't that aggressive; but theft and the others are (or so the quotes go) so I'd deffo consider basic building insurance if you can.

it's okay to consider yourself "ready" but are you really ready?

I sat outside on the  veranda with a cricket bat I'd bought thinking the same way after I got threats from gik #1 and did it nightly for some time until daylight, it wasnt a good period of my time here; quite disturbing to be honest.

He was a big guy judging by the photos I found of them together and was in the military which makes things a little more awkward given the influence they carry.

Just make sure the best you can that your home is properly secure and try to put it behind you.

Locals tend to shy away from one on one confrontation over here; if you feel you can deal with that situation it's up to you ultimately. 

It's not easy for anyone to defend themselves from multiple assailants.

In my case no one ever turned up to cause problems but it really put the wind up me.


Hope it all works out.





On 6/15/2023 at 3:31 PM, simon43 said:

Always look sh*t poor, mentally unstable and leave your doors and windows unlocked.  That way, no-one will bother to break into your house.


It has worked for me for over 20 years...

But then you wont find a good gf

  • Haha 1
15 hours ago, Reginald Prewster said:

Nilce one, you are THE MAN!

If you use a computer mouse then it should have a tiny little wheel in the middle and if you do not like a reply spin this little tiny wheel.

Professionals call it scrolling

Rememer it: SCROLLING! OK? 

Safes you a lot of time where you could find a job and get a life... 

More off topic waffling!

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On 6/16/2023 at 7:07 AM, ChipButty said:

Dogs are not always the answer I've known a couple of dogs get Poisoned so much for having a guard dog  



On 6/17/2023 at 1:36 AM, bignok said:

But then you wont find a good gf

Apart from the mentally-unstable point, the type of good GF would be a woman who doesn't consider looking 'flash' or rich as a requirement.  All of my 3 wives were essentially only concerned about how much money they could get from me.


Since adopting a strategy of putting myself first and only doing what I want to do and ignoring what others think of me I have been a much happier man ????


PS - Not having a partner means that I have more money to spend on fishhead soup....

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