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Two deaths linked with cannabis use and violent incidents reported in recent days by Thai police


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5 minutes ago, bamnutsak said:

The leading cause of death here for minors is drowning, followed closely by personal transport.


No one is advocating banning water. Better to teach swimming.


No one is advocating a return to walking or bicycles. Just education, safety and adherence to basic traffic laws/rules.



I get that some people are freaked out by Cannabis normalization, but I'd much rather have my child experimenting with cannabis than methamphetamine, (or nicotine or alcohol) given that simple binary choice. 


People love to Google for the scariest cannabis article, study they can find and post it here thinking they're performing some civic duty. I'd ask that they also post a companion methamphetamine article or study. Especially the one's which highlight all the benefits of methamphetamine use.






Pot affects memory. It isnt good for you. Neither is alcohol. 

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2 minutes ago, bamnutsak said:

OK, I'll bite...


In what way(s)? Some pretty smart people swear by cannabis (sativa, maybe) use for creativity, getting work done, accomplishing tasks. 


In what way(s) is it harmful?



Neither is alcohol....what? Not good for you? Affecting your memory? Both? Something else?


Responsible alcohol consumption, in moderation, is IMO acceptable and worth the risk(s).


Responsible cannabis consumption, in moderation, is IMO acceptable and relatively risk-free.





Google the negative impacts if you don't know.

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4 hours ago, gargamon said:

So the guy was taking meth and also smoked some marijuana, and they blame the marijuana for his murder spree? Wow. Somebody's got an agenda here. 

Yeah, and 2 deaths, unrelated to cannabis. They didn't give a thought to the deaths related to alcohol consumption and smoking cigarettes. That would be a huge number to consider, so ban everything.

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5 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Yes quite likely, there is political mileage in putting down cannabis.... I certainly am beginning to think it does not mix well with meth though!

Nobody ever killed anyone because they smoked pot. METH however makes people mean and vicious and insane and homocidal. Even Cops. 


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Cant wait for this new govt! Its gonna be great. Reefer madness all the way for the win, With Yabba pills dropping in price from 150 to 10b its not a problem at all, the real problem is marijuana, obviously.


Pot kills, all the experts agree. I watched the reefer madness movie and people jump out of windows after smoking a joint!


When Yabba is 1 baht a pill maybe then its time to look at it but until then better to focus on democratic values like making marijuana illegal before it kills again.


All kidding aside nearly every Thai i talk to about this now all of  a sudden is telling me how dangerous pot is....amazing! No idea how they found this out. Its not like programming of minds is possible therefore it must be true pot is very dangerous....but just in Thailand haha.


25,000 deaths a year on the road dollars to donuts yabba and or booze is involved in 80% of those deaths but we will never know because no one cares.


25,000 deaths per annum is the number of gun deaths in the USA everyone goes on and on about btw where they have 4 times the population



Oh well....ban pot...that will fix it.


[i dont smoke or use it and kids should not have access but the stuff is no where near as harmful as prescription drugs in many cases let alone booze and illegal drugs available everywhere here]

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4 hours ago, dingdongrb said:

".........public’s concerns over the free availability of marijuana in the kingdom......"


Where can a person get this FREE marijuana? (Asking for a friend.)

 majority of the public are either ill informed, misinformed or idiots that believe everything they hear in the village, which is usually wrong!

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

the perpetrators experiencing a hallucinatory state and not being able to take responsibility for their actions

It does not matter if you are high or not, the responsibility for your actions is yours as long as you took the drugs willingly, Same for drunk driving.

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3 hours ago, notrub said:

Beginning of the end (of weed freedom)?  Legalizing weed without forethought has brought some problems.  Children smoking in a doorway on a busy street, for example.  Fast forward or backwards (suit yerself) same kids with a plastic bag full of glue.  Focusing on weed and not the social circumstances suffered by street waifs is typical of those with a hidden agenda that requires manipulation of public opinion to be acceptable.  Let's hope the war on drugs is focused on meth, not weed.????

       The war on drugs, waged, ostensibly in the name of public health, is almost universally accepted by anybody with a brain to have been a complete failure, at least in as far as preventing people using drugs is concerned. 

       It has however, been extremely successful, almost the very definition of perfection, in ensuring that the price of drugs remains relatively high and that the huge proceeds from the sale of which very efficiently end up in the hands of organised criminal gangs

       It has brought absolutely no benefits to public health, which is pretty much its stated intent. in fact quite the opposite, as it invariably forces those who wish to use, to purchase potentially  unclean and dangerous products and  substances from unregulated sources 

       This "failure" has been going on for a very long time

        Bearing in mind that the people who put this in place, and have overseen it for years, are supposed to be clever enough to govern the rest of us mere mortals, isn't it a bit strange, even a little suspicious, that what is generally perceived as a complete failure by the rest of society, has been allowed to continue by the so called authorities, pretty much  unchallenged for decades. Now and again with great publicity they announce further huge sums of cash to be thrown at the problem, in the latest crackdowns, but that's about it

         Any attempt at change, for example the recent decriminalisation of cannabis here, invariably  results in the much reduced  proceeds of sales ending up in the hands of "others", and soon meets fierce opposition from some very concerned members of the authorities, who always use "public health concerns" as a reason for their objections,

           Occasionally a few drug seizures are announced to dupe the public into thinking they are achieving their stated  objectives but the amounts seized are miniscule when one considers the phenomenal amount of drugs that are constantly in transit around the globe, is that really the best they can do, given the amount of money they allegedly spend on their so called "war" ?

         If they were really that bothered, surely the authorities with all the powers they have at their disposal, would be able to wage a war on drugs a little more effectively?  They seemed to have no problem shutting down entire countries and bringing many industries to the point of bankruptcy virtually overnight in response to a virus with very low fatality rate, but stopping a minority people taking drugs seems to be  completely beyond them. Or is it really?

          The cynic in me is thinking that this so called war on drugs has in fact been a total success, in term of its real aim, which is actually to ensure that the huge amounts of money involved, due to the illegality of the substances in question, end up exactly were they are supposed to, and eventually find their way into the hands of various corrupt "officials" at all levels.

           One would have to be totally naive to think, for example, that the proceeds from the sale of Ya-bah never benefit any corrupt police officers here in Thailand,  where ever there are corrupt police officers there will always be others taking a cut, its like pyramid selling ,and goes all the way to the top. 

           Same as with anything else, follow the money is a very appropriate term, what other excuse could there be for what could only otherwise be described as gross incompetence on a global scale at the highest level?

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1 hour ago, Don Chance said:

How much do you smoke a day?

how much do you think ?  go on take a guess  how much would you consider to be ok  and how much would you consider to be excessive?     You have no idea do you, why not google it and see what the experts tell you

Edited by Bday Prang
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Rational discussion of cannabis on here is pretty much guaranteed to be impossible due to the brainwashed 70+ year olds that frequent this website, A generation that generally still dutifully believes all that people in authority tell them? Not their fault entirely I suppose, but I do find it a little surprising.  Because travel is supposed to broaden the mind and I would therefore have expected that most pensioners that have managed to find their way here and succeeded in marrying a prostitute young enough to be their granddaughter would be a little bit more tolerant of other peoples "vices" 

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Just now, Denim said:

Lets look at this logically.


If 2 murders were commited by people who had smoked cannabis .....


The conclusion must be that all other acts of violence on that day , murders , rapes , fights etc , were commited by people who had not smoked cannabis.


Ergo , the non smokers are a bigger threat to society than the smokers ?


Have I got that right ? Sounds right.????

I'd go along with that, pretty much like drunk drivers too, more accidents are caused by people who have not been drinking.  Think about it, you may have had just "one to many" driving impeccably and stop at a red light, then some nutter ploughs into the back of you, not sure about here, but in the uk the breathalyser is used now in every incident, and guess who is going to take the rap in the above scenario.  Life is so unfair sometimes.  Not that I am condoning drunk driving of course, merely highlighting what could be considered an injustice

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