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Silly pronoun use ... IMHO


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4 minutes ago, Goat said:


it is total crap, but its true.  https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/01/03/minor-attracted-people-is-an-attempt-to-sanitise-child-abuse/

see , I even supplied you with a link  and there's plenty more where that came from, open your eyes, there is a lot going on under the guise of wokeness and none of it is good'

Ask yourself why anybody would want to sanitise child abuse  and why those doing so are the same people who are obsessed with pronouns and the rest of that "krap"

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2 hours ago, foreverlomsak said:

By using them (implying more than one) instead of he or her, get one multiple salaries. ????

But because they all only do part time jobs, they get multiple part time salaries. ???? 


I guess that will soon create more problems. Imagine one of those parts of they want to work, and another part wants to strike or sleep. Difficult times... 

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5 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

Well they seem to be doing their best to destroy society and history,

What do they think the outcome will be ?  They will be very disappointed as there will be no room for the "woke" and all their "oppressed minorities" once society has completely broken down, and the "defunded" police will not be there to help them. 

It will be open season for all of them once we become a dystopian lawless world,    bring it on eh?

Exactly.  If all goes to plan the degenerates and useful idiot supporters will be first against the wall as happened in Mao's China.


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I remember the outrage at the time when women started insisting they be addressed as Ms as they were tired of being categorized as single or married by the use of Miss,Mrs. I imagine the outrage would have been even greater had social media existed then as it does today. Now no one bats an eyelid and it is considered perfectly normal. 

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5 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

even the kiddie fiddlers are now to be referred to as "minor attracted people"  in the woke world

Yep.  In a few short years there'll be compulsory social media bans for calling out this particular strain of degenerates too.  Anyone who disagrees will be called a 'bigoted anti-mapper'.



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1 hour ago, alanrchase said:

I remember the outrage at the time when women started insisting they be addressed as Ms as they were tired of being categorized as single or married by the use of Miss,Mrs. I imagine the outrage would have been even greater had social media existed then as it does today. Now no one bats an eyelid and it is considered perfectly normal. 

Don't remember any outrage, and Ms would be a new word, I believe, not one already in use with a completely different meaning.


I want to be referred to as 'everyone' now, as my preferred pronoun.  Anything else and I'll/everyone will be offended.   If you don't use, you'll be creating a hostile environment at work or school, you should be fired.

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3 hours ago, alanrchase said:

I remember the outrage at the time when women started insisting they be addressed as Ms as they were tired of being categorized as single or married by the use of Miss,Mrs. I imagine the outrage would have been even greater had social media existed then as it does today. Now no one bats an eyelid and it is considered perfectly normal. 

No its not "perfectly normal" everybody raises their eyebrows when they hear that imaginary word as a term of address

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3 hours ago, ICU Kid said:

Yep.  In a few short years there'll be compulsory social media bans for calling out this particular strain of degenerates too.  Anyone who disagrees will be called a 'bigoted anti-mapper'.



yeah they will be reading stories to kids in schools too, I can just imagine the excuses they will roll out when one of them does what they do   " he was considered a low risk"   "We will revue our procedures"  " stop victimising him you right wing bigots"  lgbt........P  another letter they can add to their alphabet, will they need another colour on the rainbow too?

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On 8/1/2023 at 12:24 PM, KhunLA said:

It's a good thing you don't teach at some schools in USA, or you'd be disciplined for not using they or them, we addressing or referring to them (proper use).  


You can be so offensive at times, creating a hostile environment for the melting snowflakes. ????


And if you continued, they (proper use) would file suit and probably win on those grounds.   The world is going nuts.

Probably not enough "like" involved in the sentence . No American like sentence can be complete like without as many likes as you can like fit into the like paragraph like! 555  

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On 8/1/2023 at 6:50 PM, cleopatra2 said:

Oh come on !


The singular pronoun They is used when the subject has been introduced but the sex has not been identified.


" They " as a singular pronoun is used in spoken English regularly , and is recorded in literature from 18th , 19th century.

It's only naturally used when you genuinely don't know the person's sex.


For example, if the person was wearing a hat, mask, hood, balaclava, or something else that stopped you from identifying their sex you'd say "they" in the singular because you couldn't tell if it was a he/she.


But you wouldn't just call your brother "they" because he insisted on it, ????

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On 8/1/2023 at 1:02 AM, Eleftheros said:

People who have been led to the conclusion that everything in the world is simply an expression of power dynamics and that therefore facts, reality, truth and common sense are an annoying irrelevance, and that the concept of "values" is meaningless.

By your definition, Fox news and their viewers would be "woke" ; however, they are certainly not.

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On 8/1/2023 at 12:16 PM, KhunLA said:

Swindell is non-binary and they use they/them and he/him pronouns.

I don't wish to be insensitive, but how can you use both?


Do I get to choose if I refer to them as "they" or "he", or do they get to choose what offends them the least on any given day?

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On 8/1/2023 at 8:38 PM, Callmeishmael said:



Here is the person from the OP.  If I hadn't been told differently, I'd say that they's a she.  Of course, in Thailand there are a lot of he's that look like she's!


Cute. Id say yes.

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11 hours ago, Caldera said:

I don't wish to be insensitive, but how can you use both?


Do I get to choose if I refer to them as "they" or "he", or do they get to choose what offends them the least on any given day?

Some had a typo and didn't proofread before posting on IMDB.   I didn't want to change the 'and to as' then be called out for changing it.

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On 8/2/2023 at 11:54 AM, Bday Prang said:

predictable response, in so much that you have omitted to add your opinion on what is effectively the sexualisation of children,  I had no idea about any of this rubbish when I was a kid, and as far as I and all normal people are concerned that is how it should be.

Young minds are easily corrupted, that is why religion is forced on us at an early age, what grown adult would believe in an imaginary friend if they had not had the fear of god put into them at a very young age.

So just to clarify matters, what is your opinion of transvestites preaching to 5 year olds about unnatural or indeed any sexual practices

so stuff you made up in your head, well done, have a gold star. Now go and watch Mrs. Doubtfire and get triggered or something

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2 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

so stuff you made up in your head, well done, have a gold star. Now go and watch Mrs. Doubtfire and get triggered or something

There is nothing  made up , its all happening , Clearly you didn't take the opportunity to voice your opinions regarding the effects this has on innocent children, no doubt you are more concerned about offending "minor attracted people" so further discussion is pointless, in fact bearing that in mind I would rather not have any further contact with you, The only thing that triggers me, and other right-minded people, is people like you

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21 hours ago, Caldera said:

I don't wish to be insensitive, but how can you use both?


Do I get to choose if I refer to them as "they" or "he", or do they get to choose what offends them the least on any given day?

you can call them whatever you want and if they don't like it ,  well that's their problem  who actually cares? I certainly don't   Insensitive and proud of it

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Weird stuff. I have a relative in a relationship where you can’t use their first names. You have to say “they”, “them”, etc. makes me wonder if they have a problem with the family. It’s like they are disowning the family given name when we have get togethers.

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What are you guys talking about? I remember when Guys just meant men, but is used more with any group of people male , female or mixed. Still means just men in " there was a bunch of guys in the room"

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 8/1/2023 at 12:31 AM, transam said:

Your PC will ask you what English you would like, for correct English spelling purposes , it comes under the United Kingdom English.............????

I thought the official language of the UK was Farsi now since that's who's in charge of London. :wai:

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On 8/4/2023 at 12:23 AM, JimTripper said:

Weird stuff. I have a relative in a relationship where you can’t use their first names. You have to say “they”, “them”, etc. makes me wonder if they have a problem with the family. It’s like they are disowning the family given name when we have get togethers.

Heard on BBC last week, that some hospitals will not refer to patients by their name. They will use their NI Number....Hey Mr 17 28 92P, how are you feeling today? What a load of cobblers.

Most patients will feel 'loved' when the nurse asks Doris if she is OK today.

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On 8/2/2023 at 5:28 PM, bignok said:

Cute. Id say yes.

So basically, just to clarify, you are up for casual homosexual encounters with effeminate looking men who dress up as women.?  Does that make you a member of the LGBGT etc etc community?

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