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Deadly Altercation Erupts Among Friends Over 'Hitler' Drawing


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2 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

And they can all burn in hell. Sorry, but we should have zero tolerance for this sort of crap. The type of guy who'd draw a nazi symbol on someone's head is the type of guy who'll stab you. Literally here. Ignorance is not an excuse and they know perfectly well it's inappropriate - they just don't care.

Sometimes a cigar isn't a cigar.

It could just as easily have been a drunken youthful prank without any political message intended. 

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10 hours ago, Emdog said:

Jeez... does the author not know the word 'swastika'? Hitler symbol? could be stylized SS for all we know. "The argument began when Set playfully drew a 'Hitler' symbol on Saul's head,..." Would not have happened if youths were Thai and not Filipino American: Thais are stupendously ignorant regarding Hitler, WW2, etc. Remember when students included Hitler in super heroes mural? 10154223583413361.jpg.24f150a73358f7aff8db3f8855f4be5e.jpg

"Thais are stupendously ignorant regarding Hitler, WW2, etc. Remember when students included Hitler in super heroes mural?"


They  don't have a monopoly on ignorance, or is it ignorance?


More from another very "nationlistically minded" Asian country:





Edited by Enoon
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8 hours ago, Dr Jon said:

During all my life I've regularly hung out with drunk people and I've never once once been murdered!

not yet.

consider yourself lucky.


and now I leave with this ..


Ode to Liquor

Coward, monster, vicious brute
Friend to thief and prostitute.
Heartless, Godless, hell's delight
Crude by day and lewd by night
Conscience dulled by demon rum
Liquor, thy name's




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9 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

I suspect that this has nothing to do with the 'hitler' symbols itself (which I assume to mean Nazi swastika) and that one of the 'drunk' men fell snoozed off and his 'friend' saw it funny to draw on his others face....  the fight then ensued...


Reminds me of that time my old mate came marching down the street in the morning with a hangover and a come-down utterly furious that someone in our group had drawn all over his entire face with a black permanent marker (even colored in his front teeth black). I think he had a dick on his cheek too.


I never saw him (or anyone) so angry.


We couldn't breathe with laughter; just the sight of him marching down the street still brings tears (of laughter) to my eyes.


Those were the days 

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5 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Same here, remember one mate got very upset on awakening, lunged towards me  and fell over as we'd ties his laces together ????


Did you ever fill yer mate's shoes up with water and put them in the freezer?


That was always a good one.

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5 hours ago, Sig said:

There are good statistics out there on the demographics of gun crime in the US, if you care at all to see how far off you are. I don't imagine you care, but if you do.... check it out. It seems apparent that you'd be shocked at what you find.




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2 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

And they can all burn in hell. Sorry, but we should have zero tolerance for this sort of crap. The type of guy who'd draw a nazi symbol on someone's head is the type of guy who'll stab you. Literally here. Ignorance is not an excuse and they know perfectly well it's inappropriate - they just don't care.

Hell doesnt exist. Drawings are just drawings. 

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8 hours ago, scorecard said:

I have an old friend in Australia. When he gets to a certain 'alcohol saturation' level he turns real nasty; never violent, just personal ugly abusive. 


He has several intorductory lines when he starts: 


e.g. "OK, it's home truths time and I'm gunna tell you all your faults."


When he starts one of his introductory lines everybody flees.


What does he say? You sleep with ladyboys?

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6 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

I was very surprised to see Nazi swastikas in Kuala Lumpur recently. As there are many Indian-Malaysians living there, I would have expected to see the Hindu version, but no, they really pointed to the 'wrong' side Nazi style.

Why were you surprised?

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19 hours ago, save the frogs said:

alcohol brings out repressed anger.

maybe 50% of murders involve alcohol?

i don't get drunk anymore.

and i don't hang out with drunk people. 


Maybe don't have repressed anger. That's not healthy to repress emotions.. 


When I get drunk I am never angry...i just want to go to sleep.  Repressed snooziness. 

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5 hours ago, BTB1977 said:

As a gun owner, I've drank in the USA for 56 some years and never shot anyone.  What a stupid comment.  

After 56 years of drinking i doubt you were still a teen and i also doubt you have managed to live that long without seeing or reading story after story every single day of people getting shot unless you live under a rock.  So I guess since it did not happen to you all those shooting stories that i see every single day all across the usa are just made up?

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17 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

That's just another Friday in Nazi Terrorist controlled <deleted>HOLE part of America nowadays, thanks to the people who actually made it LEGAL for mentally ill people who have had court activity against them for mental illness buy any assault rifle they want and carry it openly anytime, anywhere.


<deleted> the Slaveholder South. ????

One reason i no longer live there....guns guns and more guns, macho mentality, buy and carry any gun of any kind any where....little to no training or restrictions...look at me wrong way and i will shoot your ass......thoughts and prayers is about it and that doesn't seem to work very well at all.  Sad to say I don't see it getting any better in my lifetime.

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24 minutes ago, pomchop said:

One reason i no longer live there....guns guns and more guns, macho mentality, buy and carry any gun of any kind any where....little to no training or restrictions...look at me wrong way and i will shoot your ass......thoughts and prayers is about it and that doesn't seem to work very well at all.  Sad to say I don't see it getting any better in my lifetime.

Not much different here either. With the smaller media coverage here, you don't hear about the daily shootings that happen here either, along with the many who use knives, sticks and machetes to hurt and kill. Ganging up 5 against 1, beating them with sticks and kicking them while they're down happens more here than anywhere I've ever heard or seen. I lived in the US for 62 years, sold guns, and never saw any gun violence. Of course it happens, most everywhere, and the mass shootings do take place but it's been happening all over, and will happen again here, because there are a lot of illegal gun owners here and that's the ones who are committing the most crime.

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14 minutes ago, pomchop said:

One reason i no longer live there....guns guns and more guns, macho mentality, buy and carry any gun of any kind any where....little to no training or restrictions...look at me wrong way and i will shoot your ass......thoughts and prayers is about it and that doesn't seem to work very well at all.  Sad to say I don't see it getting any better in my lifetime.

Guns, guns, and more guns? Interesting how there are so many guns, but I've never seen one or heard one shot in a place other than a shooting range or hunting. I've also asked at least dozen or more friends in different parts of the US and neither have they. I guess none of us live where gangs proliferate. It's not some kind of widespread craze, which is how it seems that you are portraying. Not sure where you live/lived. I've never even seen anyone carrying a gun openly, other than police and security types. Buy and carry a gun anywhere? Wow, never heard of such a thing. Never seen any guns for sale at any stores other than sporting goods stores or gun stores. They sell them at novelty shops and supermarkets where you lived!? Sounds like you lived in an area that I can't even fathom existing. Carry a gun anywhere? Good luck with that one! Not happening. Carry a gun in the vicinity of a school, post office, government building, etc, etc, etc, you're likely to end up in some hot water with the police quickly. The restrictions are so severe in the 3 different states that I've lived in that it's nearly impossible to get a permit to carry a concealed gun, let alone openly. And the laws about carrying or transporting one at all are likewise very strict. And they change so often that I'm a bit paranoid to even carry one in my trunk to the gun range! God forbid a neighbor or a passerby sees me taking a gun from my house and putting it in my trunk! So many freaks around these days that they're likely to call the police and get me hassled. And it's largely because of the kind of mentality that you are promoting. An unfounded fear. Yeah, of course there are areas that you should be careful and rightly wary of being in. Just like some areas of Bangkok where there are shootings on a regular basis. They rarely get reported, unlike in the US. So many foreigners have no clue how often there are shootings in Bangkok. I lived a short distance from one of those areas and in less than three years, I heard a dozen or so shootings and witnessed the aftermath of two of them, blood all over the place that didn't even get cleaned up until the next day. It is not uncommon, if you didn't know. There are some areas that you definitely need to keep away from, just like anywhere.

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22 minutes ago, Sig said:

Guns, guns, and more guns? Interesting how there are so many guns, but I've never seen one or heard one shot in a place other than a shooting range or hunting. I've also asked at least dozen or more friends in different parts of the US and neither have they. I guess none of us live where gangs proliferate. It's not some kind of widespread craze, which is how it seems that you are portraying. Not sure where you live/lived. I've never even seen anyone carrying a gun openly, other than police and security types. Buy and carry a gun anywhere? Wow, never heard of such a thing. Never seen any guns for sale at any stores other than sporting goods stores or gun stores. They sell them at novelty shops and supermarkets where you lived!? Sounds like you lived in an area that I can't even fathom existing. Carry a gun anywhere? Good luck with that one! Not happening. Carry a gun in the vicinity of a school, post office, government building, etc, etc, etc, you're likely to end up in some hot water with the police quickly. The restrictions are so severe in the 3 different states that I've lived in that it's nearly impossible to get a permit to carry a concealed gun, let alone openly. And the laws about carrying or transporting one at all are likewise very strict. And they change so often that I'm a bit paranoid to even carry one in my trunk to the gun range! God forbid a neighbor or a passerby sees me taking a gun from my house and putting it in my trunk! So many freaks around these days that they're likely to call the police and get me hassled. And it's largely because of the kind of mentality that you are promoting. An unfounded fear. Yeah, of course there are areas that you should be careful and rightly wary of being in. Just like some areas of Bangkok where there are shootings on a regular basis. They rarely get reported, unlike in the US. So many foreigners have no clue how often there are shootings in Bangkok. I lived a short distance from one of those areas and in less than three years, I heard a dozen or so shootings and witnessed the aftermath of two of them, blood all over the place that didn't even get cleaned up until the next day. It is not uncommon, if you didn't know. There are some areas that you definitely need to keep away from, just like anywhere.

North Carolina and Georgia...i only lived there for decades and still visit and see it most every day....go to a gun show and buy anything you want no problem.  Carry your gun into a bar or store, no problem.  Look it up rather than saying it does not exist as you obviously have no clue.
Last updatedJANUARY 5, 2023.

Georgia also generally allows any person who is not prohibited by law from possessing a firearm to openly carry a long gun in most public spaces.1

Under permitless carry legislation enacted in 2022,2 Georgia law now generally authorizes any “lawful weapons carrier” to carry handguns openly or concealed in most public spaces without any permit required.3 A person is a lawful weapons carrier if (1) they would be eligible for a weapons carry license under Georgia law (whether or not they have a license) and are not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing a handgun or long gun, (2) if they are a resident of any other state who would otherwise be eligible to obtain a weapons carry license under Georgia law but for the residency requirement, or (3) if they are licensed to carry a weapon in any other state.4

These general public carry laws are subject to certain location restrictions.
Last updatedJANUARY 5, 2023.

North Carolina generally authorizes people to openly carry firearms in public with no permit or license required, although carrying firearms either openly or concealed is restricted in certain sensitive locations.1 (For more information about those location restrictions, see our pages on Location Restrictions in North Carolina and Guns in Schools in North Carolina).









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3 hours ago, save the frogs said:

and how do you propose doing that when there are dozens if not hundreds of incidents throughout our lives, not to mention daily news that causes this repressed anger?


See a psychiatrist doctor.  


It's not a normal thing to have repressed anger... Especially to the degree it will make you flip out and murder someone for a trivial reason.. 



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