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American man faces dilemma as Thai girlfriend’s parents demand 1 million baht dowry


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8 minutes ago, ChrisKC said:

You notice them because they think more about the relationships that follow that are far more important than the "getting" married process. Please give advice to the foreigners, not just what is actually (traditionially) only symbolic, but the great number of relationships that will fail; doesn't matter the reason, before they even think about marriage or giving pots of money away, especially in Thailand and where there are significant age gaps between them.


In the OP, the girl gets B500,000 and the parents get B500,000 - for "safekeeping" - HaHa! And if the relationship fails he has to say goodbye to that and maybe to half his remaining assets as well. Bad news at the beginning - bad news at the end - but only for the man - now, HE is a real loser! Plenty of stories abound!


Would you fall for such a dumb deal??


I respect Thai tradition but I won't be a slave to it! I am not a slave to my English traditions either.

Where there we have it, you just want a leg over, wherever it is.....????

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55 minutes ago, Jackbenimble said:

clown. You went to all that trouble writing a big reply to appear knowledgeable about Thai culture and then blew it all with your closing gambit. You're not "buying" a girl lol. 

If I "pay" B1,000,000, half each to the girl and the parents and I don't get that money back (call it a free gift then), I have bought her and what's more, when the relationship fails I lose her as well! I can't claim on the guarantee either!


I stand buy what I said which wasn't a gambit!

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36 minutes ago, moo moo said:

if the guy is 60yo sexpat and she is 23yo stunning beauty who is western educated bangkok girl and who has an mba degree from wharton university, never married, no children with a good reputation and her parents are dean at mahidol/chula university then 1m baht looks more than ok

The correct term would be Thai Escort.  :giggle:



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15 minutes ago, gunner1 said:

Run! don't walk to the Airport! She has got to be in the Scam demanding half of the money. do you realize how many favors you could buy on Soi-4  or Soi Cowboy? you would need a looong visa to spend that much!

It does get a bit old after 15 years of doing that. :thumbsup:

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1 minute ago, FruitPudding said:

Who do these people think they are??




She'll be more of a financial liability, than an asset -- I guarantee it!


That is actually why in India the bride's family pays the dowry to the man, which makes more sense, since he's taking on a liability and her family has one less mouth to feed.


Otherwise, it's just blatant prostitution.

Don't be daft, talk about over react...............????

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18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The American added that the amount was not negotiable

They sound like such reasonable people.


18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

whereas his girlfriend believed that the amount was reasonable because they had to show the dowry during the wedding ceremony.

No logic; big ego.


She sounds like a keeper.

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18 hours ago, Trippy said:

He loves her very much, but not a million baht worth.  Too funny. :cheesy:

Þhe thought of buying a wife repulsive for civilised people. My wife is very beautiful, well educated and a virgin (when we married) and I did not have to buy her.  The other point is according to Thai tradition one a virgin = dowry.  Don't pay.

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6 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:

That certainly doesn't last long after marriage.

I think Thai ladies shine through on that front very well in marriage.


It's the other stuff that starts to go wrong,  Money, Face, Gossip, ect



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10 minutes ago, transam said:

Tell us about your woes, could even start a thread about it......:clap2:

I'm happy single. ????


No woes on that front, or I should say hoes (when a dowry is involved)?


As Jay Z said, "I got 99 problems, but a b*tch ain't one."


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Don't forget that in Western countries the brides father needs to pay to get rid of his daughter – perhaps the farang was just disappointed about the opposite tradition in Thailand, now he met a middle class lady with well off parents...:whistling:

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36 minutes ago, transam said:

Found it in 2 minutes for the uneducated and yobbo regarding the Sin Sod tradition..????



There are so many points in this that are a lot of rubbish.


Firstly, if it's only paid for virgins, a dowry would be rarer than a lightning strike.

Also, the virgin part of the tradition makes it sound like prostitution, no? 


Why the sexual element to the tradition?


Sounds a bit like what I was saying. You are proving my point for me, Tranny. ???? Cheers.


The rest of it just sounds like hell and also a lot of excuses to use their daughter to extract money out of a bloke.




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18 hours ago, Ben Zioner said:

The parents don't need it,

Chances are they will simply return after the ceremony it so the couple can use it for furniture or,or,or

There are social protocols to be followed.????

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5 hours ago, wombat said:

one does not preclude the other in modern Thailand...the online inroads during covid put an end to that myth

Nor does one include or obligate the other..... rather a negative attitude to suggest most female university  students are bar workers. I will give her the benefit of the doubt. 

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6 minutes ago, candide said:

Around $28,000. It's peanuts for an American.

One can buy a couple of slaves in Nouakchott for that price.


Perhaps I'm too optimistic, but I think in 2023, buying human beings should be an embarrassment and outrage.


In Thailand, the 'tradition' is selling a daughter's virginity, as a dowry was 'traditionally' demanded only for women not yet de-flowered. Do mom and dad supply certificates of purity?

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