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  On 10/24/2023 at 1:08 AM, indieke said:

As all the documents are in Thai, could you maybe post, examples of that set of documents, could be useful, for everyone here that not understand Thai.


It is a document issued by DBD (Department of Business Development - Ministry of Commerce) with the name and address of the Company and with the name of the directors.

In the following pages there are the list of the company objectives and the names of the shareholders, probably not strictly necessary for TM30 registration.

If you have a company ask your accountant to provide this document.


Having just moved to a new address I completed a new TM30 as a Possessor (tenant) at the new place.  I uploaded just two documents to register on the system (the same documents that you needed to register as a Possessor using the old system / app), passport details page and copy of first page of contract, so yes, registering as a tenant is still possible.  Immediately received a "please verify your email" email, clicked the link to confirm and immediately received "account authorised" email with the login password that the system will require you to change when you log in for the first time.  Added the address then added me to the address, all instant with "Status: Informed".  As as been mentioned, it's a pity there's no "print receipt" option, the screen shot isn't a great option as it's not easy to see that it's from a receipt / report completed page, it's just your details with the Status: Informed in fairly small type at the top, even if it is in green.

Interestingly I noticed that when you enter your details as an occupant at the address it only asks for name, passport, DOB, phone number and length of stay.  When you then search and pull up your record, the type of visa, port of entry, length of stay info is also there but just blank.  I am guessing that will be populated at a later stage.  Odd.

The user guide videos Immigration put up were quite useful, glad I watched them when I did as two of them have been taken down now for violating YouTube Terms of Service.  Hmmm, less useful 🙄

Could contain:


Has anybody used tm30.io?

It defaults to 2 days stay for any uploads from their portal. 

Is this going to be a problem if my guests stay more than 2 days? 

I have written email and tried to call tm30.io but got no response. 


Does this mean that if my guests stays for 6 days, i will have to report 3 times. ?

i don't want to be in non-compliance . 


Just a quick question.


My wife has registered on the new TM 30 app and successfully uploaded all documents that are required, including a scan of my passport. Her registration is accepted


Although I haven't left the country since July, can she just register me on the new app today?


Date of inform from: today?

Date of inform to:  ????


Date of stay from: today?

Date of stay to: Dec 2039?


(Dec 2039 is the longest period you can register for)



Is it ok to do the above (ie register today)?


Would it have any impact on the 90 day reporting ( next report, Dec 28)


Many thanks

  • 2 weeks later...

New Version


Popup New!!... Improvement Application Version on November 1, 2023.
Version 2023.10.00

♦ ปรับปรุงการแสดงผลหน้าจอ CONSENT ให้รองรับการใช้งานทุกอุปกรณ์
  Modified the appearance of the CONSENT banner to support all types of electronic devices.

♦ เพิ่มการระบุข้อมูลเพศของผู้ลงทะเบียน
  Added the "Gender" field of the registrant.

♦ สามารถแก้ไขข้อมูลบัตรประชาชน หรือ หมายเลขหนังสือเดินทางและสัญชาติได้
  Modified "Thai National ID No.", "Passport No.", and "Nationality" to be editable fields.

♦ เพิ่มการระบุข้อมูลเจ้าบ้าน/เจ้าของสถานประกอบการ รวมถึงประเภทที่พักอาศัยและแนบไฟล์เอกสารของแต่ละที่อยู่ที่รับคนต่างด้าวเข้าพัก
  Added additional fields of homeowner/property owner information, an accommodation type, and the necessary documentation in the "the address to receive foreigners to stay" section.

♦ เพิ่มการแสดงข้อมูลจังหวัดของที่อยู่ที่รับคนต่างด้าวเข้าพักแต่ละรายการ
  Added "Province" to display initially in the "Accommodation Name" column in the "the address to receive foreigners to stay" section.

♦ เพิ่มการแสดงสถานะการพิจารณาของที่อยู่ที่รับคนต่างด้าวเข้าพักแต่ละรายการ
  Added "Status" of consideration column in the "the address to receive foreigners to stay" section.

Inform Accommodation
♦ สามารถแจ้งที่พักอาศัยคนต่างด้าวแบบ Import Excel ด้วย Excel template จากระบบเดิมได้
  Adjusted the system to support Excel import from the original template.

♦ เพิ่มการแสดงสถานะของข้อมูลที่พักอาศัยแต่ละรายการ
  Added "Status" of consideration in the "Address" section.

FAQs New!!...
1. พบปัญหาไม่สามารถค้นหาข้อมูลการแจ้งที่พักอาศัยคนต่างด้าวย้อนหลังเกิน 7 วันได้
    Unable to search the notification of residence after 7 days of the check-in date.

คำตอบ : ตามนโยบายของสำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเมืองกำหนดให้การใช้งานระบบสามารถค้นหาข้อมูลการแจ้งที่พักย้อนหลังได้ไม่เกิน 7 วัน หากกำหนดเงื่อนไขการแจ้งที่พักย้อนหลังไปเกิน 7 วันจะไม่สามารถค้นหาได้
Answer :According to the policy of Immigration Bureau, the limitation of search cannot be over 7 days of the check-in date, hence, the users will not be able to search any records passed the limited date.

2. ทำการกรอกข้อมูลเพื่อแจ้งที่พักคนต่างด้าวเรียบร้อย แต่ไม่สามารถบันทึกข้อมูลได้เนื่องจากพบ Message: "ข้อมูลไม่เพียงพอ / No data Insufficient data" จะต้องทำอย่างไร
    Encounter an error message "ข้อมูลไม่เพียงพอ / No data Insufficient data" while filling foreign information and unable to save the data.

คำตอบ : มีสาเหตุมาจากยังไม่กรอกข้อมูลที่จำเป็น ดังนั้น ขอแนะนำให้ผู้ใช้ตรวจสอบและกรอกข้อมูลให้ครบทุกช่องก่อนดำเนินการบันทึกส่งแจ้งอีกครั้ง
Answer :This indicates that the mandatory information has not been filled, hence, the user is recommended to review and complete all the fields before proceeding to submit again.

***For the next login, the system will not show this popup until version changes.





 I noticed a new Green box, in the address box with the word Approved.


I assume someone reviewed the documents uploaded and found them to be acceptable.


In the Profile section, I see that the Address Status is Approved.



This inability to find a record older than seven days seems strange.


With the previous system, you could search any seven-day period, which made it possible to locate an older record, if you knew when to start looking.

  • Like 1
  On 11/4/2023 at 7:01 AM, bamnutsak said:

This inability to find a record older than seven days seems strange.


With the previous system, you could search any seven-day period, which made it possible to locate an older record, if you knew when to start looking.



Exactly. I cannot find anything I input six weeks ago when this came out (with the approved) word on the site and I cannot seem to update my information now either?

  On 11/4/2023 at 8:05 AM, bamnutsak said:

What information needs updating?


Does the site appear to be working normally to you?


I would have thought by logging into that my previous entry of informed dates of stay at my own home would be visible in a table format - as I have kept a screen shot of previously, but there is nothing displayed now on the site and I just get 'DATA CANT BE FOUND' when I click on SEARCH for the Approved Address.

  On 11/4/2023 at 9:30 AM, Digitalbanana said:

I would have thought by logging into that my previous entry of informed dates of stay at my own home would be visible in a table format - as I have kept a screen shot of previously, but there is nothing displayed now on the site and I just get 'DATA CANT BE FOUND' when I click on SEARCH for the Approved Address.




FAQs New!!...
1. พบปัญหาไม่สามารถค้นหาข้อมูลการแจ้งที่พักอาศัยคนต่างด้าวย้อนหลังเกิน 7 วันได้
    Unable to search the notification of residence after 7 days of the check-in date.

คำตอบ : ตามนโยบายของสำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเมืองกำหนดให้การใช้งานระบบสามารถค้นหาข้อมูลการแจ้งที่พักย้อนหลังได้ไม่เกิน 7 วัน หากกำหนดเงื่อนไขการแจ้งที่พักย้อนหลังไปเกิน 7 วันจะไม่สามารถค้นหาได้
Answer :According to the policy of Immigration Bureau, the limitation of search cannot be over 7 days of the check-in date, hence, the users will not be able to search any records passed the limited date.



Seems like a lame excuse for not being able to search more than -7 days?



  On 11/4/2023 at 9:30 AM, Digitalbanana said:

Does the site appear to be working normally to you?



Not sure I'd know what is "normal" with this new site. It is what it is. We're all experiencing it real time.


Was easier to register, and make a filing, than the previous system


But the the previous system allowed one to search seven-day periods for a previous filing.

  • Thanks 1

Last month when I read about the new TM30 site I went ahead and file a new report, printed a screen shot and save it with my passport.

I have not been traveling since but yesterday I received an email about the new TM30 website which I will just ignore.



  • Thumbs Up 1
  On 11/4/2023 at 10:00 AM, Thailand J said:

Last month when I read about the new TM30 site I went ahead and file a new report, printed a screen shot and save it with my passport.

I have not been traveling since but yesterday I received an email about the new TM30 website which I will just ignore.




This is my exact situation. I think I will ignore this too as I have a screen shot of my previous entry on the new site.

  • Like 1

It's clear that this new site is very much still a work in progress.  Had another email arrive from Immigration yesterday indicating that documents now need to be uploaded for the address at which foreigners will stay, in addition to the uploads for the system user.  In some cases, such as the owner registering him / herself or where there is just just one property, they will be the same.  


Just went back and checked my details again and the address I registered now has a green 'Approved' badge next to it.  Seems they have gone back to providing help by way of diagrams and explanations on the site rather than videos, last time I checked 3 of the 4 "How to"  videos had been taken down by YouTube.



  • Like 1
  On 11/4/2023 at 9:50 AM, bamnutsak said:

Not sure I'd know what is "normal" with this new site. It is what it is. We're all experiencing it real time.



OK, I seriously gave this a try today and got nowhere - maybe its just me but it would help if someone explained what I am doing wrong thanks or whether the web site simply does not work?


I went through THREE screens below (labeled 1,2,3 purple boxes).


1. Screen#1 "Accommodation > Search" now shows my approved address that I input during mid-Sept when this site opened. Back then there was no approved sign, now there is when I look 6 weeks later. If I press search my previous notification of staying at this address is NO DATA as it was done more than 7 days ago. So I don't know if they have my record or not, except I do have a screen grab from mid Sept as my own proof - no idea if that will be OK going forward though.

If I press "Add" bottom (#1 on screen grab) it takes me to Screen#2 where I might hope to add a new entry of someone checking in at the address?


2. On the screen "Accommodation > Add" I am presented with the big RED message (#2) to add address. Isn't this supposed to ALREADY show the APPROVED address from screen#1 and I simply add the details on check ins and outs to the right of the screen?

Without an address and the red message I cannot enter the check in details. So I press the red text link to add the address and it takes me to screen #3 (Profile>Edit).


3. On screen Profile>Edit screen is my existing Approved address data and documents I uploaded mid Sept but for some reason check box #3 is unchecked. I check it as I want to add check ins to this address but when I press button "Save" label #4 at the bottom NOTHING HAPPENS, I am just stuck on this page and no way to return to previous pages without closing the web site and logging in again?!


Back to screen#1 and going around in circles. 



  On 11/5/2023 at 2:30 AM, Digitalbanana said:


OK, I seriously gave this a try today and got nowhere - maybe its just me but it would help if someone explained what I am doing wrong thanks or whether the web site simply does not work?


I went through THREE screens below (labeled 1,2,3 purple boxes).


1. Screen#1 "Accommodation > Search" now shows my approved address that I input during mid-Sept when this site opened. Back then there was no approved sign, now there is when I look 6 weeks later. If I press search my previous notification of staying at this address is NO DATA as it was done more than 7 days ago. So I don't know if they have my record or not, except I do have a screen grab from mid Sept as my own proof - no idea if that will be OK going forward though.

If I press "Add" bottom (#1 on screen grab) it takes me to Screen#2 where I might hope to add a new entry of someone checking in at the address?


2. On the screen "Accommodation > Add" I am presented with the big RED message (#2) to add address. Isn't this supposed to ALREADY show the APPROVED address from screen#1 and I simply add the details on check ins and outs to the right of the screen?

Without an address and the red message I cannot enter the check in details. So I press the red text link to add the address and it takes me to screen #3 (Profile>Edit).


3. On screen Profile>Edit screen is my existing Approved address data and documents I uploaded mid Sept but for some reason check box #3 is unchecked. I check it as I want to add check ins to this address but when I press button "Save" label #4 at the bottom NOTHING HAPPENS, I am just stuck on this page and no way to return to previous pages without closing the web site and logging in again?!


Back to screen#1 and going around in circles. 






Are you trying to add another address?  Selecting 1 "Add" is to add an address, not to add a new TM30 report, thus selecting 1 will open screen 2 which merely states that new addresses need to be added via the profile page.  I'm not sure why the Add is there now under the opening page, other than to sign post people to the Profile page to add a new address. To add/ file a new report / TM30  you need to select your Profile top right, then on the right of the screen that opens select the address you want to make a new report on then Add.  That will open up the new TM30 page.   I might be confused as to what you're trying to do.

Personally, given the buggy system (e.g. no searches more than 7 days after submitting) and the fact that there is no receipt print / download option, if you can't get a copy of your latest TM30 I would just do a new one and screenshot that.

  • Like 1
  On 11/5/2023 at 2:55 AM, SooKee said:

To add/ file a new report / TM30  you need to select your Profile top right, then on the right of the screen that opens select the address you want to make a new report on then Add.  That will open up the new TM30 page.


Yes I just want to add a TM30 to my approved address. If I do what you say I get the following screen which does not look like a new TM30 screen to me? It looks like the profile address I created mid Sept does it not?


  On 11/5/2023 at 2:30 AM, Digitalbanana said:


OK, I seriously gave this a try today and got nowhere - maybe its just me but it would help if someone explained what I am doing wrong thanks or whether the web site simply does not work?


I went through THREE screens below (labeled 1,2,3 purple boxes).


1. Screen#1 "Accommodation > Search" now shows my approved address that I input during mid-Sept when this site opened. Back then there was no approved sign, now there is when I look 6 weeks later. If I press search my previous notification of staying at this address is NO DATA as it was done more than 7 days ago. So I don't know if they have my record or not, except I do have a screen grab from mid Sept as my own proof - no idea if that will be OK going forward though.

If I press "Add" bottom (#1 on screen grab) it takes me to Screen#2 where I might hope to add a new entry of someone checking in at the address?


2. On the screen "Accommodation > Add" I am presented with the big RED message (#2) to add address. Isn't this supposed to ALREADY show the APPROVED address from screen#1 and I simply add the details on check ins and outs to the right of the screen?

Without an address and the red message I cannot enter the check in details. So I press the red text link to add the address and it takes me to screen #3 (Profile>Edit).


3. On screen Profile>Edit screen is my existing Approved address data and documents I uploaded mid Sept but for some reason check box #3 is unchecked. I check it as I want to add check ins to this address but when I press button "Save" label #4 at the bottom NOTHING HAPPENS, I am just stuck on this page and no way to return to previous pages without closing the web site and logging in again?!


Back to screen#1 and going around in circles. 




I don't get the red message in the address box when pressing Add on screen 1. My address appears as normal. See below.


Could contain:

Could contain:

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
  On 11/5/2023 at 3:14 AM, Digitalbanana said:

Yes I just want to add a TM30 to my approved address. If I do what you say I get the following screen which does not look like a new TM30 screen to me? It looks like the profile address I created mid Sept does it not?



Think you have indeed opened the wrong screen.  Try these instructions:



Thanks guys and esp  @Mutt Daeng who got me sorted. I was able to get around the red text issue by going to my profile and completely entering my house details and uploading all the house documents again? So now I have the house input twice and ONLY the second APPROVED address appears when I start a new TM30 submission which works and I was able to get a TM30 screen grab before it all disappears again in 7 days I expect. I think all in all this web site is worse user experience than the older one of a year ago or I am getting to old for this sht!


Another thing I don't understand is when I resubmitted all the house documents again it only asked for tabien bahn and Thai ID which I uploaded, it never asked for my pp copy which I uploaded in Sept for the first approved address that I cannot submit TM30s on!




  • Thumbs Up 1
  On 11/5/2023 at 4:39 AM, Digitalbanana said:

Another thing I don't understand is when I resubmitted all the house documents again it only asked for tabien bahn and Thai ID which I uploaded, it never asked for my pp copy which I uploaded in Sept for the first approved address that I cannot submit TM30s on!



That makes sense to me. When you own multiple properties, the tabien baan will be different for each, but your profile is tied to your passport id. The downside, I suspect, is that you will need to create a new profile when you get a replacement passport.

  On 11/5/2023 at 5:02 AM, BritTim said:

When you own multiple properties,



Agreed, but in my instance I am only dealing with ONE property here and reporting it twice because the first approval from September now does not work and shows as a red text warning when trying to add a TM30. I got around it by submitted the address and documents (without pp second time) again so that I can now do TM30s also using the second of the two same addresses approved.

  On 11/5/2023 at 7:18 AM, Digitalbanana said:


Agreed, but in my instance I am only dealing with ONE property here and reporting it twice because the first approval from September now does not work and shows as a red text warning when trying to add a TM30. I got around it by submitted the address and documents (without pp second time) again so that I can now do TM30s also using the second of the two same addresses approved.



That may have been because Gender wasn't selected and saved before attempting an add.

It really is a work in progress, clearly folks using it now are the beta testers.  Navigation within the site is also a real PITA with no proper 'back' button so I often find I have to close the site and log in again as we navigate the trial and error of getting it to work.  In my case, I registered before the requirement to upload documents emerged with regard to the address accepting foreigners.  When I checked that the system or an IO had done it for me and had copied the documents I had submitted to register over to the address details page.  In my case it was the update Gender and Save that was stopping the Add from working properly.

It's clear that they a) find a bug, b) update the system, c) send out emails about the update and then d) the system won't work properly until you revisit and update it in respect of any extra requirements / bug fixes.  It works, to a fashion, but rolling out a bug free system before terminating the old one would have been a better idea, but then, TIT.  I await the next bug fix email with interest, and to see whether the latest 90 day I submitted online will come back approved or crash and burn at the hurdle of the new TM30 system.  For once though, I have some confidence that it will come back Approved.  


I do wonder, with all the ongoing updates, will they slowly open up the other fields (visa, length of stay etc) that used to be required before.  I do think that, while it won't let you do anything new until you update your records to comply with any updates, any screen shots of reports you already have from the new system will still be valid.  I have also found them very responsive to the 'Help / Contact us' email address (the system having suffered a glitch with my passport number, the result bearing no resemblance to what was input in one of the fields)

  • Thumbs Up 1

Ok, just this. I have an old TM 30. I am manager of my own company. I registered this all, 2 years ago, in Jomtien, and that is the place I am living there. Like I said here before, when in March 2022, I came back, reported it, they say no need too.


2 weeks ago I went for a  certificate of residence, I went back to Europe this year in June and not reported for a new TM 30, because of this. They made no problem, not asked for a new TM 30 to be made first.


But my concern is that if I register my house on the site now, they will see, that I  not reported. Can I register as owner, and report when I come back end December,   from Philippines? I am on retirement visa.

  On 11/5/2023 at 12:29 PM, indieke said:

Can I register as owner, and report when I come back end December





At least get registered, and add your address.


Can reassess end of December, see what people are experiencing or go and ask.


  On 11/5/2023 at 12:29 PM, indieke said:

But my concern is that if I register my house on the site now, they will see, that I  not reported.



Not sure they're doing any sort of proactive "enforcement", so I wouldn't be concerned.



In fact, this TM30 system is, IMO, much worse than it was pre-Erawan bombing. With two separate systems and no clear guidance re: re-filing, they'll never be able to find a bad guy.







  On 11/5/2023 at 10:11 AM, SooKee said:

That may have been because Gender wasn't selected and saved before attempting an add.



I seemed to already have gender in correctly when I reviewed my profile on the original home input, but as I was always getting the red text on the screen#2 above when trying the "Inform Accomodation > Add" option I had to go to profile and re do the whole home documents registration again, which was approved instantly so no one would have looked at it in person. Agree the web site is work in progress, and I think my problem was related to a web site update by them. The lack of back navigation from Profile page is really annoying, as one basically has to log in the site again to continue.

  On 11/6/2023 at 3:05 AM, Digitalbanana said:


I seemed to already have gender in correctly when I reviewed my profile on the original home input, but as I was always getting the red text on the screen#2 above when trying the "Inform Accomodation > Add" option I had to go to profile and re do the whole home documents registration again, which was approved instantly so no one would have looked at it in person. Agree the web site is work in progress, and I think my problem was related to a web site update by them. The lack of back navigation from Profile page is really annoying, as one basically has to log in the site again to continue.



Yes, it's glitchy too. I have opened the site and checked numerous things, I was dubious about selecting the Gender field for fear it would remove the Approved banner from the address, but did it anyway.  Tried add TM30, red message box.  Checked again, Gender not saved.  Saved the second time.  I even had one passport number entry totally corrupted.  Immigration can't amend the registration passport number so had to ask them to delete the whole profile and start again.  A bit tiresome.  The lack of any kind of print receipt function is a pain too. 🙄


Just tried registering on the new TM30 website. But the captcha doesn't show. That's needed to upload ID documentation and without the captcha, it's not possible to register. I've tried 3 different browsers - safari, chrome and firefox - they all show the same problem. Is anyone else having this issue ?


Last week, on behalf of my partner, I registered our property, no problems.

I then submitted my details, no problems.

My brother has now come to stay for a couple of weeks, or so, and therefore required to submit his details. Problems.


Over the weekend I received an update from Microsoft, now I cannot get past the Captcha. Anyone else have this problem? 


Hopefully some nice person will be so kind to publish a "How to for Dummies" videos on how to file a new TM30 using this new system. I saw there are some for the old system but afaik not for the new one. I am just too stupid for the clever Thai IT. 

During the second half of Sep I SOMEHOW managed to register the address I am staying at as the "possessor" and added a TM30 on that day (took a screenshot once my details showed up on the screen). Came back from a trip including a visit to Malaysia, today, and wanted to do a new TM30 report but after 2 hours of trying and failing I have given up for the moment. Yes, I have added these gender fields where requested and yes, I have a green confirmed button next to the address but whatever I try to do and click I never get to the page where I can just enter my details for the "new stay" now that I returned from the trip. The screens are all very similar to what user Digitalbanana posted above. 

I am so annoyed and angry wasting all this time and still not getting anywhere. F...................

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